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Second Quarterly Examination


Home Economics
SY 2019-2020

Direction: Read the following situations or questions carefully and choose the correct
answer. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. What material refers to the family members themselves, their abilities, intelligence, health,
attitudes, values and beliefs?
a. Human c. Resource
b. Non-human Resource d. time

2. Among the following lists belongs to the non-human resources EXCEPT one, what is it?
a. assets c. money
b. goods d. values

3. A family must have a steady income in order to satisfy the rest of their important needs. This
statement is__________?
a. False c. true
b. Make Belief d. unsure

4. If money, car and jewelries are examples of material resources? What are the examples of
non- material resources?
a. House and lot, cellphone, bag c. time, health, experience
b. Brother, teacher, engineer d. capabilities, intelligence, Skills

5. Jinky’s mother works as a teller in one bank in the city while her father is a nurse at the
Quezon Memorial Hospital. Their average income per month ranges from P20,000- P30,000.
Where do they get their income?
a. dividends c. Pension
b. lease or rental of property d. salary

6. Baby Lorredo gets her earnings from the fixed sum amount given every month. She is a former
government employee at Lucena City Hall. What source of family income does Baby Lorredo
a. Salary c. Pension
b. Commission d. Profit

7. What is the common source of family income?

a. Commission c. Salary
b. Rental d. All of the above

8. What do you call to the amount of money set aside for planned expenses? It is a plan
specifying how much money will be spent or allocated during a particular period?
a. Allowance c. project plan
b. Budget d. Expenditures

9. Jesamae is the breadwinner of her family, she needs to allocate her budget to all the needs of
the family. What component of family budget will she give more priority?
a. Health c. Food
b. Education d. Household Operation

10. Ken Joshua is making an allocation of their family budget. He allocates 12 percent in utilities.
If Php 25, 000 is their total family budget, how much will be allocated for utilities?
a. PhP 3,750 c. Php 4,000
b. PhP 2,300 d. PhP 3,000

11. The following are some factors that can affect personal or family budget except one.
a. Amount of income c. Needs and wants of the family
b. Size and composition of the family d. Lifestyle of the neighborhood

12. What will enable families to address emergency situations like illness or wants?
a. emergency c. resources
b. expenses d. savings
13. In order to manage family resources efficiently, a family should prioritize needs over wants. Is it
a. I don’t think so c. Perhaps
a. No d. Yes

14. What measuring material is used to measure fabric as well as person’s dimensions such as
measuring around the curves of the body?
a. Hem Gauge c. ruler
b. Meter stick d. tape measure

15. Tailor’s chalk, dressmaker’s carbon and dressmaker’s pencil are examples of ______.
a. Measuring Tool c. Marking tool
b. Cutting tool d. Pressing Tool

16. These are essential for pattern alterations and body measurements to ensure a good garment
fit, measurements should be taken often and accurately.
a. Cutting tools c. Stitching tools
b. Marking tools d. Measuring tools

17. What is the first step in making a sewing project?

a. Project Planning c. Preparing the Fabric
b. Drawing/ Designing d. Preparing the Materials

18. What part of the project plan has the steps in doing the household linen?
a. Objectives c. Procedure
b. Materials and Tools needed d. None of the above

19. What guideline should you consider in making a project plan?

a. Once you have chosen the design, list the materials needed.
b. Choose the fabric most suitable for the project.
c. Both A and B had set?
d. None of the above

20. What is a strategy that outlines the manner or steps on how a person will achieve the goals or
objectives he or she had set? It is also considered as the blueprint of a project.
a. Floor plan c. Lesson plan
b. Leche plan d. Project plan

21. Maria is going to make a pillow case as her project in TLE Home Economics, she will need the
following materials EXCEPT one, what is it?
a. fabric c. meter stick
b. needles d. thimble

22. What is usually used for drafting for a more complicated project like sewing a blouse, a pair of
pants or a dress.
a. Bond paper c. Manila paper
b. Construction paper d. Pattern paper

23-26 What are the necessary steps to consider in drafting a pattern? Put the
correct letter according to its sequence. (A-D)

_______23. Measure and mark the needed allowance by means of a gauge for ease in
measuring and marking. Cut the fabric on the lines for allowance.
_______24. When laid on the pattern paper, trace with a tracing chalk or a pencil, just
so you get the actual size and shape of the product you like to make. Use
pins to prevent the cloth for moving while tracing.
_______25. Cut the pattern according to the actual size and shape.
_______26. Draw a sketch of the product you want to make.

27. Which of the following are to be considered in sewing or making pillow cases
and in selling them?
a. Materials needed and Cost of Capital
b. Designs and Marketing Strategy
c. Target Consumer
d. All of the responses given
28. Andrea is planning to sell a product. She wants to put packaging for her product.
What do you think is the main reason why she wants to put package for her
a. For display purpose only
b. Because she wants her product to be exposed
c. Because it is the first thing that the customers will notice
d. None of the above

29. What possibility will happen if you produce a good enough product?
a. You will get regular customers
b. There will be a decrease in your production
c. a and b
d. none of the above

30. As you watch the advertisement from the television, endorsers do it in a most creative way.
Why do you think so?
a. It can encourage viewers to buy the product.
b. It can promote the endorser especially actors and actresses.
c. It can promote the stations.
d. It can cause high price to the product.

31. Andrea is planning to sell a product. She wants to put packaging for her product.
What do you think is the main reason why she wants to put package for her
a. For display purpose only
b. Because she wants her product to be exposed
c. Because it is the first thing that the customers will notice
d. None of the above

32. What possibility will happen if you produce a good enough product?
a. You will get regular customers
b. There will be a decrease in your production
c. a and b
d. none of the above

33. As you watch the advertisement from the television, endorsers do it in a most creative way.
Why do you think so?
a. It can encourage viewers to buy the product.
b. It can promote the endorser especially actors and actresses.
c. It can promote the stations.
d. It can cause high price to the product.

