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CH 202 Philippine Health Systems

I. Identifying and Descriptive Information

A. Course Catalogue Description

1. Course Number: CH 202
2. Course Title: Philippine Health System
3. Course Description: Issues on social equity, access, cost and quality of the Philippine health system and system building blocks
4. Prerequisite: None
5. Semester Offered: 1st Year, 3rd Quarter
6. Course Credit: 33 hours lecture, 33 hours clinics
7. Number of Hours: 6 hours/week (1:00-3:30PM Tuesday & Thursday)
8. Course Goal: Given a health data, the student is able to:
A. Assess comprehensively the health status of a health facility using the health system’s building blocks framework.
B. Discuss the interplay of the key players of health
C. Compare health system of the country with neighboring countries and some selected progressive countries in the world
D. Recognize the gaps and challenges of the Philippine health system
E. Recommend measures/strategies to address identified challenges per building block
F. Conceptualize models of health care

B. Rationale
The course will provide skills for a critical understanding of the Philippine health system.

C. Course Outline

1. Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students must be able to:
CO1. Discuss essentials of health system
CO2. Compare the Philippine health system with other selected countries
CO3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concepts on health equity vs. equality
CO4. Analyze the role of key players of health
CO5. Recommend models of health care
2. Course Content / Coverage

Week Course Outcome Topic Teaching & Learning Activities Assessment Tools
1-2 At the end of the first week, the A. Philippine Health System: Lecturette Comparative Study of
Aug. 20, student can discuss the structure A review (Word café) different health
22,27,29 of Philippine health system in the systems between
AGR context of the ff: Philippines and other
*Socio-demographic B. Health System of selected selected countries
* Political countries
* economic
* structure
3 Demonstrate knowledge on C. Current health reality vs. Lecturette Comparative Study on
Sept. 3&5 equity vs. equality on health preferred health reality (Gallery walk) health indicators
AGR among regions of the
4 At the end of the third week, the Models of leadership Lecturette Poster presentation
Sept.10 & 12 student can correlate outcomes Framework Case Study Case study report
*LBS of different models of leadership
framework to the health.

5 Given a data, at the end of the Health Systems Framework Lecturette Narrative report with
(Sept. 17 &19 fourth week, the student can Local Health Systems Visit to LGUs and health recommendations
LBS assess the health status of a Management facilities with exemplary
municipality practices
6 Given a data, the student can Cost of Health Care in the Lecturette Narrative report with
24 & 26 analyze cost of health care at Philippines Visit to facilities of different recommendations
FDT the: levels of care
Municipal Health Office
District Hospital
Provincial Hospital
Regional Hospital

7-8 At the end of the 7th week, Health Emergency in the Lecturette Concept paper on
October1 &3 student can conceptualize Philippines Film showing innovations in health
*FDT innovations on the different Levels of Care Lecturette care
levels of care Referral System Facility visit
“Three Delays”
Oct UHC topics

3. Course Requirements

Students will be evaluated based on the performance on the following course requirements:
Participation in class discussions/activities 15%
Group class presentation 25%
Individual task assignment 40%
*comparative studies

* Concept paper
Final Exam 20%
TOTAL 100%


A. The Philippines Health System Review; Health Systems in Transition, vol.1, No. 2 2011
B. WHO Health Systems Framework:
C. Health Financing Strategy for the Asia Pacific Region (2010-2015)
D. Primary Health Care Now More than Ever
E. Healthcare Leadership Models:

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