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Project Team

Team Lead:
Mr A K Saxena

Team Members
(in alphabetical order)
Ms Ishita Gopal
Mr K Ramanathan
Ms Meghana Jayakumar
Mr N S Prasad
Ms Prerna Sharma
Dr Ritu Mathur
Mr Saswata Chaudhury
Ms. Snekalatha A Krishnaraju
Ms Sruthi Nair
Ms Sugandha Chauhan
Mr Swapnil Sekhar
Ms Swati Mitchelle D’Souza

TERI Press Team

Ms Anushree Tiwari Sharma
Mr Santosh Kumar Singh

Mr Raman Kumar Jha
Mr Aman Sachdeva

1. Executive Summary................................................3

2. Introduction............................................................. 7

3. Demand Pattern Analysis and

Future Scenario.......................................................9

4. Supply Side Analysis and Demand –

Supply Scenario..................................................... 15

5. Conclusions.......................................................... 24

Executive Summary
1. The Indian electricity sector is presently going through a major transformation. The accelerated pace of
generation capacity addition over the past few years has led to a situation wherein the electricity supply
potential is greater than the economic demand, a scenario witnessed never before in the history of the Indian
electricity sector. We have also been witnessing changes in the energy mix due to enhanced policy focus
on climate change, energy security concerns, etc., due to which the penetration of renewable electricity,
especially from wind and solar energy, has been increasing steadily and is projected to grow much faster in the
coming years. The demand patterns have also undergone changes due to inter-alia urbanization, increased
space conditioning loads, and adoption of energy efficiency initiatives. Against this backdrop, The Energy
and Resources Institute (TERI) has initiated a study to bring out possible transitions which could address the
changing demand and supply scenarios.
2. We note that the assessment of electricity demand till 2030 would depend on a number of factors, primarily
including economic growth, household connectivity, energy efficiency (including through reduced
transmissions & distribution T&D losses) and the electrification of the transport sector. An analysis of electricity
demand at the national level indicates that the demand in the current year depends on last year’s electricity
consumption (in other words, demand is ‘sticky’) and economic growth in the current year. An assessment of
nature of electricity demand in the few states where almost universal connectivity exists and electricity supply
shortages are marginal suggest that the electricity demand is dependent on economic parameters, including
gross state domestic product and its components with the degree of dependence varying, contingent on the
type of economic activity predominant in the state. This highlights the need for a detailed study in respect of
each state at a more granular level.
3. Consequently, the electricity demand scenario is built on the basis of extrapolating past demand to the
future, taking into account the current year consumption and future economic growth, and adjusting it to
account for future end-use energy efficiency improvements, additional requirement for the newly electrified
households (whose requirements are then assumed to grow with income and economic growth), and
additional requirement for electrified road transport.
4. The present study indicates that the
Exhibit ES-1: All India Electricity Demand Scenario
electricity demand is likely to increase from
1115 BU in 2015–16 to 1692 BU in 2022, 2509 4000
Electricity Demand (BU)

BU in 2027, and 3175 BU in 2030 (Exhibit 3,175

ES-1). In this context, it is underlined that 2,509

with improving power supply position and 2000 1,692

reliability of supply, demand projections may
undergo further increase as the industrial, 1000

commercial, and residential consumers,

presently sourcing part of their requirements 2001-02 2005-06 2009-10 2013-14 2017-18 2021-22 2025-26 2029-30
from captive power plants, would shift to
grid power. On the other hand, there could Actual Requirement Demand Forecast

also be a downward pull due to more rapid

increase in energy efficiency in the future
(as compared to past trends) due to programmes which increase market size for energy efficient products
while simultaneously leading to price decreases due to increased competition. In general, we believe that the
scenario presented here is a stylised scenario reflecting higher end of electricity demand.


5. The supply side has also been studied up to 2029–30. The capacity additions of non-RE power up to 2026–27
have by and large been taken from the draft National Electricity Plan (December 2016); with planned addition
of coal, nuclear, hydro, and gas-based capacities of 50,025 MW, 7600 MW, 27,330 MW, and 4,340 MW,
respectively. In case of coal-based power stations, the study has accounted for retirement of approximately
5.2 GW up to 2021–22 (as envisaged in draft NEP) and approximately 30 GW of capacity during the subsequent
five years based on plant age, obsolescence of technology, and environmental considerations.
6. Two stylized supply scenarios have been considered - a ‘High Renewables Scenario’ (HRES) and a ‘Low
Renewables Scenario’ (LRES). In the High Renewables Scenario, the RE capacity increases from the prevailing
level of about 50 GW to 175 GW and 275 GW in 2021–22 and 2025–26 respectively, & thereafter to 853
GW in 2029–30. For such a growth to be achieved, it is imperative that there is coordinated effort at the
Central and State levels to ensure adequacy of balancing capacity, ancillary services, grid strengthening, and
above all, requisite paying capacity of the electricity distribution companies. It is further assumed in the High
Renewables Scenario that the price of firm electricity from intermittent renewables (i.e., weighted price of
renewable and balancing electricity) would be about `5/kWh (USD 70/MWh) beyond 2027 which means that
it would be competitive with coal-based electricity, and would account for all new capacity addition beyond
that date. Considering the challenges in this regard and the capacity addition of only about 10.5 GW of wind
and solar capacity having been achieved in the last 2 years, a ‘Low Renewables Scenario’ has also been
considered. In this scenario, the RE capacity addition has been taken as 75 GW during the first 5 years and 100
GW in the 5 years thereafter. The aggregate RE capacity in this scenario reaches up to 125 GW in 2021-22, 225
GW in 2026–27, and 284 GW in 2029–30.
7. In both the scenarios, common assumptions have been made in regard to Plant Load Factor (PLF) and
Capacity Utilization Factor (CUF) of electricity generation plants. PLF/CUF of nuclear and hydro plants has
been considered as 75% and 35% respectively, based on past performance. An average CUF in respect of
solar plants has been taken as 19% in line with CERC’s order regarding levelised generic tariff for FY 2016-17. A
reduction of 0.8% in generation from solar plants, reported by NCPRE and NISE as internationally acceptable
benchmark1, has been considered on a year on year basis. In case of wind-based plants, considering the
present performance, technological improvements and the availability of wind potential in the sites which
remain to be developed, a CUF of 25% has been considered. In case of coal, the energy that is likely to be
met by the coal plants has been worked out as residual energy requirement after taking into account the
availability from all other conventional and renewable energy sources.
8. These energy balance studies indicate that in the two scenarios, the average PLF of coal-based fleet is likely to
decline initially from the current level of ~59% to ~50%-53% in the year 2018–19 and thereafter it follows an
increasing trajectory touching ~ 78-80% in 2024–25/2025–26. The PLF of coal-based plants is capped at this
level in view of needs to meet requirement of diversity of demand, planned maintenance, and forced outages.
Consequently, existing and under construction coal capacity would be able to meet demand till 2025–26.
9. In the ‘High Renewables Scenario’, the remainder of the demand in the subsequent years of study is considered
to be catered by renewables in view of the assumption that the price of renewable + balancing electricity
would be about Rs.5 per kWh and competitive with the price of electricity from coal. In this scenario, the share
of electricity generated from intermittent renewables would show a remarkable increase from the present
level of ~ 5.6% to ~ 16%, 27% and 34% in 2022, 2027, and 2030, respectively, and the share of coal-based
electricity generation would reduce from ~ 73 % in 2015-16 to ~ 70%, 61%, and 56% in the year 2021–22,
2026–27, and 2029–30, respectively.
10. In the ‘Low Renewables Scenario’, the additional requirement of supply beyond 2025–26 is assumed to be
largely met by new coal capacity, and to a limited extent from new renewable capacity. In this scenario,
256 GW of new coal capacity is added by 2030 and the share of coal-based electricity generation in 2021–22,