34-36 Identify the tools/utensils and equipment in food preservation. Choose

the best letter of the correct answer.
A. Colander and strainer
B. Cooking and mixing tools
C. Cutting tools
D. Measuring tools and weighing equipment

______34. These are used for draining water when fish, fruits and vegetables are
______35. These are used to measure the food to be preserved and the ingredients to
be used in preservation.
______36. These includes the whisk, ladle, wooden spoon and the big spoon.

37. Julie is selling longganisa, ham, tinapa and tapa. What way of preserving food is
done with the products of Julie?
a. Drying b. salting c. freezing d. smoking

38. This is a method in which processed food is placed and sealed in airtight cans. It is
usually done in sardines, tomato sauce, and pineapple sauce. What method is this?
a. Curing b. canning c. freezing d. drying

39. In bagoong, burong manga, mustard, salted egg and fish sauce, application of
_______ is being done to preserve the food.
a. Vinegar b. salt c. water d. sugar
For 40-41, choose from the following choices regarding the correctness of the
statements about the principles and skills in food preservation processing.

A. The first statement is correct and the second statement is incorrect.

B. The first statement is incorrect and the second statement is correct.
C. Both statements are correct.
D. Both statements are incorrect.

40. * Fresh egg has a smooth shell.

* Fresh egg sinks in water.

41. * Prepare the necessary tools, equipment, and ingredients before starting the task.
* Try to work as fast as possible to avoid air exposing the food for so long.

42. In marketing your product, you can do the following if your place is not easily
accessible or difficult to find EXCEPT ______.
a. Join local trade fairs to bring your products closer to, prospective buyers or visitors.
b. Offer free delivery for bulk order
c. Don’t sell anymore
d. Charge a minimal delivery fee for smaller orders

43. If you don’t have enough money and time to advertise your processed product,
which of the following is a possible way to advertise?
a. Through newspaper c. Event sponsorship
b. Online technology d. Through Flyers

44. What is the best quality to look for in selecting a fish to be preserved/processed?
a. Gills are bright red.
b. The breast is plump.
c. They are not under ripe.
d. Leaves are not wilted or discolored, but crisp.

45. When buying ingredients for food preservation, it is wise to keep in mind the
following guidelines, EXCEPT one. What is it?
a. Buy fruits and vegetables in season.
b. They are not fresh and unreasonably priced.
c. When buying canned or packed goods, check the label and its date of
d. Wise purchase necessities knowledge of prevailing prices as well as
characteristics of quality and fresh goods.

46. What is the safety rule to be considered when in preserving/ processing dried fish?
a. Marinate it to stay longer.
b. There are no bulges on the cans.
c. Refreezing or defrosted meat is not recommended.
d. They must be covered to keep away insects, dust, flies, and dirt.

47. A well-preserved food will last long and retain most of its nutrients. The statement is
a. I’m not sure c. True
b. Maybe d. Untrue
48. Jasmine will sell some preserved food. If her capital is P300.00 and her mark-up is
20 %, what would be the selling price of her product?
a. PhP320.00 c. PhP360.00
b. PhP280.00 d. PhP300.00

49. Julie Ann sold 5 bottles of pickled papaya. She sold each can for P65.00. If her
capital for each bottle is P50.00, how much profit did she get?
a. Php 75.00 c. PhP45.00
b. PhP 65.00 d. PhP15.00

50. What is the correct formula in computing costs, sales, and gains?
a. Markup -Total Cost or Expenses = Selling Price
b. Selling Price x Markup = Total Cost or Expenses
c. Total Cost or Expenses + Markup = Selling Price
d. Total Cost or Expenses x Markup = Selling Price
Second Quarterly Examination
Home Economics
SY 2019-2020


1. A 11. D 21. C 31. D 41. C

2. D 12. D 22. D 32. A 42. A
3. C 13. D 23. D 33. A 43. B
4. C 14. D 24. C 34. A 44. A
5. D 15. C 25. B 35. B 45. B
6. C 16. D 26. A 36. C 46. D
7. D 17. A 27. D 37. D 47. C
8. B 18. C 28. D 38. B 48. C
9. C 19. C 29. A 39. B 49. A
10. D 20. D 30. A 40. A 50. C
Second Quarterly Examination
Home Economics
SY 2019-2020

Item No.of No. of
Placement Days Item Percentage
Identifies family resources and
1 1-4 3 4 8
List family basic and social needs

2 Enumerates sources of the family 5-7 2 3 6

Allocates budget for basic and

3 8-11 3 4 8
social need

Prepares feasible and practical

4 budget
12-13 2 2 4

Classifies sewing tools and materials

5 14-16 2 3 6
according to their use

Prepares project plan for household

6 17-19 2 3 6

Identifies supplies/ materials and

7 20-22 2 3 6
tools needed for the project

8 Drafts pattern for household linens 23-26 3 4 8

9 9/27/2019 27-30 2 4 8

Explains different ways of food

10 preservation
31-33 3 3 6

Uses the tools/utensils and

11 equipment and their substitutes in 34-36 4 3 6
food preservation/ processing

Preserves food applying principles

12 and skills in food preservation 37-39 3 3 6

Conducts simple research to

determine market trends and
13 demands inpreserved/ processed
40-41 2 2 4

Markets preserved/processed food

14 in varied/ creative ways with pride 42-43 2 2 4

observes safety rules in food

15 44-47 3 4 8
preservation / processing
computes costs, sales, and gains
16 48-50 2 3 6
with pride
TOTAL 50 40 50 100%

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