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ISO/TC 189

16:00 - 18:00 Conveners meeting
19:30-22:00 Welcome cocktail

09:00 - 10:45 ISO/TC 189-Meeting

10:45 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30 ISO/TC 189-Meeting
Monday 12:30 - 14:00 Buffet lunch
11/11/2019 14:00 - 15:45 ISO/TC 189-Meeting
15:45 - 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 - 17:00 ISO/TC 189-Meeting

09:00 - 10:45 ISO/TC 189-Meeting

10:45 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30 ISO/TC 189-Meeting
Tuesday 12:30 - 14:00 Buffet lunch
12/11/2019 14:00 - 15:45 ISO/TC 189-Meeting
15:45 - 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 - 17:00 ISO/TC 189-Meeting
20:00 - 23:00 Gala Dinner

09:00 - 10:45 ISO/TC 189-Meeting

10:45 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30 ISO/TC 189-Meeting
12:30 - 14:00 Buffet lunch
14:00 - 15:45 ISO/TC 189-Meeting
15:45 - 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 - 17:00 ISO/TC 189-Meeting

Check-out All day


Rue Belliard 12 - 1040 Brussels, Belgium
t. +32 2 808 38 80 | m. +32 496 202 428– E-mail:
ISO/TC 189 N 518

ISO/TC 189
Ceramic tile

Email of secretary:

Secretariat: ANSI (United States)

TC189 Draft Agenda November 2019 Berlin

Document type: Meeting agenda

Date of document: 2019-07-24

Expected action: INFO

Background: Draft Agenda for ISO/TC 189 and Working Group Meetings
November 11-13, 2019
Berlin Germany

Committee URL:


Date Reference
2019-07-23 ISO/TC 189

N 518
Number and title of TC/Numéro et titre du TC
TC 189 Ceramic Tiles
Secretariat/Secrétariat Meeting/Réunion
Meeting dates / Dates de la réunion:
November 11-13, 2019
Host/Invitant Place/Lieu
Westin Grand Hotel,
Friedrichstraße 158/164, 10117 Berlin

Tel: Tel.: +40 30 20270

P-and O-members are invited to inform the secretariat of the committee concerned, within one
month of the receipt of this notice of meeting, of their intention to be represented at the meeting,
the approximate number of their delegates and their need for interpretation.

Whenever possible, the names of delegates (or observers) and the name of the head of the
delegation should also be sent to the secretariat of the committee concerned at least one month
before the opening of the meeting.

Les membres (P) et (O) sont invités, dans un délai d'un mois à partir de la réception de la
présente convocation, à faire connaître au secrétariat du comité concerné leur intention d'être
représentés à la réunion, le nombre approximatif de leurs délégués et leur besoin en matière

Dans la mesure du possible, une liste indiquant les noms des délégués (ou observateurs), ainsi
que le nom du chef de la délégation, devrait également parvenir au secrétariat concerné un
mois au moins avant l'ouverture de la réunion.

