Flame Stretch and Lewis Number Effects: Multi-Scale Approach

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Flame stretch and Lewis number effects

Hydrodynamic theory
Multi-scale approach
thin flame δ ≡ lf /L � 1
large activation energy β � 1
Heat conduction, species diffusion, viscous
dissipation, are resolved on the diffusion
scale ~ lf , which constitutes the flame, within n
which there is a thin reaction zone of
thickness ~ β-1 lf .
Asymptotic matching provides jump
conditions across the flame and an
equation for the flame speed. Results were O(δe zone
carried out to O(δ) to retain the influences of flam
a finite flame thickness. Tb
The theory accounts for thermal expansion,
temperature-dependent transport, nonunity
and distinct Lewis numbers, effects due to 0
stoichiometry and reaction orders and Yu Y=
radiative heat losses.
Matalon & Matkowsky (JFM, 1982)
Matalon et al. (JFM, 2003) Tu lf

Copyright ©2011 by Moshe Matalon. This

material is not to be sold, reproduced or
distributed without the prior written
permission of the owner, M. Matalon. 1

We consider a two-reactants mixture undergoing combustion described by a one-

step overall reaction (reaction order two), with constant transport properties
λ, µ, ρD. The flame of arbitrary shape propagates in an unconfined environment
under adiabatic conditions.

!# T !# ! !# Y (F < 0)
T =" ! =" u Y =" u
#$ Tb #$ !b $# 0 (F > 0)

with O(δβ-1) temperature and density corrections in the burned gas neglected

σ ≡ ρu /ρu = Tb /Tu

∇·v =0 n
Dv burned
ρ = −∇p + µ∇2 v + ρg ρb
Dt F (x, y, z, t) = 0
for F < 0 and F >0 Vf

Jump conditions across F = 0 unburned

Flame speed equation ρu

Jump conditions across F = 0

[[ρ(v·n − Vf )]] = terms of O(δ)
[[n × (v × n)]] = terms of O(δ)
[[p + ρ(v·n)(v·n − Vf )]] = terms of O(δ)

Flame speed relation burned
F (x, y, z, t) = 0
Sf = SL − L K

where, Sf ≡ −Vf + v·n|F =0−

L (in cm) is the so-called Markstein length
K the flame stretch rate (1/s), is a measure of the deformation of the flame
surface resulting from its motion and the underlying hydrodynamic strain.

Note that both, the reciprocal of the Reynolds number Re, as well as
the Markstein length are both O(δ).

Copyright ©2011 by Moshe Matalon. This

material is not to be sold, reproduced or
distributed without the prior written
permission of the owner, M. Matalon. 2

Flame Stretch

Consider a set of points on the flame surface which remain on the flame
surface but move along it due to the underlying fluid velocity. These points
form an element of area A, which is continuously deformed as a result of the
motion of the flame and the underlying strain rate.

Flame stretch is defined as the fractional area change of a

Lagrangian surface element of the flame surface (it is a n P
kinematics concept).

1 dA ξ2 n
K≡ e2
A dt
e she
from kinematic considerations et

K = Sf κ + K s

Within the context of the hydrodynamic theory Sf ≈ SL , so that K = SL κ + K s

κ and Ks are the curvature and strain rate.

K = SL κ + K s

strain rate
Ks = −n · E · n
κ = −∇ · n � �
E = 12 ∇v + (∇v)T
1 1
κ= + is the rate of strain tensor
R1 R2
1/R1 and 1/R2 are the two Ks = −(v · n)κ + ∇τ · vτ
principle radii of curvature

normal straining tangential straining

Other useful relations:

K = −Vf κ − n · ∇ × (v × n)
K = −Vf κ + ∇τ · vτ

Note that these expressions are all identical; depending on the flame configura-
tion, one or the other may turned out to be easier to use. Matalon CST, 1993
Matalon et al., JFM, 2003 6

Copyright ©2011 by Moshe Matalon. This

material is not to be sold, reproduced or
distributed without the prior written
permission of the owner, M. Matalon. 3

Note that the flame speed equation is a relation that describes the instantaneous
shape and location of the flame surface
+ v∗ · ∇F = (SL − L K) |∇F |
where v∗ is the gas velocity just ahead of the flame surface (i.e., at F = 0− )
and K depends on the curvature of the flame surface, as well on the local hy-
drodynamic strain rate.
� �
∂F ∇F L� � � �
+ v∗ · ∇F = SL |∇F | 1 + L∇· + ∇F · ∇v∗ +(∇v∗ )T ·∇F
∂t |∇F | 2

where the velocity v is calculated from the solution of the NS equations, and
v∗ determined from the knowledge of the flow field ahead of the flame.

