Specifying Analysis Commands - TRNC03279

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Practice Workbook

This workbook is designed for use in Live instructor-led training and for OnDemand selfstudy.
The explanations and demonstrations are provided by the instructor in the classroom, or in the OnDemand
eLectures of this course available on the Bentley LEARN Server (learn.bentley.com).

This practice workbook is formatted for on-screen viewing using a PDF reader.
It is also available as a PDF document in the dataset for this course.

Specifying Analysis Commands and

Using the Post Processor
This workbook contains exercises to practice specifying analysis commands and using the post processor.


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Section 1: Performing the Analysis

Section Description
In this section, you will learn how to perform an analysis in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition.

Skills Taught
 Performing a Simple Analysis

 Performing a Multi-Run Analysis

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Perform an Analysis
In this exercise, you will learn how to specify one of the following types of analysis in STAAD.Pro:

 Perform Analysis command: Used to perform a linear elastic analysis.

 Perform P Delta Analysis command: Used to perform a second order analysis.

 Perform Cable Analysis command: Used to assign the commands required to perform a non-linear cable analysis.

 Perform Direct Analysis command: Used to perform a direct analysis per the AISC 360 Appendix 7.

 Perform Nonlinear Analysis command: Used to direct STAAD.Pro to perform a nonlinear analysis..

 Perform Imperfection Analysis command: Used to perform an imperfection analysis, which will reflect the secondary effects only if
the camber and/or drift is specified using the Define Imperfection command.

 Perform Buckling Analysis command: Used to perform a buckling analysis.

 Perform Pushover Analysis command: Used to perform a pushover analysis.

1. Open Analysis_1.std {Analysis_1M.std} in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition. The following loads have been applied to this model:
Load Case 1: Vertical Load Load Case 2: Lateral Load
Fy = 100 kips {445 kN} Fx = 100 kips {445 kN}

Load Case 3 = Load Case 1 + Load Case 2

2. In the Workflow Page Control, select the Analysis page.
3. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Analysis and Design tab and then click on the Analysis Commands icon.
4. In the Analysis/Print Commands dialog, specify one of the following options:
 Perform a Linear Elastic Analysis: Select the Perform Analysis tab and then click on the Add button.

 Perform a PDelta Analysis: Select the PDelta Analysis tab and then click on the Add button.
In this exercise, you will learn how to add an analysis command to
the STAAD.Pro Input File and how to perform the analysis. To
accomplish this, you may specify the PERFORM ANALYSIS
command or the PERFORM PDELTA ANALYSIS command.

5. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Analysis and Design tab and then click on the Run Analysis icon.
6. In the STAAD Analysis and Design dialog, select the Go to Post Processing Mode radio button and then click Done.
7. In the Results setup dialog, click OK.
8. In the Workflow Page Control, click on the Displacements page.

In the Data Area, review the deflection at node 2 for

each analyzed load case:

 Load Case 1 (VL): x = 0 in {0 mm}

 Load Case 2 (LL): x = 10.12 in {240 mm}

9. In the Workflow Page Control, click on the Reactions page. In the Data Area, review the reactions at node 1 for each analyzed
load case:

 Load Case 1 (VL): Fy = 100 kips

 Load Case 2 (LL): Fx = 100 kips, Mz = 1000 ft-kips

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10. If you performing a Linear Elastic Analysis (using the PERFORM ANALYSIS command), you will notice that STAAD.Pro has not
considered any second order effects due to the displacements of the structures when calculating the reactions of Load Case 3
(DL + WL).

 Load Case 3 (VL + LL): Fx = 100 kips, Fy = 100 kips, Mz = 1000 ft-kips
M z = P LL  h = 100kips  10ft = 1000ft – k
 M z = P LL  h = 445kN  3m = 1335m – kN 
M = PLL * h
 PLL = Applied Lateral Load
 h = Height of Column

Vertical Load Lateral Load

11. If you performing a P-Delta Analysis (using the PERFORM PDELTA ANALYSIS command), you will notice that STAAD.Pro has
considered the second order effects due to the displacements of the structures when calculating the reactions of Load Case 3
(DL + WL).

