Work Quietly at Your Station

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1、 Airborne nanoparticles are considered more hazardous than solid or liquid states:

你的答案: 正确 对
2、 It is okay to seal cryogenic liquids in a plastic container, as long as a secondary container (i.e. a
cardboard box) is used. 你的答案: 错误 错
3、 Perchloric acid fume hoods are recommended to be used when heating perchloric acid; however this is
not an absolute requirement. 你的答案: 错误 错
4、 Ethanol (a flammable liquid) can be stored in any laboratory fridge, provided the volume is below
1L/container 你的答案: 错误 错
5、 A face shield is a mandatory piece of personal protective equipment when working with cryogenic
liquids. 你的答案: 正确 对
6、 Perchloric acid can be heated in a regular fume hood, provided the concentration of the acid is less than
30%. 你的答案: 错误 错
7、 When mixing corrosives, acids should always be added to water,
你的答案: 正确 对
8、 When you are in a lab you should :
sing loudly chew gum
work quietly at your station check on other groups periodically

9、 You may do experiments that :

are unsafe are done on your own
seem safe are approved by your teacher

10、 The proper method of testing the odour of an unknown chemical is to:
inhale the chemical deeply into your lungs sniff the odour through one nostril
fan the fumes towards your nose place your nose directly over the chemical

11、 At the conclusion of a lab session, students should:

wash their hands clean and dry their lab equipment
clean their work stations all of the above

12、 The items which are appropriate lab wear are:

sandals and shorts safety glasses and lab coat
safety glasses and sandals lab coat and pocket protector

13、 The following should be done before attending a lab session:

Prepared data tables for data collection Reading of the lab to be done
Completion of lab safety unit All of the above

14、 When inserting glass tubing into stoppers:

Use glycerin & a twisting motion Insert the tubing into the stopper under water
Hold the stopper tightly as you push Always ask your teacher to insert the glass tubing
the glass tubing into it for you
15、 Which of the following statements is correct:
Never use cracked glassware Treat all chemicals as poisonous
Wash hands before & after dissecting All of the above

16、 In the lab, you are not allowed to :

Move around and see other experiments Work without permission from the teacher
Put broken glass in the garbage All of the above

17、 Which one of the following would NOT be used to boil water:
graduated cylinder Florence flask
Erlenmeyer flask beaker

18、 A piece of equipment which would be used to measure volume is:

a thermometer a graduated cylinder
a triple beam balance an equal arm balance

19、 In the lab, you are not allowed to :

stand while your work tie up your hair
wear socks only wear cotton shirts

20、 If you should get an irritating substance in your eye, you should move quickly to the eye washer and
wash your eye for a few minutes and then go to the student health center.
wash your eye thoroughly until the irritation is gone and go back to work.
wash your eye thoroughly for 15 min, and have someone notify the instructor immediately of the

21、 The safety shower is operated by

pulling Stepping turning

22、 Safety equipment in the laboratory, such as the fire extinguisher and the eyewasher
should only be used by emergency response personnel. requires written permission from
should be used by students if the need arises. the instructor for use.

23、 When filling a pipette

you must never use mouth suction, unless you may use mouth suction, if you follow proper
you’re only rinsing with water. safety precautions.
you must never use mouth suction.

24、 You may eat or drink in the laboratory

if no one is working with chemical. under no circumstances.
if you are careful to avoid contamination.
25、 Flammable substances
should never be stored in your laboratory drawer or locker without the approval of, directions from, your
laboratory instructor.
may be stored in your locker if there are tighgly capped.
may be stored in your lockerif there are in leak proof, unbreakable containers.

