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Coniferophyta Cycadophyta Gingkophyta Gnetophyta

Sexuality Monoecious Dioecious Dioecious
Cones 1. Pollen Cones Produces seed No cones Pollen cones
2. Seed Cones and pollen cones compound and
*ovules are in contain small
pairs and bracts
unprotected at
maturity Seed cones are
Pollens produced compound with
in male cones layers of tissue
around ovules
Leaves Long shoots with Tough leaf bases Broad and fan-
papery leaves Short for support shaped
shoots with long, Dichotomous
needle-like leaves venation
Venation is simple;
endodermis and
transfusion tissue
Vascular Tissues Tracheids Long and wide Wood has vessels
Sieve cells tracheids
Massive rays Vessel elements
*trees are monopodial evolved from
tracheids with
circular bordered
Popular Species Pinus sp.
Araucaria sp.

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