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Characteristic adaptations
Individuals reacts to their
Through intrinsic maturation
environments by evolving
and biological processes that Adaptations may not be optimal with Low extraversion, high
Five Factor Theory (Trait Basic Tendencies patterns of thoughts,
alter the basis of traits, respect to cultural values or personal neuroticism, low agreeableness,
Theory) Hierarchical traits feelings, and behaviors
including social roles and/or goals high openness
consistent with their
personality trait and earlier
Competitive and
Person, situation, Person-
Cooperative (selection and
Situation Interaction
Level of competence falters due
to mixed reviews from models;
Self-Determination Psychological Needs and feels low in autonomy once
Theory Intrinsic Motivation there is success because of
expectations; finds relatedness
from temporary relationships
Proximal or distal
(deal with it now or
Death anxiety drives to
forget about it); a Publishing a book to be
adopt worldwide views that Human survival instincts Worldwide views that
Terror Management Living on through being delay in death remembered; string of lovers to
protect self-esteem, Need to reinforce Lack of compassion espouse tolerance
Theory remembered by others thoughts may also leave a mark or to forget
worthiness and significance and compassion
instigate self-esteem about death anxiety
sustainability (for meaning)
striving and more
risky behavior
Poor adjustment to needs
because he deals with it in a
Good adjustment is conflictual manner. Has a hard
fulfillment of four basic time of attaining self-verification
Analytical rational and needs in synergistic Fulfillment of needs including If a need is fulfilled at the expense of and fulfillment because of
Implicit and self-
CEST Intuitive experiential harmonious manner; poor self-fulfillment and self- others, the need to fulfill those conflicting reviews from people.
World and self theories adjustment is attempt to verification needs will markedly increase Self-fulfillment in terms of
fulfill needs in competitive writing was attained at the
conflictual manner expense of other needs hence
the markedly increase drive to
relate (self-defeating behaviors)
Features of situations
activate set of
Encoding, expectancies and What constitutes a situation in part
internal reactions,
beliefs, affects, goals and depends on perceiver’s contructs
CAPS Cognitive Affective Units Humans are growth-roeinted not just cognitive but
values, competencies and and subjective maps; we focus on
affective, based on
self-regulatory plans different parts of the situation
prior experience with
the features
BAS (behavioral approach
system) – positive approach
behavior in pursuit of
incentives and/or positive
New Big Five Big Five BIS (behavioral inhibition
system) – regulate avoidance
behavior and negative
Keeping a articular narrative

What is the difference between the person-situation interaction and characteristic adaptations?

What is the difference between May and Terror Management?


Genotype does not rule the world. There is a push and pull between genes and environment.

- Only 50% from heritability; 50% environmentality

- Different genotypes respond to the same environment (all taking same exam, same location, but genotype will come to fore to respond to environment)
- Monoamine oxidase A (production of neurotransmitters) in abused children = different responses and outcomes (some become antisocial, others not)

Genotype-environment correlation

- Different exposure to diff genotypes

 Passive: parents provide both genes and environment to children
 Reactive: parents and others respond differently to some children than to others; because of the different responses, what they have interact with what happens
 Active: people with certain genotypes seek out environments nonrandomly (extraverts throw parties); purposely seeking out environments
o If high in neuroticism, you want someone who is calm and not demanding (because you are easily triggered); if low neuroticism, ok lang lahat.

Physiological approach to personality

- Personality is supported and has a substrate of the physio system; we are affected with traits
1. Eysenck’s arousal theory
- Arousal is connected to extraversion/introversion in ARAS (cortically aroused based on levels of stimulation)
2. Cloninger’s tridimensional personality model
- Connects to neurotransmitters
- Low dopamine = novelty seeking behavior
3. Brain asymmetry and affect
- Cognitive neuroscience looks at symmetry and its indication to disposition
- Looking at which side of brain is active
- Left active: experiencing pleasant emotions; right active: unpleasant emotions
- If certain side is more active, you experience and notice such emotions more easily
4. Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (RST)
- Individual differences in sensitivity to reward and punishment
- Not a lot of people are sold into assimilating it into a personality theory
- Motivation with regulatory aspect
- Gained from substance and eating problems
- How sensitive are you to rewards and punishments?
- RST looks at mediator between S and R (neurophysiological system)
 BAS: mediates on appetitive stimuli; responsible for impulsivity
 BIS: mediates on resolving goal conflict (approach or avoid); responsible for anxiety
 FFFS – brain’s activation in presence of threat; mediates all aversive stimuli (conditioned or not); mediates fear
- In substance use,
 BAS significantly predicted meth use
 BAS not significantly correlated with Conscientiousness among meth users

Disgust and contempt are not easy emotions to identify because we don’t usually express them openly. Contempt is not generally expressed and we are sometimes not aware that we are expressing it. Different muscles are at work when expressing
different emotions.


- Looks at things from the design of the human nature and mind, how it functions, developed and interacts with evolved and current environment to shape behavior.
- Evolution is the origin of personality (for survival and reproduction)

Evoilutionary outcomes

 Adaptation: evolved strategies and problems solved; specie-typical

 By-products: after effect of adaptation but not part of the deisgn
 Noise: random effects that occur in design but does not affect functional deisgn
Ex. Umbilical cord, belly button, in or out belly button

Psychological mechanisms

- Internal and specific cognitive, motivational and personality system

- Categories – goals, drives, personality traits

Personality traits

- Individual differences and personality are evolved

- Looks like Five Factor. What is the difference?
 What these personality traits for? In FFM, its just traits. For PM, it helps solve problems of survival.
 Surgency/extraversion/dominance – for ambition; for there to be achievement, engagement with environment, etc.
 Agreeableness – ability to function with others; cooperative and help with group; more important than dominance
 Conscientiousness – capacity and commitment to work
 Emotional stability – handling stress, vigilance and sensitivity to harm and threat; also known as Neuroticism; if high neuroticism, the threat is already perceived and inside, not outside
 Openness/intellect – ability to solve problems and innovate; maybe there is too much openness by having too many different choices

Evolutionary Approach

Levels of personality analysis

 Ekman – need to belong, basic emotions, etc

 Sex differences – mate preferences, violence and aggression, etc.
 Individual differences


- What causes people to behave the way they do?

 From characteristics (Allport)
 From situations (Mischel – comes from interactional; if..then..)
- Kurt Lewin looked how behavior is a function of interaction between person and situation (B=f(p,S); personality triad (behavior, person, situation) -> P=f(S,B)
- Situation = psychologically relevant situations

Riverside Situational Q-Sort (RSQ)

- Respond how one behaves in situations

Situational Assessment

- What situatiosn makes people thrive or suffer

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