 Load Case 3 (VL + LL): Fx = 108.4 kips {480 kN}, Fy = 100 kips {445 kN}, Mz = 1084.3 ft-kips {1442 kN-m}

M z = P VL   x + P LL  h =  100kips  10.12in  ----------- +  100kips  10ft  = 1084.3ft – k
 12in
PLL  
 1m 
 M z = P VL   x + P LL  h =  445kN  240mm  ---------------------- +  445kN  3m  = 1442kN – m 
 1000mm 
h M = PVL *  + PLL * h  PVL = Applied Vertical Load
RLL  x = Displacement due to Lateral Load

 PLL = Applied Lateral Load

Vertical Load + Lateral Load  h = Height of Column

12. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Perform a Multi-Run Analysis
In STAAD.Pro, it will be necessary to perform a multi-run analysis if your model contains the following situations:

 Tension/Compression Only Members with Wind/Seismic: If your model contains tension/compression only members, you will have to
analyze each wind and seismic load case individually and then re-set the stiffness matrix before analyzing the next load case.

 Seismic Loads with Repeat Load Cases: If you model contains IBC seismic loads, and if those loads are then referenced in a repeat load
case, you will have to analyze each seismic load case individually and then re-set the stiffness matrix before analyzing the next load case.

In this exercise, we will show you how to specify all of the commands that will be necessary when performing a multi-run analysis.

1. Open Analysis_2.std in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition.

Notice that this model contains IBC Seismic Load Cases which are
used in repeat style load cases. It will be necessary to perform a multi-
run analysis for this model.

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2. In the Workflow Page Control, select the Analysis page.
3. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Analysis and Design tab and then click on the Analysis Commands icon.
4. In the Analysis/Print Commands dialog, select the PDelta Analysis tab and enter the following parameters:
 Print Option: No Print

 Small Delta: (checked)

 After Current: (unchecked)

Click Add and then click Close.

NOTE: This PDELTA ANALYSIS command has been added to the
end of the STAAD.Pro Input File. An analysis command must
follow all of the defined load cases to instruct the program to
complete the analysis considering all of the loading information.

5. In the Analysis dialog, highlight LOAD 2 LOADTYPE Seismic TITLE SEISMIC LOAD -X folder. Then, click on the Analysis Commands

6. In the Analysis/Print Commands dialog, select the PDelta Analysis tab and enter the following parameters:
 Print Option: No Print

 Small Delta: (checked)

 After Current: (checked)

Then, click Add.

NOTE: This PDELTA ANALYSIS command has been added after the first IBC Seismic Load Case.
Since this model contains IBC Seismic Load Cases, which are used in Repeat Load Cases, it is
necessary to analyze each seismic load case individually. The “after current” checkbox allows you
to insert a command at the cursor location instead of at the end of the input file.

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7. In the Analysis/Print Commands dialog, select the Change tab and click Add. Then, click on the Close button.
NOTE: This CHANGE command will instruct STAAD.Pro to reset
the stiffness matrix to its original form after each of the seismic load
cases is analyzed.

8. Repeat this process to add the PERFORM ANALYSIS and CHANGE command after each seismic load case.

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9. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Analysis and Design tab and then click on the Miscellaneous Commands > Set NL icon.
10. In the Set NL dialog, enter the following information:
 Maximum Number of Loads: 30

Then, click OK.

NOTE: The SET NL command is used to specify the maximum number of primary load cases for processing and it is used
in a multiple analysis run if you add more primary load cases after one analysis has been preformed. Since our model
contains several load cases that have been added after an analysis command, we need to use the SET NL command to
instruct STAAD.Pro to set aside some additional memory space for information to be added later.

11. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Analysis and Design tab and then click on the Run Analysis icon.
12. In the STAAD Analysis and Design dialog, select the View Output File radio button and then click Done.

Notice that STAAD.Pro analyzed each seismic

load case individually as a result of the PDELATA
ANALYSIS SMALL DELTA command. Notice that
STAAD.Pro re-set the stiffness matrix before
analyzing the next seismic load cases as a result
of the CHANGE command.

