PT Gemilang Bina Lintas Tirta Ship Management: S - 20 Risk Assessment

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RISK ASSESSMENT (14.05.2009) S - 20

Vessel's Name : BULL KANGEAN

Operation Type : ROUTINE TASK

Operation Group : CARGO OPERATION

Operation : LAB ROOM

Assessment Date : 15/2/2019

Likelihood Consequence
No Hazards *Cat choose from choose from Risk
Table 1 Table 2
1 Oxygen deficiency UC Very Low
2 Toxicity & flammability UC Very Low
3 Limitations of atmosphere monitoring instuments JF Low
4 Wet / slippery surface due to cargo spill on the floor UC Low
5 Inadequate illumination or failure during entry UC Very Low
6 Inadequate ventilation during the entry JF Very Low
7 Ship movement due to bad weather PF Very Low
8 Inadequate theoratical knowledge or practical experience PF Very Low
9 Fatigue JF Very Low
11 Electric shock UC Very Low
12 Fatal Injury due to inadquate contingency planning UA Very Low
*Cat Key : PF=Personal Factor, JF=Job Factor, UA=Unsafe Acts, UC=Unsafe Conditions

Table 1
Likelihood Occurrence
Very Unlikely Experienced at least once every 10 years on the ship
Unlikely Experienced at least once every year on the ship
Likely Experienced at least once every month on the ship
Very Likely Experienced at least once every week on the ship

Table 2
Consequence Effect
§ Cuts, brusies, headaches or discomfort to surrounding environment
Slight Harm § Requires first aid, but able to resume work next day
§ Minor pollution
§ Burns, concussion, serious sprains or working environment that can cause
permanent minor disabilities
Moderate Harm
§ Unable to return to work within 3 days or requires repatriation
§ Moderate pollution
§ Amputations, major fractures, multiple injuries, poisoning or fatal injuries

Extreme Harm
§ Unable to resume sea-going employment
§ Major pollution

LIKELIHOOD Slight Harm Moderate Harm Extreme Harm
Very Unlikely Very Low Very Low High
Unlikely Very Low Medium Very High
Likely Low High Very High
Very Likely Low Very High Very High

Overall operational risk: Very Low

Actions and Timescales:

These risk are considered acceptable. No further action is necessary other than to ensure the controls are maintained.

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RISK ASSESSMENT (14.05.2009) S - 20

Controls presently in place

No Control Title *Category
Space throroughly ventilated and ensured that a steady reading of atleast 20.9% of oxygen is obtained after checking the atmosphere as
per industry requirements.

2 (a) Cargo tank is checked for the presence of toxic gases keeping in mind the cargoes carried previously.
(b) An instrument capable of providing an accurate reading at low concentrations (Explosimeter) is used for measuring the atmospehere Pro
for flammability. No source of ignition should be taken or put into the space.
All required instuments for determining the atmoshere status should be tested and calibrated prior use by Chief officer to ensure
accurate readings.

Proper PPE which include non-slip boots are to be used by all the persons entring the space. A rescue harness should be worn to
facilitate recovery in the event of an accident.

Access to and within the space should be adequate and well illuminated, moreover intrisically safe hand torches to be carried by each
person entring the space.

Ventilation should continue during the period that the space is occupied and during temporary breaks. In the event of a failure of the
ventilation system any personnel in the space should leave immediately. The atmosphere should be tested periodically whilst the space
is occupied and personnel should be instructed to leave the space should there
be any deterioration of the conditions.

7 Work to be planned in calm weather conditions. HE

8 Only well trained and experienced personnel should be assigned. HE
9 Persons entring the space to be given proper rest prior to work. HE
11 Electric Installation DE
12 Contingency Planning:
(a) Resuscitation equipment should be positioned ready for use at the entrance to the space. Rescue equipment means
breathing apparatus together with fully charged spare cylinders of air, life lines and rescue harnesses, and torches or lamp,
approved for use in a flammable atmosphere. A means of hoisting (stretcher) Pro
(b) Should an emergency occur the general (or crew) alarm should be sounded so that back-up is immediately available to the rescue
team. Under no circumstances should the attendant enter the space before help has arrived and the situation has been evaluated to
ensure the safety of those entering the space to undertake the rescue.
*Category key : D/E=Design/Engineering, Env=Environmental, HE=Human Element, PPE=Personal Protection Equipment, Pro=Procedural

Suggested Controls to make operations safer

Safety Awareness is the key to safe operation. Therefore proper training and repeated exercises are essential. Moreover the following can be effective:
(a) First Aid / Rescue team to be informed in advance, so that they are mentally prepared with all the equipments ready.
(b) Weather conditions monitored.

Controls References
No References ( Publications from regulatory bodies, ie IMO, OCIMF, etc) Location (Where is the Publication kept onboard)
1 Code of Safe Working Pratice for Merchant Seaman Bridge
2 ISGOTT Bridge
3 Company Procedures Manual Bridge
4 Enclose space entry Permit form (S-12) CCR

Next Review Date : Next Date Before Tank Entry

Permit to Work : Yes / No Yes for only for Very Low or Low Risk Levels. Medium
(circle accordingly) Risk Level on case to case basis.
(If yes, fill up form S-08 accordingly) No for all High and Very High Risk Levels.

Master : Marine / Technical Superintendant :

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