All India Survey of Photovoltaic Module Reliability : 2014 (NCPRE and NISE)


2026-27, and 2029–30 ranges from 74% to 76% as compared to 73% in 2015–16. The total installed capacity
of renewable energy sources is likely to be 284 GW in 2030 and share of renewable would be 16% in that year.

Table ES-1

Generation (BU) Installed Capacity (GW)

High RE Scenario Low RE Scenario High RE Scenario Low RE Scenario

2021- 2026- 2029- 2021- 2026- 2029- 2021- 2026- 2029- 2021- 2026- 2029-
22 27 30 22 27 30 22 27 30 22 27 30

Renewable 274 678  1102 186 379  511 160 470 853 110 210 284
Energy (W+S)

Non RE 236 303  310 236 303  310 98 114 114 98 114 114
excluding Coal

Coal 1182 1528  1763 1270 1827 2354  248 218 218 249 218 474

Total 1692 2509  3175 1692 2509  3175 506 802 1185 457 542 872

11. Table ES-1 shows the generation and installed capacity in the period till 2030 under the two scenarios.
12. There are many technical options for balancing demand and supply in view of the demand-side transitions as
well as the changing supply mix due to likely level of achievement of Renewable Energy targets. Altering the
flexibility of existing coal-based fleet to achieve faster ramp up and ramp down rates, utilization of the currently
highly underutilized gas plants to provide peaking power if gas is available at cost effective rates, coordinated use
of storage and pumped storage, creation of new storage capacity through advanced battery-based solutions
are various alternatives for this purpose. Utilization of hydro power imports from the neighbouring countries
would be yet another option to be looked into. The mix of choices will depend on their cost economics and
grid friendliness. The evolving cost economics and consumers’ paying capacity would also be a crucial factor
in determining the extent of adoption of available options for balancing the intermittent renewable electricity
supply. In the long run, the weighted cost of electricity supply from intermittent renewables and from the
balancing/storage technologies, as compared to the cost of electricity from coal-based power plants, would
determine the quantum of renewable electricity which could be absorbed in the grid and/or paid for by the
electricity distribution companies. The success of current initiatives such as UDAY would create requisite
environment for ensuring that electricity distribution companies operate on a commercial basis and take
electricity procurement decisions within an economic framework.
13. We believe that while the ‘High Renewables Scenario’ is not a certainty, it is indeed a reasonable probability.
The challenges in this regard are well recognized and point out the need for ensuring timely implementation of
transmission system expansion, including Green Energy Corridors, improved forecasting of renewable power
as well as demand, supportive policies and regulations, alignment of national-and state-level policies and
implementation plans, added emphasis on development and operational management of storage technologies,
increased flexibility of generation fleet, demand-side management (including Demand Response Measures
for rapid demand-side responses to address supply-side intermittency), developing domestic manufacturing
capability and O&M support.
14. Considering the dynamic nature of the transitions that are taking place, it would be prudent to review the
evolving scenario on a periodic basis, taking note of the incremental growth in electricity demand, changes
in the structure of economy, technological developments in generation and storage technologies, balancing
and ancillary services, grid infrastructure, and the associated techno-economic considerations.
15. India has a 10-year window of opportunity to overcome the challenges to large scale and economically
preferential adoption of renewable energy. The prime consideration for utilization of renewable energy
thereafter would be whether the price of ‘despatchable renewable electricity’ i.e. renewable + balancing


electricity reaches a level of `5 per kWh. Further, while the growth in electricity demand, policy, regulatory
measures, and initiatives would lead to a “pull factor”, the dovetailing of international technological cooperation
and financial support so as to overcome the “humps of challenge” would enable its realization. This could
provide a paradigm shift to the future of Indian electricity sector wherein all the new generating capacity
addition would come from the renewables, thereby reducing the dependence of the sector on fossil fuels and
avoiding incremental carbon dioxide emissions.


1. Introduction

1.1 The structure and complexion of the power sector in India has undergone radical changes in recent years in the
context of various reform measures introduced by the government and evolving socio-economic conditions.
Substantial growth in installed generating capacity, transmission, and distribution system coupled with open
access, power trading, and power exchanges have led to reduction in energy and peak shortages and surplus
generation capacity. A competitive power market is evolving and there is increased focus on access, efficiency,
quality, and affordability of supply and on decarbonizing the sector. While these are noteworthy efforts, the
per-capita consumption of electricity in the country (1,075 units in 2015–16) remains much less than the
world average. For example, as per IEA statistics, per-capita consumption of electricity in India in 2011–12 was
884 units compared to the world average of 3,024 units. Of late, we are also witnessing a rather paradoxical
situation of stranded generation capacity and pockets of shortages.
1.2 The electricity consumption in Exhibit 1.1: Sector-wise Electricity Consumption Pattern
the country presents a picture of 40% 37% 38% 38% 38%
37% 36%
36% 36% 35% 35%
35% 35%
steady growth over the years. The 35%
33% 34%

relative consumption of various

Share of electricity consumption (in %)

