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March 08, 2018

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 8

Time Frame: 1 hour

At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students should be able to:
 Identify the Newton’s Laws of Motion;
 participate actively to the activity about force and motion; and
 show awareness on how the Newton’s Laws of Motion function in our daily life through
role playing.

The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
 Newton’s three laws of motion and uniform circular motion

The learners shall be able to:
 Develop a written plan and implement a “Newton’s Olympics”

The learners should be able to:
 Investigate the relationship between the amount of force applied and the mass of the
object to the amount of change in the object’s motion;
 Infer that when a body exerts a force on another, an equal amount of force is exerted
back on it;
 Demonstrate how a body responds to changes in motion.

Topic: Newton’s Laws of Motion


Book: Science 8 Learning Module
Materials: Book, Laptop (PPT), word strips
Values: Cooperation, awareness

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

IV. Procedures
Prayer In the name of the Father……..
Please stand up let us pray. Amen
_____ please lead the prayer.

Good morning class! Good morning, ma’am.

Classroom management
Okay! Class before you sit, please pick
up some pieces of papers or trash and
arrange your chairs properly. Thank you ma’am.
And now, please be seated
Is there any absent today? None ma’am!
Okay, very good!
A. Before the lesson
The teacher will show a picture related
to the topic to be discuss.
 Sir Isaac Newton
The teacher will ask the following:
1. Are you familiar with this man? Yes ma’am!
Sir Isaac Newton
2. Who is this man? He is the Father of Modern Physics
3. Can you give me some of his
contributions? He established the Three Laws of Motion
Okay! Very good! What else?
Class before we proceed to our lesson,
let me see if you can still recall our past
lesson. Force is any push and pull that causes
What is Force? change in motion of an object.
Very Good!
Displacement is the change in position as
What is Displacement? measured from the starting point to the final
B. During the lesson
Activity (Pantomime)
I will divide you in to three groups and I
need 1 representative for each group to pick
a word strip that you are going to act
through non-verbal.
You are given only 1 minute to guess. The students will do the activity.
Phrase 1: Riding a bus
Phrase 2: Pushing a cart
Phrase 3: Walking on the street
Based on the activity:
 Which scenario shows the first law of Riding a bus ma’am because even if the
motion? Why do you say so? body remains still but we can still considered
it in motion because of the moving bus.
 Which scenario shows the second It’s Pushing a cart because if you are going
law of motion? Why do you think so? to apply force on it, it will accelerate.

 Which scenario shows the third law Walking on the street ma’am because there
of motion? Why do you think so? is an interaction happens between the feet
and the ground.
Newton’s Laws of Motion
 Law of Inertia (1st Law)
States that:
- An object at rest will remain at rest,
and an object in motion will remain in
motion at constant velocity, unless The students will listen attentively.
acted upon by an unbalanced force.

 Law of Acceleration (2nd Law)

States that:
- The acceleration of an object is
directly proportional to the magnitude
of a net force, and follows the
direction of the net force, while it is The students will listen attentively.
inversely proportional to the mass of
an object.

 Law of Interaction (3rd Law)

States that:
- For every action there is an equal
and opposite reaction.
C. After the lesson
In the same group. I need again 1
representative to pick one of the Newton’s
Laws of Motion.
You will make a creative role playing The students will participate to the activity.
presentation based on the particular law that
you have picked.
You will be given 10 minutes to brainstorm
and practice.
In a ¼ sheet of paper answer the following
Choose from the options below the
principle that explains the instances given.
A. Friction
B. Law of Inertia
C. Law of Acceleration The students will do the evaluation.
D. Law of Interaction
____1. Rocket Motion.
____2. You feel hurt when you strike the
____3. If a book is dropped, it falls to the
____4. You feel being thrown outside when
a car you are riding in goes around
a curve.
____5. Golf player
____6. A nail hit by a hammer.
____7. Take a step forward.
____8. Pushing a cabinet.
____9. Jumping boy.
____10. Rolling ball.
V. Remarks
Synthesis Closure:
 The teacher will ask one student or a
volunteer to give the summary of
what has been discussed in the
 Students will also be asked which
part of the lesson needs to be
 The objectives will be
reviewed/checked if met.
In your assignment book, draw or find a
picture of any accident where all three laws
of motion are relevant, and state how each
law was relevant.
A. Law of Inertia
B. Law of Acceleration
C. Law of Interaction

Prepared by:

Jomillien Q. Capuras

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