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TA i weotesblv I ocroBER 2t,2o1e

l2-yeql_ probationa ry period

to force Filipinos to w6rk abroad,
By SHEILA CRISOSTOMO between the rich and the ooor afforded to regular workers,
. by eliminating this short-ibrm
The proposed two-year endo (end-of-contract) and like vacation and sick leave, 'lUindless.
probationary period for newly to minimize all forms
separation pay, 13th month heartlesst
of con- pay, Christmas bonus, allow- Meanwhile, Sen. Leila de
hired employees has ',widd- tractualization emplovment Lima described as ,,mindless
ranging implications,', in- . scheme in the couitrv ances and patemity and ma-
and temity leave. and heartless" Sineson's bill
clu4ing forcing Filipinos to ensure a iust and fair economic which, she said, is"definitely
seek employment abroad the share foi workers "Extending the probation-
. in a growing ary employment period to two not a solutjon to Filipino work-
Trade Union Conqress of the economy," he added.
years is a race to the bottom ets' woes.
Phitippines (TUCIP) warned Mendoza also said the bill
yesterday. sdreme because it will imorove De Lima said the proposed
would "practically empower the cunentlywidelv oraiticed measure would only prglone
TUCP president Raymond aDusrve employment
Mendoza said the proposed ness practice with
and busi_ endo labor slavery ivitemand the difficuliv of th'e ilreaai
measure, if approved, will also
a lareer wi-ll rqale conti.actu aliz ed difficult life of an ordinari,
'latitude and lonqer contr-ac- work permanent in the coun- working Filipino.
"expand the Aap between the tualization
shortlterm work try," Mendoza said, "The proposal for a two-
rich and the p6oi and sheneth- scheme."
en the short-ierm labor sla'ierv Under the curfent work- year probationary period for
Under HB 4802, the exten- ing conditions in the country, workers is not a solution at
practice in the countrv.', sion of the probationarv'be-
Mendoza noted thit Ho,r." riod is being proposed some 5.000 to 2000 FiliDinds , all to the long-time woes of
Bill 4802 authored bv probin- prolonged fi6fn io'be are leaving every dav toiork Filipino workers. It will even
th:e current eix abroad, aCcordiig tothe trade prolong the agony of the work-
siyano party-list liep. Jose month8 to two vears.
ulngconJr. "ic very dangerous ' Singson claimed union leader e_rs. It is a fog in which to hide
and highly disadvintasdous to monlhs
that six He added that if the bill the real issue," she said.
are not enough for becomes law the number of The senaior idded this omi.
workers because oftts iielet€li- employers
to determirie if a Fillpinos working abroad nouu fog of a proposal will not
ous effect on workins peoole worker deservea
and thelr famiitea o"nde lf ie lAtlzecl,
to be regu- wlll lncreaee, thu6 tesuliina only enshroud the Rctual i6sue
enforced. " During thia perlod, proba-
ln "grcater brain drain', anE : the abusive "eRdo" practice
more children sufferins hem - but will also "expose our
"We are st a time when we tlonary workeri do not' enlov
arc struggllng to elose the gap securlty having a palent or bof,1 par- wofker8 to labot mn'lnraetice.
and other beneftt'r entB away, .
- Wlth Cecllle Suertt rellpe

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