Close the STAAD.Pro Output File.

13. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Section 2: Performing a Direct Analysis

Section Description
In this section, you will learn how to specify all of the analysis commands in accordance with the AISC 360 Direct Analysis Method.

Skills Taught
 Creating the Direct Analysis Definition

 Generating Load Combinations

 Invoking the Direct Analysis Definition

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Create the Direct Analysis Definition
In this exercise, you will learn how to create a Direct Analysis Definition in STAAD.Pro. The direct analysis definition will include the
following parameters:

 FLEX Parameter: Used to identify members whose flexural stiffness is considered to contribute to the lateral stability of the
structure, along with the initial value of b that should be used. Members assigned the FLEX parameter will have their EI factored
by 0.80 times b while performing the global solution.

 FYLD Parameter: Indicates the yield stress of the members which will be used ONLY in the calculation of b.

 AXIAL Parameter: Used to identify members whose axial stiffness is considered to contribute to the lateral stability of the
structure. Members assigned the AXIAL parameter will have their EA factored by 0.80 while performing the global solution.

 Notional Load Factor: Used to define the load factor to be used when determining the notional loads.

1. Open Analysis_3.std in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition.

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2. In the Workflow Page Control, select the Loading page.
3. In the Load & Definition dialog, expand the Definitions section and highlight the Direct Analysis Definition item. Then, click Add...
4. In the Add New: dialog, highlight the FLEX Parameter in the left pane and enter the following information:
 FLEX: 1

Then, click Add.

b is a function of the axial load in a member, which is not known until after the
analysis has been performed. Therefore, b can be determined iteratively or can
be specified as 1.0 if an additional notional load of 0.001 times the gravity load is

5. In the Add New: dialog, highlight the FYLD Parameter in the left pane and enter the following information:
 FYLD: 7200 kips/ft2 {350,000 kN/m2)

Then, click Add.

6. In the Add New: dialog, highlight the FYLD Parameter in the left pane and enter the following information:
 FYLD: 6624 kips/ft2 {320,000 kN/m2}

Then, click Add.

7. In the Add New: dialog, highlight the Axial Parameter in the left pane and click on the Add button.

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8. In the Add New: dialog, highlight the Notional Load Factor in the left pane and enter the following information:
 Notional Load Factor: 0.002

Then, click Add. Click Close.

The NOTIONAL LOAD FACTOR command does not instruct the program to create
Notional Loads. (Notional loads are officially created when the load combinations are
generated.) Instead, it is a control parameter used solely to make the following

 If the notional load factor is 0.002, the program will calculateb on an iterative

 If the notional load factor is greater than 0.00299, the program sets the iteration
limit to 1 and does not perform any additional iterations. (In this scenario, b is set to
1.0, the initial value set for the FLEX parameter.)

9. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Assign the Direct Analysis Parameters
In this exercise, you will learn how to assign the direct analysis parameters to the lateral load resisting system.

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Load & Definition dialog, highlight the FLEX 1 item.
3. In the Ribbon toolbar, click on the Select tab and then click on the Group Selection icon.
4. In the Select Groups dialog, highlight the following groups:



5. In the Load & Definition dialog, select the Assign to Selected Beams radio button and then click Assign.
6. In the STAAD.Pro dialog, click Yes to confirm the assignment.

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7. In the Load & Definition dialog, highlight the FYLD7200 {FYLD350,000} item.
8. In the Select Groups dialog, highlight the following groups:


9. In the Load & Definition dialog, select the Assign to Selected Beams radio button and then click Assign.
10. In the STAAD.Pro dialog, click Yes to confirm the assignment.

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11. In the Load & Definition dialog, highlight the FYLD6624 {FYLD320,000} item.
12. In the Select Groups dialog, highlight the following groups:

13. In the Load & Definition dialog, select the Assign to Selected Beams radio button and then click Assign.
14. In the STAAD.Pro dialog, click Yes to confirm the assignment.

