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1. Fill in the correct article ( a, an or the )

a. ___ President of Indonesia is giving ___ speech tonight.
b. I know ___ problem between you and him.
c. ___ bird live in the cage. ___ cage is new.
d. I saw ___ very beautiful creature, but I don’t know ___ name is.
e. ___ Ganges is ___ Indian river.

2. Give an underline to the correct pronoun.

a. We were very sorry and ashamed of ( we / us / ourselves ) for causing trouble.
b. It is up to ( you / yours / yourself ) to decide.
c. We come to Laura’s birthday party and bring ( hers / her / she ) a present.
d. She has prepared to do anything and ( something / nothing / everything ) to get
that job.
e. The process is more important to us than the result ( ourselves / himself / itself ).

3. “Take a breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer.

4. Make 1 paragraph about MENTORS IN BRITANIA by using these all words :

- overall
- likely
- teaching
- students
- attitude

5. Follow the instructions below

a. The river is flowing under the bridge. ( Change into present perfect continuous
tense )
b. Visitors should go up the staircase at once. ( Change into present perfect tense )
c. Cronan and his wife talked a lot about grammar. ( Change into future perfect
tense )
d. Jenny is in the UK for business and pleasure. ( Change into past perfect continuos
tense )
e. Andrew will be a detective in New York. ( Change into simple past tense )

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