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the lgbtq community news source

thanksgiving local national

with a twist news news
Local chefs share Former Blade staffer Rep. Patrick Murphy
recipes that breathe injured in anti-gay reflects on Election Day
new life into tired hate crime attack near loss, chances for
holiday staples. Convention Center. ‘Don’t Ask’ repeal.
PAGE 33 PAGE 2 PAGE 14 • vol. 41, issue 47 • november 19, 2010 • Still sharp after 40 years

‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ repeal ‘barely hanging on’

Activists apply last-minute pressure
to White House, Senate

The prospects for repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” this year
continue to fade as LGBT advocates pressure the White House
and Congress in hopes that lawmakers will take action before
they adjourn for the year.
One Senate Democratic aide, who spoke to the Washington
Blade on condition of anonymity, said repeal — currently pend-
ing before the U.S. Senate as part of the fiscal year 2011 defense
authorization bill — is “barely hanging on with life support.”
“The only way to resuscitate this effort and get a ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell’ vote is for President Obama and [Defense Secretary Robert]
Gates to start pushing directly, something we on the Hill had ex-
pected the president and Gates to do long ago,” the aide said.
Frustration over the lack of movement on “Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell” prompted activists affiliated with GetEQUAL to take action
on Monday and chain themselves to the White House fence in
an act of civil disobedience.
The 13 protesters included Lt. Dan Choi, a gay Iraq war vet-
eran who was discharged under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” this year,
and Robin McGehee, co-founder and director of GetEQUAL.
Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
In a statement, GetEQUAL said three generations of LGBT
Thirteen activists seeking repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ were arrested at the White House this week.
Continues on page 18

From the ashes, a new Blade

1 year later, details emerge in former parent company’s collapse
Discharged service members file lawsuit The U.S. Small Business Administration
over halved severance pay. PAGE 8 filed a court motion last December giving its
approval of a bankruptcy filing by Window Me-
dia, the company that owned the Washington
Blade, resulting in the shutdown of the Blade
after a 40-year run as an LGBT newspaper, ac-
cording to court documents.
But in an unexpected turn of events, the dis-
solution of Window Media through its Chapter 7
bankruptcy wiped out its enormous debt to credi-
tors, clearing the way for Blade employees to
form a new company that purchased the Blade’s
giftguide name and remaining assets from the bankruptcy
court debt-free and at a bargain price.
First installment in our annual holiday Gift Guide
features music, novelties. PAGE 29 Continues on page 10
2 • november 19, 2010

ABC Board to deny the request for expanded seating
space. The Dupont Circle ANC, ANC 2B, did not initially
move to oppose the expansion proposal. But it rushed
to pass an opposition “protest” petition last week after
word surfaced that Hank’s representative told the ABC
Board the restaurant might consider extending its oper-
ating hours on its outdoor patio from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m.
on week nights and from midnight to 3 a.m. on week-
ANC 2B Chairman Will Stevens told the Blade the
ANC will vote in a special meeting later this month to
withdraw its protest after Leeds agreed to stipulate in
her ABC license that she will continue Hank’s current
closing hours of 11 p.m. during the week and midnight
on weekends for its outdoor seating.
ANC commissioner Jack Jacobson, who represents
the single member district that includes Hank’s, was
the only commissioner to vote against the protest of the
Hank’s expansion proposal before this week’s agree-
ment was reached. Commissioner Mike Silverstein, who
is a member of the ABC Board, did not vote in keeping
with his decision to refrain from voting on issues pend-
Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key ing before the ABC Board.
‘Hank’s is one of the great recent enhancements of our neigh- “I am happy to see a slender shaft of reason break
borhood, while the problems are entirely imaginary,’ said rick through the clouds of obstruction,” said Rosendall in re-
rosendall, vice president of the Gay & Lesbian Activists Alliance. sponse to the agreement by the ANC to drop its protest.
Lou Chibbaro Jr.
Dupont Circle ANC to drop
protest against Hank’s Former Blade employee
victim of anti-gay attack
The Dupont Circle Advisory Neighborhood Commis-
sion reached an agreement Wednesday with lesbian The Washington Blade’s former videographer, Aram
chef and businesswoman Jamie Leeds in which the Vartian, was punched in the face and knocked to the Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key

commission will drop its protest against Leeds’ plans ground outside his apartment near the Washington aram Vartian, a former Blade employee, was attacked last
for expanding seating capacity at her popular Hank’s Convention Center on Nov. 10 by a male attacker who week by an assailant who shouted anti-gay slurs.
Oyster Bar restaurant near Dupont Circle. shouted anti-gay slurs.
The ANC’s action came less than two weeks after the Vartian, 34, who currently works for Metro Weekly, the scene, said Vartian. He praised the officers for be-
city’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Board voted to end said the attack came minutes after he walked a male ing attentive and helpful.
a five-year-old voluntary agreement prohibiting any ex- friend to his car and the two men bid farewell by hug- Vartian said he declined a police offer to call para-
pansion of Hank’s seating space or operating hours. In ging each other near 10th and M streets, N.W., about medics to examine him. He said he suffered a bruised
2005, a group of neighborhood residents demanded 9:30 p.m. face but doesn’t consider his injury as serious.
that Leeds sign the agreement as a condition for open- “I gave him a hug. It was a bit of a lingering hug,” Lou Chibbaro Jr.
ing her restaurant on Q Street, just off the popular 17th Vartian said. “He got into his car, I waved to him and
Street strip where several gay bars are located.
Both Leeds’ supporters and opponents agree that
turned to walk back home. I took about 10 or 15 steps
and this guy ran up behind me and punched me in the obituary
opposition to her proposal to expand her restaurant is face—in the right cheek and nose area.” Junious Tyler-Turner II
linked to longstanding efforts by some neighborhood According to Vartian, the unidentified male attacker,
activists to limit what they see as an over-concentration who was black and appeared in his late teens or early Junious Tyler-Turner II, a former gay resident of
of nightlife businesses in the 17th Street commercial 20s, stood over him and screamed at him with his fists Washington, D.C., died Nov. 4 in San Diego. He was 48.
strip and is not related to her sexual orientation. clinched and a scarf pulled over his face. Minutes earli- Tyler-Turner was born in Virginia in 1962 and attend-
But gay and straight nightlife advocates say Leeds is er, Vartian said he saw the attacker standing with about ed John Tyler Community College and later Howard
being targeted for “heresy” by some nearby residents 10 other young men a short distance from where Vartian University. He worked for the A.D. Price Funeral Home
associated with the ANC and the Dupont Circle Citi- stood with his male friend, gay singer and songwriter in Richmond before moving to D.C., where he worked
zens Association who strenuously oppose any efforts Tom Goss. for both Hecht’s and Woodward & Lothrop. Most recent-
to curtail or repeal the ABC Board’s system of voluntary “It was faggot this and faggot that and not in this ly, he worked in retail management at Saks Fifth Avenue
agreements between neighborhood groups and busi- neighborhood,” Vartian quoted the attacker as saying. in San Diego, until that store closed earlier this year.
nesses with liquor licenses – including restaurants and It was a diatribe. He was screaming in a rage.” Friends said he was an enthusiastic supporter of
bars. Two of the other youths who had been with the at- Lambda Squares in D.C. and the Chi-Town Squares of
Supporters of the “VOAs” say they are needed to tacker rushed over to where Vartian was assaulted and Chicago, both gay square dancing organizations.
prevent irresponsible businesses from creating noise grabbed the attacker and pulled him away from him, He is survived by his mother, Louise McCowan; step-
and other disturbances that affect nearby residents. Vartian said. mother Elizabeth Turner; his Aunt Lee Anna Waters;
Critics, however, say they are unfair and a form of extor- “They said, ‘We’re sorry, sir. He’s drunk. Please don’t friends Barbara Robinson of North Carolina, Michael
tion because they pressure businesses to agree to re- call the police,’” Vartian said the other two told him. Olivas of California, and Winnie Feldman-Lindauer and
strictions like early closing times or bans on music and But Vartian did call police, who responded within Lee Brian Magnuson of D.C.; four brothers, six sisters
dancing that are not prohibited by city laws regulating minutes to take a report of the incident, which they clas- and several aunts, uncles and cousins.
restaurants or bars. sified as an anti-gay biased related simple assault. Var- A memorial service was held last week at First Union
“Hank’s is one or the great recent enhancements tian said that within a few minutes of their arrival police Baptist Church in Crozier, Va. In lieu of flowers, memori-
of our neighborhood, while the problems are entirely drove him to a nearby location where other officers had al contributions may be sent to Balboa Park Performing
imaginary,” said nearby resident Rick Rosendall, vice detained two youths observed fleeing from the scene. Arts & Culture, 1549 El Prado, Balboa Park, San Diego,
president of the Gay & Lesbian Activists Alliance. “That The officers asked him to look at the two in a make- CA 92101.
Jamie Leeds is sick of being hobbled by years of gra- shift lineup while he sat in the police car, but he said he
tuitous restrictions should surprise only those with no could not positively identify either as the person who CorrECTioN
regard for the obligations and risks faced by a small assaulted him. An article in the Sept. 20 edition (“Gay Discovery
business owner.” Capt. Edward Delgado, who oversees the police’s hostage shares story”) included an incorrect photo
The Dupont Circle Citizens Association and a small Gay & Lesbian Liaison Unit, said police are seeking wit- credit for an image of Christopher Wood. The photo
group of residents, most of who don’t live on the block nesses to determine if others could identify the person credit should have read: Photo by Pete Exis, Image X
where Hank’s is located, have filed petitions asking the who assaulted Vartian. A GLLU officer also arrived on Photography. The Blade regrets the error.
november 19, 2010 • 3
4 • november 19, 2010


Washington Blade file photo

Police arrested several business owners in Rehoboth Beach for noise violations, prompting the town
to reconsider its ordinance.

Gay commissioners in Rehoboth

call for easing patio restrictions
Two gay members of the Rehoboth Beach Board of Commissioners are sup-
porting a proposal to ease a little-noticed outdoor patio ordinance that led to the
Sept. 11 arrest of a gay bar owner for keeping his outdoor seating area open after
11 p.m.
The “citation” arrest of Aqua Grill co-owner Bill Shields and the owners or man-
agers of two straight restaurants on the same night on a criminal charge of violating
the Rehoboth Beach patio ordinance has prompted critics to call the police action
an embarrassment to the town. Some are calling the incident “patio-gate.”
Rehoboth Police Chief Keith Banks disputed media reports that police raided
12 restaurants or bars on the night of the three arrests in connection with the patio
ordinance. He said the establishments were “visited” by officers after town inspec-
tors informed them days earlier that the town would begin enforcing an ordinance
that had largely gone unenforced for a decade or longer.
The ordinance requires restaurants or bars to stop serving food or drinks on their
patio at 10 p.m. and to vacate the patio by 11 p.m.
The charge against Shields and the owner of one of the other two establish-
ments was dropped days later. Banks said police discovered that Aqua’s operating
permit included a possible waiver of the ordinance’s requirement that restaurant or
bar patios be vacated by 11 p.m. He said police dropped the charge against the
owner of one of the other establishments cited after learning it was exempt from the
ordinance under a grandfather clause for places in business prior to 1991.
Rehoboth officials said they began enforcing the ordinance after receiving com-
plaints by residents about noise coming from people sitting or standing in the pa-
Gay Rehoboth Commissioners Dennis Barbour and Pat Coluzzi have joined
other commissioners in calling for reclassifying the ordinance into a civil rather
than criminal statute.
At a Nov. 8 workshop meeting held by the commission, Barbour called for elimi-
nating the grandfather clause and shifting enforcement to establishments found to
be causing excessive noise rather than linking it to patios themselves. The com-
mission, which serves as the town’s legislative body, took no action at the meeting.
Barbour said he would continue to push for a change in the ordinance.
Banks said the three people arrested in September were given a citation dur-
ing the police visit and were not taken into custody or detained. However, he said
an officer finger printed them with a portable, hand-held ink pad. The remaining
person arrested in the incident pleaded guilty and paid a fine.
Gay activist and Rehoboth resident Peter Schott said most of the establishments
named by authorities as past violators of the patio or a separate noise ordinance
are patronized by gays or lesbians, even though most are not considered gay
establishments. The Blue Moon, a popular gay bar and restaurant in Rehoboth,
is among the establishments exempt from the patio law through its grandfather
Steve Elkins, president of Camp Rehoboth, an LGBT organization, said he did
not believe police or Rehoboth officials were targeting the establishments because
of the perceived sexual orientation of their customers.
Lou Chibbaro Jr.
november 19, 2010 • 5

Fall Tree Care Tips
Autumn is upon us. The good news is
cooler weather is a great time for plant-
ing trees. If you already have trees, it
is time to prepare them for the rapidly
approaching winter months.
• Remove slow-release watering
bags from around your trees. Tree
trunks and the tree flare need to be
exposed to air.
Bags that have been on trees for

is tree planting season!

two or more years can be returned
to Casey Trees for reuse. Your tree
should be able to access its own
water source now.
Let us help you add trees to your home.
• Check the mulch. Freshen mulch by
We offer several programs including $50 rebates to adding 2-3 inches in a ring around
offset the cost of purchasing and planting trees. the trunk. Pull the mulch ring 3-6
inches away from the trunk.

More information at • If the days heat up, a late drink of

water is good. We recommend you
practice 25 to Stay Alive - 25 gallons
of water per tree per week in times
of little or no rainfall. Do not water
after the ground freezes.
• Enjoy the fall color.

6 • november 19, 2010


Photo courtesy of CITN

For Church in the Now’s Bishop Jim Swilley and Debye Swilley,
the decision to divorce so Jim could live openly as a gay man is
‘a real love story.’

After 39 years in
Photo courtesy of Schwarzenegger’s office

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his successor, Jerry Brown, have both declined to defend Prop 8 in federal court.

Prop 8 rules established HRC said it’s a positive change in that it no longer
advocates for “reparative” therapy.
ministry, Ga.
for December face-off 
The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals announced
Lesbian at Catholic school bishop comes out
this week how it wants opposing sides to lay out their in employment dispute 
cases during a critical Dec. 6 hearing on California’s SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — A lesbian who worked in ad- Swilley urges dialogue
gay marriage ban, the Sacramento Bee reported
ministration at a Catholic university in Springfield, Ill.,
lost her job after her wedding announcement ran in between gays, Christians
Key to the hearing is whether citizen proponents an Illinois newspaper, the State Journal-Register, a
of Proposition 8 and one California county — Impe- regional newspaper, reported. By SHANNON HAMES
rial — even have the right to defend the gay mar- Employers knew Laine Tadlock was a lesbian Georgia Voice
riage ban in the federal appeals court based in San when she started working there five years ago and
Francisco. also knew of her plans to wed partner Kae Helstrom Bishop Jim Swilley founded Church in the Now, the
Organizers of the ballot initiative and Imperial in Iowa this summer. Tadlock left her position as di- massive, non-denominational congregation in Conyers, in
County claim that they have the right to defend Prop- rector of the education program at Benedictine Uni- 1985. But as the church grew over 25 years, and through-
osition 8 in federal court. Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneg- versity Oct. 28. The school said she resigned, ac- out his almost four decades of ministry, Swilley struggled
ger and Gov.-elect Jerry Brown, as attorney general, cording to the Journal-Register. Tadlock said she did with a secret that he hid from his congregation.
both declined to defend the measure from a chal- not. Benedictine is a Catholic-sponsored university. “I am approaching my 39th year in ministry — All I have
lenge to its constitutionality, the Bee reported. Catholic doctrine teaches that homosexual activity of ever done is preach the gospel,” Swilley told his congre-
Last August, the voter-approved same-sex mar- any kind is a sin. gation in an emotional sermon last month, noting that his
riage ban was found unconstitutional by U.S. District In a Sept. 30 letter to Tadlock’s attorney, Benedic- parents tell stories of him preaching while still in diapers.
Judge Vaughn Walker after a highly publicized trial. tine President William Carroll wrote, “… By publiciz- “There are two things in my life that are an absolute: I did
Proponents of the ballot measure and Imperial ing the marriage ceremony in which she participated not ask for either one of them, both of them were imposed
County filed an appeal with the 9th Circuit. Their chal- in Iowa she has significantly disregarded and flouted upon me, I had no control over either of them,” Swilley said.
lenge is two-pronged: First, the panel of judges must core religious beliefs which, as a Catholic institution, “One was the call of God in my life … the other thing,
agree that proponents and the county have a right to it is our mission to uphold.” and I wouldn’t have known what to call it at the time, is my
appeal Walker’s decision. sexual orientation. I know a lot of straight people think that
orientation is a choice, but I want to tell you that it definitely
That’s a claim that could conflict with U.S. Su-
preme Court opinions finding that ballot proponents
GOP wins put Minnesota is not,” he said.
in other cases do not enjoy that legal standing. marriage battles on hold Swilley discounted rumors that he was cheating on his
Second, the panel will review claims that Walker’s MINNEAPOLIS — LGBT rights activists in Min- wife, who sat in the audience nodding her support, thanked
decision was flawed. nesota thought 2012 would be the year they could his children and parents, and said that he was motivated to
The Dec. 6 hearing, which will cover these two lev- finally make a serious push for marriage equality in speak up by the recent rash of gay youth suicides, and by
els of argument, will be divided into two hour-long the state, but a surprise Republican takeover of the ongoing hate crimes targeting gay people.
sessions. legislature has them back on the defensive instead, “I can only hope that you hear me out and you hear me
the Associated Press has reported. with an open mind,” Swilley said then.
The video of Swilley’s Oct. 13 coming out speech has
Mormon Church removes Tom Prichard, president of the Minnesota Fam-
ily Council, says his group will push for a statewide gone viral with more than 50,000 views in three weeks. Jim
same-sex attraction from sin list vote in 2012 to ban gay marriage and civil unions in Swilley, Debye Swilley and their son Judah Swilley spoke
WASHINGTON — The Mormon Church has re- Minnesota’s Constitution. Previous efforts to do so in with the Georgia Voice about the experience.
moved same-sex attraction from its list of sins ac- 2004, 2005 and 2006 met a firewall in the strongly GA Voice: Debye, people who watched that video really
cording to a report from Human Rights Campaign. Democratic state Senate, but that liberal majority want to know if you support Jim. Can you speak to that?
The change, announced last weekend, for the first crumbled Nov. 2. Debye Swilley: I look at this as a real love story. I’ve
time in the religion’s history, does not call for coun- And despite a vow by new Republican legisla- always loved Jim and we learned to build a life around his
seling for those experiencing same-sex attractions. tive leaders to focus primarily on job creation and sexual orientation. We built an incredible life together. We
The church still teaches that “homosexual behavior spending cuts when they take over in January, the love each other and are best friends.
violates the commandments of God” but the policy likely new chairman of the Senate Judiciary Commit- In March of 2009, it hit me that I was no longer a bless-
differentiates between same-sex behavior and at- tee, Sen. Warren Limmer, a Republican from Maple ing to Jim. I was handicapping him. I was doing him a dis-
traction. Grove, said there’s “a lot of bottled-up desire” in his service by keeping him from growing because I was keep-
While some may bemoan the change as minor, party to finally put gay marriage before state voters.
Continues on page 16
november 19, 2010 • 7
8 • november 19, 2010


Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key

Mike Almy, a former Air Force officer, is among those who received half separation pay as a
result of his discharge under ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’

Lawsuit challenges ‘Don’t

Ask’ separation pay
Discharged service is Richard Collins, a former staff ser-
geant who was in the Air Force for nine
members get half severance years before he was discharged under
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
By CHRIS JOHNSON “After nine years of honorable service, it’s not fair that I should be deprived of
the same benefits given to other dedicat-
A new lawsuit filed over the halved ed service members who are adjusting to
separation pay given to some U.S. ser- civilian life,” Collins said in a statement.
vice members discharged under “Don’t Another discharged service member
Ask, Don’t Tell” is raising questions about who was affected by the pay inequity is
why the Defense Department hasn’t tak- Mike Almy, a gay former Air Force communi-
en action to resolve the issue. cations officer who testified earlier this year
Last week, the American Civil Liber- before the Senate about being discharged
ties Union and ACLU of New Mexico under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in 2006.
filed a lawsuit in the U.S. Court of Federal “I think it’s absolutely ridiculous,” Almy
Claims over administration policy cutting said. “It’s pouring salt on the wound.
in half the severance pay that discharged ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ is horrendous
irs ial
f R epa r Spec troops who serve for at least six years in enough as it is already.”
Of mbe the armed forces would normally receive Almy said he received separation pay
if they were separated for a reason other of $40,000 upon his discharge from the
ove Proof # CR Issue Date 071019 Sales than Repbp
homosexual conduct. Air Force when he would otherwise have

N been entitled to $80,000.
The policy was implemented in 1991,

Logo correct? two years before Congress enacted the Block said he’s hopeful the Pentagon
Are phone number & address correct? “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” statute, and could would drop the policy as a result of the law-
Are prices accurate? be changed by implementing new regu- suit and pay discharged troops they com-
check your ad copy for accuracy. The ad will be lations without action from lawmakers or pensation they would normally receive.
med correct if proof corrections are not submitted by Corrections? the courts. Aubrey Sarvis, executive director of
of receipt of this copy of your ad. OK as is Joshua Block, staff attorney for the the Servicemembers Legal Defense Net-
ACLU’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans- work, said SLDN and the National Gay &
ure: gender project, said his organization Lesbian Task Force identified the issue
filed the class action lawsuit, known as more than a year ago as something that
Collins v. United States, as a result of this the administration could resolve with a
severance pay inequity. policy change.
“Basically, if you’re discharged under “In this case, [Defense] Secretary
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ [and serve for at [Robert] Gates has the authority to stop
least six years], under the policy there’s this practice, and he should,” Sarvis
virtually no way you can qualify for full said. “Not only should they stop it, we’ll
separation pay,” Block said. also be seeking — as we have in the past
The issue only affects service mem- — restitution on their back pay.”
bers separated under “Don’t Ask, Don’t But why does the administration con-
Tell” who received honorable discharg- tinue the policy when President Obama
es and who have served for at least six has said he wants to repeal “Don’t Ask,
years because only under those condi- Don’t Tell” and the issue could be re-
tions do troops qualify for severance pay. solved with a stroke of a pen?
Further, because of the statute of limi- Eileen Lainez, a Pentagon spokes-
tations, the lawsuit would only affect ser- person, said in a statement that depart-
vice members who’ve been discharged ment policy authorizes half separation
under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” within the payments to members who are “not fully

Your Imagination Is My Horizon last six years.