30% 27% 27%

consumption categories has shown 25% 25% 25% 25% 24% 24% 24% 25% 25% 25% 25% 26%

changes. During the period from 25%

25% 25% 24%
2001–02 to 2014–15, there was an 20% 23%
22% 22%
21% 20% 21% 20% 21% 21% 20% 21%
increase in the share of domestic 15%
10% 10% 10%
consumption (25% to 27%) as well 9% 9% 9% 9%
10% 10% 10% 10%
10% 9% 9% 9%
as commercial consumption (7%
7% 8% 8% 8%
5% 7% 8% 8% 8% 8%
to 10%) and a decline in agricultural 8% 7% 7% 8% 8%

consumption (25% to 21%). The 0%

share of industrial consumption,

after witnessing an increase (33%
Agriculture Commercial Domestic Industrial Others
to 38%) during 2001–12, reduced
and has remained around 35%
(2012–13 to 2014–15). Exhibit 1.1 presents the share of electricity consumption in major consumption
categories from 2001–02 to 2014–15. Electricity consumption pattern in the country is set to witness further
transition because of Government Initiatives, such as ‘Power for All’, ‘E-mobility’, ‘Make in India’, Demand Side
Management, Energy Efficiency, and Energy Conservation measures.
1.3 The electricity generation in the country has also witnessed increased growth during the last few Plan periods
with CAGR of 5.16% in 10th Plan (2002–07), 5.77% in 11th Plan (2007–12) and 6.0% in 12th Plan (2012 to
2015–16). The generation mix has also been witnessing a change with increasing penetration of renewables;
the contribution of renewables becoming noticeable during the last five years and constituting about 5.5% of
the total generation in 2015–16 (Exhibit-1.2).
1.4 The supply side scenario in India is set to witness a major transition in view of India’s recent climate pledge
underlining the country’s commitment to a growing role for low-carbon sources of energy, led by solar and
wind power. The energy choices in the country in the coming years are to be governed by INDC commitments,
energy security, long-term sustainability, enhanced electricity access, reliability of power, and environmental
and social considerations. Target of achieving 175 GW of renewable energy up to 2021-22 which is now seen as


an ‘article of faith’ by the government

Exhibit 1.2: Growth of Electricity Generation-Sourcewise
and quantum jump in capacity addition
in renewable energy sources in the next
decade is likely to significantly alter the
energy mix. This would also impact the

Electricity Generation (BU)


operation of coal-based power plants,

which currently contribute to bulk of
the power requirement in the country.
The tightening of environmental norms 400

is also a factor to be reckoned with.


1.5 The development strategy for the

future should consider these radical
changes taking place on the demand
and supply side as well as the market Hydro Thermal (including Steam, gas & Diesel) Nuclear RES

requirements. Realistic forecast of Source: - CEA General Reviews

demand considering the changes in
consumer behaviour, impact of GDP on
demand growth, etc., would be a primary and important requirement for this. It will also be necessary to factor
in the pattern of generation availability from different resources, the flexibility in their operation, etc. In the long-
term perspective, one would also have to look at the technological improvements taking place on the power
generation front, developments in storage technologies that could increase the despatchability of variable
energy resources and effective load management techniques. Such an exhaustive study would no doubt require
integrated and dynamic planning through appropriate modelling frameworks. The present report is an initial step in
this direction.
1.6 In Section 2, an analysis of the demand and various influencing factors has been carried out in different sectors
at All India level as well as for a few states. The supply side scenario and the likely contribution from different
fuel types to meet the projected demand based on energy balance studies has been worked out in Section 3.
The study covers two stylised scenarios, a High Renewables Scenario and a Low Renewables Scenario. The
major findings and recommendations based on the study are presented in Section 4.


2. Demand Pattern Analysis and Future Scenario

2.1 The electricity sector in India has experienced considerable growth in the last two decades encompassing all
consumer sectors from residential to industrial as well as agricultural. Growth in average per capita income
levels, urbanization levels, improved electricity access, increased economic activity, and greater electrification
impacting end use demands, such as agricultural practices, are some of the factors that have contributed
significantly to the growth in electricity demand as well as changes in patterns of electricity consumption
across the country. At the same time, the last decade has seen the introduction and implementation of several
measures towards enhancing energy efficiency. The introduction of Star Labelled Appliances, standards, the
PAT scheme, etc. are some of the additional measures that were initiated during the last decade. India’s
electricity demand across sectors is therefore a complex function of the growth resulting from increasing
aspirations, economic growth, and higher electrification of activities on the one hand, and the reduction in
electricity requirements due to efficiency improvements across different sectors on the other.
2.2 Total electricity consumption Exhibit 2.1: Electricity Consumption
in the country grew at a CAGR 900
of more than 7% between 2001 Others
700 Commercial
and 2015 reaching 814.3 BU
Electricity Consumption (BU)

600 Domestic
in 2014–15 from 322.5 BU in
2001–02.2 (Exhibit 2.1). This 151%
400 Agricultural
growth in total consumption 300
was a result of 177% growth 200 Industrial
in residential consumption, 100
241% rise in commercial -
consumption, 148% growth in
industrial consumption, and
Industrial Agriculture Domestic Commercial Others
112% growth in agricultural
consumption. This escalation in Source: CEA General Reviews
power consumption occurred in
tandem with economic development as the GDP also grew at a CAGR of 7.3% over this period.3
2.3 As the country aspires to maintain a high and robust economic growth as well as to provide a thrust to
infrastructure– and manufacturing-led growth, the growth and pattern of electricity consumption in future is
also expected to change significantly. The change in consumption patterns and likely trajectories of electricity
demand in the short term and long term are therefore crucial aspects that need to be examined in planning
for optimal and efficient use of resources.
2.4 Given the importance of studying the drivers of power demand across various electricity consumption sectors
and evaluating the implications on future demand levels and patterns, TERI undertook this study to identify
and examine various factors that influence electricity demand across different sectors at the national as well
as state level. Using some of these explanatory factors, a forecasting exercise was carried out to obtain power
demand till 2030. Reduction in transmission & distribution (T&D) losses, energy efficiency improvement,
accelerated rural household electrification, and electric mobility additionally, were accounted for in order to
incorporate these incremental changes, since the effects of these elements would not be adequately captured
in the past trends of deemed electricity consumption, as used in our estimation.

CEA, 2015. Growth of Electricity Sector in India from 1947-2015


RBI, 2016. Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy



2.5 Forecasting of electricity demand is always a challenging task, especially for fast developing economies. It is
especially so in case of countries such as India considering the expanse, large variations in agro-climatic and
socio-economic conditions, fast changing consumption patterns, purchasing capacity of consumers, shortage
caused by infrastructure constraints, and progress in implementation of various government programmes to
promote efficiency, e-mobility and energy access.
2.6 The present study is a first step towards understanding electricity demand patterns at the state and national
level and projecting the demand up to 2030 based on select key drivers. It will be modified and strengthened
as further research is undertaken.

