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. publishing ws ear ‘© Pearson Es Name. Class__ Date Section 23-1 Specialized Tissues in Plants (pages 579-583) & Key Concepts ‘+ What are the three principal organs and tissues of seed plants? ‘© What are the three main tissue systems of plants? ‘© What specialized cells make up vascular tissue? '+ How does meristematic tissue differ from other plant tissue? Seed Plant Structure (page 579) 1. What are the three principal organs of sed plants? a come sy, shams c _teaves 2. Citcle the leter ofeach sentence thats true about a function that roots perform. ‘They anchor plants in the ground '. They compete with other plants for suslight ©) They absorb water and mutrients from soil They hold plants upright 3. What does the transport system of stems do? TYavispor+ nutrients among — ferent parts of WE gta _ 4. The principal organs in which plans carry out photosynthesis are the. 5. What do the adjustable pores of eaves help conserve and what do they allow toenter and leavea plant? OORCeWwe \wotOr win allounng oxygen Ghd caren tonic tp twrtur Gnd Uave the. Lak. Plant Tissue Systems (page 580) 6, What are the three tissue systems of plants? a dermal, Sear 6 quod eee Dermal Tissue (page 580) 7. Dermal tissue typically consists of a single layer of @piditwmmh G@AlS 8. What isthe cuticle, and what sits function? AMG Wwakgrames vat —_ protentsaguiwts water vis and twjung. 9. Whats the function of the tiny projections known as trichomes? prota Me. leat -Ond_also gives it a fuzzy appeareunce. __ 10, What does dermal tissue consist of in roots and what its function? “Wa Mave. COvt Nair celle Anat provide o large amomt of surfau awa £ eh wn water absprption . ‘Reading and Study Workbook 271 Name__ Cass oe Vascular Tissue (pages 580-581) 1. Complete the table about the types oF vascular seve ‘TYPES OF VASCULAR TISSUE Type Funeton Cetypes within Tissue [Xylem | wesoonwae | frac herds PAloem _| Yansportsiooa hebe elements Match the cascla-tissue ells with ir descriptions Vascular-Tissue Cells Description 4 12 Tracheias 4 The main phloem cells D 15, Vessel elements bi. Long narrow xylem cells with walls that are Aus Sieve tbe elements cement to water Cpe & Phloem cls hat suru sve ibe 4 Xplem cells arranged end to end on top of one another 16, How can water move from one tracheid into. neighboring cet? Their dalle tah a eanhect neighboring 17, How can materials move from one sieve tube element intothe next? [heir Ona walls Aare many small hele in them. es 18. What cellssupport the phloem cel? Companion cell Ground Tissue (page 582) 19. The cels that lie between dermal and vascular tissue make up what kind of tissue? ground fhisue 20. Complete the table about ground:-tisue cell GROUND-TISSUE CELLS Type ot cet —_| structure Function | rarenchyma Cat it in co was and site fr photosy athens olen hy ma | Sinai ora tetie [sup part larger plants del erenchyma| Cslswineweney make ground Wikee tough [felecenchy ma scence ye 272 Chapier23 none: i ‘© Pearon Edeaton, ne, publishing ee Peto Presi Hall os ep ea a ene Name Class _ Date Plant Growth and Meristematic Tissue (page: 582-583) 21. What does indeterminate growth mean in a plant? They grow and praduce ew, undiePerentated cells at treir tes for as long ac *ney live. This means even moure plants that are very old will continue 49_qrow.. 22, Where are these els produced? The HS Of each growing Sten and — a 23, The only plant tissue that produces new cells by mitosis is called Meristematic tesue 24, What occurs as meristematic cells mature? They differenHate into ane 25, What is an apical meristem? R Reading and Study Workbook 273 Name. __ Cam Date Section 23-2 Roots (pages 584-588) © Key concepts ‘+ What are the two main types of roots? + What are the main tsses in mature root? + What are the diferent functions of rots? Types of Roots (page 584) 1. How ae primary roots and secondary roots diffrent im some plants? In Some plants, is 2 cle, he secondear4 vos 2. Complete the table about types of roots. _ Ee ‘TYPES OF ROOTS Minty in Dicots ‘oF Monocots? | Examples Oak, hickory, Care, dandelions , beets ‘Type ot Root | Description rests and thick primary icet a ose and consist of many thn ots ree Reis tar nas ato | ny anocots | Cirasses Root Structure and Growth (page 585) 3. Label the parts ofa root onthe illustration. epidermis { ‘Endoderm. F Gree i “is I “gests voy se Barend” 274 Chapter23 ‘© Fearon dition, Ie, publishing oe Pearson Preis Hal ‘Name. Class, Date 44. Whats the structure ofa mature root? —regidecmis Courer layed) Qfound tissue Gerte), endodermis | & Tcl antag aa ond the sok ‘gies 6. What does the conte ofa rootomssto? Seng eC ok ogound sue 7. The vascular tissue in the central region ofa xoot is called the Woscular Calico ‘8, What protects the apical meristem ofa root? soph Co 9. Where does most ofthe increase in oot length occur? immediately Yeiiind oe. Root Functions (pages 586-588) 10, What are two functions of a plant's roots? 