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15. In the Load & Definition dialog, highlight the AXIAL item.
16. In the Select Groups dialog, highlight the following groups:

17. In the Load & Definition dialog, select the Assign to Selected Beams radio button and then click Assign.
18. In the STAAD.Pro dialog, click Yes to confirm the assignment.
19. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Generate the Load Combinations
In this exercise, you will learn how to generate load combinations in accordance with the AISC 360 Direct Analysis method. In
STAAD.Pro, load combinations can be generated according to one of the following methods:

 Load Combinations: A load combination is a set of load results which are combined algebraically to produce a superimposed set
of results for post-processing.

 Repeat Load Cases: A repeat load is a primary load case that can be used to combine other primary load cases. This is different
than a load combination since it is able to obtain the results of more than one load case acting in tandem. If the analysis of the
model involves non-linear situations (e.g. tension or compression only members, p-delta analysis, or multi-linear spring supports),
you will have to specify repeat load cases instead of load combinations.

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Loading tab and then click on the Automatic Combinations > Automatic Load Combinations icon.
3. In the Add New: Load Cases dialog, highlight the Auto Load Combination item and enter the following parameters:
 Select Load Combination Code: AISC: 360-2010

 Select Load Combination Category: PUBLIC

 Create Repeat Load Cases: (checked)

 Include Notional Load?: (checked)

Then, click the Generate Loads button.

4. In the Add New: Load Cases dialog, click the Add button. Then, click Close.
5. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Add the Direct Analysis Command
In this exercise, you will learn how to invoke an analysis command in STAAD.Pro. Several analysis options for steel structures are
available, including the following:

 Perform Analysis command: Used to perform a linear elastic analysis.

 Perform P Delta Analysis command: Used to perform a second order analysis.

 Perform Direct Analysis command: Used to perform a direct analysis per the AISC 360 Appendix 7. This method accounts for the
second order effects resulting from deformation in the structure due to the applied loading, imperfections and reduced bending
stiffness of the members due to the presence of axial load.

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Workflow Page Control, select the Analysis page.
3. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Analysis and Design tab and then click on the Analysis Commands icon.
4. In the Analysis/Print Commands dialog, select the Perform Direct Analysis tab and enter the following parameters:
 Option: LRFD

 Number of Iterations: 0

 Print Option: No Print

 After Current: (unchecked)

Then, click the Add button, followed by Close.

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5. In the Analysis/Print Commands dialog, review the analysis commands that were added after each IBC Seismic Load Cases:

Note: The Perform Direct Analysis command and the Change command
have been issued after each IBC Seismic Load Case to instruct STAAD.Pro
to analyze each load case individually and then re-set the stiffness matrix
before analyzing the next load case.

6. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Section 3: Using the Post Processor

Section Description
In this section, you will learn how to use the Post Processor to review the STAAD.Pro Analysis/Design results.

Skills Taught
 Reviewing the Node Analysis Results

 Reviewing the Beam Analysis Results

 Reviewing the Plate Analysis Results

 Creating Reports

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Analyze the Model
In this exercise, you will learn how to perform an analysis/design in STAAD.Pro using the following command:

 Analyze > Run Analysis...

1. Open Post Processor_1.std {Post Processor_1M.std} in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition.

2. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Analysis and Design tab and then click on the Analysis Commands icon.
3. In the STAAD Analysis and Design dialog, select the Go to Post Processing Mode radio button. Then, click Done.
4. In the Results Setup dialog, select the Results View Options tab and then enter the following parameters:
 Enable Automatic Scaling: (checked)

 Displacement/Deflection: (checked)

 Beam Results: (check all options)

Then, click OK.

5. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Review the Node Analysis Results
In this exercise, you will learn how to review the following nodal analysis results in the Post-Processor:

 Displacement: Displays nodal displacements along with tabular results for node displacements and section beam displacements.

 Reactions: Displays support reactions along with tabular results.

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Workflow Page Control, select the Displacements page.

The Displacement Diagram shows the

displaced shape of the structure according
to the currently selected load case.

In the Data Area, the following tables provide numerical results for the displacement of the structure:

 Node Displacements Table: Used to view numerical values of nodal displacements.