Demand Analysis
2.7 In the present study, econometric and statistical analysis of electricity consumption since 2001–02 has been
carried out with a view to establish significant factors influencing electricity consumption. The relationship of
electricity consumption with factors such as GDP, per capita GDP, industrial GDP, agricultural GDP, agricultural
pump-sets energized, gross area sown, gross area irrigated, etc. was examined. The data was analysed using
statistical methods, such as correlation and regression, to determine the dependence of electricity demand
on these parameters. The study was undertaken at the national level and for some select states, which had
marginal shortage of power and high connectivity, in order to capture the measured electricity consumption
as unrestricted demand for these states.
2.8 The analysis revealed that, in the past 15 years, electricity demand at the national level was strongly correlated
with total GDP and its components and derivatives including industrial GDP, agricultural GDP, and per capita
GDP. The results are shown in Exhibits 2.2–2.4. Analysis at state level, however brought out findings which
varied widely from the national-level results. This is particularly true at the sectoral level as the socio-
economic parameters, and therefore, the sectoral activity level varies across states and leads to diverse
demand patterns.

Exhibit 2.2: Analysis of all India total electricity Exhibit 2.3: Analysis of all India industrial electricity
consumption with total GDP consumption with industrial GDP
300000 400000 500000 600000 700000

100000 150000 200000 250000 300000

2 2
a) R = 0.9978 R = 0.8016
Industrial Consumption (MU)
Total Consumption (MU)

20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Total GDP (Rs. Billion) Industrial GDP (Rs. Billion)

Total Power Consumption Fitted values Industrial Power Consumption Fitted values

2.9 Incase of Gujarat, total electricity consumption indicated statistically significant correlation with Gross State
Domestic Product (GSDP) with R2 = 0.9632, industrial GSDP (R2 = 0.928), and agricultural GSDP (R2 = 0.8057).
However, when sectoral electricity consumption is analysed with sectoral GSDP, a different picture emerges.
While the industrial electricity consumption is highly correlated with industrial GSDP with R2 of 0.9269, the
agricultural consumption does not have a significant relationship with agricultural GSDP, as shown in Exhibit
2.5. While electricity consumption in the agriculture sector did not indicate a correlation with gross sown
area and gross irrigated area, agricultural consumption between 2005–06 and 2012–13 showed a strong

| 10 |

correlation with number of pump-sets energized

Exhibit 2.4: Analysis of all India agricultural electricity
in the same period (R2 = 0.9087), as depicted in consumption with agricultural GDP
Exhibit 2.5. It was also observed that agricultural

80000 100000 120000 140000 160000

electricity consumption declined from 2001–02 till
2005–06 and then increased steadily till 2014–15 with R = 0.9345

Agriculture Consumption (MU)

CAGR of 4.62%. The growth in agricultural consumption
was outstripped by demand growth in other sectors
leading to decline in contribution of agriculture to
total demand. Industrial consumption increased at a
higher rate as compared to other sectors, resulting
in an increase in its share in total consumption from
32% in 2001–02 to ~53% in 2014–15. Therefore, while
projecting demand for Gujarat in the future, further 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500
Agricultural GDP (Rs. Billion)
qualitative research needs to be undertaken to closely
Agricultural Power Consumption Fitted values
examine the factors influencing consumption in each
of the sectors and determining the causalities and
their implications.

Exhibit 2.5: Regression of agricultural power consumption in Gujarat with agricultural GSDP and number
of pumpsets

10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000

Agriculture Consumption (MU)

Model not 2
R = 0.9087
Agricultural Consumption (MU)

10000 12000 14000

20000 30000 40000 50000 60000

800 850 900 950 1000 1050
Agricultural GSDP (Rs. crore)
Pumpsets Energised ('000)
Agriculture Electricity Consumption Fitted values
Agriculture Electricity Consumption Fitted values

2.10 In case of Tamil Nadu, not only did total electricity consumption have high correlation with total GSDP—
industrial and agricultural GSDP—but consumption from different sectors was also correlated with the
GSDP of the respective sector. Agricultural power consumption had statistically significant correlation with
agricultural GSDP (R2 = 0.6838), which is shown in Exhibit 2.6. Furthermore, agricultural consumption was also
correlated with number of pumpsets energized (R2 = 0.6777). As in case of Gujarat, agricultural consumption
in Tamil Nadu increased at a much lower rate (2% CAGR) as compared to that in other sectors (more than
6%) in the state, resulting in a decline in the contribution of agricultural electricity consumption to total
electricity consumption. As the gross irrigated area remained relatively unchanged in the study period, it
can be inferred that the growth in agricultural electricity demand was largely on account of increased use
of electric pumpsets for irrigation purposes, and this causality may therefore need to be accounted in future
projections of agricultural power demand for Tamil Nadu.
2.11 The analysis of electricity consumption in Delhi revealed that the residential and commercial sectors account
for more than 75% of the states’ total electricity consumption. Agricultural consumption has declined
consistently in both magnitude and share in total consumption, and industrial consumption, while growing

| 11 |

Exhibit 2.6: Regression of agricultural power consumption in Tamil Nadu with agricultural GSDP and number of
10000 11000 12000 13000

10000 11000 12000 13000

Agriculture Consumption (MU)
Agriculture Consumption (MU)

2 2
R = 0.6838 R = 0.6777

15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200
Agricultural GSDP (Rs. crore) Pumpsets energised ('000)

Agriculture Electricity Consumption Fitted values Agriculture Electricity Consumption Fitted values

marginally in magnitude, has declined in terms of their contribution to total consumption. Therefore, future
growth in demand in Delhi is likely to depend more on per capita income and standard of living of its
future populace.
2.12 The analysis of the state-level case studies demonstrate that there is no one-size-fits-all model of electricity
demand across states. An in-depth study for each state needs to be conducted to understand the changes in
their underlying causal factors; the end-use activities; and also policies, programmes, and developments that
might impact their electricity demand in the future.
Demand Scenario
2.13 In the present study, accessment of electricity demand has been made on the rationale that the total electricity
consumption in a year will depend on that year’s GDP as well as previous year’s consumption of electricity. This
is supported by the results of statistical analysis of past years’ consumption with GDP as well as the following
reasoning. Electricity consumption and GDP are closely inter-related and consumption of electricity has been
seen to increase over time across economies—both due to consumption of new economic agents in various
consumption categories as well as the increase in consumption of existing agents. Empirically, data on total
electricity consumption and GDP in India also confirms this relationship—correlation coefficient is more than
95%. Apart from the existence of a strong correlation between electricity consumption and economic activity,
we are likely to see an increased electrification on account of enhanced access of electricity to sections that
were earlier not in a position to get access either on account of connectivity and/or affordability. In countries
like India, the current year’s consumption is expected to be higher than that of the previous year—the degree
of increase depending on structural shifts in activity levels or end uses, introduction of specific policies or
measures, etc.

