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Case Report

pISSN 1738-2637
J Korean Soc Radiol 2012;67(4):263-267

Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumor Arising from the Uterine Cervix:

A Case Report1
자궁경부에서 발생한 악성혼합뮐러종양: 증례 보고1
Jong Joon Shim, MD1, Jae Chan Shim, MD1, Hye Kyung Lee, MD2, Kyoung Eun Lee, MD1,
Ghi Jai Lee, MD1, Ho Kyun Kim, MD1, Jung Ho Suh, MD1
Departments of 1Radiology, 2Pathology, Seoul Paik Hospital, Inje University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Malignant mixed mullerian tumors (MMMTs) are a rare uterine tumor and contrib-
ute to approximately 1-3% of all corpus malignant tumors. MMMTs are usually in Received May 3, 2012; Accepted July 24, 2012
the uterine corpus, but can also arise from the uterine cervix, vagina, ovaries and Corresponding author: Jae Chan Shim, MD
Department of Radiology, Seoul Paik Hospital, Inje
fallofian tubes. MMMTs of the uterine cervix are extremely rare. MMMTs are highly University College of Medicine, 9 Mareunnae-ro,
malignant and tend to maintain a rapid growth and exhibit a high rate of recur- Jung-gu, Seoul 100-032, Korea.
rence. Therefore, the prognosis of patients diagnosed with these types of tumors is Tel. 82-2-2270-0139 Fax. 82-2-2266-2799
extremely poor. We report a rare case of a malignant mixed mullerian tumor arising
from the uterine cervix and introduce CT and MRI findings. CT and magnetic reso- Copyrights © 2012 The Korean Society of Radiology
nance findings of the uterine cervical MMMT in our case show highly aggressive
features, such as parametrial involvement, pelvic and paraaortic lymphadenopathy,
and distant metastasis and high enhancement.

Index terms
Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumor
Uterine Cervix
Magnetic Resonance Imaging

INTRODUCTION nation, a mass was identified in the cervix. The serum CA-125
level was 5020 U/mL (normal range: 0-35 U/mL).
Malignant mixed mullerian tumors (MMMTs) are rare bi- Pelvis MRI was performed, and a large lobulated mass was
phasic malignant neoplasm with two components of carcino- identified at the uterine cervix. The mass exhibited low signal
ma and sarcoma. The most common site of occurrence in the intensity on T1 weighted image and heterogenous slight high
female genital tract is the uterine corpus (1). The clinicopatho- signal intensity on T2 weighted image (Fig. 1A). On axial T2
logic and radiologic characteristics of tumor and treatment are weighted image, the margin of cervix was irregular, and the mass
uncertain due to the lack of clinical data. We report one case of invaded the right periureteric parametrium. Further, right hy-
a patient diagnosed with a malignant mixed mullerian tumor, droureter was also noted (Fig. 1B). Thus, we thought that the
arising from the uterine cervix. mass had invaded parametrium. Following IV contrast enhance-
ment, the mass demonstrated a heterogenous strong enhance-
CASE REPORT ment. On an enhanced sagittal image, the epicenter of the mass
was located at the uterine cervix and involved the lower uterine
A 54-year-old woman was presented with intermittent vagi- body. Thus, it seemed that the mass was arised from the uterine
nal spotting over a month period of time. Upon pelvic exami- cervix (Fig. 1C). Therefore, the initial was stage IIIB uterine J Korean Soc Radiol 2012;67(4):263-267 263

Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumor Arising from the Uterine Cervix



Fig. 1. Imaging and pathologic findings of 54-year-old woman with uterine cervical MMMT.
A. Sagittal T2 weighted image demonstrates large lobulated mass with Heterogenous slightly high signal intensity at the uterine cervix.
B. On axial T2 weighted image, low signal intensity cervical stoma is not visible. Right periureteric parametrial invasion and right hydroureter are
also noted (arrow).
C. Gadolinium enhanced T1 weighted image shows strong enhancement of the mass and the epicenter of mass is located at the uterine cervix (arrow).
D. Contrast enhanced axial CT scan demonstrates highly enhanced uterine cervical mass.
E. On delayed scan, right hydronephrosis and metastatic paraaortic lymph nodes are identified.
F. Low attenuation metastatic nodule in liver is also noted (arrow).
G. On PAS staining (× 20), several cytoplasmic staining are identified (arrow).
H, I. The specimen shows high positivity on CEA (× 20) (H), and vimentin (× 20) (I) staining.
Note.-CEA = carcinoembryonic antigen, MMMT = malignant mixed mullerian tumor, PAS = Periodic Acid-Shiff

