Modul 2 Offering

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Exercice 1: Match each number with the most suitable answer

NAME: …………………………………….. CLASS:…… 1 Can I get… A Prepare the lunch if you like
2 Do you want… B A blanket to warm your body
A. Offering Definition 3 Would you like… C Something to relieve your cough?
4 Shall I get you… D Drive you to airport
give something physical or abstract to someone which
5 Let me… E You something to drink?
can be taken as a gift or a trade.
6 Do you want me… F A glass of iced water?
offer means

7 May I help you with… G Some cheesecake?

to give help. It can be taken or refused
8 I’ll help you… H to joint football match next week?
can be in terms of food, money, solutions,
9 I’ll Get you I The assignment
10 J
friendship or a bargain

Exercise 2: Fill each blank from previous exercise (more than one possible answer
B. Warming up: where you probably hear what they say? 1. E: _____________________________________________________
Who commonly say it? E: _____________________________________________________
Offering R: Thank you.
No Expression Place Persons 2. E: _____________________________________________________
Help Thing
R: No. I’d prefer a cup of hot chocolate
1 Would you 3. E: _____________________________________________________
prefer a room Front Hotel R: Thanks. But I have already called a taxi
Hotel 
with AC or Non Desk guest 4. E: _____________________________________________________
AC? R: Yes. That would be nice. The exercise is so difficult
2 Can I help 5. E: _____________________________________________________
you, Please? E: _____________________________________________________
Are you R: Oh, please don’t bother yourself. I’m OK.
looking for a 6. E: _____________________________________________________
book in R: Yes.. Sure you’ll win the contest
particular? 7. E: _____________________________________________________
R: Thank you. That’s very kind of you. I feel numb with cold
3 Would you like
8. E: _____________________________________________________
some hot tea
E: _____________________________________________________
or ice tea?
R: Yes. I would really to have some
4 I made some
9. E: _____________________________________________________
cakes. Shall I
E: _____________________________________________________
get for you? R: Thanks. I need it. What should do without your help
5 Do you need
some help with
your math
Exercise 3: Analyze the expressions below Exercise 5: Make A Short Dialogue
Situation 1 : I’m really thirsty.
No Expression I R P Offering : I’ll get you a glass of water (or) Let me buy you a bottle of water
1 May I open the window, please? Accept : Yes, Please. That would be nice ( or )
2 Would you like to open the window, Please? Refuse : Don’t bother, I’ll do it
3 Can I sit here? Situation 2 : I’m really hungry.
Offering : ……………………………………………………….
4 Would you like come to my birthday party? Refuse : ……………………………………………………….
5 Can you sit next to me?
6 Let go to school festival with me Situation 3 : This suitcase is quite heavy for me.
I: Inviting R: Request P: Permission Offering : ……………………………………………………….
Accept : ……………………………………………………….
Exercise 4: Make English expressions Situation 4 : It’s raining hard, and I have to leave.
Offering : ……………………………………………………….……….
Refuse : ……………………………………………………….……….
…………………………. Situation 5 : We don’t have any shampoo
Jane, Can I use your
drawing as my twitter Offering : ……………………………………………………….……….
…………………………. Accept : ……………………………………………………….……….
header? (permission)
Situation 6 : I can’t find my glasses.
Edit the video for yuo? Offering : ……………………………………………………….……….
(...) Refuse : ……………………………………………………….……….
Situation 7 : I don’t know how to get to the park.
Offering : ……………………………………………………….……….
…………………………. …………………………. Accept : ……………………………………………………….……….
Situation 8 : Dinner is almost ready.
…………………………. …………………………. Offering : ……………………………………………………….……….
create a youtube chanel? Accept : ……………………………………………………….……….
follow her on instagram
Situation 9 : My bicycle is broken.
Offering : ……………………………………………………….……….
Refuse : ……………………………………………………….……….
…………………………. …………………………. Situation 10 : I don’t know how this coffee maker works.
Offering : ……………………………………………………….……….
…………………………. …………………………. Accept : ……………………………………………………….……….