2.14 Accordingly, at the All-India level, using historical data for the period 2001–16, a statistical model was developed
using GDP and lagged electricity consumption as independent variables. The resultant model explained more
than 99% of the variation in electricity demand in the past with R2 value of 0.9941. It can be expressed as:

log Et = α + β × log GDPt + γ × logEt-1

2.15 In this model, the GDP was forecasted using a 1st order auto-regressive model. Accordingly, the value of GDP
in the current year was based on the GDP in the previous year. Past data was used from 1990-91 to 2015-16.
The CAGR of GDP from 2001—02 to 2015—16 was 7.35% while that of the forecasted GDP was 7.5% between

| 12 |

2016—17 and 2029—30. This model inherently assumes that the relationship between GDP and electricity
demand remains the same in the future as it was in the past, and addtionally consideres electricity demand in
the preceding year than those farther back in time. However, there are certain aspects of electricity demand
that are expected to change considerably in the near future which may cause the future growth trend to be
different from that in the past. These factors, therefore, need to be accounted for separately.
2.16 One such factor is energy savings due to energy efficiency improvement. While there has been some
autonomous energy efficiency improvement even in the past, the initiation of various specific energy saving
programmes by BEE such as Standards & Labelling (S&L), PAT Scheme, and Energy Conservation Building
Code (ECBC) have provided an impetus to energy conservation and efficiency measures since 2007. As a result
of these measures, a substantial amount of energy consumption has been avoided during the last ten years
which is regarded as energy savings4. The deemed consumption (total electricity requirement adjusted for T&D
loss) was then adjusted using the energy savings, as available from BEE, to reveal the consumption that would
have occurred in the absence of the energy-efficiency measures. Using the model already specified (based
on the current year GDP and previous year consumption), deemed consumption was projected for 2016-17
to 2029-30 to reflect the actual consumption if there were no additional energy conservation and efficiency
measures, such as those that have been recently initiated. Projected energy saving values, as available from
BEE, were then netted out from the projected demand to account for energy efficiency and technological
improvements in the future.
2.17 Similarly, adjustments were Exhibit 2.7: All India Electricity Demand Scenario
also made for likely growth All India Electricity Demand Scenario
3500 3,175
in electric mobility and
an increased electricity 2,509
Electricity Demand (BU)

demand on account of
rapid electrification of un- 1,692
electrified households as 1500

these changes are also not 1000

expected to be captured 500
fully in the past electricity 0
consumption data. In case of
electric mobility, electricity
Deemed Consumption Demand Forecast before Adjustments
consumption of road Actual Requirement Demand Forecast after Adjustments
transport has been considered
to grow with a CAGR of 16.6%
from 2016–17 to 2029–30. As demand for traction was assumed to grow at the same rate as in the past, no external
adjustment was applied for it as the model already captures the past trend5. Further, additional energy consumption
due to accelerated electrification of existing un-electrified households was separately captured by assuming
that all existing un-electrified households would be electrified by 2022 with an initial basic consumption6
of 1,000 kWh per annum and subsequently following the average growth rate of electricity consumption
by the residential sector (8.03%7) in successive years. The forecasted final demand was then duly adjusted
with future expected T&D loss to arrive at a forecasted total requirement of electricity at the national
level. Keeping in view the trend of reduction in T&D losses during the last 15 years, T&D losses have been
considered to reduce from the current level of 21.78% (2015–16) to 15% by 2021–22 and remain at the same
level till 2029-30.

BEE, 2016.
CEA, 2015. Growth of Electricity Sector in India From 1947-2015
Average consumption per connection in 2014-15 as calculated from CEA data. Number of un-electrified households as on April 30th, 2016 was obtained from
DDUGJY website
CAGR of average domestic consumption in recent years (2001-02 to 2014-15)

| 13 |

2.18 The results of the forecasting exercise are depicted in Exhibit 2.7, which presents the forecasted values before
and after adjustments for external factors like energy efficiency, T&D losses and electrification. As indicated,
the total electricity requirement has been assessed to increased from 1,115 BU in 2015–16 to 1,691 BU in
2021–22 and 2,509 BU in 2026-27 with a CAGR of 7.66%. The per capita consumption increases from the
prevailing level of 1,075 kWh to 1,490 kWh in 2021–22, 2,121 kWh per annum in 2026–27 and 2,634 units per
annum in 2029–30.
Way Forward
2.19 The present study focused on assessment electricity demand based on GDP forecast and lagged electricity
consumption. While these factors have been responsible for shaping demand in the past, and continue to
do so in the future, there may be additional factors that influence electricity demand and must, therefore, be
further examined in an in-depth manner to obtain a more holistic picture. To begin with, a deeper analysis
needs to be done at the sectoral level for each state, as the drivers of growth in these sectors will vary across
states. The simultaneous play of reduction in T&D losses, energy efficiency initiatives, increased electrification
and growth in electricity consumption due to socio-economic factors make it imperative to study future
electricity demand patterns closely.
2.20 Furthermore, policies and programmes that impact electricity demand, directly or indirectly, will have to be
studied including impact of programmes, such as the National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency, Make
in India, LED Penetration and Streetlight National Programme, National Electric Mobility Mission, etc. Such
an analysis will not only provide insights into the electricity consumption patterns across the country but will
also give the foundation for projecting this demand into the future. TERI would, therefore, continue to refine
and build upon the demand forecast done in this study through further detailed and disaggregated state-and
sector-level analysis, using appropriate forecasting methods.

