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Risk Assessment and Treatment

Oil and Gas and Process Industry Quantitative

Risk Assessment (QRA)
Purpose Who should attend
The purpose of this module is to enable students Managers, engineers, HSE advisors and risk
to understand and apply QRA techniques with management practitioners.
particular relevance to the oil and gas and process
industries. Students will be given an opportunity Delivery Methods
to conduct QRA for example oil and gas and Face-to-face, Distance Learning, or Blended Learning
process facilities. The module also covers risk
Levels of Assessment
criteria, application of the ALARP principle,
 Attendance only
sensitivity analysis and cost benefit analysis.
 Assessment by Risktec
At the end of the course you will be able to  Risktec Professional Qualifications
1. Design QRA models incorporating appropriate  Postgraduate Qualifications: PgCert, PgDip and MSc
input data and assumptions
2. Use QRA to analyse the risk to personnel Assessment details
3. Compare QRA results with criteria and use to Postgraduate programmes: activities and
devise and evaluate potential risk reduction assignment (total about 80 hours)
meaures RPQ programmes: assignment (about 15 hours)

Outline content Module details

 Introduction to QRA Level Masters/RPQ
 Identify release scenarios Duration 2 days (F2F),
 Frequency assessment 8 weeks (Postgraduate or RPQ DL)
 Event trees
 Consequence modelling (including immediate and
For prices and further information, or to book a
time-dependent effects)
course, please contact
 Risk analysis
 Non-process hazards Contact
 Risk criteria Tel +44 1925 611 200
 Sensitivity studies
 QRA software

Recommended prior study

Education, skills or experience equivalent to
undergraduate level

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