Block said the litigation was brought
qualified to continue to serve” and who
are being involuntarily separated under
on behalf of all service members involun- honorable conditions.
tarily discharged in the past six years and “Currently, members being dis-
estimated that at least 100 discharged charged for [‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’] … re-
service members will qualify as part of ceive half separation pay, because the
the class of plaintiffs in the lawsuit. law says they are not qualified to con-
The lead plaintiff in the litigation tinue in service,” she added.
november 19, 2010 • 9


Pentagon study leaks are

aiding repeal effort
Reports suggest most
personnel OK with lifting
gay ban

Capitol Hill observers say recently

leaked details about the upcoming Pen-
tagon study on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” are
having a positive influence on the effort
to repeal the military’s gay ban.
Alex Nicholson, executive director of
Servicemembers United, said “it’s un-
deniable” that the leaked findings were
“extremely helpful” to repeal advocates. Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key

“Whether or not it’ll take us across the R. Clarke Cooper, executive director of the
tipping point, I don’t know,” he added. Log Cabin Republicans, said he’s confident
“That’s anybody’s guess. It’s undeniable the Pentagon study’s findings will bolster re-
that it moves us more in that direction, peal efforts.
but people disagree on where that tip-
ping point is.” serve as the military’s official instruction
R. Clarke Cooper, executive direc- manual on the issue, but could be used
tor of the Log Cabin Republicans, said as such if military leaders agreed.
media reports on the Pentagon working A Democratic aide, who spoke to the
group study are still too recent to prop- Blade on condition of anonymity, said re-
erly assess their impact on convincing porting on the Pentagon working group
Republicans to vote in favor of repeal. study is infusing pro-repeal efforts “with
Still, he said he’s confident the findings a newfound energy.”
will “bring in additional votes.” “Some pro-repeal senators are al-
“It’s certainly a bolster to the case we’ve ready touting the findings in discussions
been making with Republican lawmakers with their colleagues, in hopes of galva-
and their staff that the study is beneficial, nizing sufficient support for repeal,” the
it’s very thorough and the terms that De- aide said.
fense Secretary Robert Gates laid out are But the leaked findings have already
very clear,” Cooper said. riled social conservatives seeking to keep
Repeal advocates said they hope the the ban on open service in place. On

Revisions Please ch
leaks, which were published in the Wash- Thursday, Tony Perkins, president of the Redesign for accura
ington Post, will bolsters efforts in the Family Research Council, noted he’s pre- Text revisions presumed
Senate to pass the fiscal year 2011 de- viously taken exception to the Pentagon Image/Logo revisions correction
by 24 hrs
fense authorization bill, which contains working group report because he said the the lgbtq community’s news source No revisions copy of yo
language to end “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” scope of the study isn’t appropriate.
A previous vote to move forward with the “We have criticized this study
PROOF#: CR3 from ISSUE DATE: 100910 SALES REP: JP Signature
legislation in September didn’t meet the the outset because the [Pentagon work-
60-vote threshold to make it to the Sen- ing group] was forbidden to explore the
ate floor. central question before the country — not
Last week, the Washington Post re- how to implement a repeal of the current
ported that the results of a survey sent to law, but whether doing so is in the best in- 703 D St NW 1221 Mass Ave NW*
400,000 U.S. service members over the terest of the armed forces,” Perkins said. Washington, DC Washington, DC
202-628-1288 202-628-7979
summer as part of the Pentagon work- Perkins called on Gates to direct the
ing group’s efforts will reveal that more Pentagon’s inspector general to inves-
than 70 percent of respondents think the tigate the source of the leaks and said
effect of ending “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” the leaks to media outlets have “seriously
would be positive, mixed or nonexistent. damaged the credibility” of the Penta-
A similar report was published Thursday gon’s review process.

in The New York Times. Geoff Morrell, a Pentagon spokesper-
These survey results reportedly led son, said Gates is “very concerned and
study authors to conclude that objections extremely disappointed” that Pentagon
to gays serving openly in the U.S. military sources have leaked information about
would drop after the implementation of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” report and the lgbtq community’s news source
open service. The deadline for complet- said he’s launching an investigation into
ing the study and delivering it to Defense the matter. PROOF#: 2 ISSUE DATE: 100402 SALES REP: JP
Secretary Robert Gates is Dec. 1. “The Secretary strongly condemns
Revisions Please check your ad copy
According to the Washington Post, the the unauthorized release of information Redesign for accuracy. The ad will be
working group report is about 370 pages related to this report and has directed Text revisions presumed correct if proof
long and is divided into two sections. an investigation to establish who com- Image/Logo revisions corrections are not submitted
The first section examines whether end- municated with the Washington Post or by 24 hrs. of receipt of this
No revisions copy of your ad.
ing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” will harm unit any other news organization without au-
readiness or morale. The second part of- thorization and in violation of Department
fers a plan for ending enforcement of the policy and his specific instruction,” Mor- Signature
law. This second section is not meant to rell said.
10 • november 19, 2010


New details emerge in gay media company’s collapse 

Continued from page 1 tic, behind-the-scenes discussions The bankruptcy and sudden the shutdown. The two directed tential buyers, according to some
last summer and fall over whether shutdown of the Blade and sev- all employees to retrieve their media industry observers.
One year after the Blade shut- the Blade and other newspapers eral other publications owned personal possessions, clear out The lack of competing bids
down on Nov. 16, 2009, and six owned by Window should be sold by Window Media stunned the their desks, and leave the prem- resulted in Brown Naff Pitts Om-
months after its resurrection, to bidders — including a group Blade staff and the D.C. gay ises by 3 p.m. that day when the nimedia obtaining the Blade as-
court documents and new infor- of former Blade employees — or community. Blade publisher office was to be shuttered. sets for $15,000.
mation disclosed by sources fa- whether the company should be Lynne Brown, who is part of the Before leaving, however, Morris, the SBA’s liquida-
miliar with Window and its parent dissolved in bankruptcy. group that bought the Blade’s as- most employees joined Brown, tion office director, disclosed
company, Avalon Equity Fund, Thomas Morris, director of sets from the bankruptcy court, Naff and Pitts in vowing to band this week that the Buffalo, N.Y.-
provide a dramatic glimpse into the SBA’s Office of Liquidation, said she and the Blade’s manag- together to form a new publica- based M&T Bank may have
the final days of a collapsing gay said the SBA played no role in ers and staff learned of the Ava- tion — with the first fledgling been responsible for scuttling
media conglomerate. Window’s ultimate decision to lon receivership in August 2008. edition to come that Friday, just the initial plans by the SBA and
Among the revelations was declare bankruptcy. But he said She said SBA officials work- four days later, when the Blade Window to sell its assets rather
the dismaying discovery by the the SBA joined Window in fil- ing on the Avalon receivership would have hit the streets had it than go the route of bankruptcy.
Blade’s new owners that the ing a Dec. 10, 2009 stipulated told her in early 2009 the SBA not been shut down. When the financially troubled
paper’s electronic archives — motion before a federal court was taking steps to sell Ava- “We wanted to show the world Window defaulted on a loan of
which made all of its content in New York asking the court to lon’s and Window’s assets and we weren’t going away and that close to $1.3 million from M&T,
going back to about 2001 ac- retroactively agree to the bank- publications, including the we could produce a paper with- the bank became the No. 1
cessible online — were erased ruptcy that Window filed 20 Blade. A short time later, Brown out missing a beat,” Naff said. secured creditor or lien holder,
after Window stopped paying days earlier in Atlanta. joined the Blade’s editor, Kevin Not knowing if they would ever Morris said. In that role, M&T
its bills to a company that stored The SBA’s involvement with Naff, and senior sales execu- be able to obtain the Blade’s would not agree to a proposal
the data on rented servers. Avalon and Window stems from tive Brian Pitts to form a group name, the staff met the following by the SBA that it initiate a fore-
“Like any customer, they were its decision in 2008 to obtain a that submitted a bid to buy the morning at a café in the National closure on Window Media, a le-
delinquent in their payment,” court order forcing Avalon Eq- Blade out of receivership. Press Building lobby to plan a gal status that would allow a po-
said Kevin Soendker, chief op- uity Fund into receivership after The SBA organized the bid- new paper, which they decided tential buyer of any of Window’s
erating officer of the Natick, Avalon defaulted on $38 mil- ding process on Window’s be- to name the DC Agenda. assets like the Blade to be free
Mass.-based Inet Services. lion in loans from the SBA. With half and encouraged others to While Naff and the now vol- from liability for Window’s debts.
“The service was cancelled and the SBA placed in full control submit bids. Among those who unteer reporters and editors An interested party would still
the servers were repurposed,” of Avalon through the receiver- submitted a competing bid was planned stories for the new be allowed to buy the Blade but
he said, acknowledging that the ship ordered by the U.S. District gay rights advocate Nicholas paper, Brown and Pitts scram- they would most likely decline
data was erased. Court for the Northern District Benton, publisher of the Falls bled to line up advertisers and to do so if they had to assume
The Blade’s new owner, of New York, SBA also played Church News Press in Virginia. a printer. To the surprise and Window’s debt, Morris said.
Brown Naff Pitts Omnimedia, a key role in Window’s affairs. Benton, like Brown and Naff, acclaim of many in the LGBT “Once that fell through, we
Inc., announced this week that Avalon, then under the control expressed shock and anger community, the first edition of had no viable alternative plan,
it is launching a non-profit foun- of the SBA, owned 75 percent when Window announced on the eight-page newsletter-style and without one we would not
dation to raise money to pay for of total equity in Window Media. Nov. 16, 2009 that it was de- DC Agenda appeared at many have won a challenge to the
digitizing all back issues of the U.S. District Court Judge claring bankruptcy and shutting of the Blade’s distribution loca- bankruptcy filing,” Morris told
Blade and to make them acces- Peter K. Leisure included in down all of its operations rather tions on Friday, Nov. 20. the Blade in an e-mail.
sible to the public. his original Avalon receiver- than sell its papers through the In subsequent weeks and The SBA could have asked
Although the electronic ar- ship order, which he handed SBA bidding process. months, the Agenda expanded its the receivership judge to stop
chives were erased, all printed down Aug. 21, 2008, a direc- The shutdown immediate- pages and evolved into a tabloid the bankruptcy and, as a federal
copies of the Blade going back tive that neither Avalon nor any ly eliminated the jobs of the newspaper similar to the Blade. district court judge, he likely had
to its first issue in October 1969 of its assets, including compa- Blade’s 24-member staff. In a Meanwhile, Brown Naff Pitts authority to do so, Morris said.
have been preserved and are in nies it controlled, could declare development that drew exten- Omnimedia, Inc., the company “But our conclusion at that
the Blade’s possession. bankruptcy without the court’s sive media coverage, Window formed by the Blade’s former time was that M&T was owed
Also emerging within the past advance approval. Leisure ap- co-presidents Kitchens and publisher, editor and sales ex- more than the company was
week are separate accounts by a proved the Dec. 10, 2009 mo- Steve Meyers appeared at the ecutive, responded to an offer by worth,” Morris said.
top SBA official and Window’s for- tion backed by the SBA, clear- Blade’s offices in the National the Window bankruptcy court for He said that meant that no
mer co-president and chief operat- ing the way for the Window Press Building on Monday bids on the Blade’s assets, which other creditors, including Ava-
ing officer, Mike Kitchens, of fran- bankruptcy to move forward. morning, Nov. 16, to announce included the Blade’s name. lon, which was Window’s larg-
“We didn’t know who or what est creditor, would recoup any
we were up against,” Brown said. funds through the sale of Win-
She noted that the new com- dow’s assets. Window owed
pany was seeking investors Avalon close to $5 million.
Blade launches non-profit foundation and advertisers but didn’t have Thus he said the receivership
The Washington Blade this week announced the formation of a new non-profit entity to preserve a huge amount of capital to judge would most likely have
and make accessible the paper’s 40 years of archives. compete with a large company rejected an SBA motion to chal-
The Washington Blade Foundation for Education and Research will work to digitize those archives. or wealthy individual that might lenge the Window bankruptcy.
In addition, the Foundation will fund academic research into LGBT topics and support young LGBT submit a competing bid. Kitchens said resignations
journalists with scholarships. As it turned out, no one else of members of Window’s board
“We are excited by the potential of the Foundation,” said Blade editor Kevin Naff, who will serve as submitted a bid. Media observ- of directors resulted in just he
the first president of the Foundation’s board of directors. “The Blade has played a prominent role in ers said the economic recession and Window co-president Steve
the LGBT rights movement for more than 40 years and that history must be preserved and shared.” and the longstanding decline in Meyers as the only remain-
A new website — — debuted this week where supporters can the print media industry may have ing board members during the
make tax-deductible donations to the Foundation. discouraged investors from seek- months prior to the bankruptcy
The announcement was made on the one-year anniversary of the bankruptcy of the Blade’s former ing to buy and restart the Blade. filing. According to Kitchens,
parent company, Window Media. Since then, Blade staffers purchased the name from the bankruptcy In addition, with the Blade’s former the company’s operating rules
court and resurrected the paper, which was returned to local ownership. staff having started a new D.C. required at least three board
The other members of the Foundation board are: Colleen Dermody, a marketing executive and LGBT community newspaper, members for a quorum to make
proprietor of Out to Market; Peter Rosenstein, an LGBT activist and Blade contributor with a back- the Agenda, the value of buying any important decisions such
ground in non-profit management; Khadijah Tribble, a non-profit executive with experience in LGBT the Blade’s assets — consisting as the sale of assets.
and HIV/AIDS topics; and Mark Meinke, an archivist and historian known for his work with the Rain- only of used office equipment, the He said the SBA could have
bow History Project. paper’s printed archives and its named someone to the board,
STAFF REPORTS name — may not have been ap-
pealing to investors or other po- Continues on page 12
november 19, 2010 • 11


Steve Weinberg

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12 • november 19, 2010


Bankruptcy helped
The time to start planning
resurrect the Blade
Continued from page 10 chaels, who became publisher in the late
your financial future is today which may have allowed the board to vote
1970s, has been credited with transform-
ing the Blade into a thriving business as
to approve the sale of the Blade and other well as a well-respected news publication.
papers to those who had submitted bids Window Media bought the Washing-
• Independent Financial Planning & Advisory Services before the bankruptcy filing. ton Blade and the New York Blade, which
“They should have taken places on Michaels founded in the 1990s, in 2001,
the board, but they didn’t,” he said of the when Michaels made plans to sell the
• Investment Management SBA. papers and retire. All parties declined to
Morris disputed that assertion, noting disclose the sale price, but sources have
that Kitchens and Myers managed to ap- said it exceeded $3 million.
• Life, Disability, Long-Term Care Insurances prove the bankruptcy. He said he is not Crain said this week that although
aware of any reason why they couldn’t have Window Media had been financed by
found a board member to approve a sale many small investors, it hooked up with
• Planning Strategies for Business & Business Owners of the assets if they wanted to pursue that Avalon Equity Fund — a multimillion dol-
option. lar investment company — to provide the
As the SBA proceeded with receiver- main financing for the purchase of the
ship, it reached out to potential buyers, Washington Blade and New York Blade.
Contact: including Chris Crain and William Way- He said the financing arrangement made
Phone: 301-840-0770 x 110 bourn, who founded Window Media in Avalon the majority shareholder in Win-
1996. The two left Window Media in 2006 dow Media at the time of the closing of in a shakeup of the company by Avalon’s the sale of the two Blades in May 2001.
founder and chief operating officer David But he noted that while Avalon had
Unger, who secured full control of Win- legal control of Window at that time, it
Securities, financial planning and advisory services offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC. dow in 2001. allowed Crain and Waybourn to run the
Crain said the SBA never responded company and make all key decisions
to his and Waybourn’s request for finan- up until January 2006, when Waybourn
cial information about the company; they left the company. At that time, Avalon’s
declined to submit a bid. founder and managing partner, David
Unger, named one of his top Avalon lieu-
Blade’s fate tied to tenants, Peter Polimino, as Waybourn’s
Window’s rise and fall replacement as Window president.
Waybourn and Crain’s interest in re- In September 2006, Crain left the com-
turning as Blade owners would likely pany, amid speculation that both he and
have created an uproar among some Waybourn had been ousted by Unger over
gay activists and media commentators, sharp disagreements on how the company
who blame the two for setting in motion and its newspapers should be run.
the events that led to the Blade’s demise. Waybourn stated at the time of his de-
KidsPeace is seeking foster parents for children who have The two strongly dispute those claims, parture that he decided to retire after com-
self identified as gay, lesbian, transgender, or questioning. saying the fall of Window Media and the pleting what he said was the creation and
gay newspapers and glossy entertainment operation of a successful LGBT newspa-
KidsPeace takes extra care in placing the right kids into the right homes. We will provide publications the company acquired over per chain. Sources familiar with Window,
you with special training and professional, round-the-clock support. You don’t need to be the years was due to circumstances be- however, said Waybourn left the company
wealthy or married. You don’t need to have kids of your own or a Ph.D. in child psychology. yond their control. due to irreconcilable disagreements with
What you do need is a desire to provide a safe, nurturing environment to a child. Crain, a lawyer in private practice, Unger over Unger’s management style
joined Waybourn, a gay activist and and plans for acquiring more publications
Call us today between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. M–F at 866-4-KIDSPEACE (866-454-3773) businessman, in founding Window Me- at the risk of assuming greater debt.
or visit Crain said it was his decision to leave
dia in 1996. The two have said their intent
was to create an LGBT newspaper chain the company over a dispute that arose
that would strengthen LGBT publications over Avalon’s decision to abolish Crain’s
through the economic benefit of consoli- position of editorial director of all the Win-
ISSUE DATE: 101022 SALES REPRESENTATIVE: Brian Pitts ( dation of resources. dow publications and to hire individual
REVIEW AD FOR COPY AND DESIGN ACCURACY. Revisions must be submitted within 24 hours of the date of
Critics, however, have said consolida- editors at each of the Window papers.
proof. Proof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of
the date of proof. Revisions will not be accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff pitts tion of LGBT publications under ownership Waybourn, who declined to comment
omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser is
responsible for any legal liability arising out of or relating to the advertisement, and/or any material to which users of a single company hurt the community by this week on Window’s finances, has said
can link through the advertisement. Advertiser represents that its advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or
EVISIONS any rgihts of third parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any eliminating a diversity of voices and inde- in the past that the company acquired
/LOGO REVISIONS copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfair

competition, defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation,
or any other right of any person or entity. Advertiser agrees to idemnify brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the ADVERTISER SIGNATURE pendent regional news coverage. more debt than it had planned for over
washington blade) and to hold brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) harmless from any and all
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limited to placement,first move was the 1997
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by brown naff pitts omnimedia llc, arising out of or related to advertiser’s breach of any of the foregoing representations
and warranties.
payment and insertion schedule.
acquisition of Southern Voice, an Atlanta noted that the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist
gay paper. In the next few years, Window attacks on the World Trade Center and
bought gay papers in Houston and New Pentagon led to a sharp drop in advertis-
Orleans and acquired smaller gay enter- ing sales due to a slump in the economy.
tainment magazines in other cities. He noted that a decision by Blade em-
The Blade, which was founded as the ployees to attempt to form an employee
Gay Blade in 1969 by local gay activists, union the week Window assumed owner-
evolved from a fledgling newsletter style ship of the Blade forced Window to spend
publication put together in the homes of its at least $100,000 to fight the union.
volunteer editors, into what many have called
the LGBT community’s newspaper of record. Story continues at
Gay activist and businessman Don Mi-
november 19, 2010 • 13