| 14 |

3. Supply Side Analysis and Demand – Supply Scenario

3.1 The power sector in India has been heavily dependent on fossil fuels (mainly, coal, lignite, gas and diesel). In 2016,
coal-fired power plants had a share of more than 60 per cent in the country’s installed capacity mix, followed
by hydro and renewables constituting ~ 14.2% each. Going ahead, it is expected that the share of renewable
in the generation mix will significantly increase, given the programmed capacity addition of renewables. The
aggregate capacity of renewales is envisaged to increased 175 GW (PIB, 2015). As per this target, solar capacity is
expected to increase from 5 GW in 2016 to 100 GW in 2022. Of this, 60 GW capacity is expected to be installed
as ground mounted solar power plants and 40 GW is expected to be installed as rooftop solar. Installed wind
capacity is expected to increase from 26.8 GW in 2015-16 to 60 GW in 2022. Moreover, capacity addition is also
expected in bio-power (10 GW) and small hydro-power (5 GW). Apart from renewables, capacity additions are
also expected in other sectors in the period between 2017-22. As per the draft National Electricity Plan (NEP),
installed capacity of coal plants is expected to increase by ~ 50 GW; installed capacity of hydro, gas-based and
nuclear power plants is expected to increase to ~58.1 GW, ~29.9 GW, and 9.5 GW respectively by 2022 (CEA,
2016). Moreover, in the case of nuclear and hydro power, further capacity addition of 4.8 GW and 12 GW is
envisaged in the draft NEP between 2022 and 2027. Renewables energy sources too are expected to see an
increase in capacity addition from 175 to 275 GW in 2027 (Table-3.1).

Table -3.1: Installed Capacity (MW)

Sources Existing Anticipated
2016 2022 2027
Solar 6763 1,00,000 1,50,000
Wind 26,867 60,000 1,00,000
Other RE* 9220 15,000 25,000
Coal 1,85,172 2,48,513 2,48,513
Gas 25,503 29,969 29,969
Nuclear 5,780 9,580 14,380
Hydro 42,801 58,131 70,131
* Includes bio-power, small hydropower and waste-to-energy
Source: (CEA, 2016)

3.2 The capacity addition in various categories, especially renewables, is expected to have a substantial impact
on the generation mix. RE-based generation currently contributes just about 5.6% of the total generation.
With the planned capacity addition, renewables would have a significant share in the generation mix. The
variability and intermittency of renewable generation and net demand incident on the grid due to emerging
generation mix as well as electricity consumption patterns call for a detailed study at the micro level as well
as macro level. The present exercise is an energy balance study at macro level looking at the contribution of
renewable energy, other sources of energy put together and coal in meeting the assessed demand; the focus
is primarily on coal and renewables (wind and solar). Considering the wide scope and complexity of the issues,
this exercise starts by assessing the energy balance at the national level to understand the supply scenario
until 2030. A more detailed analysis on the supply side will follow.

3.3 Two stylised scenarios have been considered to assess energy balance from 2017 to 2030. The first scenario
takes into consideration higher capacity addition of renewables. Keeping in view the challenges associated with

| 15 |

quantum jump in renewable capacity addition contemplated by the Government of India , another scenario
with a lower trajectory of RE capacity addition has been considered. The study takes into consideration
capacity addition and generation from wind and solar sources only, considering that the generation from bio
power, small hydro and waste-to-energy is not substantial in the energy mix.

High Renewable Growth Scenario (HRES)

3.4 Under this scenario, renewable capacity addition is given higher priority than other sources of power.
Considering the quantum of renewables planned to be added to the grid, it is here in that by 2027, issues
pertaining to managing the variable and intermittent nature of renewable generation would get addressed.
It is also assumed that energy storage technology would become viable beyond 2027 such that the price of
electricity from renewable energy storage achieves parity with the price of electricity generated from domestic
coal sources at prices below INR 5/kWh.

Capacity Addition
3.5 The high renewable energy scenario is based on the premise that capacity from renewable energy meets
target capacity addition of 175 GW by 2022. Beyond 2022, a capacity addition of 25 GW per year has been
assumed for renewables (wind and solar) until existing capacity meets anticipated demand. To meet unmet
demand beyond 2026, this scenario assumes capacity addition in both wind and solar, presuming that storage
technology has become viable. It is also assumed that more capacity will be added in the country in solar
than wind. Therefore capacity addition of wind to solar beyond 2026 has been assumed at 1:0.6 (based on the
proportion of the capacity in 2022).
3.6 Capacity of coal and lignite plants is expected to increase from ~185 GW in 2015–16 to ~248 GW in 2021–22,
after accounting for retirement of 5200 MW inefficient coal-based thermal power plants which are more than
25 years old. Between 2022 and 2027, a further retirement of approximately 30 GW of similar coal-based
capacity is expected. In this exercise a constant reduction of approximately 6 GW every year after 2022 has
been assumed, such that total installed capacity reduces to ~218 GW in 2026-27. There may be capacity
additions of supercritical thermal power plants to make up for the plants which will retire but this has not been
considered in the scenario.
3.7 Gas-fired thermal power plants are expected to see a capacity addition of 126 MW in 2016-17 and a further
capacity addition of ~4.3 GW. Commissioning of this capacity has been assumed in 2019-20. This is considering
various gas infrastructure capacities (in terms of LNG terminals as also gas pipelines, especially in eastern
India) are expected to be made available by 2020 (PIB, 2015). Nuclear capacity is expected to witness an
increase to ~9.5 GW in 2021–22 and thereafter capacity addition has been assumed at 1000 MW every year
such that total installed capacity increases to ~14.3 GW by the end of 2026–27. In respect of hydropower, the
capacity addition until 2022 is ~15 GW. As per draft NEP a capacity of 12 GW is likely to be added by 2027. For
the purpose of the present study the same has been phased evenly in each year.

Table 3.2: Installed Capacity under HRES (MW)

Sources Anticipated
2022 2027 2030
Solar 1,00,000 2,94,109 5,33,538
Wind 60,000 1,76,466 3,20,123
Coal 2,48,513 2,18,207 2,18,207
Gas 29,969 29,969 29,969
Nuclear 9,580 14,380 14,380
Hydro 58,131 70,131 70,131

| 16 |

Plant Load Factor

3.8 Based on a review of the Plant Load Factor (PLF)/Capacity Utilization Factor (CUF) for nuclear and hydro power
plants since 2008-09, an average PLF/CUF of 75% and 35% respectively has been assumed for the period
between 2016-17 and 2029-30. For gas-based plants, prevailing PLF of about ~22% has been considered. In
view of limited availability of gas, operation of these plants has been contemplated for 6 hours in a day. In the
case of solar PV, a CUF of 19% has been assumed as per the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC)
tariff order (CERC, 2016). A degradation of 0.8% has been assumed on the generation (NCPRE & NISE , 2014).
As per the CERC tariff order (2016), the CUF for wind energy ranges between 20% and 32%, depending on the
zones. Since most of the new wind plants to be set up to meet the target of 60,000 MW are expected to be
installed in zone 3, a CUF of 25% has been assumed.

