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21st Century Literature of the Philippines and the World


Afro-Latin Literature: Black Poetry

I. Comprehension Questions. Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. According to the article what are the struggles of a person with African and Latin
The article revealed the struggle felt by a person with African and Latin descent which is
the racial discrimination. The discrimination against person on the basis of their skin colour. The
article also showed the struggle in racial identity that have led to distortions and partial
understanding of their identities that affects adaptation. that is why she decided to continue to use
her spoken word and poetry that serves as the voice for every people who experiencing racial
identity. With that, through this poetry and spoken words it can get rid of the discrimination and
the negative beliefs about different race and culture.

2. How did Carrizosa struggle on finding her own identity?

Because Natasha Carrizosa is African-American, she was confused on what identify or

race she would embrace. She was uncomfortable in whatever she chooses to be because she felt
that she was different from everyone. She was told that she was not black enough and yet not
Latino enough too.

3. Have you experienced any kind of bullying? What would you have done if you had?

Every member of this group already experienced bullying. Typical reasons why a lot of
people getting bullied is because of their appearance, attitude, life status, skin color and age gap.
Bullying is a serious matter that needs attention. As a student, we consulted the people who we
think can help us like our own parents or siblings, teachers and some guardians. Asking for help
is a good idea but standing and fighting for yourself, as who you are is much better.

God Bless! -Ms. DJRF♥

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