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Celebrating NGLCC/American Airlines ExtrAA Mile Award: NGLCC Affiliate Chamber of the Year:
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Our 2010 The Honorable Joel Burns, Fort Worth City Council North Texas GLBT Chamber
Washington Blade
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Kristen Hickey, Aetna, Inc. Worldwide

NGLCC7912_Blade2010_111610.indd 1 11/16/10 10:56 AM

14 • november 19, 2010


Murphy: Obama will ramp up ‘Don’t Ask’ repeal efforts

Pa. lawmaker says simply, “N0.”
During his time in Congress,
equality and for the troops and
for national security, and I’ll con-
president is waiting Murphy has been seen as tinue to do so until I turn the keys
for Pentagon report a leader for ”Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
repeal because of his work mov-
over to this office on Jan. 3.
Blade: Why do you think
to act ing a measure that would end you think you lost on Elec-
the ban through the U.S. House. tion Day?
Murphy took up sponsorship Murphy: I think it was a tough
By CHRIS JOHNSON of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” re- year for Democrats, and I think peal legislation last year, which my opponent ran a great cam-
at the time had about 150 co- paign, and I’m proud of the sup-
The champion of “Don’t Ask, sponsors, and gradually built port that we had, but it was an
Don’t Tell” repeal in the U.S. support for the measure. historic wave that we got caught
House maintains that President In May, the work paid off up in, but … we’re going to con-
Obama will provide the “full when Murphy submitted a repeal tinue to stand for middle-class
spectrum” of engagement in amendment to the House floor families and for our country and
getting the military’s gay ban re- that passed by a vote of 234-194. do what’s right.
pealed once the Pentagon com- The work earned Murphy con- Blade: Is there anything
pletes its report on the issue. siderable support among the over your past two terms in
In an interview Tuesday with LGBT community in his bid for re- Congress that you regret?
the Washington Blade, Rep. election. Still, he didn’t survive the Anything that you think you
Patrick Murphy (D-Pa.) said Republican tide on Election Day could have done differently to
Obama has been engaged and was defeated by his GOP win re-election?
in moving Congress to repeal opponent, Mike Fitzpatrick. Murphy: You know, I don’t
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and that But Murphy said he isn’t go- live my life with regrets. There’s
this effort will expand once the ing to “second guess” whether things here and there. I wish I
Pentagon working group report his leadership on “Don’t Ask, would have played the lottery
— due Dec. 1 — is complete. Don’t Tell” repeal contributed to numbers differently on Saturday
“I think there are different lev- his loss on Election Day. night. … We had an incredible
els of engagement and, I think, “My dad taught me that if you time serving the families of my
once the report comes out, I think don’t stand for something, you fall district and our country, and we
we’ll see the full spectrum of that for anything,” Murphy said. ”And helped protect 3,000 jobs, we
engagement,” Murphy said. I was proud to stand for equality helped end the war in Iraq, we
The first Iraq war veteran and for the troops and for nation- helped move our country in a
elected to Congress said he al security, and I’ll continue to do new direction. …
expects this “full spectrum of so until I turn the keys over to this Blade: So the vote for the
engagement” to come from not office on Jan. 3.” stimulus package, the vote
only the White House, but also Even with his loss, Murphy for the health care bill — you
the president’s “own Depart- said he stands by other tough stand by them today?
ment of Defense.” votes in his district, such his Murphy: Absolutely.
Murphy said he hasn’t seen a “yes” votes on the $787 billion We stopped the worst re-
draft copy of the report, but not- Washington Blade photo by Michael Key stimulus package and health cession since the Great — we
ed media reports indicating that Rep. Patrick Murphy, who lost his re-election bid, remains hopeful that the care reform. stopped the worst recession
the study will be favorable to military’s gay ban will be repealed this year. “We stopped the worst re- from turning into a depression.
open service in the U.S. military. cession from turning into a de- As far as health care, there are
He said the study should have soon as it’s completely done.” With limited time remain- pression,” Murphy said. ”As far millions of Americans that will
a positive impact on senators Murphy said he’s participated ing this Congress, it’s possible as health care, there are millions now be covered, and that’s
who’ve said they wanted to wait in discussions with Senate lead- lawmakers won’t repeal “Don’t of Americans that will now be something that’s positive.
for the report before endorsing ership and Senate Armed Ser- Ask, Don’t Tell” this year, leav- covered, and that’s something
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal. vices Committee Chair Carl Levin ing Obama to come up with that’s positive.” ON ‘DON’T ASK’ REPEAL
“The study group came (D-Mich.) about moving forward another game plan — perhaps And what’s on Murphy’s IN LAME DUCK
back and said that this will not with the fiscal year 2011 defense non-congressional action such docket once his term is com- Blade: How confident are
hurt national security, and the budget bill, which currently con- as a stop-loss order — to put an plete at the end of the year? you that Congress is going to
troops, like most Americans, tains “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal. end to the gay ban. “I’m going to hug and kiss be able to repeal “Don’t Ask,
see that it’s the right thing to Still, the Pennsylvania law- But Murphy was reluctant to my kids and hopefully I’ll catch Don’t Tell” in the lame duck
do,” Murphy said. ”And so, now maker didn’t offer details on the call on Obama to issue a stop- an Eagles game,” Murphy session?
we need the senators over there discussions and characterized loss order to end discharges said. ”That’s the game plan.” Murphy: Well, we need the
who’ve been a roadblock to put them only as “productive.” under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Senate to act. It’s in the Sen-
the political games aside and Amid reports that talks are and maintained Congress can The transcript of the Murphy ate’s hands. We did our job over
do what’s right for our country.” taking place to potentially strip still repeal the law this year. interview follows: here in the House. I was proud
Sen. Joe Lieberman (I- the defense authorization bill “Let’s cross that bridge when to lead that effort and now we’re
Conn.), the sponsor of re- of its repeal language, Murphy we get there,” he said. ”Now it’s ON ELECTION RESULTS continuing to put the appropri-
peal legislation in the Senate, said Republicans have sought still in the Congress’ domain to Washington Blade: What’s ate pressure on the Senate to
and Sen. Susan Collins (R- a bill without the “Don’t Ask, act and especially, specifically, your take on the election re- do what’s right for national se-
Maine) sent a letter to the Pen- Don’t Tell” provision. the Senate’s domain.” sults on Nov. 2? Do you think curity.
tagon on Monday calling for the “I think that’s what the Repub- While seeing a path forward that your leadership on “Don’t We’re still in Afghanistan and
report to be made available to licans would like to see,” Murphy this year, Murphy doubts that Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal con- Iraq and we cannot be forcing
members of Congress as soon said. ”But I think those of us in Republican leadership in the tributed to your loss on Elec- honorable men and women
as possible. The Human Rights the House and 78 percent of 112th Congress will be willing to tion Day? who are willing to take a bullet
Campaign issued a similar the American people and those consider “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Rep. Patrick Murphy: You to keep our families safe to be
statement last week. in the military currently serving repeal as part of its agenda. know, I’m not going to second thrown out just because they
Asked whether he similarly want to see the Senate do what’s Asked whether he thinks guess anything. My dad taught happen to be gay.
thinks the report should be right and repeal ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t GOP leaders in the next Con- me that if you don’t stand for
available now, Murphy replied, Tell’ and put it on the president’s gress would be willing to ad- something, you fall for anything. Complete interview at
“I think they should release it as desk, so he can sign it into law.” dress the issue, Murphy replied And I was proud to stand for
november 19, 2010 • 15


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16 • november 19, 2010


Gay Georgia bishop talks about coming out

as they are and that God has a purpose freaked out or let people think that I had there was speculation about why we
Continued from page 6
for them just as they are and you don’t an affair, I really don’t care what anybody were divorcing. There was enough buzz
ing him from being who he was. When I give that same break to yourself.” says about me. If you don’t ever want to about it that I tried to address it at our
realized that I was hurting Jim more than I told her, “If we were going to still work come out with this, it’s your truth. I just church’s 25th anniversary. Somehow,
helping him, that hurt me. I came to a together [in ministry], you realize that can’t do it anymore. I will not be in agree- the word got out into the community
place where I knew that I was no longer you’re outing me. People will look at us ment with us not being everything that that I came out that day. We kept try-
the best for him. and wonder if we’re that fine with each we’re supposed to be. Just know that I ing to decide what to do. Should I leave
Jim Swilley: She came to me and other, why don’t we just stay married?” will never hurt you and I will always pro- it? Should I say more? I was talking all
said, “I think it’s time that you are able to Debye: I told Jim Earl, “I will do any- tect you.” around it.
walk in the way that you direct people. thing that you want for me to do. If you Jim: The church had a lot of ques- The real thing that made me go ahead
You tell people that God loves them just want me to be the crazy woman who tions. People still saw us together and with it was that two-week period when
those five or six gay teen suicides hap-
pened. I decided that I couldn’t not talk
about this. I was just going to put it out
there and whatever happens would hap-
pen. If I lost the ministry, I’d deal with that.
I wasn’t afraid. I just knew it was right.

Voice: What has been the general

response from the public and from your
church membership?
Jim: In one week, I gained over
1,000 Facebook friends. I’ve heard
from Hong Kong, Japan, London, South
Africa, Kenya, Nigeria… one story after
another from people who say, “Oh my
God. I feel like you totally told my story.”
I’ve heard from other pastors who’ve
come out or pastors who are still in the
closet, afraid to come out. I’ve heard
from teenagers. For every negative one
that I get, there’ll be a hundred that are
loving and affirming. I hear it over and
over: “You saved my life.”

Voice: Judah, what have you ob-

served about people’s reactions to your
dad sharing his truth?
Judah Swilley: Thank God that most
of it has been supportive. Unfortunately,
we’ve heard from closed-minded reli-
gious people that see things a different
way. The crazy thing is that the people
who have extreme religious beliefs and
they bring out different scriptures and try
to pick and choose them to make their
point. You can’t just pick one thing and
take it out of context.
You know, Leviticus says all kinds of
crazy things. …
Debye: What people might not un-
derstand is that Jim carried this fear of
rejection with him that is so deep that it
would come out in the way that he would
minister. I always knew in my heart that
if he just loved himself just the way that
he was and if he embraced his humanity,
the divine part would be exponential.

Voice: Bishop Swilley, what do you

want to tell the gay community in Atlanta?
Jim: One of Jesus’ last words on the
cross was “Father, forgive them. For they
know not what they do.”
What I would to say to the gay com-
munity is that Proverbs says that life is
in the power of the tongue and the only
thing that I know to do is to continue to
communicate. I understand why so many
gay people left the church. I totally get it.
I understand why so many of them don’t
believe in God. I want to be somewhat of
a bridge builder or repairer of the breach.
What I would say to gay Christians is
to continue to dialogue if you can.
november 19, 2010 • 17

“You must be the change you want to see in the world.”

– Gandhi

Transgender Day of Remembrance

November 20, 2010
Whitman-Walker Clinic is committed to building an inclusive, affirming and healthy
community for all, regardless of race, gender, orientation or gender identity.
On this 12th annual National Transgender Day of Remembrance,
we hope that our efforts will inspire others to do the same.
18 • november 19, 2010


Activists press Reid to schedule ‘Don’t Ask’ vote

Continued from page 1 the defense authorization bill and
that scheduling the vote early in
activists were arrested as a re- lame duck is important.
sult of the action. Others who Asked whether he could say
were arrested include former whether the vote would come
Marine Corps Sgt. Justin Elzie, up before Thanksgiving, the
who became the first Marine Reid source replied, “I cannot.”
discharged under “Don’t Ask, In a statement to the Blade,
Don’t Tell” in 1993, as well as Jim Manley, a Reid spokesper-
Michael Bedwell, a long-time son, said there’s “nothing new
advocate of LGBT rights and yet” with regard to scheduling
open service in the U.S. military. decisions on the defense au-
As the protesters were thorization bill.
chained to the White House In addition to questions about
fence, Choi called on President scheduling, the LGBT advocates
Obama to act on his promise to also sought assurances that Reid
end “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Washington Blade photo by Michael Key wouldn’t strip the defense au-
“After all his rhetoric, I think A group of 13 activists arrested this week accused President Obama of silent homophobia for not pushing harder to thorization bill of its “Don’t Ask,
we must conclude that there is repeal ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ Don’t Tell” repeal provision before
truth to the knowledge in ho- bringing it to the floor.
mophobia of both sorts: there the president remains commit- man for a 900-page bill. ‘Don’t Reid going to put the [fiscal The Reid source said he
is a loud homophobia of those ted to a legislative repeal of Ask, Don’t Tell’ is two pages of 900 year 2011 defense authoriza- “couldn’t tell you one way or an-
with platforms and there is a si- ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’” Inouye pages. My focus is different from tion bill] to a vote that’s inclusive other” whether the option of pass-
lent homophobia for those who said. “The White House con- the media focus. I’m just trying to of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell?’” ing the defense authorization bill
purport to be our friends and do tinues to work with Congress get a bill passed.” But the staffers offered no without the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
nothing,” Choi said. “Loud ho- toward achieving that compre- Levin maintained that he definitive answers to the inqui- repeal language is on the table.
mophobia and silent homopho- hensive and lasting solution.” wants get both passage of the ries on the defense bill, which “I honestly don’t know,” he
bia have the same result. They On Wednesday, White House defense authorization bill and re- is currently pending before the said. “Because I am a fellow
must be combated and this is Press Secretary Robert Gibbs peal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” but Senate, and said Reid is plan- that’s one of the things that — I
what we intend to do today.” expounded on Obama’s com- added “if I can’t get both done, ning to meet with Senate Minor- can look into it.”
While the protesters were mitment to legislative repeal of I want to get one of them done.” ity Leader Mitch McConnell (R- Additionally, activists in-
chained to the White House “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” as he ac- The White House issued a Ky.) later this week to discuss quired about what Reid had
fence, they chanted the often- knowledged that the president statement last week saying it which legislative items would done with Choi’s West Point
used GetEQUAL refrain of “I am hasn’t yet reached out to sena- opposed stripping the defense come up before lawmakers ad- graduate ring, which the Iraq
… somebody … and I deserve tors to lobby them on the issue. authorization legislation of its journ for the year. veteran had given to the sena-
… full equality.” The protest- Asked whether Obama had repeal language. Gibbs reiter- A deputy chief of staff for tor at the Netroots Nation con-
ers also added a new refrain, made any phone calls to “sway- ated that position during the Reid, who didn’t offer his name ference in the summer to re-
“Barack Obama … Silent Ho- able senators” such as Susan press conference. during the meeting, referred mind Reid of his commitment to
mophobia!” Collins (R-Maine), who voted “no” “We ought to keep this in the activists to a congressional mili- repeal the 1993 law.
The protesters superglued on moving forward with the de- defense authorization bill, we tary fellow and member of the McGehee asked whether
their handcuff locks, and, de- fense authorization bill in Septem- ought to pass this in the de- U.S. Army in Reid’s office, who Reid was keeping the ring in
spite repeated warnings from ber, Gibbs replied that he doesn’t fense authorization bill, and we took activists’ questions and a shoebox or in his desk and
U.S. Park Police, didn’t remove believe the president has spoken ought to end the policy that the said he’d obtain responses for whether he has “forgotten that
themselves from the White to the Maine senator on the issue. courts are rapidly getting close them. Reid’s office didn’t imme- he made a promise in July.”
House fence. As police forc- But Gibbs said he’d put pas- to ending on a timetable that diately respond to the Blade’s The fellow said he would look
ibly removed the activists, they sage of the defense authoriza- those in the bureaucracy might request to identify the staffers. into the whereabouts of Choi’s ring.
dragged their feet as they were tion bill in the “same category” not [like],” Gibbs said. The source said he couldn’t At one point, McGehee
hauled into a paddy wagon. It for passage as other items he Additionally, activists contin- give a date for when Reid in- called the fellow a “token mili-
took five police officers to re- mentioned that Obama wants to ued to pressure Senate Major- tends to schedule the defense tary person” that Reid’s staff
move Choi from the fence, hand- see in lame duck, resolving a tax ity Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), authorization bill for a vote. brought out to “act like” he
cuff him and drag him to the van. cut issue and ratification of the who’s responsible for the legisla- “If I told you it’s Tuesday and knows LGBT issues.
Army Capt. Jim Pietrangelo START Treaty, a nuclear arms re- tive calendar in the chamber, to it doesn’t come up until Wednes- “In my opinion, Sen. Reid
II, who previously was arrested duction agreement with Russia. bring up the defense authoriza- day — they’ve got three other clo- has had the time to show the
for chaining himself to the White “The president believes that tion bill with the repeal language. ture votes that they’ve got to get leadership, my parents are con-
House, led the chants of the this can be done in a way, and On Monday, the staff for Sen- through this week,” the source stituents of his state, and I feel
protesters with a bullhorn from should be done, as you heard ate Majority Leader Harry Reid said. “There are other things that like he’s failed not only them as
Lafayette Park and shouted out Secretary Gates and others say, in (D-Nev.) offered non-answers are going on this week.” constituents, but Lt. Choi, as a
to Obama as police dragged the next few weeks,” Gibbs said. to LGBT activists and veterans The source maintained that promise that he made in July,”
the activists away. Amid doubts about whether pressing for a commitment from passage of the defense autho- McGehee said.
“Why are these courageous the White House would push the senator to bring “Don’t Ask, rization bill is “one of the bills McGehee’s remarks riled the
heroes having to be arrested aggressively for “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal to a vote in the that has to be done this year” deputy chief of staff, who in-
now?” he shouted. “Mr. Presi- Don’t Tell” repeal this year, Sen- lame duck session of Congress. because the legislation provides sisted the fellow wasn’t a token
dent, could you follow the lead ate leaders are reportedly con- A group of about 20 activists funding for the Pentagon and op- and that he was brought out be-
of these brave Americans and sidering dropping the repeal affiliated with GetEQUAL — in- erations in Iraq and Afghanistan. cause staffers thought he was
stop ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell?’” language from the defense au- cluding nine LGBT veterans led Still, activists insisted that the most appropriate person to
Pietrangelo called on Obama thorization bill to move forward. by Choi — came to Reid’s Sen- Senate passage of the defense answer questions.
to issue an executive order to Senate Armed Services Com- ate office in the Hart Office Build- authorization bill with “Don’t In response, McGehee main-
stop the discharges under the mittee Chair Carl Levin (D-Mich.) ing to demand answers on when Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal be done tained activists weren’t shoot-
military’s gay ban. reportedly acknowledged to re- the Nevada senator would move before the end of the year and ing the messenger, but said if
In a statement, Shin Inouye, a porters on Tuesday that taking forward with major defense bud- pressed staffers on whether that Reid wouldn’t give a commit-
White House spokesperson, re- the repeal provision out of the get legislation containing repeal would happen before Thanks- ment that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
sponded to the protest and said defense bill is on the table. of the military’s gay ban. giving recess. would come up before the Sen-
Obama is committed to legislative “I’m trying to get the bill through “We’re here to essentially Most repeal supporters antici- ate by the end of the year, activ-
repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Congress,” Levin was quoted as ask a very important question,” pate that the Senate would need ists would be back.
“As we have said repeatedly, saying. “I’m the committee chair- Choi said. “When is Sen. Harry two weeks to debate and vote on “It’s in his hands now,” she said.
november 19, 2010 • 19