New Capacity Addition

3.9 It has been assumed that once existing generation capacity meets the anticipated demand and the PLF of coal
plants increases to ~80%, entire unmet demand will be met via capacity additions in renewables. To bifurcate
sourcing of demand between wind generation and solar generation a weighted average of the CUF and the
capacity in 2022 has been assumed.

Low Renewable Energy Scenario (LRES)

3.10 In this scenario, a lower trajectory renewable capacity has been assumed in view of the challenges to be
addressed and lack of certainty about solar plus battery prices achieving grid parity.

Capacity Addition
3.11 In this scenario, aggregate capacity of renewables has been considered as 125 GW by 2022. This is consistent
with one of the scenarios mentioned in the draft NEP. Beyond 2022, renewable capacity addition at the rate
of 20 GW per year has been considered until 2027, with proportion of solar to wind capacity being 1.2:1 in
line with their relative proportion considered in 2022. With such an assumption, cumulative wind and solar
installed capacity totals to 170 GW in 2025. Beyond 2027 and until 2030, the capacity addition has been
assumed at 25 GW per year in such a manner that the proportion of solar capacity to wind capacity is 1.6:1.

3.12 The trajectory for coal installed capacity in this scenario is similar to that in the HRES, until its PLF increases to
~77% (in 2025). Beyond 2025, generation from renewables is capped and all unmet demand is met through
capacity addition in coal-fired thermal power plants. The installed capacity as well as additions for gas, nuclear
and hydropower remain the same as in the HRES.

Table 3.3: Installed Capacity under LRES (MW)

Sources Anticipated

2022 2027 2030

Solar 60,000 1,14,545 1,61,420

Wind 50,000 95,455 1,22,727

Coal 2,48,513 3,19,628 4,74,855

Gas 29,969 29,969 29,969

Nuclear 9,580 14,380 14,380

Hydro 58,131 70,131 70,131

| 17 |

Plant Load Factor

3.13 The assumptions on Plant Load Factor and Capacity Utilization Factor remain the same as in HRES scenario
for all the energy sources.

New Capacity Addition

3.14 Once the PLF of coal based thermal power plant reaches ~77% it is assumed that all unmet demand will be
met from new coal capacity.

Assessment of Coal Demand

3.15 By assuming the total generation needed from non-coal sources, the results of the exercise lead to generation
needed from coal-based generation. The PLF of the entire coal fleet as well as the coal requirement till 2030
has been worked out taking in to consideration the efficiency of the coal plant, PLF and grade of coal.

3.16 During the 12th Plan, capacity addition from super-critical technology is likely to contribute about 39% of
the total capacity addition (33,490 MW) in the coal-fired thermal power plants (CEA, 2016). Further, with the
addition of 50, 025 MW, the share of super-critical plant capacity is expected to increase to 31% of the total
coal-based installed capacity. This share could be even higher if capacity additions based on super-critical
plants are made to make up for the plants which will be retired between 2022 and 2027. In the past, the
subcritical technology of Indian coal-fired fleet had an average efficiency of ~31% as compared to the world
average of 35.1% (CEA & AF Mercados EMI, 2013). Moreover, the high ash content in Indian coal inevitably leads
to efficiency loss. There has been some efficiency improvement in 2013-14 (34%) (CEA, 2016). Considering
these factors, an efficiency of 34% has been assumed which increases to ~37% in 2022 and remains constant

Specific Coal Consumption

3.17 The specific coal consumption in the country varies depending on the grade of coal being used, age,
technology, and size of the plant and efficiency of the operations. To assess the grade of coal, the exercise
took note of various grades of non-coking coal which were despatched by coal companies during 2014-
15 and 2015-16. The two grades with the most quantity of domestic coal despatched during the last two
years were G11 grade (4000 kCal/kg-4200 kCal/kg) and G12 grade (3700 kCal/kg-4000 kCal/kg) (CCO, 2016)
(CCO, 2015). In view of this, the GCV of 4000 kCal/kg which is the upper bound of the G12 grade and the
lower bound of the G11 grade was assumed.


High Renewables Scenario

Impact on Renewables
3.18 In HRES, the share of coal-based installed capacity decreases from 49% of the total installed capacity in 2022
to ~18% in 2030, while the share of installed capacity of renewables increases from 32% in 2022 to 72% in
2030. The share of installed capacity of solar plant alone in 2030 comes to ~45% of the total capacity. The
share of wind installed capacity meanwhile increases from 12% in 2022 to 27% in 2030 (Exhibit 3.1 & 3.2).
Considering that unmet demand from 2027 is met from renewables, there is a sharp spike in growth of
installed capacity of solar and wind plants between 2026 and 2027 of about 81%. The rate of capacity addition
for both sources though taper after the sharp spike in 2027.

| 18 |

Exhibit 3.1: Installed Capacity of Solar Plants under HRES

500 453


200 163
131 147
100 116
100 65
32 48
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Exhibit 3.2: Installed Capacity of Wind Plants under HRES

300 283
88 98
100 69 79
52 60
34 39 45
50 25 29
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

*2015-16 are based on actual numbers

3.19 Consequently, generation from wind and solar power plants also increase from 6.47% in 2017 to ~34% in
2030. Solar generation increases from ~18 BU in 2017 to ~614 BU in 2030. While wind-based generation
increases from ~59 BU to ~488 BU (exhibit 3.3).

Exhibit 3.3: Share of Generation from Renewables

Generation from Wind (%) Generation from Solar (%)






2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

3.20 Generation from non-coal sources in the HRES increases from 21% in 2017 to ~44% in 2030. Post 2026, a
sharp spike is seen in the share of generation from non-coal sources, given increasing RE capacity (Exhibit
3.4). Given such a situation in the non-coal generation, coal-based generation is seen decreasing from ~79%
2016-17 to ~56% in 2030 (Exhibit 3.5).

| 19 |

Exhibit 3.4: Share of Generation from Renewables

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Generation from coal (%) Total Non Coal generation (%)

Exhibit 3.5: Source-wise Energy Supply








2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Generation from coal (TWh) Generation from Solar (TWh) Generation from Wind (TWh)
Generation from Hydro (TWh) Generation from Nuclear (TWh) Generation from Gas (TWh)

