Read and Understand Each Item Carefully. AVOID ERASURES.: 2Nd Midterm Examination

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Date: SEPTEMBER 10, 2019



NAME:_________________________________________ GRADE/SECTION:______________SCORE:________

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read and understand each item carefully. AVOID ERASURES.
TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer from the choices given. Write only the
letter in the space provided before the number.
____1. Relationship between two organisms that is beneficial to both, known as
a. Predation b. Symbiosis c. Parasitism d. Biodiversity
____2. Who discovered biological evolution ?
a. John Darwin b. Charles Darwin c. Cicero d. Al Khwarizmi
____3. Which macro consumers has a non vegetarian diet?
a. Herbivores b. Omnivores c. Carnivores d. Decomposers
____4. What are examples of primary producers?
a. Omnivores b. Animals c. Green plants and Algae d. Carnivores
____5. The region of earth, where life exists is known as
a. Atmosphere b. Biosphere c. Lithosphere d.Hydrosphere
____6. The set of ecosystems is called a
a. Biome b. Climate c. Subsystem d. Structure
____7. Which is the largest scale of biodiversity?
a. Species diversity c. Genetic diversity
b. Cell diversity d. Ecological diversity
____8. What is Biodiversity?
a. A type of coconut c. A brand of oil
b. The spread of all living things d. A plant species
____9. When a symbiotic relationship benefits both organisms, it is an example of:
a. Commensalism b. Mutualism c. Parasitism d. Symbiosis
____10. The harmed species in a parasitic relationship is called:
a. The occupant b. The parasite c. The host d. The owner

TEST II. Directions: Put the letter M for Mutualism, C Commensalism, P Parasitism by the statement that
best describes the type of symbiosis.

____ 1.A tick living on a dog and taking its blood for food.
____2. A tapeworm living inside a cow and absorbing the cow’s nutrients for food.
____ 3.A bird building a nest in a tree.
____ 4.Orchids growing in tall canopy trees to get sunlight.
____ 5.Bacteria living on human skin.
____ 6. Bees use a flower’s nectar for food, and they carry a flower’s pollen to other
flowers, allowing flowers to reproduce.
____ 7.Bacteria living in the intestine of a cow to help it break down cellulose (fiber).
____ 8.A seventh grader and its pet.
____ 9.A lichen, a close relationship between a fungus providing water and place to live
while alga provides food.
____ 10. Clownfish living in a sea anemone getting food from anemone and keeping sea
anemone clean.
____ 11.Dutch elm disease has caused mass destruction of elms. The fungus feeds on
materials produced by the elm trees.
____ 12. Small mites live on your skin, eating dead skin cells.
____ 13. Crabs try to get a sea anemone to attach to its shell. The crabs drive away seastars
that would eat the anemone and the anemone drives away octopi that would eat the crabs.
____ 14. A wasp stings a spider and takes it to its nest where it lays an egg on the spider.
The egg hatches into a larva and the larva eats the spider as a source of food.
____15. Fleas that live on dogs and cats
TEST III: Identification/Simple Recall: Identify the questions below. Write your answers in the spaces
provided before the number. The choices are inside the boxes.

Ecosystem species biological diversity Population

community symbiosis Commensalism mutualism
parasitism habitat

____________1. a particular environment where living things interact with other living things and non-
living things.
____________2. a group of organisms that have the same structure and can reproduce with one
____________3. all the different types of organisms on the earth.
____________4. a group of individuals of the same species living in an area.
____________5. a group of populations of different species living in the same area.
____________6. an association between members of different species.
____________7. one of the participating organisms benefits while the other one does not.
____________8. both of the participating organisms benefit.
____________9. one of the participating organisms benefits while the other is harmed.
____________10. is the type of natural environment in which a particular species of organism lives.
TEST IV. ENUMERATION: Enumerate in any order the following.
1. 3 types of Symbiotic Relationship
2. 3 Components of Biodiversity
3. give at least 5 threat to biodiversity.
4. List at least five (5) ways to protect biodiversity.

Test V. ESSAY: Explain briefly the question below.

1. The role of science and technology in conserving biodiversity

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