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20 • november 19, 2010

VIEWPOINT washingtonblade
Volume 41 • Issue 47

Washington Blade’s next chapter begins

PO Box 73647
Washington dC 20056
website hosting company that We have assembled a top-
One year ago we were shut down; today we hadn’t been paid. Window notch group of trusted local
announce non-profit entity to preserve paper’s legacy Media’s former executives
were aware of the situation,
professionals to serve on the
Foundation’s inaugural board
By LYNNE BROWN, KEVIN online. Donations came in from but failed to act responsibly. of directors. Joining the board PuBlished By
NAFF & BRIAN PITTS readers all over, the largest from No one took action and those are: Colleen Dermody, an ex- Brown naff Pitts Omnimedia, inc.
Mr. Henry’s Capitol Hill lunch one-of-a-kind electronic ar- perienced marketing executive
On Nov. 16, 2009, we crowd. People helped us with chives are gone. and proprietor of Out to Mar- lynne J. BrOWn
walked into the Washington office space and distribution. It What a difference a year ket; Peter Rosenstein, an LGBT ext. 8075
Blade’s offices in the Nation- was uplifting. makes. On the first anniversary activist and Blade contributor editOriAl
al Press Building and were To mark the one-year anni- of our 40th year of publishing, with a background in non-profit editOr
quickly intercepted by the versary of Window Media’s col- today we are excited to an- management; Khadijah Tribble, Kevin nAff ext. 8088
parent company’s two remain- lapse — and the Blade’s rebirth nounce the next chapter in the a non-profit executive with years
feAtures & multimediA editOr
ing executives, ushered into a — Lou Chibbaro Jr. undertook Blade’s story: formation of the of experience in LGBT and HIV/ JOey diGuGlielmO
conference room and told the an extensive investigation into Washington Blade Foundation AIDS topics; and Mark Meinke, ext. 8081
company had filed for Chapter exactly what happened. His for Education and Research. an archivist and historian known sr. neWs rePOrter
7 liquidation. They voided our report is published this week. The primary mission of the for his work with the Rainbow lOu ChiBBArO Jr. ext. 8079
paychecks and gave us until The bankruptcy raised many Foundation is to preserve the History Project. neWs rePOrter
3 p.m. to clean out our offices, questions that we are still at- paper’s 40-plus years of ar- To learn more about the Chris JOhnsOn
surrender our keys and leave. tempting to answer. Why was chives. In addition, the Foun- Foundation and make a tax- ext. 8083
By their thinking it was over. the company shuttered when dation will fund academic re- deductible donation that will editOriAl intern
Juliette eBner
That scene played out 21 there were multiple cash of- search into LGBT topics and help to preserve and digitize the
stAff PhOtOGrAPher
more times as the rest of the fers on the table for its various support the work of young Blade’s archives, visit washing- miChAel Key
staff arrived on an otherwise assets? Who authorized the LGBT journalists with schol-
mundane Monday morning. bankruptcy? Was it legal and arships and other resources. Thanks again to all who have
The events of that morning have properly executed? What hap- And, of course, we will rebuild supported our efforts during the CreAtive direCtOr
haunted and motivated the pened to the Blade’s extensive the lost website. past year. We now invite you JAmes m neAl ext. 8074
Blade staff ever since. online archives? From 1969 forward, the to join us for the next chapter.
In the immediate aftermath The answer to that last ques- Blade’s mission to cover gay Please contact us with sugges- seniOr GrAPhiC desiGner
riChArd W.C. sKiPPOn
of the bankruptcy, the Blade’s tion is particularly frustrating. content exclusively has re- tions or if you want to get in-
staff stuck together. We are The Blade’s online archives sulted in a body of work that is volved in the Foundation’s work.
sAles & AdministrAtiOn
proud to report that we never held about eight years worth vast in every sense of the word. sr. ACCt. exeCutive
missed a week of publishing of articles, photos and video Through the Foundation, we will BriAn Pitts
Lynne Brown, Kevin Naff and Brian ext. 8089
LGBT news. That is a credit to content compiled by our staff, work to recreate those lost ar- Pitts serve as publisher, editor and
a cadre of volunteers, contribu- regarding your life, your history. chives and to digitize and make ACCt. exeCutive
senior sales executive respectively of Jeryl PArAde
tors, advertisers and vendors. In an instant, those ar- publicly accessible the Blade’s the Washington Blade. reach them via ext. 8072
Save the Blade efforts arose chives were wiped out by a full 41 years of coverage.
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PhilliP G. rOCKstrOh ext. 8092

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Shame on John McCain

All material in the Washington Blade is pro-
tected by federal copyright law and may not
be reproduced without the written consent of
the Washington Blade. the sexual orientation
of advertisers, photographers, writers and car-

Former ‘maverick’
toonists published herein is neither inferred nor
ness, rather than on how to Kolbe (R-Ariz.), a Vietnam War tation. I support the concept of implied. the appearance of names or pictorial
representation does not necessarily indicate
implement repeal. veteran. He reiterated his view non-discrimination in hiring for
flip-flops, backs
the sexual orientation of that person or persons.
The call for hearings repre- of the time that he would leave it gay and lesbian people.” Although the Washington Blade is supported
by many fine advertisers, we cannot accept re-
anti-gay bias sents yet another predictable
delay tactic. After waiting nearly
up to military leaders to decide
whether the gay ban should be
So let’s get this, er, straight:
McCain would support an
sponsibility for claims made by advertisers.
unsolicited editorial material is accepted
by the Washington Blade, but the paper can-
a full year for the Pentagon re- repealed and noted he would openly gay Supreme Court jus- not take responsibility for its return. the edi-
tors reserve the right to accept, reject or edit
By KEVIN NAFF port, McCain now wants us to support a “review” of the policy. tice or an out lesbian defense any submission.
A single copy of the Washington Blade is
wait some more. But the issue The fact that the chairman of secretary and he considers available from authorized distribution points, to
The rancorous debate over has been studied endlessly the Joint Chiefs, the defense Mark Bingham a “role model,” any individual within a 50-mile radius of Wash-
ington, d.C. multiple copies are available from
repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” — more than 20 times — and secretary and the commander but he does not support the the Washington Blade office only. Call for rates.
has featured many disappoint- recent leaks reported by the in chief now support repeal ap- right of gay military personnel to if you are unable to get to a convenient free
distribution point, you may receive a 52-week
ments, but perhaps none as Washington Post indicate that parently doesn’t matter to the serve openly. mailed subscription for $175 per year. Checks
or credit card orders can be sent to Phil rock-
dramatic and opportunistic as a vast majority of survey re- McCain of 2010. McCain’s views on this is- stroh at
Sen. John McCain’s emergence spondents don’t see repeal as In that 2008 Blade interview, sue are twisted and contra- Postmaster: send address changes to the
Washington Blade, PO BOx 73647 Wash-
as the face of the opposition. a problem. McCain repeatedly said he op- dictory. You either support ington, dC 20056. the Washington Blade is
published weekly, on friday, by Brown naff
There was no sign of the for- McCain’s visible role in op- posed discrimination against discrimination or you don’t; it Pitts Omnimedia, inc. individual subscrip-
mer straight-talking “maverick” posing repeal comes in stark gays and lesbians. He told really is that simple. tions are $175 per year for 52 issues (only
$3.37 per issue mailed to you usPs). rates
as he appeared on “Meet the contrast to the language he us that if elected president he for businesses/institutions are $350 per year.
Press” on Sunday. McCain said used on the 2008 campaign would not reject a candidate Periodical postage paid at Washington, d.C.,
and additional mailing offices.
lawmakers should not repeal trail while running for president. for cabinet, Supreme Court editorial positions of the Washington Blade
are expressed in editorials and in editors’
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” before Back then, McCain made histo- justice or other appointed po- notes as determined by the paper’s editors.
adjourning for the year and ry as the first GOP presidential sition because of their sexual Other opinions are those of the writers and do
not necessarily represent the opinion of the
that congressional hearings nominee to grant an interview to orientation. Washington Blade or its staff.
to submit a letter or commentary: letters
should be convened. He also the gay press. In that interview “Gay and lesbian people should be fewer than 400 words; commentar-
took issue with the content of with the Washington Blade, Mc- should not face discrimination ies should be fewer than 750 words. submis-
sions may be edited for content and length,
the recent surveys of service Cain cited multiple out gay men in the workplace,” McCain said. and must include a name, address and phone
members, suggesting that the as friends and even role mod- “I’ve always practiced that in my Kevin Naff is editor of the Wash- number for verification. send submissions by
e-mail to
study should have focused on els, including 9/11 hero Mark hiring. I select the best people, ington Blade and can be reached at
©2010 Brown naff Pitts Omnimedia, inc.
the impact on battle effective- Bingham and former Rep. Jim regardless of their sexual orien-
november 19, 2010 • 21


Details of healthcare reform still to be worked out

Why we should pointees and tasked with cut-
ting Medicare spending. Its
an array of progressive, often life-
threatening complications with
even if Congress were to achieve
this minor miracle, the president
or more. Newer, more targeted
drugs called biologics are even
care about new recommendations automatically multiple medications that require could still veto their decision. more expensive to make.
Medicare panel become law without congres-
sional action. And it is wholly
close and ongoing monitoring.
And since many patients become
It’s not certain Congress
would intervene if the IPAB’s
If IPAB lowers reimburse-
ment rates to providers in the
exempt from judicial or admin- resistant to their medication over decisions were to result in fewer Medicare drug benefit, biophar-
By DAVID MIXNER istrative review. time, treatment regimens must HIV/AIDS specialists or limited maceutical researchers will find
These are high stakes for the change frequently. treatment options. After all, part themselves with fewer resources
Over the years, HIV/AIDS ac- HIV/AIDS community. In 2006, 2. Patients and their doctors of IPAB’s appeal is that it insu- to investigate new treatments.
tivists and their allies have been Medicare became the single cannot appeal IPAB’s decisions. lates Congress from actually The HIV/AIDS community
pioneers in creating new fron- largest source of financing for Patients have no recourse to having to make politically un- cannot forget this lesson of the
tiers in the medical establish- HIV care. Today, nearly100,000 appeal any decision made by popular Medicare cuts. past: If we’re not on top of an is-
ment. Through their efforts, the people with HIV rely on Medi- IPAB. Doctors, who know better 4. IPAB will scare away fund- sue, we’ll get left behind. IPAB
FDA drug approval procedures care for coverage. than anyone about the care a par- ing for medical research. is just such an issue. Left un-
were reformed so promising new Here are four reasons why ticular patient needs, are also un- Medical innovations have modified, it will undo much of
therapies could reach desperate IPAB is bad for the HIV/AIDS able to appeal IPAB’s decisions. dramatically reduced HIV/AIDS- the progress we’ve made over
patients quicker. The heroic ef- community. Without patient or doctor input, related deaths in this country the last two decades. The HIV/
forts of the HIV/AIDS community 1. IPAB will disrupt the doc- the HIV/AIDS community will be and throughout the world. AIDS community must fight to
has made health care better for tor-patient relationship. left at the mercy of 15 unelected But we’re still years away from protect the gains we’ve made
millions of Americans. For many people with HIV, bureaucrats who can make major an actual cure or vaccine. And and ensure that all patients get
I celebrated the passage of finding the right doctor is the changes to Medicare. while current anti-retrovirals are the care they need.
the new health reform law. It has most important decision they’ll 3. There’s effectively zero extending some lives, not ev-
given Americans living with HIV/ make. But IPAB is likely to dras- congressional oversight. eryone can benefit from them.
AIDS much reason to hope. But tically cut reimbursements to To prevent an IPAB recom- Around 40 percent of patients
even in victory, there are impor- physicians, prompting many to mendation from becoming law, with access to these improved
tant details that must be worked leave the Medicare system. Doc- Congress can either outright medications are either unable to
out. We should not be afraid of tors that treat HIV/AIDS are highly reject it via three-fifths majority tolerate them or cannot adhere to
making changes that will pro- trained specialists that are partic- vote, or propose its own plan the complex treatment schedule.
tect patient rights and total care. ularly sensitive to payment cuts. to achieve the same amount of We must continue to develop
One such change that is needed Make no mistake: Pushing savings. Both these possibilities new treatments and work toward
relates to the Independent Pay- HIV specialists out of Medicare are politically unlikely. a cure. Developing these drugs David Mixner has been involved in
public life creating policy and as an ac-
ment Advisory Board (IPAB). will compromise patients’ health. What’s more, the law requires is expensive, however. Getting a tivist and writer for more than 40 years.
IPAB is a new entity com- Treating HIV/AIDS is extremely Congress to act within an ex- traditional pharmaceutical to the Reach him via
prised of 15 presidential ap- complicated. HIV specialists fight tremely short time period. And market can cost a billion dollars

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Understanding credit scoring and its importance

By GREGG BUSCH score can mean a difference in
thousands of dollars over the
Last week a friend of mine term of the mortgage. Credit
called and said he was being scores are crucial to the process
offered a mortgage from one of of a loan, but quite frankly, the
the “big banks” at a rate of 3.5% system has major flaws and that
with no points. I told him we are is why you need to follow yours
offering the same rate as long as on a monthly basis. There are
his credit scores were over 740, many factors that go into each
which he was confident they credit score and scores change
were and therefore not even an constantly. Some of the scoring
issue. He went to my website criteria is contradictory and some
and applied online. Then, when is entirely illogical. Here are some
I ran his credit report his middle tips that I suggest you use to
score was 696, shocking both of maintain “healthy scores”:
us since I know he is anal about 1) The most impactful way to
most everything involving financ- keep your scores up is fulfilling
es. Since Fannie Mae and Fred- your monthly debt obligations scribe and receive e-mail alerts the credit line from your history. Having several credit card ac-
die Mac have now put in place on time all the time. Obviously, whenever there is any activity on Part of your credit score is de- counts over 20 years old helps
credit based scoring (where bet- being late on your payments is your report. I highly recommend termined by the length of time the scores a lot but with a mort-
ter scores get the lowest rates), very bad and more recent lates this to everyone! you have had certain lines. gage and car loan you should be
I had to either add 1 ½ points to have a larger impact on your 3) Credit card balances 5) Dispute negatives on well into the 700’s if everything is
his loan or raise his rate to 4% scores than say 2 years ago. above 40% will drive down your your report even if they are old. paid on time and you do not carry
to offer him a no point loan. Is 2) It is your responsibility to score. To avoid having your If the creditor does not respond large balances on credit cards.
this starting to sound familiar??? check your credit scores. There scores drop, you must pay down to your letter on why the ac- These are all important steps
Turns out that my friend had an are three credit bureaus that your balances to below 40% of count is late, then they legally to improving scores so you can
outstanding bill from a doctor he track your credit history. Some- the credit limit on your revolving have to remove it. Some people get those low rates everyone
saw when he lived at a different times these credit bureaus make cards. If you have one card with I know have had luck disputing keeps talking about. Remember,
address and never knew the bill mistakes that will adversely affect a 70% balance to your credit old items with a lender that has nobody is going to work on im-
was not paid. That doctor placed your scores, and when this hap- limit, break the debt down to 2 merged with another company, proving your credit like you will.
the bill for collection and it hit his pens they have no financial or le- cards and get below the 40% an event that can leave lender
report just last month, resulting in gal obligation to fix them, unless threshold of your credit limit. records a real mess. Gregg Busch
a derogatory credit blemish and you contest.. The burden of proof 4) Keeping open old credit 6) A variety of credit is best. Vice President
a significant drop in his score. is on you to fix the problems that accounts can be a good thing The optimal number of lines of First Savings Mortgage Corporation
Direct Line - (703) 883-9580
Having good credit is more are dragging your scores down. for your scores. In the old days credit to keep open is four and Fax - (703) 564-4685
important than ever before when Go to the way to improve your credit the four lines of credit should be Cell - (202) 256-7777
it comes to getting the best rate or any other credit service you was to cancel old accounts that different: A mortgage, car loan, E-mail -
possible on a mortgage. A few can find that is reputable and were not being used. Cancel- home equity loan, student loans 8444 Westpark Drive, 4th Floor
McLean, VA 22102
points lower in your middle credit for a modest fee you can sub- ing the credit account removes and one or two credit cards.

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WWW.DCGOTOGUYS.COM Location offers easy access in and out of city via Rt.395 and
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BLOCKS FROM DUPONT CIRCLE METRO! light. Newer Kitchen and Bath..washer/ 2 blocks from Potomac Ave. Metro. Inspections handyman, or anyone looking to earn
CALL FOR SHOWING. Dryer in unit. welcome, but sold As-Is. sweat equity.
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2021 Klingle Road, NW 2801 Cortland Place NW 2120 VERMONT AVE, NW #201
3BR/2.5BA Detached Single Family Home • $850,000 Uniquely large open one-bedroom with GARAGE PARKING! $349,000
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I’m What do you get for a million bucks?

A house on the Hill right near the Senate
with space in the basement for a tenant.

I’m looking for a home to love Revisions
without a neighbor’s noise above. Redesign
Text revision
Sung to the tune of: I’ll Never Fall in Love Again Image/Logo

the lgbtq community’s news source No revisions

PROOF#: 1 ISSUE DATE: 100709 SALES REP: BP Signature
Uptown DC Office 202.362.3400
november 19, 2010 • 25

Licensed in VA, MD, DC & DE
703.518.8738 • 703.683.0400
daniel R. Lusk
202.412.8885 Brian S. Hong Jery d. Beamer 703.929.5764 703.929.5763

Bright and spacious Jr. 1 BR. Two Bedroom/1 Historic exterior &
Smartly renovated kitchen & Bath condo in contemporary interior.
bathroom. Corian counters, light very convenient This property is an A+
oak cabinets and stainless steel location. Close to you will be delighted to
appliances. Separate bedroom metro, shopping, see. The 2,500+ sq. ft.
floor plan is traditional
area with two extra large closets restaurants, and
and the kitchen &
w/custom built-ins, large and the beltway for
bathrooms have all been
open living room & dining area. easy commuting.
renovated in a neutral
Spacious balcony with great Ground floor & contemporary style
city views. Seconds from GW unit with lots of creating a warm and inviting residence filled w/beautiful natural
University and all that Foggy windows. 2nd bedroom currently used as artist studio because light. Located in the first block from the water, the central Old Town
Bottom and Georgetown have to of the great light. Washer and dryer in unit. Assigned parking and location offers great water & park views! With 4 bedrooms, 4.5
offer. Building offers a great roof permit parking. Walk in closet. All electric, energy efficient. baths,, and a private patio off of the dining room, this is a prefect
terrace and extra storage. home for relaxing or entertaining.
730 24th Street, NW #716 6004 merSey oakS Way #b 112 gibboN Street
WaShiNgtoN, DC 20037 alexaNDria, Va 22315 alexaNDria, Va 22314
$245,000 $150,000 $1,090,000
2br/2ba LUXURY Exquisite TH in the heart of Old Town
CONDO. TILE FOYER, buyer Need!!!! ALexandria. This building was gutted and
totally renovated in 2000. Over 3000SF.
LARGE Rooms. Situated in a quiet Mews
LIVING/DINING AREA & We have a well qualified buyer with no HOA, this home faces east and west.
BEDROOMS. MASTER BR Glorious sunlight in the morning and afternoon.
looking for...... 1BR plus Den or
w/COFFERED CEILING, Large family room with built-ins and gas FP.
LARGE WALK-IN CLOSET 2BR, 850+ sq. ft., new/renovated/ Billiard room with a pool table,a wet bar and
& LUX BATH W/SOAKING nicely updated, reserved parking. powder room. French doors lead to a private
TUB, SEP SHOWER & Located in Logan, Dupont, 20X20 slate patio. ML features a kitchen with
granite and SSA. LVRM and DR. Built-ins and
DOUBLE SINK VANITY/ Columbia Heights, West End or gas FP, powder room and coat closet. Upper 1
FOR RENT GRANITE COUNTER Foggy Bottom. $400k-$500k. features the MBR with large closets, a HUGE
TOP. GREAT ROOM MATE MBA with jacuzzi & separate shower. The 4th
If you are considering selling FOR SALE OR RENT
BR/office also has a LARGE walk in closet
TEMPLE. FULL SIZE STACKED W/D. BALCONY, BASIC CABLE and your property matches this and a hall linen closet. Upper 2 features 2
description, please contact us LARGE BRs with JackNJill BA between and the laundry. Each room has several
INCL, USE OF PLASMA TV, ONE GARAGE PKG SPACE, STORAGE closets. Attic storage. Double hung insulated windows to conserve energy with
UNIT. OWNER/AGENT. right away! plantation shutters and silouette blinds. OWNER/AGENT.