The function F can be seen as a scalar field, whose level surface F (x, t) = const.
represents the flame surface. Here the constant is taken to be zero.
This equation is often referred to as the “level set equation”

A hybrid Navier-Stokes/front-capturing methodology is required for the numer-

ical implementation of the hydrodynamic model.
Peters 2000 Rastigejev & Matalon, JFM 2006, Creta & Matalon, PCI 2011

Examples of flame stretch

1. Spherically expanding flame

A = 4!R 2
1 dA 8!RR! 2 R!
K= = = n
A dt 4!R 2 R R(t)−r = 0

#vr $ "1 2 R˙
K s = "err r= R = " =
#r r= R $ R
2 * 0 r<R
%= , V f = "R˙ , 2
R vr = +" # 1 ˙ $ R '
, R & ) r>R
radial flow v & n = 0 - " %r(

R! = !S L
2SL # $ 1 2R˙ 2R˙
K = SL" + K s = + = !
! R # R R

2 R˙
K = "V f # =
! R
Note: the inwardly propagating spherical flame is negatively stretched (i.e. compressed)

Copyright ©2011 by Moshe Matalon. This
material is not to be sold, reproduced or
distributed without the prior written
permission of the owner, M. Matalon. 4

Examples of flame stretch

2. Flame in a stagnation-point Flow

A = " r 2 , #r = v#t
2 2
1 #A " (r + v#t ) $ " r 2"v
K = lim = lim = 2 = 2!
#t %0 A #t #t %0 2" r#t "r r

v = (u , v, 0), n = (!1, 0, 0), V f = 0, " = 0

K = K s = "ezz = 2! d
z =d

K = %n $ # " ( v " n) = 2! for z > d :

u = "2! ( z " a ), v = !r

Note: the flame in a rear-stagnation point flow is negatively stretched (i.e. compressed)

Examples of flame stretch

3. Bunsen flame
for more details about this and other examples, see Matalon, CST 1983

Flame shape: (circular cone with sharp apex) 0 r

F (z, r, ϕ) = c2 r2 − z 2
α t
c = cot α
Flow field: v = (-U, 0 , 0) (uniform flow)

t = (- sin α, 0, - cos α)
R1 = −r/ cos α and R2 = ∞

K =" sin 2#
The flame is negatively stretched (compressed).

Copyright ©2011 by Moshe Matalon. This

material is not to be sold, reproduced or
distributed without the prior written
permission of the owner, M. Matalon. 5

General flame surface

overall strain KS
� �� �
K = SL κ −(v · n)κ + ∇τ · vτ
� �� � � �� � � �� �
(a) (b) (c)

(a) the normal propagating motion can expand or contract the flame depending
on the sign of the curvature
(b) normal straining caused by vn can contract or expand the flame depending
on the sign of the curvature

(c) tangential straining, represented by the divergence of the tangential velocity

vector, can have a compressing or expanding effect.

n g


normal straining tangential straining 11

The Markstein length

� � σ �
σ ln σ β(Leeff − 1) ln ξ
L= + dξ lf
σ−1 2(σ − 1) 1 ξ−1

The effective Lewis number of the mixture Leeff is a weighted average of the
individual Lewis numbers, LeF and LeO , defined as

 LeO + (1 + φ̃) LeF

 lean mixture
 2 + φ̃
Leeff =

 LeF + (1 + φ̃) LeO

 rich mixture
1 + φ̃

� � �
where φ̃ > 0 measures the β φ−1 − 1 lean mixture
φ̃ =
deviation from stoichiometry β(φ − 1) rich mixture.

For a stoichiometric mixture (φ̃ = 0) the effective Lewis number is the aver-
age of LeF and LeO . For an off-stoichiometric mixture (φ̃ � 1) the deficient
component is more heavily weighted such that for very lean/rich mixtures the
effective Lewis number is practically that of the fuel/oxidizer, respectively. 12

Copyright ©2011 by Moshe Matalon. This

material is not to be sold, reproduced or
distributed without the prior written
permission of the owner, M. Matalon. 6

� σ
L σ ln σ β(Leeff − 1) ln ξ
Markstein number = + dξ
lf σ−1 2(σ − 1) 1 ξ−1

Bechtold & Matalon, C&F 2001

•  Leeff < 1 for lean H2/air, and rich hydrocarbon/air mixtures

•  Leeff > 1 for rich H2/air, and lean hydrocarbon/air mixtures 13
(except for CH4 which behaves more like H2)

