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House to probe POGO issues next month
By EDU PUNAY "Once we resume session Luis Lopez cited the need for the expressed concem over r€ports ported the investiSation on the istration's campaign agai
in Novembet we will have a inquiry to regulate the POCO th;t POCO hubs have been POCO industry morey Jaundering ar wt'll
The House of Representa- briefing withiACCOR (Philip- in<iusdy and e"nsut" thatgovem- established in whatDefense Sec- Bayan Muna party-tist Reps drugs and crimes."
r,,^- i6 o^r +^ l^^L i^'l^ +L- .1- hin6 :,,"----+.-l c"-;'i- tn nmnorkirnllpet rpferwDelfn T.nrnzana rFferred Carlos Zatale. Ferdinand Gaite
['P"ff"b':ffiX;ffI,*'*o ifit"1f'3:"f#,1ff5 PoGo-firmto pav
u:"0':i:L':,J:,"5,'1ffi,#;i El;iTJ',::fi:',i::""is# ffill'"lffiiBTF:::'Jft':" "W'trat kirid ofpossible threats Hous" Resotution 221 se-ekjlg P45'M tax
:ffshore gaming operators issues," he said. Based on figure's of the De-
(pOCO"),"u law"maler said Lastmontb lawmakers filed partment of iabor and Em- do these POGO hubs near our probe on the effects of POGG Meanwhile, POGO sdrvice
y"rt"rauy. resolutions urging Congress to iloyment, there ate around defense installations rcprcsent? on*relocaleconomy, nationalse- provider Altech Innovati()ns

inquiry," Abante said.

mittee'on games and amuse- viol#ons of immigratioh laws emplbyed by POGOs. Of the inql'I-ya'_Abante del,Norte Rep Robert A.ce
del_Norte A,ce million tar liabilities with thc
ment, said"the panel would and non-paymeni of income nuirb6r. gf,ZoO were jssued POCO casinos are located Barbers,_filed a separate resolu- Bureau of Internal Reventtc

POCO indirstrv when Congress POGOs. have atien employmentpermit. larions suih as Camp Agui- firms illegally operating in the nance said yesterday.
sessi6n next
resumes sessijn mon:th.
monith. Through
Throueh House Resolution inquirr is loni
"The inqr.iiry lonrt over- headquartert
naldo and the headquarters of country
country. reportto
In a report to Financc
Finance Sccre-

irig the swge of unregistered Rozzano Rufino Biazbn and Abante said ana Sangley Point in Cavite. Hesaid these illegalPOGOs of its foreign employeesa ..
loieign wor"kers in the Eountry. Manila fi$t districtRep. Manuel Apart 6om revenue lossel he Militinf lawmakers sup- '/may undermine the admin- -With MaryGracePadin

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