525 Fayette St N #406 NorthWeSt WaShiNgtoN DC 328 N royal St

alexaNDria, Va 22314 $400,000 alexaNDria Va 22314
$2,700 $5,500/$1,200,000
Carefully designed to blend with Great 2br/2ba unit at Carlyle Sunny, well-located 1 BR condo
the architecture and historic charm Towers with Urban views. Great in mid-rise bldg one block from
of Old Town, this exquisite home is roommate layout. Bamboo Braddock Rd metro in Old Town.
just three blocks from King Street HDWD floors in LR; marble foyer;
flooring in living room/dining
and the Potomac River. Hardwood all new lighting fixtures throughout.
flooring throughout the main area. Updated kitchen and
Custom drapery in LR. Full-size
level. The Chef’s kitchen provides bathrooms with granite counter
Whirlpool Duet W/D; Bosch DW.
the perfect blend of designer tops and more, open floor Under cabinet lighting and new
cabinetry, granite counter tops, plan, large enclosed balcony, paint in kitchen. New brushed steel
sleek appliances. 2 bedrooms and moments to metro, Whole fixtures in bathroom w/ jack and jill
baths on Owner’s level, loft/guest Foods, shops, restaurants and doors, jacuzzi tub, new paint. All
area with built in Murphy bed and movies. 24-Hour concierge, four closets, including walk-in, fully
FOR SALE OR RENT third full bath on top level. Rooftop indoor & outdoor pool, tennis outfitted with custom Elfa shelving
Terrace provides outdoor space for court, two fitness facilities. for maximum storage. Sliding glass doors to private balcony (grilling
relaxing. Lower level features den with gas fireplace and 2 car garage. Garage parking and extra storage. This is a fantastic lifestyle allowed). New carpet in bedroom. Pool; hot-tub; sauna and exercise
Ready for you to move in and enjoy all that Old Town has to offer. choice at $ 437,500! room. Underground corner parking space. Low utilities.
413 priNCeSS Street Carlyle toWerS 1200 braDDoCk plaCe, uNit 606
alexaNDria, Va 22314 2151 jamieSoN aVe. #1104 alexaNDria, Va 22314
$4,500/$899,900 alexandria, va 22314 • $ 437,500 $ 299,000
26 • november 19, 2010

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Gay gifts galore

It may be the thought that counts, but
putting some thought into it counts too
By JOEY DiGUGLIELMO Time is in the Air Again” along with the usual
standards. Available everywhere.
Editor’s note: This is the first of a five-part
series on holiday gift giving ideas. We’ll “ChristMas With the PuPPini sis-
explore gift ideas in five categories. This ters” (Verve) finds the neo-big band
week: books, music and novelties. act aping ‘40s-style harmonies a la the
Andrews Sisters on a holiday set. They
‘Tis almost the season and you can hardly breathe new life into standards such as
go wrong with books, music and novelties “Santa Baby” and “Here Comes Santa
as holiday gifts. So we’ve collected a starter Claus.” Available everywhere.
list here to get the gift-giving wheels turning.
It features everything from local gems you Annie Lennox — who’s gotten in the unfortu-
may have missed to big-name releases that nate habit of waiting eons between releases
will anchor the sales season. Paper and CD — is finally back with a new project and her
or Kindle and iTunes, here are some great first-ever holiday release “a ChristMas
stocking stuffers for the gays on your list. CornuCoPia” (Decca). She wraps her
distinctive vocals around favorites like “An-
It’s been an agonizing eight years since Cher gels From the Realms of Glory” and “God
put out a new record. The soundtrack (RCA) Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” plus obscure
for “Burlesque,” her new movie with Chris- cuts like “Coventry Carol” and “As Joseph
tina Aguilera (it hits theaters next week), finds Was a Walking.” Available everywhere.
her out with two new cuts including the Diane
Warren power ballad “You Haven’t Seen the Matt Conner, a gay pianist at Signature Theatre,
Last of Me.” Available everywhere. has his debut CD “Winter” available now
and features him playing instrumental versions
Mariah is back with her second holiday al- of standards such as “Jingle Bells” and “We
bum, “Merry ChristMas ii you” (Island). Three Kings” along with two originals. He com-
The same energy and festivity that made her posed music for several of Signature’s world
1994 release a seasonal standard — and premieres including “Nevermore” and “Partial
one of the top-selling Christmas albums of all Eclipse.” ($20; Signature Theatre Shop)
time — is maintained on this new collection
with tracks like “Oh Santa!” and “Christmas Continues on Page 30

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Gay gifts galore


“NO LABELS, JUST ME” is a photo book containing more than 150 photos of women
from the Washington area along with poetry, question-and-answer features and journal
entries. Compiled by Rain Kirby. $81; Amazon (

“DECONSTRUCTING BEAUTY” is a coffee table book by gay photographer Michael

Honegger, a former Washington resident who explores male and female beauty in un-
expected ways. $96.95 (

And if you want something a little more kitschy and off the beaten path for that special
someone, Barbie dolls are available of gay icons CYNDI LAUPER and DEBBIE HARRY
as part of Mattel’s “Ladies of the ’80s” collection. They’re $39.95 and available from
Amazon and other online retailers.

D.C. drag queen SHI-QUEETA-LEE is back with her second calendar. The 2011 install-
ment bases its photos around LGBT issues such as Pride, same-sex marriage, “Don’t
Christmas-time fetishes are explored in a and more, it’s the first serious look at Ar-
Ask, Don’t Tell” and even Queer Prom. It features Miss Lee in photos by Robert Mercer,
cheeky new short story erotica book “BIG kansas’s gay history. ($20; Amazon, etc.)
Jr. and retails for $15. Look for it at Leather Rack, Nellie’s or Town.
HOLIDAY PACKAGES” by Eric Summers.
(STARBooks Press; available from several “TESTOSTERONE: A MAN’S GUIDE”
online outlets) (Milestones Publishing) by long-time HIV
survivor Nelson Vergel is a new release
“THE UN-NATURAL STATE” (University of that explores the benefits of testosterone
Arkansas Press) is a one-of-a-kind study replacement therapy. ($19.99; Amazon)
of gay and lesbian life in Arkansas in the
last century by gay D.C. resident Brock “THE PARALLAX CUSP” is a collection
Thompson. He analyzes the meaning of of poetry by gay Atlanta resident Dustin
rural drag shows that featured beauty pag- Shelby who spent a decade document-
eants with some in black face. By explor- ing his personal evolution. $15; Amazon
ing identity formation, group articulation (
november 19, 2010 • 31

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32 • november 19, 2010


Wednesday, december 1, 2010

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Co-sponsored by the DC Center

tUesday, noVember 30, 2010

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Wednesday, december 1, 2010

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red hot night at Urbana

to benefit Whitman-Walker
hotel palomar | 2121 p st., nW | 5:30 – 8:30 pm
answers 20 questions. QUeery, page 34
arts & entertainment • vol. 41, issue 47 • november 19, 2010 • Page 33

Local chefs breathe new life then gently place on the marshmallow
sauce and sea salt. Serve immediately.
into Thanksgiving staples
Cranberry Sauce
Traditions can be tricky for LGBT peo- From Barbara Hays, a lesbian and project
ple. Those who’ve been shut out from manager for progressive social/political orga-
family gatherings may prefer Chinese nizations and initiatives and owner of Organi-
takeout or pizza on Thanksgiving. But zational Chemistry, comes this fresh spin on
for those who’ll be cooking next week cranberry sauce made with whole cranberries.
but want to breathe a little new life into Nothing says “Thanksgiving dinner” like
the same old thing, we asked local chefs the aroma of this cranberry sauce wafting
and foodies for some fresh spins. through the house. I usually make it early in
From new ways to make traditional the process, although it usually means there’s
dishes to unexpected fare that won’t be less by the time we all sit down to dinner.
jarring with the turkey and mashed pota-
toes, here are some ideas to enliven the 1 medium navel orange
proceedings. 2 cups water
Cut orange in half. Squeeze out and
Sweet Potato Soufflé with set aside juice (¼ to a ½ cup – pulp is
Marshmallow Cream good!)
From Gillian Clark, the lesbian chef and Remove the membrane from the or-
owner of General Store in Silver Spring. ange peel and cut into a very small dice.
Cook in small saucepan with 2 cups wa-
4 sweet potatoes ter – bring to boil and let cook for 10 min-
6 eggs separated utes. Drain and set cooked peel aside.
1 tablespoon brown sugar Granny Smith apple (other tart variety

rethinking tradition
1 tsp salt is fine). Peel, quarter and core. Chop into
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper medium pieces. Set aside.
1/4 tsp nutmeg 12 oz. package cranberries (about 3
1/2 cup soft butter cups). Wash and go over carefully, dis-
1/2 cup fine bread crumbs carding any that are soft.
8 ramekins Combine in heavy medium saucepan:
15 marshmallows diced orange peel, reserved orange juice,
1 tsp. sea salt chopped apple, and cranberries. Add:
1 ¼ cup sugar
Preheat the oven to 425. Rub olive oil all ½ t. ground cinnamon
over the potatoes and place on the sheet ¼ t. ground cloves
tray into the hot oven. Roast for about 30 Bring to a boil and reduce to a sim-
minutes or until a knife inserted goes in mer and cover partially. Stir gently sev-
smoothly. When the potatoes have cooled, eral times while the mixture is cooking
peel them completely. Mash them and blend — usually about 15 minutes. Cranberries
with the six yolks in a food processor. Add should have burst, and apples are very
the sugar, salt, pepper and spices. Blend tender. Let cool to room temperature be-
well. Set aside in a large mixing bowl. With fore serving.
a pastry brush, completely coat the inside This recipe can be made well in advance
and the rim of the ramekins with the soft but- of the meal, even the day before. Bring to
ter. Dust and cover completely with a fine room temperature if it’s been refrigerated.
layer of breadcrumbs. Set aside on a sheet Children get a huge kick out of hearing the
tray. Whip the egg whites to a soft peak and cranberries pop when it’s cooking.
gently fold into the sweet potato mixture. Fill
the ramekins with the mixture to about 7/8 Orange Glazed Stuffed Chicken
full. Place in the oven until puffed high and Guilherme Barreto is the executive
slightly browned — about 20 minutes. chef of Floriana, a winner in our Best of
While the soufflés are in the oven, Gay DC readers’ poll last month. He of-
make the marshmallow sauce. Simply fers this orange glazed stuffed chicken
melt the marshmallows over low heat in a for a meal anchor that’ll sub for turkey.
saucepan. With a spoon, pour a puddle
of the warm marshmallow sauce onto an Chicken Brine: Soak chicken in water,
appetizer plate. Sprinkle with a pinch of sugar, salt, whole black peppercorns, cori-
sea salt. Unmold the soufflé by running a ander, thyme and a fresh squeezed orange.
paring knife around the inner sides of the
ramekin. Unmold into a clean towel and Continues on page 50
Washington Blade photos by Michael Key
34 • november 19, 2010

QUEERY: 20 Questions for Dustin Schaad aka Ba’Naka

By JOEY DiGUGLIELMO If your life were a book, what would
How long have you been out and who the title be?
was the hardest person to tell?
I came out when I was 15. The hard- “Taffeta & Shattered Dreams: My life in
Dustin Schaad — aka Ba’Naka — came to the Tragic Queendom.”
est person I came out to is a tie between
Washington in the winter of 2003 during a rough my Grandmothers Hazel and Rose. I was
time in his life. He’d been through a breakup, afraid to tell them because these women If science discovered a way to change
couldn’t afford college and was on the outs with were my rocks growing up and I was sexual orientation, what would you do?
his parents, so he came to stay with an aunt who I would personally lead a One Queen
afraid that they would disapprove. I was
was here and life started improving. Revolution against it! I was born gay and
blessed that they both accepted me with
The 25-year-old Bradenton, Fla., native had I love my life ... I wouldn’t want to be any
open arms.
already started dabbling in drag. He’d been doing other way.
drag shows at a place called Triangles in Sarasota, Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
Who’s your gay hero?
Fla., a few nights a week. When he got to Washing- Lena Lett — she’s clever, witty and has What do you believe in beyond the
ton, local drag legend Kristina Kelly took him under her wing and he started appearing a tongue sharper than a Ginsu knife but physical world?
with her at Omega and Apex occasionally then as a regular at BeBar in 2007. she is also a beacon of compassion and Really? You’re asking a drag queen
As Ba’Naka — whose name came about during a middle-of-the-night Wal-Mart about her meta-physical philosophies?
generosity, who’s given me many pearls
confrontation in his home state — Schaad’s drag star has only risen. Ba’Naka is a No one cares what I think. Ask me about
of wisdom over the years.
regular at Town and just won the drag queen favorite award in the Blade’s annual glitter and shiny things!
“Best Of” readers’ poll. With Town cohort Shi-Queeta-Lee, Ba’Naka was on “Ameri- What is Washington’s best nightspot,
ca’s Got Talent” a few years ago. What’s your advice for LGBT move-
past or present?
“Ba’Naka and Dustin are really the same people,” Schaad says. “We’re both loud and Of course I love where I work, Cobalt ment leaders?
boisterous and in some ways I’m even more comfortable going out as her. Drag queens Cut the crap, drop the egos. Equality
and Town, but some of my fondest night-
can get away with murder — all kinds of stuff I could never get away with as Dustin.” is an American birthright. Focus on that.
life memories, as blurry as they may be,
Schaad says drag is an art form and that the LGBT community at large should are from the old BeBar Days circa ‘07. I
appreciate queens more. had so much fun, often followed by the What would you walk across hot
“I always remind people it was a drag queen who threw the first brick at Stonewall worst hangovers imaginable. coals for?
so everybody enjoying their gay life today has a drag queen to thank.” Justin, the love of my life. He passed
By day Schaad is a buyer for Universal Gear where he’s worked for about seven away this year and I would do anything to
Describe your dream gay wedding.
years. He likes working there but also fantasizes about doing drag — which he calls bring him back.
One in which I have all of my friends
a passion — full time. and family and a man that I am head over
Schaad enjoys fashion design, art, movies, shopping and travel and lives in Sil- heels for — and a 29-inch waist! (Note What gay stereotype annoys you most?
ver Spring. He’s single and now on good terms with his parents, grandparents and Gay stereotypes don’t annoy me; I find
that I will NOT have a tacky beach wed-
four younger sisters. Since he works in gay clubs — Ba’Naka co-hosts the package them hysterical!
ding or wear white, I mean let’s be hon-
contest on Thursdays at Cobalt in addition to her work at Town — he can often be est.)
found on off nights at Stetson’s, a straight bar on U Street. What’s your favorite gay movie?
What non-gay issue are you most “Spice World.” If that’s not a gay movie
passionate about? I don’t know what is.
Prepping for the Zombie-Apocalypse
... girl, I am stock piled on canned foods What’s the most overrated social custom?
and have a fabulous pair of thigh-high Trust. Wait, does that make me cynical?
combat boots on order.
What trophy or prize do you most covet?
What historical outcome would you Ha! Don’t laugh, but my Pinewood
change? Derby trophy from Cub Scouts. This sis-
The 2000 presidential election results syboy showed those manly men how it
because seriously we all could have was done!
done without the pain, fear and suffering
brought on by eight years of Bush. What do you wish you’d known at 18?
That my metabolism would betray me
What’s been the most memorable pop at age 23.
culture moment of your lifetime?
The Britney/Madonna kiss … come Why Washington?
on! Scandalous! I moved to D.C. in 2003 after high
school. I had broken up with my boy-
On what do you insist? friend, I couldn’t afford college on my
Condoms ... men are dogs, they tend own and I desperately needed to get
to roam and I don’t want fleas brought out of Florida. I had an aunt who lived
home. up here and offered me a way out and
I moved up and started a new adven-
What was your last Facebook post or ture. I fell in love with D.C. because it
Tweet? gave me the chance at a new start. I
“The maid alphabetized my porn! love this city and I love our LGBT com-
Good for her!” munity. It’s home!