A more general expression for the effective Markstein length can be obtained for
a one-step overall chemical reaction but of arbitrary reaction orders, a and b for
fuel and oxidizer respectively, and in mixtures for which the viscosity µ, thermal
conductivity λ, and diffusivities DF , DO depend on temperature. Specifically,
it is assumed that λ, ρD, µ have the same temperature dependence.
� � σ � σ � σ − 1 � λ(ξ) �
σ λ(ξ) β(Leeff − 1)
L= dξ + ln dξ lf
σ−1 1 ξ 2(σ − 1) 1 ξ−1 ξ

λ(x) is the functional dependence on the dimensionless temperature x = T /Tu .

Typically, λ(x) = xα with α = 0.7; constant properties correspond to λ ≡ 1.
 Le + A Le
 O F

 lean mixture
Leeff =
 LeF + A LeO

 rich mixture
where the coefficient A > 0, depends on the reaction orders a, b with respect to
the fuel or oxidizer, respectively, and on the equivalence ratio φ. They are given
� ∞
G(a, b; φ̃)
A≡ − 1, G(m, n, z) ≡ ς m (ς + z)n e−ς dς ;
b G(a, b−1; φ̃) 0

with φ̃ > 0 defined earlier (the deviation from stoichiometry).

Note that G(1, 1, z) = 2 + z and G(1, 0, z) = 1, and we recover the previous

expression when a = b = 1.

Copyright ©2011 by Moshe Matalon. This

material is not to be sold, reproduced or
distributed without the prior written
permission of the owner, M. Matalon. 7

Markstein number relative to the burned gas

The convention we have used is to define the flame speed relative to the gas
velocity f the fresh mixture ahead of the flame. If the flame speed is defined
relative to the gas velocity of the burned gas behind the flame,

Sfb = σSL − σLb K

and the corresponding Markstein number (which could be easily deduced from
knowledge of the jump conditions across the flame) is
� � σ � � � �
b 1 λ(ξ) β(Leeff − 1) σ σ − 1 λ(ξ)
L = dξ + ln dx lf
σ−1 1 ξ 2(σ − 1) 1 x−1 ξ

Note that the laminar flame speed relative to the burned gas is simply σSL , but
Lb �= L is not a simple multiplication of L by σ.


Comment about the Markstein length

The Markstein number is uniquely determined only in the asymptotic limit con-
sidered here, where the whole flame is treated as a surface that coincides with
the reaction sheet and the flame speed evaluated at this location.

Experimental measurements, on the other hand, are typically taken at a spe-

cific reference location inside the flame zone. To make meaningful comparisons
between theory and experiments the Markstein number must, therefore, be ad-
justed by properly calculating the gas velocity at the chosen reference location.

The magnitude of the Markstein number, in general, drops as a result of that

adjustment; thus for light fuels the corrected Markstein numbers may possibly
have negative values at lean conditions.
Tien & Matalon, CNF 1991
Bechtold & Matalon, CNF 2001


Copyright ©2011 by Moshe Matalon. This

material is not to be sold, reproduced or
distributed without the prior written
permission of the owner, M. Matalon. 8

Flame Speed and Temperature

� � σ � σ � σ − 1 � λ(ξ) �
σ λ(ξ) β(Leeff − 1)
Sf = SL − dξ + ln dξ lf K
σ−1 1 ξ 2(σ − 1) 1 ξ−1 ξ

�� σ � σ − 1 � λ(ξ) �
lf K
Tf = Ta − Tu (Leeff − 1) ln dξ
1 ξ−1 ξ SL

• Positive stretch reduces Tf if Le > 1 and increases Tf if Le < 1. The

flame temperature is unaffected by stretch if Le ≈ 1.
• Positive stretch increase or decreases Sf if Le is larger or smaller than
a critical, slightly negative Le∗ . Roughly speaking we can say, that Sf
increases/decreases with stretch when Le is less/greater than one.

Note that variations of Tf from the adiabatic temperature are small, on the order O(δβ −1 ).
The expression for Tf is slightly modified at near stoichiometric conditions.

