Assuring The Quality of Abrasives: Bulletin

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SSPC Applicator Training

Developed by t h e Coating Sociery of t h e Houston Area
Lloyd M, Smith, S. G .Pinney & Associates
General Editor
Volume 3, No. 2

Assuring The Quality of

In collaboration with ERNESTINE MCDANIEL. Stan-Blast Abrasives Company, Inc.

W h e n you clean steel by

abrasive blasting, you need to
produce a finish that will allow
maximum adhesion of the coating.
Thus, you need to create the
specified profile and the specified
degree of cleanliness, such as
The abrasive, itself, will
affect both the profile and the
cleanliness of the steel. To achieve
the appropriate profile, you must
use the right size abrasive, and to
achieve the appropriate cleanli-
ness, you must use abrasive that
will effectively cut away rust,
scale, old paint, and other
contaminants that may be on the
surface. In addition, you must
be sure the abrasive is clean, so
that it does not recontaminate
the surface.
This Bulletin deals with
assuring the quality of the abrasive
you are using. It will explain how
to check for cleanliness, size, and,
if you are recycling the abrasive, Fig. 1 A portable conductivity meter,
such as the one shown above, can be
the proper operating mix. according to size, drying it. and used to measure salt contamination lev-.
preparing it for shipment in bags els on abrasive.
Documents from the or bulk units.
Abrasive Supplier When you purchase the
Your abrasive supplier will have abrasive, you will receive a analysis and detailed chemical
processed the abrasive before material safety data sheet (MSDS) content from a laboratory
selling it to you. His processing describing its chemical make-up analysis.
normally involves cleaning the and the precautions you need to In addition to these assur-
abrasive, testing it for chemical take when using it. You can also ances from the supplier that the
content, grading and separating it request documents on sieve abrasive meets your requirements,
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there are some simple tests you can

conduct to verify that the abrasive
is acceptable for use.

Abrasive Cleanliness
Abrasive needs to be clean; other-
wise, the contaminants on the
abrasive will be transferred to the
surface being blasted. The most
dangerous contaminants on
abrasive are water, oil, grease,
and chloride- or sulfate-containing
salts. Any of these contaminants,
once transferred to the steel, can
cause failure of the coatings ap-
plied over them.
One simple way to detect
oil and grease is to place a handful
of abrasive in a clean glass jar
containing clean water. Place a lid
on the jar and shake it vigorously.
If a film of oil appears on the sur-
face of the water, then the abrasive
is not clean enough to use.
Checking for grease and
oil contamination is especially
important when you are recycling Fig. 2 The screens used for sieve
the abrasive. In this situation oil storage, or other reasons. Damp analysis to check the size range of
and grease can easily be picked abrasive are shown above on a
or wet abrasive, in addition to shaker. Ro-Tap@Sieve Shaker,
up from the steel surface or from causing pinpoint rusting on a steel Courtesy of W.S. Tyler, Inc.
faulty equipment, so it is useful surface, will clog up your blast
to check for oil and grease at equipment and prevent efficient of pure water and abrasive, and
regular intervals during the operation. after agitation, a waiting period,
blasting-recycling process. Detection of salt or other and further agitation, you filter the
This test of abrasive with chemical contaminants on the slurry and then check the water
water in a jar will also let you see abrasive can be done in a laborato- for conductivity with a conductivi-
how much dust or dirt is in the ry or with specialized equipment in ty meter (Fig. 1).This test will let
abrasive. If the water gets very the field. If you suspect chemical you know if you have ionic con-
cloudy or if dust rises to the contamination, you can check for taminants (i.e., salts) on the abra-
surface of the water, then the contaminants with litmus paper. sive. According to ASTM, a read-
overall cleanliness of the abrasive The abrasive should be nearly ing of 500 p mhos/cm indicates a
should be questioned. Excessive neutral; that is, it should have a high level of salt contamination,
dust or fines in the abrasive will pH of 6-8. If the pH is higher or while a reading of 50 p mhos/cm
make you spend more time lower, the abrasive may be indicates a low level. The use of a
cleaning the surface before chemically contaminated, though conductivity meter to check for
painting. a higher or lower reading is not a salts is also mentioned in the draft
Visual inspection should let definitive indicator. SSPC standard on abrasives.
you determine if the abrasive is You can do a conductimetric
dry. To keep it dry, make sure that analysis to check for salt contami- Abrasive Size
your abrasive supply is stored nation with a minimum amount The size of abrasive you use will
properly, off the ground and under of equipment in the field. The influence the speed of cleaning and
shelter. Avoid using abrasive that method is described in ASTM profile created on the steel. The
has been exposed to the elements D4940. In this test, you combine initial condition of the surface will
because of tom bags, improper equal amounts by volume (300 ml) influence the choices that must be
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with screens readily available from

industrial supply houses (Fig. 2).
You can check profile height
with replica tape (Fig. 3) or visual
comparators to see that it conforms
with specifications. If the profile
height is greater than the specified
range, then you need to use smaller
abrasive. If the profile height is
less than specified, then you need
to use larger abrasive.

Operating Mix
When you are recycling abrasive
in a centrifugal blast machine or a
field portable recycling system or a
vacuum blaster, you have to deal
with the problem of abrasive
breakdown. As the abrasive is
used, it breaks up and is worn
down by impacts with the work
surface. A separator in the recy-
cling system should remove
abrasive "fines," that is, particles
that are too small to be useful for
cleaning. You will need to add
fresh abrasive to the system at
regular intervals to account for the
loss from breakdown and to
maintain an operating mix of
abrasive sizes that will effectively
Fig. 3 Replica tape being measured clean the steel and create a consis-
to determine profile height ergy and the smaller particles tent profile.
provide optimum coverage. Steel
abrasives are more dense and hard- Quality control
made. Larger particles are most er than slag abrasives. Therefore, You can make sure that the
effective for removing old paint, finer particles are used in making abrasive you use will not have a
layers of rust, and mill scale. up the gradation. detrimental effect on coatings
However, they create a deeper The size and hardness of performance by making a few
anchor profile. Small particles are abrasive are 2 factors that will routine checks, such as testing for
most effective for removing determine the profile or anchor cleanliness in a jar of water,
oxides. They are also needed if the pattern on the steel. So it will be measuring abrasive size with a
steel is pitted. necessary to select abrasive that sieve analysis, and measuring
A typical slag abrasive creates the profile range specified profile with replica tape.
mixture is a 10-40 gradation. in contract documents. More elaborate testing, such
These numbers mean that. typical- Occasionally, the size of the as conductimetric anaiysis or
ly, at least 90 percent or more of abrasive will be specified for the laboratory testing for salts, may be
the abrasive will pass through a cleaning job you are doing, but required in some instances. ATB
'410 sieve (10 lines per in.) and be more often. only the profile size
retained on a #40 sieve (40 lines will be specified (and is the pre-
per in.). Panicles will be in the ferred method'). You can check
range of approximately 0.1 to abrasive size with 3 sieve analysis
0.025 in. in diameter. The larger as described in ASTM D-451.
particles provide more impact en- The sieve anaiysis is conducted

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