Washington Blade photo by Michael Key

november 19, 2010 • 35

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36 • november 19, 2010

The D.C. Center (1318 U St., N.W.)
will be holding an opening reception to-
day for Body Scapes, an art exhibit by
local artist, Bill Travis from 6 to 8 p.m. The
exhibit will be on display through Jan. 5.
Lace Lounge (2214 Rhode Island
Ave., N.E.) will be celebrating its two year
anniversary this weekend. Tonight is Pink
Friday. There will be a “crazy shoe game”
contest, painted body models, surprise
open bars and more. Visit for
more information.
The 23rd annual Washington Craft
Show opens today at the Walter E. Washing-
ton Convention Center from 10 a.m to 8 p.m.
This events features 190 of the nation’s top
craft artists. Tickets are $15 for general ad-
mission, $13 for senior, $8 for students and
children under 12 are admitted for free. Kelly
Conway, curator of glass at the Chrysler Mu-
seum of Art will be leading a panel discus-
sion with Matthew Fine, Charles Savoie and
Tim Tate at 1 p.m. Libby Mijanovich will pres-
ent “Transformation: Creating Contemporary
‘Green’ Art from Vintage Clothing” at 3 p.m.
Erotica Productions and Breeze of
“Sex is a Breeze” present “Sexxxhi-
bition: the Medical Fetish Edition” at
the Warehouse Loft (411 New York Ave.,
N.E.) from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. Advance
tickets are $20 and can be purchased at Tickets at
the door are $25 for those in costume/
fetish wear and $30 for those in street
clothes before 1 a.m.
The D.C. Center (1318 U St., N.W.)
will be holding a workshop for those who
have experienced the death of a loved Photo courtesy of Paul Oakenfold
one in the past year today from 6:30 to
DJ Paul Oakenfold spins at Club 9:30 Tuesday.
8:30 p.m. The workshop will include dis-
cussions of strategies for coping with
grief and loss during the holiday season. of She.Rex, Zack Rosen of Homo/Sonic Sunday, Nov. 21 Tuesday, Nov. 23
The blog True Genius Requires Insanity and Joshua of Gay Bash. Doors open at Lace Lounge’s two year anniversary Paul Oakenfold will be at 9:30 Club
is hosting “All Girl Everything: A Happy 9 p.m. and there is a $8 cover. This is a celebration ends tonight with “Lyrics (815 V St., N.W.) tonight with Chuckie and
Hour to Support Rock D.C.” at the U Street 21-and-older event. and Lace,” an open mic, live entertain- Nervo. Doors open at 7 p.m. Tickets are
Music Hall (1115 U St., N.W.) today from 5 The 23rd annual Washington Craft ment exhibition. Appetizers will be half $25 and can be purchased at
to 10 p.m. All proceeds from the bar will go Show continues today at the Walter E. off and there will be drink specials. The Nellie’s will be having its weekly
directly to the organization. DJs Natty Boom Washington Convention Center from 10 Coolats band will be performing an the “Glee” watch party on the roof deck to-
and vAnniety Kills will be spinning hits by a.m to 6 p.m. This events features 190 of show starts at 8 p.m. E-mail dclace@ya- night at 8 p.m. featuring $3 Nellie Beer
female artists. To find out more about the the nation’s top craft artists. Tickets are to perform. Visit for all night.
organization, visit $15 for general admission, $13 for senior, more information.
DJs K La Rock and Junebullet will $8 for students and children under 12 Cherry Blossom Bombshells and Wednesday, Nov. 24
be providing music at Wet Girls at Jim- are admitted for free. Bob Devers from the Scare Force One will be competing
my Valentine’s Lonely Hearts Club (1103 the ceramics department at the Corco- today at the D.C. Armory (2001 E. Capi- Omega will hosts its weekly pool
Bladensburg Rd., N.E.) from 9:30 p.m. to ran School of Arts will lead a panel dis- tol St., S.E.). Tickets are $12 for general tournament tonight. First place wins a
3 a.m. This is a free event for those 21 cussion with leading experts in the field admission, $6 for children 6 through 11, $50 bar tab and second place wins a
and over. of American fine craft at 1 p.m. Nancy and children under 6 will be admitted free. $25 bar tab. Shirtless men drink free on
Women is their 30s will be holding a Kubale will present “The Human Condi- Tickets are available at the door or can be both floors from 10 to 11 p.m. The Men
discussion meeting tonight at the D.C. Cen- tion in Clay” at 3 p.m. purchased in advanced. Doors open at of Omega perform at 10 p.m. Doors
ter (1318 U St., N.W.) from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Lace Lounge’s (2214 Rhode Island 3 p.m. For more information and to pur- open at 4 p.m.
Ave., N.E.) two year anniversary celebra- chase tickets, visit Cobalt (1639 R St., N.W.) will be hosting
Saturday, Nov. 20 tion continues tonight with the “All Black Alvin Jackson, pastor of Park Avenue its weekly karaoke party tonight at 9 p.m.
Everything” Affair. There will be compli- Christian Church in New York City, will be
Unity Fellowship Church, D.C. will mentary champagne fountains and din- a guest preacher at Michigan Park Chris- Thursday, Nov. 25
be having its annual gospel concert, ner buffet. All black attire highly recom- tian Church (1600 Taylor St., N.E.) today
“Sounds of Zion Choir” tonight from 6:30 mended. This event starts at 9 p.m. Visit for the 10 a.m. morning worship service. Burgundy Crescent Volunteers
to 7:30 p.m. at the Luther Place Memorial for more information. will be having its eighth annual “Clear
Church (1226 Vermont Ave., N.W.). The MIXTAPE D.C. is tonight at the old Monday, Nov. 22 OUT Your Closets” Thanksgiving cloth-
choir will be under the direction of Profes- EFN Lounge space (1318 9th St., N.W.) ing drive for the homeless and needy.
sor David Rogers and will feature a special from 10 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. MIXTAPE is The 2010 annual Electronic Media Clothing drop-off is from 10 a.m. to
presentation by Johnny Sabbat. Tickets a dance party for queer music lovers and Film Fall Film Series presents films noon today at Rosemary’s Thyme res-
are $10 and can be purchased by con- and their pals that features DJs Shea about the relationship between math, taurant’s patio (1801 18th St., N.W.).
tacting the church at 202-246-6299 or e- Van Horn and Matt Bailer playing an sciences and storytelling. This week’s Clothing distribution will be from noon
mailing eclectic mix of electro, alt-pop, indie film is “Good Will Hunting” starring Ben to 2 p.m.
Balls returns to Velvet Lounge (915 rock, house, disco, new wave and any- Affleck and Matt Damon in the Van Bok- The film “Burlesque” starring Cher,
U St., N.W.) tonight with Troll Tax, the Co- thing else danceable. $5 cover for 21 klen Hall Auditorium at Towson University Christina Aguilera and Alan Cumming
olots, Tayisha Busay and DJs Junebullet and over. at 7:30 p.m. This is a free event. opens nationwide today.
november 19, 2010 • 37


H !
H !
Trips, trails and treks
Local gay sports groups
Photo courtesy of Majoros

The Capital Punishment gay volleyball team will be in a regional tournament next weekend.

LGBT hiking outfit, will visit Browntown Trail

H !
Hike on Nov. 27 at 9 a.m. at the East Falls Give the gift of good taste with gift coins
have big plans for Church Metro Station. This historic, but sel- and gift cards, redeemable at any of our
coming months dom visited, pathway is on the western side
of the Blue Ridge immediately below South
restaurants. Gift coins come in increments
Marshall Peak. Though the trail is rough of $25, $50 or $100 packaged in a velvet-
By KEVIN MAJOROS and rocky, the slope is generally gentle, lined gift box. Gift cards carry easily in
with many switchbacks. Total length of anyone’s wallet and are available in any
Several of the region’s LGBT sports this moderate-to-strenuous round-trip
leagues have major events in the coming hike is less than seven miles, with about denomination.
week. Here are some highlights. 1,500 feet of elevation gain. Bring bever- Purchase cards and coins online at
The Capital Punishment Volleyball ages, lunch and about $13 for admission, along with Clyde’s t-shirts, and
Club will participate in the 2010 Presi- transportation and trip fees. Optional inex-
dent’s Queer Cup Classic on Nov. 27-28 pensive dinner in Front Royal on the way reproductions of our monthly food special
at the Reckord Armory in College Park, home. Meet at 9 in the Kiss & Ride lot of posters.
Md., featuring North American Gay Vol- the East Falls Church Metro Station. Go to
leyball Association-sanctioned pool and for more information.
tournament play. Visit Ski Bums Washington Chapter has a
for more information. happy hour for Dec. 3 at 8 p.m. at Nellie’s
MYOB Adventures offers a flying tra- Sports Bar. The group will announce its trips
peze lesson Nov. 27 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. for the coming year. Prizes will be given. Vis-
at the D.C. Navy Yard. Cost is $75 per it for more information.
person. E-mail to Washington Renegades Rugby has
for more information. its final game of the fall season against
D.C. Gay Flag Football League has Winchester Rugby on Saturday at 1 p.m. CLYDE’S RESTAURANT GROUP:
its championships on Sunday from 10 at Cardozo High School in Columbia Clyde’s of Georgetown, Tysons Corner, Reston,
a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Carter Barron Fields. Heights. With a win last week against
Check out the action as the teams battle Rappahannock, the Renegades moved Columbia, Chevy Chase, Mark Center, Gallery
it out for the league championships. Visit into second place in the Potomac Rugby Place; Tower Oaks Lodge; The Tomato Palace; for more information. Union. Watch the Renegades wrap up Willow Creek Farm; Old Ebbitt Grill;
D.C. Ice Breakers has its “mega” their season at home against the Win-
skate night and social on Dec. 11 at 5:45 chester Cannons. Visit www.dcrugby. The Tombs; 1789 Restaurant
p.m. at the Kettler Capital Iceplex in Ar- com for more information.
lington. It’s being hosted by 10 LGBT DC Frontrunners are having a
groups including two lesbian groups. “Thanksgiving day trot for hunger” on
There will be an hour of casual skating, Thursday at 8:30 a.m. at West Potomac
then attendees will move to Bailey’s Pub Park. This 5K timed run and “family fun
in the same complex for a social. Skating walk” helps SOME Services provide more
is $8, plus $3 for skate rental. The social than 1,000 meals on Thanksgiving day and
at Bailey’s is “pay as you go.” Visit www. every day for the homeless and hungry. for more information. Go to for more in-
Adventuring Outdoors Group, an formation.
38 • november 19, 2010


Photo courtesy of

There are a number of great gift ideas out there for the auto lover in your life.

Gifts for the auto-phile

From $12 Ford caps to a Offshore Grand Prix Collection—$35,000
to $95,000—comes in forged carbon,
$400 Bugatti umbrella rose gold, or platinum; water-resistant to
330 feet; and self-winding with 60-hour
By JOE PHILLIPS reserve (from Audemars Piguet). Scude-
ria Ferrari One—$300,000—yikes, these
Finally, after two terrible years in the auto are so exclusive they’re available only to
industry (remember all those closed dealer- current Ferrari owners (from Cabestan)
ships and the GM and Chrysler bailouts?)
car sales are up again—even as prices re- BMW’s Key-like USB Stick
main oh-so-low. But if you still can’t swing a BMW’s new USB memory stick ($45)
stylish new ride for those gay and lesbian may not be an actual car key, but it sure
auto-philes in your life, here are some auto- looks like one. Press on the trunk button,
related gifts that are just as fun. and the USB plug slides out to fit in a
computer or audio/music port for USB-
Bugatti Bling capable vehicles.
A Bugatti Veyron supercar costs around
$2 million, which makes these Bugatti Toy Cars for Kids—and Grown-Ups
accessories a real bargain: polo shirts Before there were Hot Wheels, there
($183), jackets ($540 to $615) and a sleek were “slot cars.” These miniature model
royal-blue umbrella ($430) that looks like cars were motorized and ran on slotted
the perfect accessory for Curt on a Glee- tracks, similar to model railroads. Today’s
inspired remake of “Singin’ in the Rain.” slot cars are now digital, so they can
change lanes. And while only two cars
Cobra Baseball Cap could race in the past, now up to six cars
Here’s a butch stocking stuffer for can compete for the checkered flag. Here
muscle-car lovers: Ford’s faux snake- are three of the best: Carrera Digital Motor
skin cap ($12). It has a brushed-metal Monsters, $270, with two cars and 18 feet
medallion with a sinister, swirling cobra of track (additional cars are $50 extra);
ready to strike—the logo for Mustang’s SCX NASCAR Tri-Oval Superspeedway,
high-performance model, the Shelby Co- $370, with three cars and 19 feet of track;
bra. First built from 1965 through 1970, and Scaalextric Digital PRO GT, $500,
the Cobra was revived in 2007 after Ford with four cars and 22 feet of track.
came out with its fifth-generation Stang.
The new 2011 Mustang Shelby GT500 Cool Driving Schools
Cobra is the best one yet, scooting from Here’s a gift you may just want to keep
0 to 60 mph in just 4.4 seconds. for yourself. These one-day programs
help channel your inner James Bond to
Tricked-Out Watches safely out-maneuver bad drivers, errant
Each year, carmakers try to outdo pedestrians and potholes:
each other with auto-oriented time- Skip Barber Racing School, $1,800
pieces. Here are four worth, er, watch- Bondurant Racing School, $1,700
ing: Renault Formula One—$325 to Jim Russell Racing Drivers School, $800
$875—with high-end stainless-steel cas- For Jeff Gordon wannabes, there are
ing and tachymeter dials (from watch- three-day programs in high-test Formula
maker TW Steel). IndyCar Limited Edi- One racers:
tion—$3,000—features titanium casing Skip Barber Racing School, $4,000
and ’70s groovy styling, but only 50 will Bondurant Racing School, $4,300
be produced (from Ritmo). Royal Oak Jim Russell Racing Drivers School, $4.800
november 19, 2010 • 39

2007 VW Rabbit
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$19,850 $19,995
40 • november 19, 2010


HOT HITS AND HIDDEN JEWELS OPENINGS DancEthos, Brettmann Dances & Cho-
reographers Collaboration in Concert.
23rd Annual Washington Craft Show Sat, Nov. 20 Joe’s Movement Emporium. 301-699-
Nov 19 - Nov 21 A Christmas Carol. Ford’s Theatre. 202- 1819.
Washington Craft Show
Drops of Water / Gotas de Agua. Teatro
Sun, Nov. 21
Washington Convention Center de la Luna. 703-548-3092. teatrodelalu-
The Kennedy Center Chamber Play-
202-249-3000 ers play Loeffler, Hindemith, Poulenc, & Washington Color and Light by Corco- Dvor·k. Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.
A premier event of contemporary craft in ran Gallery of Art.
America, the Washington Craft Show pres- Washington Performing Arts Society:
ents masterful work, beautifully displayed. LAST CHANCE Toyko String Quartet, Jeremy Denk, pi-
Each piece is one-of-a-kind or limited edition ano. Strathmore. 202-785-9727.
in a range of prices, all designed and crafted Sat, Nov. 20
in artists’ studios across America. King Ubu/Ubu Rey by Teatro de la Luna.
The Master and Margarita.Synetic The-
The Joffrey Ballet: The Nutcracker National Symphony Orchestra: Susan-
atre. Lansburgh Theatre.202-547-1122.
na Mälkki, conductor / Garrick Ohls-
Nov 24 - Nov 28
son, piano, plays Beethoven by National
Kennedy Center Symphony Orchestra, Kennedy Center.
Washington Shakespeare Company:
202-467-4600 202-467-4600. Richard III and Mary Stuart. Washington The Sumi - e Society Exhibition, Oct. Shakespeare Company, ARTISPHERE. 703-
The Joffrey Ballet dancers perform Gerald 13 - Nov. 21 by Workhouse Arts Center. 418-4808.
Arpino’s dazzling version of Tchaikovsky’s 703-584-2900. The War of the Worlds, by Orson Welles
family classic, featuring charming Victorian & Howard Koch. SCENA Theatre, H Street
scenery and costumes. Sun, Nov. 21 Playhouse. 202-683-2824.
Hair by Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. One Night with Fanny Brice. American
New Paintings by Sheep Jones Century Theater, Rosslyn Spectrum. 703-
Jose Barrios and Company in Por si 998-4555.
Through Nov 21 acaso amanece/If it Should Dawn.
Gallery plan b Superior Donuts. The Studio Theatre.
GALA Hispanic Theatre. 202-234-7174.
202-234-2711 202-332-3300. The Odd Couple. Theater J. 800-494-
Darwin in Malibu. Washington Stage
Sheep Jones returns to plan b with a new 8497.
Guild, Undercroft Theatre. 240-582-
collection of paintings which will inevitably 0050. House of Gold. Woolly Mammoth. 202-
include images of her favorite bugs and root Blue: An Interpretation by Del Ray 393-3939.
vegetables and little girls and fish and shacks Artisans. 202-362-6405. theDelRayArti-
and perhaps some surprises. ONGOING EXHIBITONS
Corcoran Gallery of Art. 202-639-1700.
Golden Boy
Tue, Nov. 23 Spencer Finch: My Busi-
Food for Thought: The Medici Tondo of ness, with the Cloud
Nov 20 - Dec 19 the ‘Magi’ in the National Gallery of Art
Keegan Theatre Museum of Women in the Arts. Books
by National Gallery of Art. Without Words: The Visual Poetry of Elis-
Church Street Theater
abetta Gut, Loïs Mailou Jones: A Life in
703-892-0202 LIMITED ENGAGEMENT Vibrant Color Nov. 19 - Nov. 20 National Archives.
Joe Bonaparte sets aside his dream of be- Living, Breathing, Human Organism.
coming a violinist for the promise of a lucra- Discovering the Civil War - Consequences
Round House Theatre Silver Spring. 240- National Gallery of Art. Arcim-
tive boxing career. As he skyrockets to boxing 644-1100.
fame, Joe finds himself torn between the lure boldo, 1526–1593: Nature and Fantasy.
of big money and the distinct possibility of in- Nov. 19 - Nov. 21 The Pre-Raphaelite Lens: British Photog-
juring his hands and permanently destroying The Maltese Bodkin. American Uni- raphy and Painting, 1848–1875, Pictur-
his musical career. versity Rude Mechanicals, American ing the Victorians: British Photographs
University Katzen Arts Center. 239-738- and Reproductive Prints from the Depart-
CREDITS: The Guide to Arts & Culture is supplied by, a program of the Cultural Al- 4450. ment of Image Collections. From Impres-
liance of Greater Washington. SHEEP JONES: Supplied by Gallery plan b; CRAFT SHOW: Supplied by sionism to Modernism: The Chester Dale
Washington Craft Show; GOLDEN BOY: Supplied by Keegan Theatre; THE NUTCRACKER: Supplied by Nov. 20 - Nov. 21
Kennedy Center. Lesole’s Dance Project. Dance Place. Collection, In the Tower: Mark Rothko,
202-269-1600. American Modernism: The Shein Collec-
Balalaikas Across the Steppes.Wash- tion, German Master Drawings from the
ington Balalaika Society, F. Scott Fitzger- Wolfgang Ratjen Collection, 1580-1900.
ald Theatre. 240-314-8690. National Geographic. 202-857-7588. Simply
ONE NIGHT ONLY Beautiful, Geckos: From Tails to Toepads ,
Wild Music: Songs & Sounds of Life, Great
Sat, Nov. 20 Migrations: A Photography Exhibition
The Embassy Series Presents: Edvi-
The Textile Museum. 202-667-0441.
nas Minkstimas, piano. Embassy of
Lithuania. 202-625-2361. embassys- The Art of Living: Textile Furnishings from the Permanent
Kurt Elling. Kennedy Center. 202-467- Collection, Colors of the Oasis: Central
4600. Asian Ikats
Washington Performing Arts Society:
Ravi Coltrane. Sixth & I Historic Syna- ONGOING GALLERIES
gogue. 202-785-9727. Mark(in)g Time: New Paintings by Janis
Bringing Wagner’s Vision to Life. In Goodman by Reyes + Davis Indepen-
Cooperation with the Wagner Society of dent Exhibitions. 202-255-5050.
Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Resident Tang: Freedom & Its Owner by Trans-
Associate Program, Ripley Center. 202- former.
633-3030. Glimpse by Lee Newman by Washing-
Chaise Lounge. Wolf Trap. ton Printmakers Gallery. washington-
november 19, 2010 • 41

Unexpected job offer
leads to new opportunity Sidney W. Binks III, Ph.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Discovery manager helps

Individual & Couples Therapy
for the LGBT Community
18 years experience!!
guide diversity programs
for 4,000 staffers 202.255.5187
3000 Connecticut Avenue
Becky Carroll, Ph.D. Individuals u Couples u Sex

Alan Durand swears he wasn’t look- Licensed Psychologist Helping People

ing for a new job. The CAGLCC mem- Interactive Counseling, Grow Stronger
ber was happily employed at Capital Psychotherapy and in Rough Times
One, where he worked for more than five Somatic Experiencing

years in the legal and human resources Michael Radkowsky, Psy.D.
Licensed Psychologist u 15 years experience
departments. He enjoyed being part of 202.332.8477
Near Woodley & Cleveland Park metro
the company’s LGBT employee affinity
( 202) 234-3278
group, and he was the co-chair of the 3000 Connecticut Ave., NW
McLean, Va. chapter. the lgbtq community’s news source
Durand began volunteering with CA-
GLCC on its Corporate Connections SANDRA LOITERSTEIN, Ph.D.