Stretch rate K = 2�
d ∼ a + 1/2�

K Experimentally measured temperature for different

strain rates. Nitrogen-diluted CH4/air flames at near-
stoichiometry (N2/O2 = 5, φ = 0.95). The estimated
Leeff ≈ 1 so that T ≈ Ta independent of ε.
Law , 2007


Copyright ©2011 by Moshe Matalon. This

material is not to be sold, reproduced or
distributed without the prior written
permission of the owner, M. Matalon. 9

Calculated flame speed as a function of the stretch rate, for counterflow flames illustrating
the distinct dependence of flame speed on stretch and the effect of Lewis number.
Law , 2007
(a)  lean H2 / air mixture LeH2 < 1
rich H2 / air mixture LeO2 > 1
(b)  lean C3H8 / air mixture LeC3H8 > 1
rich C3H8 / air mixture LeO2 < 1

(a) hydrogen-air mixture (1 atm) (b) propane-air mixture (1 atm)



Stretch rate K(1/s) Stretch rate K(1/s)


Outwardly propagating spherical flames

Here δ = lf /R, so that including O(δ) terms provides information about smaller
flames (earlier time). One finds
� � unburned gas
Ṙ = σSL 1 − 2σLb
� � σ � σ � σ − 1 � λ(ξ) � burned
1 λ(ξ) β(Leeff − 1)
Lb = dξ + ln dξ lf
σ−1 1 ξ 2(σ − 1) 1 ξ−1 ξ

where Lb �= L is the Markstein length, defined relative

to the gas velocity of the burned gas

Note that Lb changes sign at a critical value Le∗eff . Thus, in lean hydrocar-
bon/air mixtures, where Leeff is typically larger than one, the propagation speed
of a spherical flame increases as the flame grows larger; the reverse is true for
rich hydrocarbon/air mixtures.


Copyright ©2011 by Moshe Matalon. This

material is not to be sold, reproduced or
distributed without the prior written
permission of the owner, M. Matalon. 10

Propagation speed vs flame radius





Addabbo et al., PCI 2002 Strehlow , 1984

For propane-air mixtures, the transition where the behavior of Ṙ changes from
increasing to decreasing function of R occurs at equivalence ratio φ ≈ 1.3. 21

The dependence of the flame speed on curvature (via stretch) ensures a smooth
flame shape near the tip.

Copyright ©2011 by Moshe Matalon. This

material is not to be sold, reproduced or
distributed without the prior written
permission of the owner, M. Matalon. 11

Flame propagating in a channel

unburned y
2a x
n burned

For simplicity, consider a constant density flow and adiabatic walls.

Then the velocity field is given by u(y) = u0 (1 − y 2 ) and the flame front repre-
sented by x = U t − ϕ(y) where U is the propagation speed.

Sf = SL − LK
(1, !! y ) !U ! yy ! y ! y! yy
n= Vf = , "= Ks = SL
1+ ! y2 1+ ! y2 (1+ ! )
1+ ! y2 1+ ! y2

using u(y) +U ~ SL 1+ ! y2


Use SL as a unit of speed, a as a unit of length and a/SL a unit of time. The
Markstein number for σ ≈ 1 is α = 1 + le/2 where le = β(Le − 1).

u!0 (1! y 2 ) + U! ! yy
= 1! " level-set equation
1+ ! y 1+ ! y2

2 2 ˜
" y = ! ⇒ " # y = 1+ # $ u˜ 0 (1$ y ) $ U
#($1) = #(1) = 0

What happens when we lower le below −2; i.e., when Le is sufficiently low? 24

Copyright ©2011 by Moshe Matalon. This

material is not to be sold, reproduced or
distributed without the prior written
permission of the owner, M. Matalon. 12

reaction rate contours

Flame propagating in a channel against an

imposed Poiseuille flow - computed
based on a constant density or diffusive-
thermal model. Here le = β(Le - 1)


Bunsen burner flames – lean/rich propane & methane air mixtures

Le < 1 Le > 1 Le > 1 Le < 1

Law, 200726

Copyright ©2011 by Moshe Matalon. This

material is not to be sold, reproduced or
distributed without the prior written
permission of the owner, M. Matalon. 13

Bunsen flame

The dependence of the flame speed on curvature (via stretch) ensures a smooth
flame shape near the tip (asymptotic solution). 27

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
x x

Uniform inflow Parabolic inflow

Computations based on a hybrid Navier-Stokes/level-set approach

Rastigejev & Matalon, JFM 2006


Copyright ©2011 by Moshe Matalon. This

material is not to be sold, reproduced or
distributed without the prior written
permission of the owner, M. Matalon. 14

Flow field through a corrugated flame

Steady-propagation in a quiescent mixture at a speed 1.15SL , computed for

σ = 4 with L > 0, using a hybrid Navier-Stokes/level-set approach.
Creta & Matalon, PCI 2011



Copyright ©2011 by Moshe Matalon. This

material is not to be sold, reproduced or
distributed without the prior written
permission of the owner, M. Matalon. 15

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