26、 If you have long hair,you should

cut it off leave it alone
confine it while in the laboratory

27、 You should do the following if you are burned:

run and scream that you are burned get cream and place on the burned area
run cold water over the area for 15 minutes let the area dry

28、 Which of the following is correct lab procedure:

Place heated glassware on countertops away from the edge
Hold dissecting specimens tightly with your hand when cutting with a scalpel
Wear gloves when dissecting & dispensing irritating chemicals
Pour excess chemical back into its original container

29、 When heating liquids in test tubes:

Always tightly cork the test tube Hold test tubes at a slant pointed away from
Hold the test tube pointing upward everyone
None of the above

30、 Which of the following chemical is liable to be ignited when it contacts with water.
sodium metal benzene
hydrogen peroxide hydrofluoric acid

31、 The flammability of a liquid can be described by its:

viscosity vapor density
boiling point flash point

32、 What needs to be considered when using a fume hood?

The toxicity, quantity and physical characteristics of the chemical agents involved in the experiment
The experimental procedure
The production of any toxic or volatile intermediate products during the experiment
All of the above

33、 What is the best way to protect yourself from chemical hazards?
Minimize Exposure Attend laboratory meetings
Wear gloves at all times in the laboratory
34、 The containment of hazardous materials by the fume hood is highly affected by:
The height of the vertical sash The amount of apparatus and equipment in the
The width of the opening created fume hood
by the horizontal sashes All of the above

35、 If you are unaware of the proper storage conditions for a chemical, what should you do with the bottle?
Leave it on the laboratory manager’s Consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
desk-they can figure it out. and your supervisor.
Place it in the fume hood for storage Consult the laboratory spill manual

36、 Placing bulky equipment and apparatus at the back of the fume hood will:
block the baffles at the back of the fume hood be too far to reach
have no effect on the flow of air through the fume hood

37、 Which of the following is

Working Alone Policy Laboratory Specific Experimental Protocols
Material Safety Data Sheet Graduate student course transcripts

38、 Liquids are considered corrosive if they have a pH in the following range:
Less than 4 or greater than 9 Less than 9 or greater than 13
1-5 1-13

39、 Taking chemical compatibility into consideration, which of the following must be kept segregated
from hydrochloric acid?
Copper sulfate Sodium chloride
Sodium hydroxide Calcium chloride

40、 Which of the following is NOT correct regarding personal protective equipment?
Suitable chemical resistant gloves should be chosen to protect the hands against chemicals
Goggles should be worn to protect the eyes against flying objects or chemical splash
Any respirators can be used for respiratory protection against all chemical vapors
Face shield should be used along with goggles in situation where chemicals may splash onto the user’s eyes
and face

41、 What is the most important thing to do before starting a lab:

Put on goggles Pick up your materials from the lab cart
Put on your lab apron Read the entire lab

42、 Which of the following procedures is not correct:

Add acid to water Keep flammables away from open flames
Pipette by mouth Never used chipped glass
43、 When you complete your lab work, which of the following should you not do:
Clean & return materials to the lab cart Turn in all lab work to your teacher
Try your own experiment Return to your own seat

44、 If you break a beaker in the lab, the first thing you should do is:
Tell your teacher Put the broken glass in a separate container labeled broken glass
Clean up the glass Carefully use your hands to pick up the largest pieces

45、 When you find an unlabeled bottle of chemical in the lab, you should:
Smell it to see what it is Waft the chemical
Ask your teacher Pour it down the drain

46、 The Laboratory Safety Management Policy of CSU provides a framework for managing laboratory
hazard(s) arising from:
chemicals radioactive substances
biological agents all of the above

47、 Broken glassware should be disposed of:

in a rubbish bin in a carton box purposely designed for glassware disposal
in a chemical waste container in any containers

48、 Which of the following is NOT allowed in a laboratory?

Horseplaying Wearing loose clothing which is not properly confined
Mouth pipetting All of the above

49、 Which of the following foot-ware is NOT acceptable in a laboratory?

Leather shoes Leather boots
Running shoes Sandals

50、 All laboratory floors and aisles should be kept clear of:
A. Teachers and students C. Chemicals
B. Laboratory Equipment D. B and C

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