Initiative, the goal of which was “to get

LGBT groups at large local employers to
Licensed cLinicaL PsychoLogist
Former PFLag Board memBer
Therapy Please check your ad copy
for accuracy. The ad will be
share best practices and talk to each oth- Results-Oriented ▼ presumed
Text revisions Affordable correct if proof
er.” In April, CAGLCC executive director I ndIvIdual T herapy Image/Logo revisions
Larry Cohen,
corrections are not submitted

by 24 hrs. of receipt of this
Mark Guenther asked him to speak at the C ouples C ounselIng No revisions copy
22 years serving the glbt of your ad.

initiative’s first event, which was hosted 202-244-0903
at Discovery Communications. 3004 Lee HigHway •Proof
arLington#, Va
1 Issue Date 080606Sales Rep ka

“All I was asked to do was talk about 703-524-5285 Signature See website for NPR story on my work
❑ Logo correct?
my work with the Chamber and the goals the lgbtq community’s news source

Lorraine Biros, LCPC

of the initiative,” Durand explained. ❑ Are phone PROOF#:
number3& address correct?
After he completed his presentation, a AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL
❑ Are prices accurate?Dream Plan Track
woman in the back of the room raised her Please check your ad copy for accuracy. Licensed Clinical
The ad will be Professional Counselor

hand and said, “Are you looking for a job?” presumed correct if proof corrections
Photo courtesy of CAGLCC are not submitted by
❑ Corrections? Revisions Please check your ad copy
A unique and collaborative approachfor
Redesign accuracy.
to financial The ad will be
Durand was stunned. An informal 24 hrs. of receipt of this copy of your ad. Life Transitions, Grief
❑ Work,
OK as Stress
is Text revisions presumed correct if proof
Marguerita Cheng, CFP®, CRPC®
Alan Durand wasn’t looking for a job when Image/Logo revisions corrections are not submitted
Financial Advisor
conversation quickly led to submitting an opportunity at Discovery Communica- Reduction, Women's Health CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM
practitioner by 24 hrs. of receipt of this
his resumé, a formal interview and a job tionsSignature:
unexpectedly presented itself. No revisions
6400 Goldsboro Rd Suite 550
Bethesda, MD 20817 copy of your ad.
offer. The woman who spoke up that day
is now his manager. “ArtJamz breaks down the fourth wall CA License #: 0G89743

Through the Chamber, Durand already of going out and lets people unleash Signature Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC.
had a few contacts at Discovery, so he their inner artist and get their hands dirty.
checked out the company’s culture. “The It is set up to be interactive and allows Lorraine MichaelBiros, DeningerLCPCPhD

Chamber provided me with a resource to people to get to know each other,” says Revisions
Licensed Professional Counselor Redesign
talk to about this potential new opportu- community ally and founder Michael Certifed in Hypnotherapy and NLP Text revision
nity and to see if Discovery would be the Clements. “We have been looking for INDIVIDUALS, COUPLES & GROUPS Image/Logo
right cultural fit for me.” creative ways to support our (Capital • Relationships • Habits
ASL Used Here

the lgbtq community’s news source No revisions

“It all happened pretty quickly.” From Queer) Prom beneficiary the Youth Pride • Coming Out • Depression
the moment the woman in the back of the Alliance,” says CAGLCC member and PROOF#: 1 • Phobias • Spirituality
• TraumasISSUE DATE: • Family 100507
Issues SALES REP: PR Signature
room raised her hand to Durand’s accep- recipient of the CAGLCC 2009 Future • Anxiety • Intimacy
tance of the offer all took less than five Business Leader Award, Eboné Bell,
weeks. “I wasn’t looking for a new job, founder of B.O.I. Marketing & Promo- (703)212-8406 •
but you have to be open to opportunities tions. “Our LGBT youth need our support
when they present themselves.” now more than ever and we are excited
Durand’s new position at Discovery that ArtJamz has given us a creative way Therapy for Adults, Joel C. Ang, M.D.
Family Medicine, HIV Diagnosis & Treatment
Communications is Work Life and Diver- to support the community.” Adolescents & Couples
sity Program Manager. In this role he is Register to become an ArtJammer at Coming Out 202-667-5041
responsible for the daily management for $60. Concerns About Intimacy, Partner Choice,
Family, Relationship Stress, Adult Primary Care
of Discovery’s wellness, flexibility, diver- Guests who aren’t participating, but Chronic Illness
sity and inclusion programs, which reach still want to socialize and appreciate the 1759 Q Street NW, Washington, DC
more than 4,000 employees in more than art may attend for $15. It’s a great way to Douglas L. Romberg, Ph.D. Red Line Metro • Dupont Circle

(202) 296-0033 free Wi-Fi
20 countries. meet people or to get a group of friends Dupont Circle Proof #1 Issue Date 081205 REP: BP • Limited Parking

Blade Proof
together — all for a great cause. CA- Is the logo correct?
Jamming for Youth Pride Alliance GLCC is proud to co-sponsor the event. Are phone number & address correct? Same Day Appointments
CAGLCC, Long View Gallery and Art- Are prices accurate?
Insurance Accepted
Jamz are coming together to support The CAGLCC Member News Corrections?
Copies of records at each visit
Youth Pride Alliance. On Dec. 1, 40 par- Steve Thalheimer, Please
check your ad copy for accuracy. The ad will be presumed correct if
corrections are not submitted by 24 hrs.of receipt of this copy of your ad.
OK as is

ticipants (“ArtJammers”) will convene at Financial Planning, is named in the cur- Instant HIV/Syphilis/Herpes Testing
Signature: CLIA Certified Laboratory
Long View Gallery to paint the night away rent issue of Washingtonian Magazine as A D V E RT I S I N G
and create their own work of art. Canvas, one of the top financial planners in the
paint, brushes, snacksPROOF #2
and libations are ISSUE DATE:
D.C. metropolitan 101015 nan-
area. thalheimerfi SALES REPRESENTATIVE: Jeryl Parade ( Sylvia R. Medley, M.D., M.P.H.
provided, together with a chance to so- Internal Medicine, HIV, Women’s Health
cialize with fellow ArtJammers, while be- Congratulations to David
AD FOR COPY CFA, AND DESIGN ACCURACY. Revisions must be submitted within 24 hours of the date of proof. Weight Management
Proof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of the date
ing entertained by an ArtJamz host and
REVISIONS CFP, of Kalorama Wealth will not be accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff pitts omnimedia 202-667-5041
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42 • november 19, 2010


Photo by Carol Pratt; courtesy of Studio

Johnny Ramey, left, and Richard Cotovsky in ‘Superior Donuts,’ the current production at the
Studio Theatre.

The odd couple

‘August’ playwright declining Uptown neighborhood. He re-
calls an activist youth and his fleeing to
explores unlikely friendship Canada to evade the draft. He remem-
in Studio’s ‘Donuts’ bers a comfortable but short-lived mar-
riage, and his daughter. Beneath Arthur’s
current somnambulant façade, there’s
By PATRICK FOLLIARD sadness and some regret.
Judging from his donut play, Letts,
Donuts are Arthur Przybyszewski’s life, though no Pollyanna, is ultimately an op-
or so he says. Lately, the owner of the title timist. He believes in the future and new
establishment in Tracy Letts’ Chicago-set beginnings. And while “Superior Donuts’”
comedy “Superior Donuts” (currently play- humor isn’t nearly as scathing as that of his
ing at the Studio Theatre) has become pro- Pulitzer Prize-winning Broadway hit “Au-
gressively disinterested in his work. gust: Osage County,” it’s funny, entertain-
Most days, the grizzled old stoner ing and similarly tackles the grittier aspects
comes in late (if at all) and sometimes of life. For instance, unable to repay a huge
he neglects to place orders for new sup- loan to neighborhood toughs, Franco suf-
plies. When the donut shop is vandal- fers serious consequences. While this sub-
ized, Arthur barely reacts. Two beat cops plot doesn’t ring entirely true, it does force
on the scene and Max, an angry Russian Arthur to experience feelings and recon-
who owns the DVD shop next door, are nect to his more alive former self. It also
more visibly concerned. And just when opens the way for a first rate knock-down
the business that Arthur inherited from drag-out fistfight (props to fight choreogra-
his father seems doomed to fail, Franco pher Robb Hunter).
Wicks, an energetic young black man Russell Metheny’s realistic set is su-
from the neighborhood, asks Arthur for a perb. It’s a grungy little shop under Chi-
job and things begin to change. cago’s elevated train that looks like it
Letts’ uplifting work explores the hasn’t been touched since Arthur’s father
blossoming – and unlikely — friendship opened it 60 years ago.
between 60-year-old, burnt-out Arthur Gay director Serge Seiden draws ter-
(an excellent Richard Cotovsky) and rific performances from Cotovsky and
21-year-old Franco wonderfully played Ramey as well as the remainder of the
by charismatic young actor Johnny Ra- talented cast who bring sensitivity to
mey. Throughout the work day, chatty what could be stock portrayals. Stand-
Franco barrages his boss with sugges- outs include Gregor Paslawsky as Max,
tions including introducing heart-healthy the ruthless-but-somehow-likable Rus-
alternatives to the menu and maybe a sian; Julie-Ann Elliott as Randy, a tough
poetry night. He even suggests Arthur but shyly lovelorn lady cop; Chris Gene-
cut off his mangy pony tail and update bach as the local bad guy bookie; and
ADVERTISING PROOF Barbara Broughton’s Lady, an eccentric
his old hippie wardrobe.
ISSUE DATE: 11-05-10 SALES REPRESENTATIVE: JERYL PARADE ( As Franco proves himself a hard work- old woman who shows up each morning
REVIEW AD FOR COPY AND DESIGN ACCURACY. Revisions must be submitted within 24 hours of the date of
er and a smart kid, Arthur slowly opens for free donuts and coffee before head-
proof. Proof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of
the date of proof. Revisions will not be accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff pitts
up to him, however two subjects — his ing off to an AA meeting or a day of drink-
omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser is
responsible for any legal liability arising out of or relating to the advertisement, and/or any material to which users late ex-wife and estranged 19-year-old ing at a local dive (depending on what-
EVISIONS can link through the advertisement. Advertiser represents that its advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or
any rgihts of third parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any daughter — remain wholly taboo. Boss ever the way the wind blows her).
/LOGO REVISIONS copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfair
competition, defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation, and employee surprise one another: As Kiril, Max’s brawny blonde nephew,
SIONS or any other right of any person or entity. Advertiser agrees to idemnify brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the ADVERTISER SIGNATURE
washington blade) and to hold brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) harmless from any and all
liability, loss, damages, claims, or causes of action, including reasonable legal fees and expenses that may be incurred
By signing this proof you are agreeing isobligations
to your contract impressedwith the
washington blade newspaper. This includes but is not limited to placement,
that Arthur knows Aaron Tone makes the most of a small
by brown naff pitts omnimedia llc, arising out of or related to advertiser’s breach of any of the foregoing representations
and warranties.
payment and insertion schedule. the names of 10 African-American po- role. In a beautifully played scene, Tone
ets, and conversely, Arthur is astonished demonstrates a poignant glimmer of hu-
to discover that his young assistant has man tenderness in the wake of his vulgar
written a truly good coming-of-age novel. uncle’s crude shenanigans — further evi-
Between scenes, lights dim and Ar- dence of Letts’ creeping optimism.
thur speaks directly to the audience,
revealing the past that he finds so hard Superior Donuts
to share with those around him. He talks The Studio Theatre
about his rocky relationship with his late 1501 14th Street, N.W.
Polish immigrant father who came to Chi- $45-$65
cago from war torn Europe and opened
the donut shop in Chicago’s then-already
november 19, 2010 • 43


Photo by Michael Lutch; courtesy of Arena

The company of Tectonic Theater Project’s ‘Laramie Project: 10 Years later,’ which will be per-
formed this weekend at Arena’s Mead Center.

Hope amidst hate

This weekend offers rare They returned six more times to Wyo-
ming for further interviews — more than
chance to see two ‘Laramie’ 200 in all — until by the year 2000, it was
plays back to back ready for its premiere performance in
Denver, next in New York City and, finally
in 2002, in Laramie itself. It was later pro-
By DAVID J. HOFFMAN duced for television by HBO and the stage
version has quickly become one of the
This weekend Arena Stage provides an most frequently produced plays by col-
unprecedented opportunity to see the two leges and community groups in America.
“Laramie Project” plays — works inspired Then, 10 years after Shepard’s death,
by the death of hate crime victim Matthew they returned again to Laramie to produce
Shepard that have become contemporary an epilogue, based on follow-up interviews
theatrical staples — back to back. with residents featured in the original play.
The plays will be performed five times These interviews were adapted into the
over three days. Together they present a companion piece, “The Laramie Project:
poignant and stirring medley of emotions Ten Years later,” which debuted as a read-
— shock, rage, grief, and even hope. And ing in nearly 150 theaters across the U.S.
now the two plays are presented here, for
the first time together anywhere, but only this
weekend at the stunning new Mead Cen-
and internationally in October 2009, on the
11th anniversary of his death.
As the critic Ben Brantley wrote in the
Tsunami hits DC • NOW OPEN!
ter for American Theater, in Arena Stage’s New York Times in 2000 about the first
Kreeger Theater. It’s the starting point for a play, “Kaufman has a remarkable gift
national tour by the Tectonic Theater Project, for giving a compelling theatrical flow to
with both plays directed by Moises Kaufman journalistic and historical material.” In the

and Leigh Fondakowski, two of the five co- playwright’s own words, “for me, there’s a
authors. For those interested in what being great wealth of beauty and truth in reality,
gay means in modern America, this is a and how theatre can articulate this, that’s
great chance to catch these seminal works. what I keep coming back to.”
But why are they important? And what
more can be said about the Shepard
Only eight actors play the more than
60 parts. The twin plays are constructed Sushi & Lounge
case, which received more national as a series of juxtaposed monologues
press attention than any other anti-gay and multiple viewpoints, featuring towns-
hate crime? These works show there’s people and Shepard’s friends as well as
much more to the story, and it is one told those who knew his assailants, and in the
with absorbing detail in a vivid recon- second play, Aaron McKinney himself, We don’t make waves. MONDAY - THURSDAY
struction of how the people of Laramie one of Shepard’s killers, is featured. We make sushi. Lunch: 12 pm - 3:30 pm
responded in the aftermath of Shepard’s “Laramie is so small that there was Dinner: 5 pm - 12A am
murder. This was the task tackled less one degree of separation
than a month after Shepard’s death, ple,” Kaufman says. “So it was personal. FRIDAY
when Kaufman and nine other members People asked themselves, ‘What did I do Lunch: 12 pm - 3:30 pm
REVIEW AD FOR COPY AND DESIGN ACCURACY. Revisions must be submitted within 24 hours of the date of
proof. Proof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of
of the Tectonic, a New York City theatre to cause this murder? WhatREVISIONS
kind of com- the date of proof. Revisions will not be accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff pitts
Dinner: 5 pm - 1 am
omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser is
REDESIGN responsible for any legal liability arising out of or relating to the advertisement, and/or any material to which users
company he had co-founded, arrived in munity am I helping to create?” TEXT REVISIONS can link through the advertisement. Advertiser represents that its advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or
any rgihts of third parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any
Laramie, a city of 27,000 people, seeking IMAGE/LOGO REVISIONS copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfair

to interview residents about what they NO REVISIONS

competition, defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation,
or any other right of any person or entity. Advertiser agrees to idemnify brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the SATURDAY
washington blade) and to hold brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) harmless from any and all
‘The Laramie Project’ 12 pm - 1bladeam
By signing this proof you are agreeing to your con
knew and felt about what had happened. Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday at 2.
liability, loss, damages, claims, or causes of action, including reasonable legal fees and expenses that may be incurred
by brown naff pitts omnimedia llc, arising out of or related to advertiser’s breach of any of the foregoing representations
washington newspaper. This includes but is
payment and insertion schedule.
and warranties.
At first, Kaufman says, “we had to put
up with the people’s distrust of a New York ‘The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later” SUNDAY
theater company, and perhaps more dam- Saturday at 8 and Sunday at 7:30 12 pm - 12 am
aging, the bruising caused by the media,”
which had portrayed Laramie “as a town Tickets: $35 (some available for $15 for
full of hillbillies, rednecks and cowboys,” those 30 and under)
so of course this hate crime could happen Tsunami Sushi & Lounge
Arena Stage
there. After their initial visit, the group com- 1326 14th Street, NW • 2nd Floor • Washington, DC 20005
1101 6th Street, S.W.
posed the first draft of what was called “The 202-488-3300 Phone: 202.588.5889/202.588.5599 • Fax: 202.588.5788 • Email:
Laramie Project.” But it took nearly a year Owned and Operated by Thai Tanic staff.
before people really opened up to them.
44 • november 19, 2010


Build a financial pyramid

to meet goals in life
Three key steps can help needing to change the date you become
financially independent or your lifestyle
protect your future in retirement. Other considerations at
this level include planning for premature
By TERRY-ANN GARDEMAL death, sickness and unexpected large
expenses or loss of a job.
Each individual should have a well laid Accumulation: Now you can start
out financial plan to help pursue short and saving for big purchases and begin cre-
long-term goals. It is never too early — ating wealth. It is important at this stage
or too late — to put one in place, but the to prioritize your goals and assess the
sooner you have a financial roadmap, the best means to accomplish them. For
easier many decisions become. example, if you are saving for a down
So where do you start to put a plan in payment on a house, it is a good idea to
place? To begin with, gauge your current make sure you have paid off most of your
financial situation by putting together a debt and have some emergency reserve
personal balance sheet that lists your cur- savings. Other considerations at this
rent income and expenses and details stage include retirement planning and
your assets and liabilities. This will help college funding. If you start early, you
you create a budget to manage your short- may be able to accomplish all of your
term needs and will assist you in develop- goals, but, if you are in a crunch, priori-
ing strategies to achieve your plans for the tize while keeping the longer-term goals
future. An independent financial planner or in mind. When creating wealth through
adviser can be a good resource to assist investments, we again recommend talk-
you in this process and in further crafting ing to a financial adviser who will help
and implementing an overall plan. you gauge your tolerance for risk, un-
Additionally, it is important to recognize derstand and assess the time period for
that a financial plan is never static; it is a your investment strategy, and help you
moving target. Inevitably, things change create a well diversified mix of securities.
and goals shift. New decisions have to Distribution and Preservation: The
be made and goals may have to be re- last layer in our basic pyramid is living off
prioritized. But if you have even a basic of the assets you have accumulated and
financial plan in place, decisions become planning for how you would like to pre-
easier because you will make them in the serve and transfer some of these assets to
context of your long-term goals. other people or institutions. As is the case
What are these basics that can set with asset accumulation, you should have
you on the right path? Visualize a pyra- a well thought out plan for asset distribu-
mid with layers. These layers can be tion, and you should consider a variety of
the steps you have to take to reach your strategies to diversify your risk. In addition
financial goals. They build upon them- to a financial advisor, an estate attorney
selves and are interdependent as each can be essential at this stage to ensure that
level supports the one above it. you take the proper steps to look after your
Building your financial future involves loved ones. This is especially important in
three steps in the pyramid. the LGBT community as many states do
Protection: Start with the foundation not recognize same-sex unions.
of your financial plan - protecting your- More tips in part two of this series
self and your loved ones from unexpect- coming later this month.
ed events. This is a crucial stage in the This material is for informational pur-
planning process and needs to be firmly poses only and is not intended to act as
in place so the rest of your plan does not specific advice. Please talk to a financial
falter. For example, if you are disabled professional prior to investing and a tax
for a period of time and do not have ad- advisor for tax advice.
equate disability insurance to replace
your lost income, you may have to use Terry-Ann Gardemal is a Certified Finan-
money you had earmarked for a differ- cial Planner and LPL financial adviser with
ent purpose, such as retirement savings. Potomac Financial Management. Reach
her at 301-840-0770, ext 110 or tagarde-
This move could cause you to make sac-
rifices with other financial goals, such as
november 19, 2010 • 45

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46 • november 19, 2010

Celebrate the holidays at the Center for the arts

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A Chanticleer Christmas
Saturday, November 27 at 8 p.m.
These twelve singers have been a hallmark of the Christmas season for
more than 30 years and their elegant holiday concert is a delightful
tradition at the Center for the Arts. This season, Chanticleer performs
an enchanting program that features treasured traditional carols,
revered sacred works, and always-welcome holiday favorites. “No
one does a better choral Christmas than the virtuoso male voices of
Chanticleer.” (New Yorker)
$48, $40, $24

Center for the Arts

On the Fairfax campus, six miles west of Beltway exit 54 at the intersection of Braddock Road and Rt. 123.

888-945-2468 or
33051 BB&G DC Agenda_Layout 1 10/26/10 4:10 PM Page 1

17th & Rhode Island Avenue NW 202.872.1126
George Frideric Handel
RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED — $30.95 PER PERSON Experience the exuberant Hallelujah Chorus—
THANKSGIVING DAY CELEBRATION at Washington national Cathedral
$31.95 / ADULTS – $14.95 / CHILDREN 12 AND UNDER
Saturday, December 4, 4 pm
SATURDAY BRUNCH $17.95 Sunday, December 5, 4 pm
Cathedral Choir and Baroque orchestra
$5, $4, $3, $2, $1 COCKTAIL LINE-UP
in this essential Christmas music
experience. With soloists:
A GLASS OF HOUSE WINE • Marietta Simpson, alto
• Rufus Müller, tenor
• Eric Downs, bass

Tickets start at $25—

purchase yours today:
(202) 537-2228 or
online at
Massachusetts and Wisconsin Avenues, NW • Washington, D.C.
Celebrate Shabbat and Your Jewish Life
november 19, 2010 • 47

ARTAGENDA Bet Mishpachah

WEDDING DIRECTORY Erev Shabbat Services, Fridays, 8:30 PM
Followed by Oneg Shabbat Social
Shabbat Morning Services, 2nd & 4th Saturdays, 10 AM
MARSHby Kiddush KNO
Luncheon Media
Available for Jewish, Interfaith
and Same Sex DC JCC, 16th & Q Streets NW
Ceremonies Weddings
in DC, VA, MD and NY Special Events Videography
Rabbi Toby Manewith

Let's Get Engaged...