 Beam Relative Displacement Detail Table: Used to view numerical values for sectional displacements along the length of each

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3. In the Workflow Page Control, select the Reactions page.

The Reaction Diagram shows the

reactions for each support node in
the model according to the currently
selected load case.

In the Data Area, the following tables provide numerical results for the reactions at the base of the structure:

 Support Reactions Table: Used to display values of support reactions in tabular format.

 Statics Check Results Table: Provides a tabular presentation of the equilibrium check on the structure for each load case.

4. Keep this model open for the next exercise.

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Review the Beam Analysis Results
In this exercise, you will learn how to review the following beam analysis results in the Post-Processor:

 Forces: Displays member forces and moments in both graphical and tabular formats.

 Stresses: Displays member stresses on the corners of the cross-section in both graphical and tabular formats.

 Unity Check: If steel or aluminum design in the form of a code check or member selection is carried out, the utilization ratio for each
member that is designed can be graphically verified on this pate.

 Graphs: Displays moment and force diagrams for individual members.

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Workflow Page Control, select the Beam Results page.

The Beam Force Diagram shows the

member force diagrams according to
the currently selected load case.

In the Data Area, the following tables provide numerical results for the displacement of the structure:

 Beam End Forces Table: Used to display numerical values for the member end forces.

 Beam Force Detail Table: Used to display the cross sectional forces and moments at section along each member.

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3. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the View tab and then click on the Label Settings icon.
4. In the Diagrams dialog, select the Loads and Results tab. In this dialog, you can view the following results on screen:
 Axial Forces

 Shear yy

 Shear zz

 Bending yy

 Bending zz

 Torsion

 Stress

Click Cancel in the Diagrams dialog.

Other structural diagrams can also be turned on using the

options within the Result tab in the Ribbon toolbar.

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5. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Results tab and then click on the Layouts > Beam Stresses icon.

The Beam Stresses Diagram shows the

member stresses according to
the currently selected load case.

 Compression: Red indicates

compressive stresses.

 Tension: Blue indicates tensile stresses.

In the Data Area, the Beam Combined Axial and Bending Stress Table displays the following types of results:

 All: Shows the stresses for all members in the model, for all load cases.

 Max Stresses: Reports the magnitude and locations of the maximum tensile and compressive stresses for each load case on
every member in the model.

 Profile Stress Points: Reports stresses at user-defined points on the cross-section.

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6. In the Post Processor_1 - Whole Structure window (at the lower left corner of your screen), click on any member in the model.
Then, review the 3D Beam Stress Contour diagram (at the top of the screen).


This window shows the combined This window shows the stress
stress distribution along the distribution along the cross section at
longitudinal axis. You can select any the location of the member that is
point along the length of the member selected in the Select Section Plane
by using the slider in the Select dialog.
Section Plane dialog.

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7. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Results tab and then click on the Layouts > Utilization icon.
8. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the View tab and then click on the Label Settings icon.
9. In the Diagrams dialog, select the Design Results tab and review the following parameters in the Actual Ratio table:
 Grey: Not Designed

 Green: From 0 to 1.0

 Blue: From 1.0 to 1.5

 Red: > 1.5

Then, click OK.

The Design Results tab in the Diagrams

dialog indicate the four categories of
design results:

 Not Designed

 Pass (Green)

 Fail (Blue)

 Extreme Fail (Red)

In the Data Area, the Design Results Table displays the following types of results:

 All: Displays the calculated demand to capacity ratio along with the allowed RATIO value.

 Failed Members: Shows the values for only those member which have failed the standpoint of the code requirements.

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10. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Results tab and then click on the Layouts > Graphs icon. In the Main Window, select any member
in the model.

The Beam Graphs at the right side of the screen display the
force and moment diagrams for the currently selected
member. By default the Moment about the Strong Axis (Mz),
the Beam Shear (Fy), and the Axial Load (Fx) are displayed.

To control the diagrams, right-click on any graph and select

Diagrams... in the pop up menu to select which diagram you
want to see and the color coding that you would prefer.