make your password switch the phone off D. Read and Act
strongly during class Conversation 1: Between Passengers in a Train
Anton : It’s very cold tonight.
Ryan : Yes. May I shut the window?
…………………………. Anton : Oh yes, please.
…………………………. Ryan : Why don’t you wear a sweater?
…………………………. Anton : Oh, I forgot to bring mine. I didn’t really expect it to be so cold.
Teach me how to use Ryan : I can give you one if you don’t mind. I have one more in my suitcase.
this application translate this letter
Anton : That’s very kind of you.
Ryan : How about a cup of hot tea?
Anton : No, thank you.
Conversation 2: At the Travel Agency Exercise 6: Answer the following question based on conversation 3
Tina : Good afternoon, Sir. What can I do for you? a) What is the dialogue about? ……………………………………………..
Bob : Could you give me some details about your package tours? b) What did the waiter do after the man and the woman sat at their table?
Tina : Certainly. Would you like to see our brochures? Here they are. (hand ……………………………………………………………………………
him the brochures) c) Did the man like the menu? How do you know?
Bob : Thank you. (after going through the brochures) Well, this 10-day Bali ……………………………………………………………………………
tour seems to be an interesting one. d) In which part of the dialogue does the writer offer things?
Tina : We could book your tickets if you like. ……………………………………………………………………………
Bob : Oh yes. But not for me alone. I want three tickets to be booked. e) Write part of the dialogue expressing offers and the responses in the table
Tina : Sure, we can do it. Please fill in these forms. below
Bob : Thank you. .
Tina : Would you like us to send the tickets to you by post or would you like
No Expression Responses
to collect them personally?
Bob : Can I take them on next Wednesday? 1 How can I help you, Sir? I’d like a table for two, pease.
Tina : Sure, we’ll keep them ready for you.
Bob : Thank you.
Tina : It’s our pleasure, Sir.

Conversation 3 : At the Restaurant

Waiter : Good evening. How can I help you, sir?
Man : I’d like a table for two, please.
Waiter : This way, please, sir.
Man : Thank you.
Waiter : Would you like to order now or later, sir?
Man : I’d like to order now. What’s on the menu today?
Waiter : Well, our starter today is asparagus corn soup. The main course is
white fish steak and chips.
Man : Alright. I’d like the asparagus corn soup as the starter and the white
fish steak and chips as the main course. Would you like the corn soup
as the starter, dear?
Woman : No, I’m not very fond of the corn soup. Do you have any other
choices for the starter?
Waiter : We have mushroom soup, onion soup, and chicken soup and also
some salad of vegetables mixed with fruits.
Man : Why don’t you try the salad?
Woman : Hmm.... That’s a good idea. Okay, I want the vegetable mixed fruits
Waiter : Very good. Would you like something to drink? Exercise 7: Group Assignment: WATCH AND REENACT
Woman : I’ll have a cup of jasmine tea, please.
Man : And I’d like a pineapple juice, please.
C. Offering Expression

Offering help Accepting Refusing

Can/may I help you? That sounds nice. That’s very kind of you but I can do it myself. Thank’s
What can I do for you? Oh yes, I’d love to.
Do you want me to joint you? Oh, thank you. I appreciate that but I can do it myself
Would you like me to take your book? Thank you That would be nicebut I can do it myself
Let me bring your umbrella Thanks a lot Thank you for your kindness but I can do it myself
I’ll fix your if you like Thanks, I’d love to Please don’t be bother (yourself)
I’ll be happy to buy lunch/din if you want Many thanks I’m sorry …..
I’d be glad to send the email for you That’s very kind of you. I’m sorry I can’t. I have to …
Shall I sell it/them for you
"Don't worry, I'll do it."
Would you like me to get the ticket for you
Offering Something
Can I get you something to drink? Yes, please Oh, I’d love to, but I don’t
Would you like something to drink? Yes, of course think I can’t. It’s all right.
What can I get for you? I appreciated that I can't …
What will you have? I’d like it very much No, thanks.
Would you like to have a pancake? Thank you, I would No, I really won’t thank you.
Why don’t you have some lemonade? That would be very nice Not for me, thanks.
How about (some) shoes for your No, thanks. I’m not hungry.
bday gift?
Do you like manggo or orange? OK. If you wouldn't mind.
Do you want some chips?
May I give you (some) choco?
Would you like some candies?
Offering to friends Offering to older people:
Want some? Would you like a cup of coffee, Mr. Green?
Have some. Should I get you a bottle of water, Madam/Sir?
Chocolate? Could I offer you a glass of lemonade, Miss. Lina?
Glass of lemonade? Would you care for some salad?
Grab some for yourself.
Offering Something to Someone
There are several ways of offering something to someone in English. A polite way
of offering something that most learners are familiar with is to use the expression
'Would you like...?' For example:

· Would you like a cup of tea? / Would you like a biscuit or something? (P)

· Do you want a cup of tea? / Do you want a biscuit? (LP)

· Have some more coffee. / Have another slice of cake. (AKRAB-


· A: Black coffee? B: Yes, please. / A: Tea? B: No, thanks. (Informal)

· Fancy a drink? meaning Do you want a drink? (Brit)

· Fancy some coffee? / Fancy a biscuit?