2 Oncher o loot io tne open Bb. alnSorlo water ond dissolved aubeiems fmoq tine sei | 1 Is the following sentence true or false? The ingredients ofa sol can determine what kkinds of plants grow init, teuwe 12. Circle the letter of each sentence that ia tre about active transport of minerals in soo. ‘& Water molecules move into the plant by active transport. @ArPis the source of energy used to pump mineral ions from the soil into the plant, _ © Tec membranes of woot hats contain ative transport proteins. <4. Using active transport, a rot actually pumps water ino the plant. 18. What happens to the water and dissolved minerals ater they move into the cortex? snes, enter tne endodersnis 14. Bach of the cells of oot's endoderm is surrounded on four sides by a waterproof strip called (an) —Casgasion ship 15. Why is there a one-way passage of materials into the vascular cylinder in plant roots? TONE Hoty, gout tthe endadecmis My ace trapped in tne vascsier 16, Whats root pressure? the ppestiae, cnode. as oinesdls ox qumpod cho te Yoscullor Gylinde uite wer Slowing tet crete iter oui ct Hoe i) (ord. U9 inte Me. ody, oF the. plant, Reading and Study Workbook 275 Name Class Section 23-3 Stems (pages 589-594) ® Key Concepis What are the three main functions of stems? ‘+ How do monocot and dicot systems differ? ‘+ How do primary growth and secondary growth occur in stems? ‘Stem Structure and Function (page 589) 1 What are the two important: haere, a. Hold leaves hah; spect su een foots anef leaves = Wis nas ota Eso a aad ‘Match the stem structure with its description. Structure Description 2S = = 4 tatemode Contain undeveloped tae that can produce new Toe amie jp Ai ire oe tached Monocot and Dicot Stems (page 590) dom Se Si ae le onocels - vasenlas ca throashent plo ol aristocrats es a ee ee ee ee Primary Growth of Stems (page 590) . 10. Whats primary growth ina plant? arvwth in reds, stems Het Lewarmswt the us Fosi's) it ale 276. Chapter 23 ey soy wosza se Suysngnd ‘Su WORN HOHE (© Fearon Eston, nc, pulang a Petron Pence al Name. Class Date 1. Primary growth of stems is produced by cell division inthe peal merr'stem, 122. Ib the following sentence true or false? Only dicot plants undergo primary growth. False -all ofc, Secondary Growth of Stems (pages 591-594) TR leis of growth in which stem increase in width i called Seeanelaty growth 4 In conifers and dicots, where does secondary growth take place? 1» VASC4L, Miu and COM CAmMRUM (late ra( meristem i 415, What type of lateral meristematic tissue produces vascular tissues and increases the ‘thickness of stems over time? wala ey 16, What does cork cambium produce? covert ems. 117, Circle the leter ofeach sentence that is true about the formation of vascular cambium. |@ Vascular cambium forms between the xylem and phloem of individual vascular bundles. ee Sen One secondary growth begin, vnclarcambiumapparsasathinayer. pay “4. The production of new layers of xylem and phloem causes the stem to shri when Sey rt aie 18. Is the following senignce toe or aloe? Most of what we call “wood” is actualy Ieereiflions Pele vol ‘glern 19, Whatis heartwood? XY | sels in centre of sem that lenge, . 20. The wood that is active in fluid transport and therefore lighter in color is called 21. The alternation of dark and light wood produces what we commonly catty. th 22, How canyoustinate heageofanee? count clark or light cringe —trom middle ont weeds . ow 23, On most tres, what does bark include? loem, co, cambyin c Reading and Study Workbook 277 Newey 24, Circle the letter of each sentence that is rue about cork. @ Cork cells usually contain fats, il, oF waxes. . Cork cells cause the loss of water from a stem. The outermost cork cells are usually dead. Cork eambium produces a thick, protective layer of cork. 25, Label the parts of the illustration ofthe cross section of tree. Use the following terms : wood, bark, heartwood, cork, sapwood, cork. ‘cambium, vascular cambium, phloem. week barle Vasen ler Cambrinen ¥4h Tapered 26. What are four kinds of modified stems that!store food? a. Taber => vp. bulb > onion «. Cotm => a lag ‘chiteme ginger 278 Chapter23 ~~ Phloem “Toy sonny womeg ge Bunggnd >a wen UoHED|

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