Image courtesy of the Center
in social community
‘Gentle Soul,’ a photo transfer with mixed media by gay artist Bill Travis, is one of the works that
will be on display at the D.C. Center this month. Bet Mishpachah
An egalitarian synagogue serving the GLBT community and all who wish to
Gay artist debuts Center exhibit participate in an inclusive environment.
The D.C. Center (1318 U St., N.W.) will be having an opening reception for its
next art exhibit, “Bodyscapes: The Art of Bills Travis,” tonight from 6 to 8 p.m. Rabbi Toby Manewith
Travis’s, who is openly gay, work in this exhibit pairs images of bodies and land-
scapes to “invite us to contemplate connections that can exist on several levels,” Erev Shabbat Services, 8:30 pm, Fridays
according to his artist’s statement. Shabbat Morning Services, 10:00 am, 2nd & 4th Saturdays
Travis recently moved to D.C. and has a Ph.D. in art history from the Institute of
Fine Arts. He has had more than 60 solo and group shows around the world. DCJCC, 16th and Q Streets, NW
Bodyscapes will be on display through Jan. 5.
For more information on this event, visit For more information
on the artist and to see some of his photographs, visit

Gay chamber has national dinner tonight

The National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) has its national
dinner tonight as part of its weekend conference festivities. It’s from 5:30 to 11 at
the National Building Museum’s “great hall.”
The theme is “An Evening of Courage.” A “founders and friends” reception and
silent auction will be from 5:30 to 7:30 with the dinner to follow. An after party is
from 10 to 11.
The museum is at 401 F Street, N.W. Tickets were still available as of press time
Wednesday. Call 202-234-9181 or e-mail to for more infor-
mation. Tickets start at $250 for non-members. Several other price packages are
available. Visit for more information.

Enigma party tonight at Green Lantern

Enigma is a monthly, alcohol-free and substance-free event at Green Lantern
(1335 Green Court, N.W.) on the second floor with its own entrance at the side door
that bypasses the first floor. It’s tonight at 10 p.m. and runs till 1 a.m.

Presented by gay event planner Jacob Pring, Enigma is a chance for those who
don’t drink or do drugs to have a chance to hang out with friends and play pool ADV ERTISING
without feeling pressured into doing something they don’t want to do.
Matthew, from Nectar
#1 Juice Bar, will be there ISSUE
DJ John Thompson will be providing music with a mix of indie, ‘80s pop and more.
There is a $5 cover and a security person will be working the door to maintain
the clean and sober atmosphere. REVIEW AD FOR COPY AND DESIGN ACCURACY. Revisions must be submitted within 24 hours of the date of proof.
Proof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of the date
For more information, visit
REVISIONS of proof. Revisions will not be accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff pitts omnimedia
llc (dba the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser is responsible
REDESIGN for any legal liability arising out of or relating to the advertisement, and/or any material to which users can link through
Gay-penned ‘Candide’ slated for Harman
TEXT REVISIONS Hall Advertiser represents that its advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or any rgihts of third
the advertisement.
parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any copyright, patent,
Shakespeare Theatre Company teams upREVISIONS trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfair competition,
with Chicago’s Goodman
invasion ofto privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation, or any other right
present Leonard Bernstein’s operetta “Candide,” based on Voltaire’s
of anysatire.
person or entity. Advertiser agrees to idemnify brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) and ADVERTISER SIGNATURE
Directed by Tony winner Mary Zimmerman, Candide opens Nov. to hold brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) harmless from any and all liability, loss, damages,
26 and is the By signing this proof you are agreeing to your contrac
claims, or causes of action, including reasonable legal fees and expenses that may be incurred by brown naff pitts washington blade newspaper. This includes but is not
story of a “optimistic and hopeful” young man. omnimedia llc, arising out of or related to advertiser’s breach of any of the foregoing representations and warranties. payment and insertion schedule.
The show features songs such as “Make Our Garden Grow” and “Glitter and be Gay.”
Candide will be the first musical to be staged in Sidney Harman Hall (610 F St.,
N.W.) and will run through Jan. 9.
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit
48 • november 19, 2010


Photo courtesy of Kinsey Sicks

From performances of Handel’s “Messiah” to the Kinsey Sicks, a drag group shown here that will
have a holiday show at the D.C. Jewish Community Center from mid-December to early January,
the holiday concert season in Washington offers a wildly eclectic bevy of offerings.

Sounds of the season

Local holiday concert same day, the Cathedral will be hosting
carols by candlelight at 6 p.m. as well as
offerings wildly eclectic on Dec. 19 at 4 p.m. Visit nationalcathe- to purchase tickets for any event.
By JULIETTE EBNER Strathmore has many holiday events com-
ing up this season. On Nov. 27, at the Music
The Duke Ellington School of Arts (3500 Center at Strathmore, the Mormon Orchestra
R St., N.W.) will be performing “Dreamgirls” and Chorus of Washington will be perform-
in December. Evening performances will be ing their holiday concert, “O Come Let Us
at 7:30 from Dec. 2 through Dec. 18. There Adore Him.” A sold out Hanukkah tea will be
will be afternoon performances at 2 p.m. on served at the Mansion at Strathmore on Nov.
Dec. 4, 11 and 18. A special gala night will 30 at 1 p.m. Dec. 1 brings the King’s Singers
be held Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. featuring original to the Music Center at 8 p.m. with a holiday
Dreamgirl, Jennifer Holliday. Tickets for the program. The 2010 Kenny G Holiday Show
evening and afternoon shows are $25, $30 is on Dec. 2 at 8 p.m. at the Music Center. A
or $35 and can be purchased by calling 202- child-friendly “Mrs. Claus Tea” will be served
337-4825 or visiting on Dec. 4 at 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. at the
Tickets for the gala can be purchased by Mansion. “A Smooth Jazz Christmas” will be
emailing or by calling at the Music Center on Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. with
202-333-2555, ext. 2101. Dave Koz and Friends. For tickets informa-
The Kinsey Sicks, a “dragapella beau- tion for all events, visit
tyshop quartet,” will be performing “Oy Vey The Hylton Performing Arts Center has
in a Manger” from Dec. 18 to Jan. 2 at The- two holiday events coming up. First up is “A
ater J in the Washington DCJCC’s Aaron Rockapella Holiday” on Dec. 3 at 8 p.m. in
and Cecile Goldman Theater (1529 16th Merchant Hall. Rockapella is a five-man a
St., N.W.). Regular performances will be on cappella group best known for its “Where
Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., in the World is Carmen Sandiego?” theme
Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 3 and song. This program features classics such
7:30 p.m. There will be two preview shows, as “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” as
one on Dec. 18 at 8 p.m. and the other on well as popular new pieces like “Little Mary
Dec. 19 at 3 p.m. There will also be a spe- Snowflake” and a funky new version of “The
cial matinee before the official opening on Dreidel Song.” On Dec. 5 at 4 p.m. in Mer-
Nov. 26 at 2 p.m. Other performances will chant Hall, the Center presents “Christmas
be on Dec. 21 and 28 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets in Ireland: An Nollaig in Eirinn” featuring the
range from $35 to $60 and can be pur- band, Danu. Tickets for both events are
A D V E R T Ichased S I N G byP calling R O O 800-494-TIXS
F or visiting $28, $36 or $44 and can be purchased by
The Washington National Cathedral Many different venues will be hosting
REVIEW AD FOR COPY AND DESIGN ACCURACY. Revisions must be submitted within 24 hours of the date of
proof. Proof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of has several holiday events happening a production of “The Nutcracker.” The
NS the date of proof. Revisions will not be accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff
omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser is
this season. On Nov. 22, its annual “O Kennedy Center Opera House will hosts
IGN responsible for any legal liability arising out of or relating to the advertisement, and/or any material to which users
REVISIONS can link through the advertisement. Advertiser represents that its advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or
any rgihts of third parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any
Come Let Us Adore Him” exhibit of na- the Joffrey Ballet on Nov. 24 at 7:30 p.m.
E/LOGO REVISIONS copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfair
competition, defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation, tivity scenes opens to the public. It will The Warner Theatre hosts the Washing-
open ton Ballet performing the family classic
contractMonday through Friday from 10
or any other right of any person or entity. Advertiser agrees to idemnify brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the
washington blade) and to hold brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) harmless from any and all By signing this proof you are agreeing obligations with the
liability, loss, damages, claims, or causes of action, including reasonable legal fees and expenses that may be incurred
by brown naff pitts omnimedia llc, arising out of or related to advertiser’s breach of any of the foregoing representations
and warranties.
payment and insertion schedule. a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Saturdays from 10 a.m.
washington blade newspaper. This includes but is not limited to placement,
on Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. The Music Center
to 4:30 p.m. and Sundays from 8 a.m. to at Strathmore has another production
6:30 p.m. The Cathedral’s choirs will also by the Moscow Ballet on Dec. 8 and 9
be performing Handel’s “Messiah” on at 7:30 p.m. The Manassas Ballet The-
Dec. 3 at 7:30 p.m., Dec. 4 and Dec. 5 at ater will be performing the show on Dec.
4 p.m. Tickets range from $25 to $85. The 11 at the Hylton Performing Arts Center.
Cathedrals Joy of Christmas concert will The Gay Men’s Chorus will perform its
be Dec. 11 and 12 at 4 p.m. featuring a own rendition of the Nutcracker, “Men in
grand procession and several well-known Tights: A Pink Nutcracker” at the Lisner
favorites from holiday standards. Tickets Auditorium at George Washington Uni-
range from $25 to $85. A Christmas pag- versity on Dec. 17 at 8 p.m., Dec. 18 at 3
eant will be held on Dec. 18 at 2 p.m. That and 8 p.m. and Dec. 19 at 3 p.m.
november 19, 2010 • 49

The Duke Ellington School of the Arts Presents

EvEning PErformancEs:
DEc. 2 - 18
7:30 Pm

aftErnoon PErformancEs:
DEc. 4, 11 & 18
2:00 Pm

GAlA NiGhT with

original dreamgirl
JENNifEr holliDAy
DEcEmbEr 9, 2010 - 7:00 Pm
Sponsorships and Gala Night Tickets
available through The Ellington Fund at or 202.333.2555 x2101

ThEATrE 3500 r strEEt, nW,
Washington Dc 20007

TickETS Now AvAilAblE

$25, $30, $35
group sales available

call thE Ellington thEatrE box officE:

202.337.4825 or visit
directorLynda Grav
tt choreographer CharLes auGins musical director e´Mar
MarCus harper orchestra director
set designer dan
an Conway costume designer Karen perry lighting designer Curtis v. v hodGe
saaC C danie
d anieLL,rory
PULLENSproducers Kenneth
owe harrisDREAMGIRLS
dreamgirls BOOK
book and
music BY KrieGer
50 • november 19, 2010


Local chefs share recipes for an updated Thanksgiving

Continued from page 33 thermometer and we were deep frying
Brussels Sprouts with Caramelized turkeys (never had a fire; always very
Stuffing: Andouille sausage, onion, Onions and Bacon safe), I have adopted the process but
celery, carrots, garlic, parsley, tarragon, (From Connor Ireland) with a turkey breast as is easier for the in
thyme, panko bread crumbs, corn meal, 2 pounds brussels sprouts, woody home cook and those only cooking for a
chicken stock and heavy cream. stems cut off. few friends or family. I purchase a fresh
Chicken Glaze: Orange marmalade, 3 qt. boiling water turkey breast on the bone and remove it
star anise, white vinegar, cinnamon 2 white onions from the bone and make into two single
sticks, ketchup and black pepper 2 strips of bacon, chopped. breasts. I brine it for a full day (breasts,
Sauce: Brown chicken demi, cara- ½ cup pine nuts (any kind of nut will do) whole bird maybe more). I have a small
mel and a red wine reduction Salt tabletop deep fryer and can easily deep
Method: Take the half chicken out of Neutral oil fry one breast at a time about 20 minutes.
the brine, stuff the bird, bake for 30 min- Julienne the onions and sautée on
utes. Remove from oven and apply the a medium flame for 10 minutes in hot 1 bone in turkey breast (fresh or frozen) Green Bean “NOT” Casserole
glaze, bake for an additional 5 minutes. oil. Cook all the water out of them until Brine mixture: I understand that many of us grew
Serve over the sauce with Persian veg- they start sticking to the pan and turning 1 cup kosher salt up with this at every Thanksgiving and
etables of zucchini, squash and carrots. brown. Turn the flame down to low and 1/2 cup granulated sugar though I enjoy it, I now have taught my
caramelize them for 10 more minutes. 1 teaspoon black pepper mom to make it from scratch and it’s so
Boil the Brussels sprouts whole for 11 1 bay leaf much more enjoyable and delicious. I
minutes in heavily salted water. Remove 1 teaspoon dried thyme have taken it to the next level. This is a
and arrest them in ice water. Chop them 1 teaspoon lemon zest great appetizer. (From Patrick Vanas)
coarsely. Sautee the bacon until it starts 4 cups boiling water 11 pounds French green beans
to brown, and add the pine nuts until they Table top deep fryer (I got mine from (trimmed)
start to brown, then add the Brussels Costco for $100; it’s easy to use and clean) Tempura Recipe:
sprouts and the caramelized onions. Toss If no deep fryer eight-quart heavy duty pot 1 cup rice flour
the whole mixture together and serve hot. Thermometer 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
3-4 quarts peanut oil or vegetable, 3 teaspoon baking powder
Turkey Breast Stuffed with Dried canola (not olive; will not work) 2 teaspoons onion powder
Apricots and Chestnuts Sausage Method: 1 teaspoon semolina flour
(From Connor Ireland) Remove turkey breasts from bone slic- pinch of salt and pepper
Preheat oven to 450 ing along breastbone (will be about three 1 cup of ice cold water
One pack split turkey breast with the to four pounds per side/breast) set aside in 3 quarts vegetable oil for deep frying
skin on. refrigerator. I have a two-gallon container 6-8 quart heavy pot
½ pound dried apricots or dried cherries that I use to brine breasts in. Bring four Thermometer
1 egg cups of water to a boil, in container place Method:
½ pound chestnuts rest of brine ingredients, pour boiling water Place all dry ingredients in large bowl
½ cup breadcrumbs, about one slice over them. Stir until dissolved. Add about stir with a wire wisk, add water to make thin
of bread’s worth three to four quarts of ice, (brine needs to coating batter, set aside for 30 minutes.
Cross or prick the chestnuts to let steam be cold when you add the turkey breasts).
escape and roast them for 25 minutes. Peel Place turkey breast in brine they should be Mushroom Dipping Sauce
them while they’re warm. Pull the tender off just covered, you may need to add a little 2 cups button mushrooms sliced
the turkey breasts. It is a strip of loose meat more ice. Cover container with airtight lid 1 teaspoon chopped garlic
on the opposite side of the skin. If you don’t and place in refrigerator for 24 hours. 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
have a tender on your breasts, cut three oz. Remove breasts from brine and rinse 2 cups water
Sweet Potato Mash with Caramelized Pears from the inside surface of each breast. then place on sheet pan with a cooling 1/4 cup heavy cream
This is from Connor Ireland, chef of the Using a knife or food processor, mince rack to drain about 20 minutes. Pat breasts 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
Reef in Adams Morgan, another recent the raw tenders, chestnuts and apricots dry with paper towels, tie the breast 1 tablespoons butter
Blade “Best Of” winner. Here are his fresh together. Crumble the breadcrumbs in slightly loose with kitchen string and al- 2 teaspoons AP flour
spins on Thanksgiving dinner staples. and fold in the egg with 1 tsp of salt. low to sit until fryer is ready. Bring deep Salt and pepper to taste
Using a thin knife, stab a four-inch fryer fryer to 375 degrees. If using eight- Method:
Two pears, not very ripe. I use green ones. deep hole in the thickest side of the quart heavy pot fill only about 1/3 to 1/2, In medium saucepan add water and
3 tsp vegetable oil. breast, being careful not to pierce all the the breast will only raise the oil level about mushrooms and reduce water by half,
Two large sweet potatoes way through. Thumb the filling into the an inch or so. Using kitchen tongs gently remove from heat. In another sauce pan
1/2 cup heavy cream hole you just made. place breast (cooking one at a time) in add butter and flour on low to medium
¼ pound butter Clean your workspace, and wrap each oil, there will be some bubbling for about heat and cook until flour mixture just turns
1 tbs. salt breast tightly in plastic. Put each breast 30 seconds to a one minute, but allow- light brown, add garlic and cook a min-
¼ cup real maple syrup. into a quality Ziploc bag and poach them ing the breasts to drain and patting them ute and add heavy cream stir to blend
Cover the sweet potatoes with cold water for 25 minutes. Shock them in ice water dry and sitting out will lessen that a great well, turn heat down to low. Take mush-
in a high-walled pot, and bring them up to a and store them for use in the next day deal. Oil temperature will drop about 100 room stock and strain add just stock to
boil and let them go for 15 minutes. Slice the or two. When you are ready to eat, take degrees but you want to bring temp back cream mixture stir well. Take mushrooms
pears thinly with the skins on. the turkey out of the plastic and salt the up to 350 degrees and cook for about 15 and slice thinly set aside. Cream mixture
In a skillet or frying pan, get the veg- outside. Sear the skin in hot oil. Put them to 20 minutes, have a clean sheet pan with should get slightly thick, add soy and
etable oil very hot, until it just starts to in the oven for 30 minutes at 450. cooling rack ready to remove breast and parsley, continue to whisk to make vel-
smoke. Carefully lay the slices of pear in check temperature. I like to remove breast vety. Reduce heat to just warming.
and sear one side of each. It’s OK if they Deep Fried Turkey Breast when it reaches a internal temp of 155 as it Bring deep frying vessel to 360 degrees.
burn a little bit. Set them aside. Gay chef Patrick Vanas, owner of Patrick will continue to cook while resting on rack Place green beans into batter working in
Put the cream and butter into a small Vanas Events, a local event planning and ca- covered with foil bringing internal temp to three to four batches. Drop beans one by
pot and get them warm enough to melt tering company, offered the next selections. desired 160 degrees. If cooking second one into oil, cook about two to three minutes
the butter. Once the sweet potatoes are Thought I would send in a few recipes breast allow oil to come back to 375 and then remove and place on tray with paper
very soft, discard the cooking water and that I love to make and have been for repeat process; this will leave just enough towel to drain and allow oil to come back to
combine them in a large bowl with the many years. Some I have updated a bit. time for first breast to rest and allow juices temperature about two minutes. Finish cook-
caramelized pears and salt. Use a whisk I grew up in the north (on a Michigan to even out. Slice and place on platter and ing all beans, place them all up right in serv-
to beat them smooth, adding the cream dairy farm), which is not known for deep enjoy with your favorite homemade sides ing bowl or three to four large rocks glasses
and butter slowly. Finish them with enough frying turkey but as far as I can remem- and gravy or sauce. (I am serving mine with two ounce shot glass of dipping sauce
real maple syrup to be just noticeable. ber back my dad built a deep fryer with with a simple Cranberry Gastrique ) Enjoy! with each for your guests’ enjoyment.
WashingtonBlade ROP 111910 11/12/10 11:08 AM Page 1 november 19, 2010 • 51

Save on Thanksgiving Favorites

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law in such cases; it is by the Court
make your special day simple, elegant, com,
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14th day of December 2010, why the Tissue & relaxing Swedish / Reiki Individual/couple counseling with
prayers of said complaint should not in private, home studio. Clean, volunteer peer counselor. Gay Men’s
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this order be published once a week
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for three consecutive weeks before 704-1158 Gary. donation requested.
said day in the Washington Blade. A STEVE O’TOOLE PHOTOGRAPHY
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Low Rates, 24/7.
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TREE CARE Three gorgeous floors situated on top of a
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MASSAGE, 27 yrs., 5’8”, 150 lbs.,
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In (Alexandria VA)/out 10AM - 10PM 165 lbs, Hot Latino with a special
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Parking Available, hotels welcome,
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Stressed Out? Relax your body, Discretion assured.
for total stress relief in private
mind and spirit with strong,skilled & For an extraordinary, tender, personal
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experience with a masculine man
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ALL-AMERICAN BOY 24y/o, 5’9, 40’s. Gay, Bi, Bi-curious, MSMs
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november 19, 2010 • 55



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