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Planning and Designing of Goat Farm

Selecting Location
Selecting a suitable farm location for starting commercial goat farming in
Bangladesh is most important. Although, almost all places of Bangladesh are
suitable for setting up goat farming business. But it will be better for commercial
production if you can set up the farm near from your house and far from the
residential areas. While selecting location for setting up farm, keep in mind the
necessary facilities that are very urgent proper growth and maximum production.
The necessary facilities for goat farming in Bangladesh includes good housing,
grazing place, fresh water source, veterinary services, good transportation system,
suitable market etc. Consider the following facilities while selecting suitable farm
location for commercial goat farming business.

 The selected location must have to have a great source of sufficient clean and
fresh water.
 The selected area must have to be suitable for crop, grass and other green plant
production. Because, grass or other green plant production helps to minimize
the feeding costs.
 Grazing keeps the goat healthy and productive. So, try to make a grazing place
for your goats.
 A market near the farm location will be effective.
 Good transportation facilities in the selected area.
 Ensure availability of all types of necessary veterinarian service in the area.
 Try to establish the farm in rural areas. Because, labor and lands are highly
available within very cheap price in those areas. And some other management
costs are less in rural areas.
 The selected area must have to be free from all types of pollution and noise.
 In a word, select such a location that is suitable for proper growth and ensure
maximum production
Selecting proper breeds is most important part of your commercial goat farming
business in Bangladesh. Before selecting proper breeds, determine what type of
products you want to produce. Visit your nearest local market and try to understand
what type of goat products has a huge demand. If goat milk has huge demand then
you can start raising dairy goats. Goat meat has a huge demand in the local and
international market. So, you can easily choose any highly meat productive goat
breeds for commercial production. After determining your desired production,
choose suitable breeds. Black Bengal goat is a native Bangladeshi goat breed. It is
highly meat productive deshi goat breed. The meat of Black Bengal goat is very tasty
and has a great demand in the local and international market. Boer goat and Sirohi
are also highly meat productive. For commercial milk production you can raise some
highly milk producing dairy goat breeds like Saanen, Jamunapari etc. All those
foreign breeds are very suitable for commercial goat farming in Bangladesh.
However, choose proper breeds according to your desired production.

 Make the house in relatively higher place so that you can keep your goats free
from flood water.
 Try to keep the goats in clean house which is free from dampness, drafts and all
types of pests.
 Always keep the house dry. Because goat doesn’t like wet floor.
 Make proper ventilation system and ensure sufficient flow of fresh air and
enough light inside the house.
 Make a drain inside the house for the purpose of proper sanitation system. This
also helps to keep the goat healthy and you can easily clean the house.
 Prevent entrance of rain water directly into the house. Goat hates rainwater. In
this regard, you can make the house with concrete roof.
 Keep adequate temperature control system. Goat grows slowly in cold
temperature. So, while making house keep in mind this factor.
 Always clean the feeding and watering equipment inside the house. And include
all types of necessary equipment and facilities for proper growth and maximum
 In general a house with high-roof shed covered with fire-proof materials has
been found as the best for goats. And this system is much cooler than the
conventional goat housing system made by using reeds, hay thatches, bamboo
poles and asbestos sheet.
 Make the shed in east-west direction. Houses made in this system ensures the
maximum flow of fresh air, light and cooler environment inside the house. This
system works best for hot-arid conditions.
 You can also make open type shed if your farm located in hot-arid areas. But
this system has some disadvantages too and not suitable for over rainy areas.
 The size and width of shelter or house depends on the goat breeds and their size.
But an average sized shelter of five to six meters is considered as OK. But the
length of the shelter depends on the strength of the herd or flock. An adult goat
need about 40-50 square feet of area for running passage and about 16-17 square
feet of area under the shed according to the strength of breed you can construct
a shed.
 The height of the house depends on the weather condition of your farm location.
The height of the shelter should be between 3 to 5 meters in the hot regions. And
a house less than this height result poor ventilation. Shelter with proper height
also helps to control the temperature inside the house.
 The roof of the shelter can be found in both flat and ‘A’ shaped. The ‘A’ shaped
shelter is very suitable and has many advantages than flat shaped roof. Flat
shaped shelter is perfect in cold areas. But the ‘A’ shaped houses are suitable
for all areas. Especially for hot areas. ‘A’ shaped roof helps to prevent direct
solar radiation by casting its shadow. It also helps in cutting down heat gain
from the roof of the house.
 Fire-proof tar-coated roofing materials has been found as most effective, among
all the roofing materials.
 Always try to keep the places surrounding your farm as green as possible for
avoiding heating up of the shed for good ventilation. It also help to protect the
animals from the direct hit of hot winds.
 Cover the eastern and western sides of the shades for up to a meter height.
 Make the roof and walls white colored outside and colored inside. By painting
the side walls with white color outside, it will help to reduce the surface
temperature inside by 12 to 22 degree centigrade. Compared to unpainted walls
in places where temperature remain above 37 degree centigrade. This is
absolutely a great idea for keeping your farm area cool.
 For commercial goat farming, an area with 1 acre land (for producing green
feeds) will be sufficient enough for raising about 100 goats.

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