11. Keep this model open for the next exercise.

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Review the Plate Analysis Results
In this exercise, you will learn how to review the following plate analysis results in the Post-Processor:

 Contour: Used to view the various plate stresses in both graphical and tabular formats.

 Results along Line: Displays member stresses on the corners of the cross-section in both graphical and tabular formats.

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Workflow Page Control, select the Plate Results page.
3. In the Diagrams dialog, enter the following parameters:
 Load Case: DEAD LOAD

 Stress Type: Max Top (Principle Major Stress)

 Contour Type: Normal Fill

Then, click OK.

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The Main Window shows the graphical Plate
Stress Contour diagram superimposed on the
elements according to the currently selected
load case.

In the Data Area, the following tables provide numerical results for the plate stresses:

 Plate Corner Stress Table: Displays shear, membrane, and bending stresses for all specified plates and for all specified load

 Plate Center Stress Table: Displays the stresses at the center of plate elements.

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4. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Results tab and then click on the Layouts > Results Along Line icon.
5. In the Results Along Line dialog, click on the Cut by a Line button.
6. In the Main Window, create the cut line as follows:
 Click at any point to establish the first point for the cut line.

 Click again at any point on the opposite side of the structure, so that the line that is displayed cuts across a portion of the

 Click on one side of the cut line to establish the direction.

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7. In the Results along Line dialog, use the Stress Type pull down menu to customize the graphical display of the results along the

8. Keep this model open for the next exercise.

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Viewing Results with the Query Command
In this exercise, you will learn how to view member and plate results using the following query commands:

 Tools > Query > Member: Used to view a summary of the input and output data for a member.

 Tools > Query > Plate: Used to view a summary of the input and output data for a plate element, including geometry, properties, and
output results.

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Main Window, use the Beams Cursor and double-click on any member in the model.


3. In the Beam dialog, review the following analysis and design results:
 Shear Bending

 Deflection

 Steel Design

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4. In the Main Window, use the Plates Cursor and double-click on any plate in the model.


5. In the Plate dialog, review the following analysis and design results:
 Center Stresses

 Corner Stresses

 Principle Stresses and Displacement

6. Keep this model open for the next exercise.

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Create Custom Reports
In this exercise, you will learn how to create Custom Reports in the STAAD.Pro Post Processor. The custom report can contain graphics,
logos, and pictures taken from STAAD view windows.

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Workflow Page Control, select the Reports page.
3. In the Report Setup dialog, select the Output option in the Items tab. Then, select the following options:
 Node Displacement Summary

 Failed Member Table

 Reaction Summary

Then, click on the Single Right Arrow button. Then, click OK.

Note: The Report can be printed or exported to a text file or a Microsoft Word file.
4. Keep this model open for the next exercise.

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Section 4: Viewing Instabilities

Section Description
In STAAD.Pro, instability problems can occur due to two primary reasons:

1. Modeling Problem: There are a variety of modeling problems which can give rise to instability conditions. They can be classified
into two groups:

 Local Instability: A local instability is a condition where the fixity conditions at the end of a member are such as to cause an
instability in the member about one or more degrees of freedom.

 Global Inability: These are caused when the supports of the structure are such that they cannot offer any resistance to sliding
or overturning of the structure in one or more directions.

2. Math Precision: A math precision error is caused when numerical instabilities occur in the matrix inversion process.
In this section, we will review several models that produced instabilities to demonstrate several common scenarios that may produce an
instability and to show you where to view the resulting information in STAAD.Pro.

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Local Instability Case 1: Member Releases
In this exercise, you will learn how to review a local instability that is caused by member releases.

1. Open Instability_1.std {Instability_1M.std} in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition.

2. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Analysis and Design tab and then click on the Run Analysis icon.
3. In the STAAD Analysis and Design dialog, click on the View Output File ratio button and then click Done.

Notice that STAAD.Pro reported Warnings

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4. In the left pane of the Output Viewer, notice that several lines indicate that several joints have no stiffness in the direction:

5. In the menu bar, click File > Exit to close the Output Viewer.
6. In the Workflow Panel, click on the Post Processing icon.
7. In the Results Setup dialog, click OK.

