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Nguyen Le Quynh Nhu

Dam Ngoc Tram
Bui Nguyen Minh Chau

PRELAB – Lab Work & Participation

LAB 5 – Determination Of Total Carbohydrate In Foods

Prepare standard curve tubes:

- Adding glucose standard solution (as a table): Nhu
- Adding distilled water (as a table): Chau
- Record caloric content from labels: Tram
Prepare sample tubes:
- Dilute sample tubes as 1:2000 dilution + pipette 1.0ml sample and 1.0 of distilled water into
test tube: Nhu
- Adding 0.05ml 80% Phenol and 5.0ml H2so4 each tube (in a hood): Tram
- Transfer sample from test tubes into cuvettes: Chau
- Read absorbance of all: Nhu

LAB 6 – Determination Of Crude Dietary Fiber In Foods

- Prepare sample: Chau

- Heat sample in oven → Cool in desicator → Pre-heat sulfuric: Tran
- Weigh 1g sample & 1g filter aid → Record: Nhu
- Add 150ml pre-heated H2SO4 → Add 3-5 drops of octanol → Boil for 30mins: Chau
- Pre-heat KOH → Connect vaccum → Wash 3times with hot deionized water: Tram
- Add 150ml pre-heated H2SO4 → Add 3-5 drops of octanol → Boil for 30mins: Nhu
- Connect vaccum → Wash 3times with 30ml of hot deionized water → Wash cool deionized at
last: Chau
- Wash 3times with 25ml acetone → remove crucible → dry in oven at 105oC (1hr): Tram
- Cool crucible in desicator → weigh (F1) → place crucible in muffle furnace at 550oC (3hr): Nhu
- Cool crucible in desicator → reweigh (F2): Chau
- Record the data: Tram

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