Applied Physics B.Tech I Year, I-Semester, I-Mid Exam

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1)Davision and Germer experiment relates to ---- ( )

a)interfearence b)polarization

c)electron diffraction d)photoelectric effect

2)The equation of motion of matter wave was derived by--- ( )

a)Heisenberg b)Bohr

c)Debrogli d)Schrodinger

3)The idea of quantum nature of light has emerged in an attempt to explain ( )

a)the thermal radiation of black body b)radioactivity

c)fusion d)interfearence of light

4) If an electron is accelerated from rest to a velocity 𝑣 by a potential of V volts, its

wavelength is ------

ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ
a. 𝜆 = b. 𝜆= c. 𝜆 = d. 𝜆 = √
√2𝑒𝑚𝑉 √2𝑒𝑉 √𝑒𝑚𝑉 2𝑚𝑒𝑉

5) Position of Fermi level in n-type semiconductor is------ ( )

a)just above the valence band

b)just below the conduction band

c)remains at the same level

d)initially rises and then falls

6) Hall effect be used to determine -----of charge carriers ( )

a)polarity b)density

c)mobility d)all of the above

7) . PN junction acts as a ------

a. controlled switch b. Bidirectional switch c.Unidirectional switch d.None

8) At room temperature a semiconductor material is -------- ( )

a. Perfect insulator b. Conductor

c. Slightly conducting d. None

9)A solar cell works on the principle of ------- ( )

a)photoelectric effect b)photovoltaic effect

c)photoluminescence d)photo-combustion

10) ------ law is applicable for higher frequencies ( )

a) Wiens

b) Rayleigh-jeans

c) Both (a) and (b)

d) None

Fill in the boxes :

11) The expression − ∇2 𝜓 + 𝑉𝜓 = 𝐸𝜓 is______________

12) The wavelength of associated waves λ=____

13) The expression for Normalization condition----------

14) The expression for Heisenberg uncertainty principle---------

15) Zener diode is used as a-------

16) In n-type material the ------is called the majority carriers

17) Zener diode symbol--------

18) An electron can exist in--------

19) A solar cell converts --------

20) Light colour and visibility is determined in LED by--------

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