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8. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Results tab and then click on the Layouts > Instability icon.

9. In the Data Area, notice that the Unstable Joints Table displays the unstable joints in the model.

The values 0 and 1 are used to indicate whether the associated field is unstable. An Unstable condition is marked with a “1”, which
“0” indicates that there is no instability.

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10. In the Workflow Panel, click on the Analytical Modeling icon.
11. In the Workflow Page Control, select the Specifications page.
12. In the Specifications dialog, highlight the START MY MZ item and then click Edit...
Members released at both ends for any of the following degrees of freedom (FX, FY, FZ, and MX) may be subjected to a local
instability. For this model, we will replace the full moment release with partial ones that release 99% of the moment but retains 1%
moment capacity. This is a common method for taking care of instabilities in STAAD.Pro and a reasonable assumption as no
pinned connection truly releases all moment in reality.

13. In the Member Specifications dialog, modeling the following parameters:

 Release Type: Partial Moment Release

 MPY: 0.99

 MPZ: 0.99

Then, click on the Change button.

14. In the Specifications dialog, highlight the END MY MZ item and then click Edit...
15. In the Member Specifications dialog, modeling the following parameters:
 Release Type: Partial Moment Release

 MPY: 0.99

 MPZ: 0.99

Then, click on the Change button.

16. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Analysis and Design tab and then click on the Run Analysis icon.
Notice that all of the instabilities have been removed and the model is now stable.

17. In the Warning dialog, click on the Save button.

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Local Instability Case 2: Truss Specification
In this exercise, you will learn how to review a local instability that is caused by the specifications assigned to the steel columns.

1. Open Instability_2.std {Instability_2M.std} in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition and Run the Analysis.
2. Open the Output Viewer and notice that several lines indicate that several joints have no stiffness in the direction:

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3. Go to the Post Processor to view the Instability Information.

Nodal Displacements Unstable Joints

For this model, the columns were defined as “TRUSS” members. These columns have no capacity to transfer shears or moments
from the superstructure to the supports. The “TRUSS” specification should be removed from the columns and the analysis should
be re-run to obtain valid results.

4. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Global Instability Case 1: Weak Spring Provides Sufficient Restraint
In this exercise, you will learn how to review a global instability that is resolved with a weak spring.

1. Open Instability_3.std {Instability_3M.std} in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition and Run the Analysis.
2. Open the Output Viewer and click the line that says ***WARNING - INSTABILITY AT JOINT 1 DIRECTION = FZ.

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3. Go to the Post Processor to view the Instability Information:

Nodal Displacements Unstable Joints

Occasionally, STAAD.Pro encounters conditions that produce errors or warnings when an analysis is performed. One common
condition is that STAAD.Pro encounters a structural instability somewhere in the model. Oftentimes, STAAD is able to make a
small manipulation to the model to overcome the instability.

In this file, a 2D structure (frame in the XY plane) was created and identified as a SPACE FRAME with pinned supports. To resolve
the instability issues, STAAD.Pro has provided a weak spring and the structure is now stable. Since the deflections are
reasonable, the analysis can be considered valid.

4. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Global Instability Case 2: Weak Spring Does Not Provide Sufficient Restraint
In this exercise, you will learn how to review a global instability that is still not resolved with a weak spring.

1. Open Instability_4.std {Instability_4M.std} in STAAD.Pro and Run the Analysis.

2. Open the Output Viewer and notice that several lines indicate instabilities and several weak springs were added:

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3. Go to the Post Processor to view the Instability Information:

Nodal Displacements Unstable Joints

For this model, we performed a lifting analysis to approximate how a crane might lift the assembled structure. After performing the
analysis and reviewing the displacements, the model is unstable and the displacements are not reasonable. The model should be
reconfigured to ensure that it is properly supported.

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4. Open Instability_5.std {Instability_5M.std} in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition and Run the Analysis.

For this model, we have added a few additional restraints on the model which will represent strap/guides that will existing in reality
when the structural assembly is hoisted by a crane.

5. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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