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Tutorial: Quantum

Lecture 3

Julia Kempe
Quantum Algorithms
Simulating quantum systems with quantum systems?
[Feynman 82]

First algorithm with constant quantum advantage over

classical [Deutsch 85]

Generalization, scalable advantage [Deutsch-Josza 92]

Simon’s algorithm for period finding [Simon 94]

Factoring, discrete logarithm [Shor 94]

Database search [Grover 96]

Quantum Algorithms
Classical Quantum
deterministic probabilistic
Deutsch’s 2 2 1 separation

Deutsch-Josza 2n-1+1 O(1) 1 separation

Simon 2n-1+1 Θ(2n/2) O(n) separation

Shor O(exp(n1/3)) O(n2 logn)

Quantum Fourier Sampling

Quantum Fourier Sampling

Quantum Computation

Use interference…!

a0..01 a00..10a0..11 a11..1

“+” “-” “+” “+” “-”
U cancellation

J` “good” solution
Unstructured Search
(Grover’s algorithm)
Grover’s algorithm
Problem: Given a Boolean black box function
fw:{0,1}n → {0,1} which is equal to 0 for all inputs except
one (“marked item" w), find the marked item w.

Paradigmatic for any problem where an optimal solution

needs to be found in a black-box fashion.

classically: deterministically 2n-1 queries

probabilistically Ω(2n)

quantumly: Θ (√2n) queries (this is tight)

The P vs. NP question and
quantum computing
Unstructured search: A quantum computer can speed up
search by at most a quadratic factor.

Any efficient quantum algorithm for an NP-complete

problem will have to use the structure of the problem.

The BQP vs. NP question seems as hard as the P vs. NP

question (this is an informal statement).
Good candidates for quantum
Candidate problems

Graph Isomorphism
Lattice Problems
Discrete log
Pell’s equation

And also: simulating quantum systems

(Feynman’s original idea)
Grover’s algorithm
Subroutine, repeated about √2n times:

 −1 0 ... 0 
C[P] = 2|00…0〉〈0…00|-IN 
0 1 0

C[ P ] =  
Outer product vv†  ... ... ... 
 
 0 0 ... 1 

Let | ψ 〉 = H⊗n |00…0〉, then Rψ = 2| ψ 〉〈 ψ |-IN.

fw with ancilla qubit gives phase (-1)f(x) to |x〉.

But fw(x)=1 if and only if x=w fw = IN - 2|w〉〈w|
Grover’s algorithm

√2n times
fw = IN - 2|w〉〈w| “reflection around w”
Let | ψ 〉 = H⊗n |00…0〉, then Rψ = 2| ψ 〉〈 ψ | - IN.
“reflection around the mean”

Note: Subroutine leaves invariant the space {|ψ〉, |w〉}.

Input to subroutine is |ψ〉.

Algorithm takes place in 2-dimensional subspace.

Grover’s algorithm

√2n times
Rψ fw = (2| ψ 〉〈 ψ | - IN) (IN - 2|w〉〈w|) ϕ=〈w|ψ〉=1/√N
One iteration: ϕ1 3ϕ
Next iteration: ϕ2 ϕ1 +2ϕ

2ϕ |ψ〉 …
ϕ |w⊥〉 ith iteration: ϕi (2i+1)ϕ

After ≈ √N/2 π/2 iterations state ≈ |w〉

Quantum Algorithms since
Generalisation of Shor-type algorithms (Hidden
Subgroup Problem)
Discrete Log
Pell’s equation
Break classical cryptosystems:
RSA, Buchmann-Williams, homomorphic cryptosystems,
elliptic curve cryptosystems

Quantum Algorithms since
Generalisation of Shor-type algorithms (Hidden
Subgroup Problem)

Search algorithms (polynomial speed-up)

Minimum finding
Collision problem

Quantum Algorithms since
Generalisation of Shor-type algorithms (Hidden
Subgroup Problem)

Search algorithms

Other algorithms (e.g. sorting)

Quantum Walk algorithms

Simulating quantum systems

New models: e.g. adiabatic algorithms

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