Sometimes you are offering something that is not immediately available. In such
situations you can use the expression 'Can I get you something?' For example:
'Can I...' is also used to make a less confident offer:
· Can I get you something to drink? / Can I get you something to eat? / Let
me get you something to drink. / Let me get you something to eat. / Can I get · Can I give you a lift anywhere?
you anything? A cup of tea or coffee? Some juice? / Sit down and let me get
you some cake. Sometimes you can also use the verb need to make an offer. For example:

If you want the other person to take what they need, you should use the · Do you need anything?
expressions 'Help yourself' or 'Help yourself to something':
Offers to a Customer
· A: Do you suppose I could have a glass of wine? B: Of course. You know
where everything is. Help yourself. Shop and company employees sometimes say 'Can I ...' or 'May I...' when they are
politely offering their help to a customer on the phone or in person:
· Please help yourself to some coffee. / Help yourself to sugar.
· Flight information, can I help you?
When you are offering help to someone, you can say '
· Dorsey & Whitney, Jamie speaking, how may I help you?
Shall I...?':
Replying to an Offer
· Shall I fetch a nurse? / Shall I fetch the doctor?
The most usual way of accepting an offer is to say 'Yes, please' or 'Thank
Confident Offers you/Thanks'. For example:

If you are fairly sure that the other person wants to have something done for · A: Would you like some coffee? B: Yes, please.
them, you can say 'Let me...' :
· A: Have a banana. B: Thank you. / Thanks.
· Let me buy you a drink. / Let me carry your briefcase. / Let me help.
When you want to show that you are very grateful for an offer, especially an
Less Confident Offers unexpected one, you can say something like 'Thank you, that would be great' or
'Oh, thank you, that would be lovely'. You can also say 'That's very kind of you',
If you are not sure whether the other person wants you to do something, you can which is a more formal alternative. For example:
make a less confident offer. You can say 'Do you want me to...?', 'Should I...?' or,
more politely, 'Would you like me to...?'. For example: · A: Shall I run you a bath? B: Yes, please! That would be lovely/great.

· Do you want me to help you with your homework? · A: Shall I help you carry the shopping? B: Thank you. That's very kind of
· Should I help you find a good doctor?
The usual way of refusing an offer is to say 'No, thank you' or, informally, 'No,
· Would you like me to take your shoes off? thanks'. You can also say something like 'No, I'm fine, thank you', 'I'm alright,
thanks', or 'No, it's alright'. For example:
Another way of making a less confident offer (when you are not sure that it is
necessary) is to add '...if you want' or '...if you like' after using 'I'll...' or 'I can...'. For · A: Do you want a lift? B: No, I'm alright, thanks. I don't mind walking.
· A: Shall I cook dinner tonight? B: No, it's alright.
· I'll drive you back home if you want.
If someone says they will do something for you, you can also refuse their offer
· I can show you my new house right now if you like. politely by saying 'Please don't bother':
· A: I'll get you some water. B: Please don't bother. meeting.
A: I will do that.
If you have read the article carefully, you may have noticed the use of modal verbs B: I'll enjoy working with you. Have a great day!
in many of the above expressions. Modal verbs are a type of auxiliary (helping)
verbs, and they are used to indicate the necessity or possibility of an event, and to
make offers, requests, and suggestions. The modals used in the above expressions
are will, would, can, shall, should, and may. Handout 1




Conversations : Offering Help SEND THIS LETTER

Conversation 1 TAKE MY DOG FOR A WALK

A: Would you like me to help you on your new project?
B: I would love the help! Would you prefer LEAVE WORK EARLY
helping with the writing part or is programming
more your thing? USE YOUR BATHROOM
A: I would enjoy helping with the writing portion.
B: Perfect! You'll be working alone on that LEND ME SOME MONEY
portion. Do you like to work alone?
A: That is OK sometimes. GIVE ME A LIFT HOME
B: Our first meeting is next Monday. Could you
meet with us at that time? BORROW THIS BOOK
A: No, I can't be there.
B: Please send me your background information USE YOUR TELEPHONE
before the meeting so I can look at it.
A: I can send that information to you. STOP SMOKING
B: OK. I look forward to working with you. Enjoy
your week! PASS THE SALT


A: Could I help you on your new project?
B: I have a need for help with writing and also a HELP ME WITH MY ENGLISH HOMEWORK
need for help with the computer work. Which
would you prefer? TRANSLATE THIS LETTER
A: I want to help with both.
B: That would be wonderful. Sometimes we will CLOSE THE DOOR
be working together and sometimes
independently. Would that be OK? TURN THE VOLUME DOWN
A: Most of the time that is what I prefer.
B: We start on Monday. Can you be there? SWITCH THE LIGHT ON
A: I am not sure yet.
B: I need your background information before the DO THE WASHING-UP

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