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Francine Canlas
Edgar Ables

Vivien Basbas
Janna Marie Fausto
Jenny Mae Martillana
Joshua Sapico

Lizabeth Onato
Both anchors: this is (station name) (music) broadcasting live at
Camarines Sur National High School here we are your news anchors
for today. Good afternoon

Ables: its (time and date) I am Edgar Ables

Canlas: and I am francine canlas

Ables: you are turning into…

Both: (station name) (music)

Canlas: here is the round down of the top news at this hour at

Ables: we are going to inform you guys the activities and event here
in Camarines Sur National High School.

Canlas: Your right partner as you said partner we inform you guys
about the latest update about the graduation day of senior high
school and junior high school.but before we go to the graduation
day report. We will know first the happening inside the CAMHIGH
Janna marie will give us some information
Fausto: yes as they said I will give you guys some information of the
happenings here in camhigh. last month the math department
celebrate the month of mathematics then now the tle department
will celebrate the tle month and then next month we will be having
a graduation day. And that’s all the happening here in camhigh.
Im Janna Marie Fausto reporting

Ables: thank you for the update janna. Now we will be facusing in
the graduation month and vivien will give us some information about
the graduating senior and junior students. VIVIEN?

Vivien: as of now there are no total student that will surely graduated
this school year here in CAMHIGH but we all know that hayskulanos
and hayskulanas are very strong and confident with them selves.
Basta taga Camhigh matibay!
And again this is Mikael Vivien Basbas reporting

Ables: thank you Vivien for the information. Now we will move
forward on what the seniors and juniors high school will do for up
coming graduation day.
Joshua please give us an update

Sapico: the senior and junior high school are busy with there school
works this 4rth grading. And this coming February 13 and 14 the
senior high school will be having an exit examination or NAT and
because of that the senior high school are very busy and at the
same time they are very happy and excited to wear there toga.
This is Joshua sapico reporting.
Canlas: thank you for that information Joshua. And Jenny Mae will
give us the information of the activities berofe the graduation day.
martillana: and for the other information the senior and junior high
school is having a graduation pictorial and
. The junior high school is having there JS PROM the junior
student are very excited because this is there first JS PROM and they
have a change to dance or to be with there crushes and for the
senior high school I am not sure if they have the same as the junior
high school or just a simple closing party.
This is jenny mae martillana your chika-chikadora.back to you

Ables: thank you Jenny Mae for the updates.

Canlas: for the recap today`s hottest news

Ables: the number of student will graduates.

Canlas: the up coming exit exam/NAT of the senior high school


Ables: the JS prom and closing party of senior and junior high school.
Canlas: and that’s all of the update for this day.
I am francine canlas
Ables: and im edgar ables thank you guys.
Both: this is (station name)(music)

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