264 J Korean Soc Radiol 2012;67(4):263-267

Jong Joon Shim, et al

cervical cancer. positive for vimentin, desmin, muscle specific actin and
For the evaluation of distant metastasis, abdominopelvic CT smooth muscle-specific actin (3).
was performed. On an enhanced scan, highly enhanced uterine MMMT is usually in the fundus. But MMMTs can arise
cervical mass was revealed (Fig. 1D). And right hydronephrosis anywhere along the mullerian axis and have a high incidence of
and multiple metastatic paraaortic lymph nodes were also identi- lymphatic spread, peritoneal seeding, and higher rate of pul-
fied (Fig. 1E). Furthermore, several multiple hepatic metastatic monary metastases than other uterine malignancies (4).
nodules were also identified (Fig. 1F). Based on these results, the The largest single study of 9 cases of uterine cervical MMMTs
diagnosis was changed to uterine cervical cancer stage IVB. revealed several key features: the age at presentation varied
Next, a colposcopic punch biopsy was performed. On a Peri- widely (range, 23-87 years; mean, 65 years), abnormal vaginal
odic Acid-Shiff staining (Fig. 1G), several cytoplasmic stainings bleeding was the most common presenting symptom, the tu-
were identified. It means the presence of mucin, adenocarcino- mors frequently displayed non-glandular epithelial compo-
ma component, was revealed. Immunohistochemical tests were nents, and may be associated with better outcome than MMMTs
also performed and the pathologic specimen showed high posi- of the uterine corpus (5).
tivity on carcinoembryonic antigen (carcinoma marker) and vi- Although it is difficult to determine the optimal therapy for
mentin (sarcoma marker) staining (Fig. 1H, I). Thus, foci of patients with cervical MMMT, overall patients with low stage
squamous carcinomatous, adenocarcinomatous and sarcoma- disease (IB1 and IB2) had a good outcome with therapy, tradi-
tous components were all identified. So, the pathologic diagnosis tionally used for patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the
was malignant mixed mullerian tumor, originated from the uter- cervix (2).
ine cervix. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging findings of MMMT
from the uterine cervix have not been reported to our knowl-
DISCUSSION edge. Bharwani et al. (4), described MRI appearance of the
uterine MMMTs. In their study, 88% of MMMTs, the tumor
Malignancies of the cervix tend to almost always be carcino- epicenter was endometrial; whereas, 4% of tumors had a myo-
mas. Approximately 80-90% of these are squamous cell carci- metrial epicenter and 8% of tumors had a cervical epicenter.
nomas, while 10-20% are adenocarcinomas, and the remaining On T1-weighted images, the majority of MMMTs were isoin-
are adenosquamous carcinoma, sarcoma, melanoma, lympho- tense to myometrium (76%) and endometrium (71%). On T2-
ma, and metastatic tumors. MMMTs of the uterine cervix rep- weighted images, 92% of MMMTs were hyperintense to myo-
resent a rare form of all cervical cancers (2). metrium and either hypointense (55%) or isointense (41%) to
MMMTs are biphasic tumors that consist of an admixture of endometrium. MMMT texture on T2-weighted images was het-
malignant epithelial and mesenchymal components. The epi- erogenous in 82%. In the study by Teo et al. (6), two MMMTs
thelial component represents a variety of different histologic showed intense, but heterogenous enhancement after gadolini-
sub-types, alone or in combination, which include squamous um administration; whereas, 80% of patients in the study by
cell carcinoma, basaloid squamous carcinoma, adenocarcino- Tanaka et al. (7) showed area of avid enhancement.
ma, adeno-squamous carcinoma, adenoid-basal carcinoma, In our case, the mass shows slightly heterogenous high signal
adenoid-cystic carcinoma and undifferentiated carcinoma. The intensity on a T2-weighted image and is well enhanced on a
sarcomatous component may be homologous (fibroblasts and T1-weighted image after injection of gadolinium contrast ma-
smooth muscle) or heterologous (cartilage, striated muscle, terial. So the mass is similar to MMMT of the uterine corpus,
bone etc.). On an immunohistochemical examination, both except the mass is arised from the uterine cervix.
epithelial and sarcomatous components of MMMT may show On T1-weighted images, cervical carcinomas are usually
positivity for broad spectrum cytokeratins, high molecular isointense to the normal cervix and may not be visible. On T2-
weight cytokeratin, low molecular weight cytokeratin and epi- weighted images, cervical cancer appears as a relatively hyper-
thelial membrane antigen. Sarcomatous components may be intense mass and is easily distinguishable from that of low sig- J Korean Soc Radiol 2012;67(4):263-267 265

Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumor Arising from the Uterine Cervix

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Jong Joon Shim, et al

자궁경부에서 발생한 악성혼합뮐러종양: 증례 보고1

심종준1 · 심재찬1 · 이혜경2 · 이경은1 · 이기재1 · 김호균1 · 서정호1

악성혼합뮐러종양은 악성자궁종양의 1~3%로 발생빈도가 낮다. 주로 자궁체부에서 발생하며 자궁경부, 질, 난소 및 난

관에서도 드물게 발생한다. 악성혼합뮐러종양이 자궁경부에서 발생하는 경우는 매우 드물다. 악성혼합뮐러종양은 매우
악성도가 높은 종양으로 빠른 성장을 하고 전이 및 재발이 잘되어 예후가 불량하다. 저자들은 자궁경부에서 발생한 악성
혼합뮐러종양의 증례에 대해 보고하고 CT 및 MRI 소견을 소개하고자 한다. CT와 MRI에서 이 종괴는 자궁주위 조직과
골반 및 대동맥 주위 림프절을 침범하는 등 침습적인 양상을 보였으며 강한 조영증강 및 원격전이를 보였다.

인제대학교 의과대학 서울백병원 1영상의학과, 2병리과 J Korean Soc Radiol 2012;67(4):263-267 267

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