Notice of meeting / Draft agenda
Page 2

Monday, November 11th, 2019, 9:00 AM

1. Meeting of ISO/TC 189
a. Opening of meeting
i. Introduction of TC 189 Chairman
ii. Chairman’s Address
b. Roll call of delegates
c. Work environment: Code of Conduct
d. Adoption of the agenda: Doc. ISO/TC 189 N518
e. Appointment of drafting committee
f. Report of the Secretariat
g. Status of all items of the program of work and action to be taken
h. Follow-up on work
i. Confirmation or withdrawal of items on which no progress has been made
ii. Up-date target dates for work in progress
i. Report on activities of CEN/TC 67 Ceramic Tiles
j. New business
2. Joint meeting of Working Group 1 (Test Methods) and Working Group 4 (Thin Tiles) –
Prof. Maria Chiara Bignozzi and Dr. Luciano Galassini, Conveners
a. Discussion on ISO/NP 10545-22 "Ceramic tiles -- Part 22: Determination of
resistance to wear with a multi-attribute method.
b. Discussion on ISO/NP 10545-23 “Ceramic tiles -- Part 23: Tensile adhesion
strength of multilayer tiles and tile adhesives
c. Update on ongoing new projects (ISO/NP 10545-18, ISO/NP 10545-20, ISO/NP
10545-21, ISO/AWI TS 23051; ISO/AWI 23680)
d. Update on systematic revisions in progress (ISO 10545-8, ISO 10545-9, ISO
10545-10, ISO 10545-15)
e. New Business
3. Meeting of Working Group 2 - Product specifications – Mr. Eric Astrachan, Convener
a. Potential 13006 revisions:
i. Terminology and definitions
1. Thickness
2. Panels/slabs
b. Other discussion
i. Glazed/Unglazed
ii. Mosaics and finishing pieces
iii. New business

Tuesday, November 12th, 2019, 9:00 AM

4. Meeting of Working Group 10 – Slip resistance measurements for ceramic tile – Mr.
Jens Fellhauer, Convener
a. Opening of the meeting and roll call of experts
b. Information on development of slip resistance tests
c. Next steps
5. Meeting of Working Group 8 (Antimicrobial properties of ceramic tile surfaces) – Dr.
Jyothi Rangineni, Convener
a. Opening of meeting, Convener remarks and introduction of experts
b. Summary of E-meeting in August 2019
c. Discussion:
i. Revisions to draft ISO CD 17721-1
ii. Revisions to draft ISO CD 17721-2
d. Next Steps

Notice of meeting / Draft agenda
Page 3

6. Meeting of Working Group 7 – Sustainability issues for ceramic tiling systems – Mr.
Andrea Contri, Convener
a. Review and discussion of document ISO/TC 189/WG7 n°87 "ISO CD 17889-2
Updated version June 2019" and the related excel file ISO/TC 189/WG7 n°88
"Primary data collection" circulated on 05 June 2019 to collect contributions and
proceed in the work of defining the criteria and ranges.
b. Update on ISO CD 17889-1
c. Any other business.
7. Meeting of Working Group 6 – Installation methods – Mr. Brian Newell, Convener
a. Introduction and opening remarks - TR17870-3 Guidelines for installing large
format porcelain tiles and panels by mechanical means onto a supporting
b. Consider comments received
c. Review status of proposed TR/TS/Standard

Wednesday, November 13th, 2019, 9:00 AM

8. Meeting of Working Group 3 – Products for Installation – Mr. Ralf Carvajal, Convener
a. Status of the standard for waterproofing membranes. (By the way, when should
there be feedback on the ballot?)
b. Soundproofing membrane: Scope as from the August 1st conference call and
invitation to start testing based on the scope
c. ISO blocks:
i. findings about absorption (Stefano Carra)
ii. suggestion about surface texture
iii. other factors to consider (all)
9. Meeting of Working Group 11 – Uncoupling membranes for ceramic tile installation – Mr.
Dale Kempster, Convener
a. Update on latest Testing and Data
i. Vapor testing
ii. Shear Testing
iii. Tensile Testing
iv. Falling Ball Impact Testing
b. Review of Draft of ISO Standard
c. Discussion on next steps
10. Meeting of Working Group 9 – Low modulus adhesives for exterior tile finishing -
Professor Kenji Motohashi, Convener
a. Opening of meeting, roll call of experts
b. Discussion of the mortar block
i. Review of definition
ii. Evaluation of mortar blocks
iii. Schedule of the evaluation
c. Next steps
d. New business
11. Meeting of ISO/TC 189
a. Report of Working Group Conveners
b. Work items on which no progress is being made - Status and action to be taken
c. Items for future work
d. Requirements concerning a subsequent meeting
e. Any other business
f. Approval of resolutions
g. Closure of the meeting
h. Ndocs to be circulated


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