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Provided by Mobile auditing software for plant floor quality.

Gemba Walk Information

Gemba walk leader:

Gemba walks should take no more than 15 minutes. Focus on observing rather than correcting problems during the walk itself,
taking notes on items needing follow-up.

Attitude is everything, so remember:

- Gemba walks are an interactive, solutions-focused activity
- Be clear that your goal is working together to improve processes--not ding people for mistakes
- Focus on processes, not people: show respect, ask questions and seek first to understand

Questions for Operators Notes for Follow-Up

Process Overview
1. Where is the standard or work instruction you are using?

2. Is the standard, process or work instruction clear and up-to-

3. How do you think the process could be improved?

4. What kinds of problems are you running into?

5. Which problems can you fix?

6. Which ones can’t you fix?

7. What’s the process for addressing problems?

Tools and Resources

8. Do you have everything you need for this process? What else
would help?
9. Are all tools and equipment working properly?

10. Are visual management boards useful and up-to-date?

11. Where do you go when you need help?

Continuous Improvement
12. What is your priority today for improvement?

13. Can you think of any barriers to improvement?

14. What else should I be asking?

Custom Questions
Below are spaces where you can add questions specific to the theme or work area in focus
15. Custom question:

16. Custom question:

17. Custom question:

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