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Hello year two’s! My name is Mr egg, and I need help getting home to my family. The only problem is I’m
stuck on a hill! The only way down is to fly… Can you help me?

Design Brief
You are to work in small groups of 3 to build a parachute for me. The parachute must be made with the
materials provided to you by Miss Dawson. The parachute needs to have a spot inside to carry me, and will
be dropped from five metres high (the height of the hill I’m on). The aim is to carry me to the ground safely
without my shell breaking!

Generating Idea’s
Once Miss Dawson has allocated your group of 3, you are to generate (with your group memebrs) a design
sketch of the parachute you want to build for me. Label all of the materials you will use.
Project Specifications
You are only allowed to use the materials that Miss Dawson provides for you. These materials include (but
not limited to) recycled plastic for the parachute, foam, bubble wrap, masking tape, paper and popsticks.
You are not allowed to wrap the decoy egg. In other words, your egg must be exposed!

Project Management
1. Planning with group how you will build the egg parachute
2. Researching effective ways to create a parachute
3. Explore the effect of gravity and how parachutes work
4. Generating sketches of egg parachute
5. Building parachute safely
6. Reflecting on the activity as well as the push-pull effect of the parachute
You will be doing an individual evaluation at the end of the activity. During this evaluation, you will reflect on
how well your parachute protected me, and reflect on the push-pull effect of gravity vs how the parachute

Once you’ve completed your egg parachute for me, you will do a presentation in front of your peers! You
will use decoy eggs and the group with the safest parachute wins, and I will then use that parachute to get
home safely!

Week 1: Introduction to push and pull topic. Create groups for project.
Week 2: Explore materials and project specifications. Begin research on effective parachutes and the effect
of gravity.
Week 3: Begin designing sketches and labelling of materials.
Week 4: Building of the egg parachutes.
Week 5: Egg parachutes are tested!
Week 6: Evaluation and reflection.
Commonly asked questions in previous years
Q. Can I bring materials in from home?
A. No, this is because it makes the test unfair. If you have a suggestion, tell Miss Dawson and she can
consider bringing in that material for everyone to use.

Q. Do I have to have a parachute, or can I just wrap the decoy egg in bubble wrap?
A. You must have a parachute as it is essential to the push-pull lesson. You also must have your decoy egg

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