Impact on coal
3.21 Considering the decreasing share of generation from coal-based power plants and the expected capacity
addition until 2022, the PLF of coal power plants is seen falling from 62% in 2015-16 to ~54% in 2022. Beyond
2022, the PLF is seen increasing given the retirement of coal plants which are older than 25 years (CEA, 2016).
Thus, the PLF increases to ~60% in 2023 and further to 80% in 2026, after which it has been assumed to be ,
without any new coal-capacity additions until 2030 (Exhibit 3.6).
Exhibit 3.6: Plant Load factor
2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

3.22 The plant load factor has a direct impact on coal demand. In the next fifteen years, under this scenario, coal
requirement for power generation from utilities is expected to increase at a CAGR of ~5%. Coal demand is
seen increasing from 446 MT in 2015-16 to 688 MT in 2022 and ~915 MT in 2026. After 2026, there is slight
dip in coal demand to 890 MT in 2027 until 2030, considering plants being retired and it remains constant
thereafter given the capacity addition in RE (Exhibit 3.7).

| 20 |

Exhibit 3.7: Coal Requirement (MT)

2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

Low Renewables Senario

Impact on Renewables
3.23 In the LRES the share of total installed capacity of RE increases from ~24% in 2022 to ~39% in 2027 and then
decreases to ~33% in 2030. Solar-based installed capacity increases to ~161 GW in 2030 from ~114 GW in
2027 and 60 GW in 2022. Wind-based capacity meanwhile reaches ~122 GW in 2030 from ~95 GW in 2027
and ~50 GW in 2022 (Exhibit 3.8). In comparison to the HRES, the share of RE in the generation mix increases
from ~6% in 2017 to only 11% in 2022. Beyond 2026, considering additions in coal-based capacity, the share
of RE generation increases to ~16% (Exhibit 3.9).

Exhibit 3.8: Installed capacity of wind and solar-based capacity

180 161
160 146
140 130
115 114
120 104 105
93 95
100 82 86
71 77
80 68
60 59
60 4540 50
35 40
40 28 32 26
11 17
20 8
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Wind Solar

Exhibit 3.9: Total generation from wind and solar capacity








2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Generation from Wind (TWh) Generation from Solar (TWh)

| 21 |

3.24 The share of non-coal sources in the generation mix ranges between ~20% and ~26%. Considering the
capacity addition in RE, it forms the bulk of non-coal generation. The share of coal-based installed capacity
increases from ~40% in 2027 to ~56% in 2030 due to capacity additions (Exhibit 3.10 and 3.11). Generation
from coal increases from 954 BU in 2017 to about 2354 BU in 2030.

Exhibit 3.10: Generation from coal and non-coal sources







2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Generation from coal (TWh) Total Non Coal generation (TWh)

Exhibit 3.11: Source-wise Energy Supply

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Generation from Coal (TWh) Generation from Solar (TWh) Generation from Wind (TWh)
Generation from Hydro (TWh) Generation from Nuclear (TWh) Generation from Gas (TWh)

Impact on Coal
3.25 As per the calculations of this exercise, by 2025-26, existing coal capacity would not be adequate to meet
the demand, especially considering that some amount of coal-based capacity is being retired between 2022
and 2027. Thus, to meet the demand, coal-based generation capacity is likely to increase to 230 GW in
2024–25 to 474 GW in 2029–30. (Exhibit 3.12). Thus, the PLF of coal-based power plants follows a declining
trajectory from 64% in 2014-15 to 53% in 2018-19 and thereafter shows an upward trend, reaching upto 78%
in 2025 (Exhibit 3.13). It is then capped at 78% in view of diversity of demand, planned maintenance and forced
outages. The lowest PLF attained during this period is ~53% in 2019.

Exhibit 3.12: Expected Coal-based capacity (2024-25) & additions beyond 2025

| 22 |

Exhibit 3.13: Plant Load Factor

78% 78% 78% 78% 78% 78%
80% 70%
70% 64% 62% 64%
58% 58%
60% 55% 54% 53% 55%

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

3.26 The coal requirement is seen increasing at a constant rate of 9% for the next fourteen years, rising from
446 MT in 2015-16 to 739 MT in 2022 and reaches about 1 BT in 2026, finally coming to about 1.4 BT in 2030
(Exhibit 3.14). This coal requirement is subject to change depending on improvement in plant efficiency and
quality of coal.

Exhibit 3.14: Coal Requirement (MT) for generation of power by utilities

2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

Way Forward
3.27 The present exercise is an energy balance study at macro level looking at the contribution of renewable
energy, other sources of energy put together and coal in meeting the assessed demand; the focus is primarily
on coal and renewables (wind and solar). Considering the wide scope and complexity of the issues, this
exercise starts by assessing the energy balance at the national level to understand the supply scenario until
2030. A more detailed analysis on the supply side will follow.

| 23 |

4. Conclusions
1. The Indian electricity sector is witnessing a major transformation in respect of demand growth, energy mix and
market operations. Various socio-economic factors and technology developments are contributing to this.
A detailed and critical assessment of the emerging scenario is of paramount importance for the sustainable
development of the sector. A macro-level assessment in stylised scenarios up to 2029–30 are covered in the
present study.
2. Analysis of the demand during the past 15 years shows that the demand is strongly influenced by various
economic factors. These are also found to vary among states, depending upon the economic activity
predominant in that state warranting detailed econometric studies for the states. The present study has
focussed on assessment of electricity demand at all India level on the premise that the total electricity
consumption in a year will depend upon that year’s GDP along-with previous years’ electricity consumption.
Empirically, data on all India electricity consumption and GDP has shown a high correlation coefficient of
more than 95%.
3. Based on the above, all India level demand projections in the stylised scenarios upto 2029–30 have been
carried out using the electricity demand and GDP data from 2001–02 to 2015–16. The impact of future
end-use energy efficiency improvements, electrification of new households and additional requirement for
electrified road transport, which may not follow the past trend has been accounted for exogenously. The
study shows that the demand is likely to grow from 1115 BU in 2015–16 to 1,692 BU in 2021–22, 2,509
BU in 2026–27 and 3,175 in 2029–30 representing a CAGR of 7.2%, 7.7% and 7.8% respectively. Per-capita
consumption of electricity is projected to increase from the prevailing level of 1,075 kWh to 1,490 kWh in
2021–22, 2,121 kWh 2026–27 and 2634 kWh in 2029–30. These demand projections may go up or down
depending on the success of the UDAY programme, Make in India initiative, deceleration in the use of captive
power, energy efficiency, DSM programs, etc.
4. The energy mix is also projected to undergo radical changes with increased focus on RE (especially solar and
wind) and considering the operational and environmental issues related to coal power plants. The increasing
penetration of solar and wind (which have inherent high intermittency and variability) would no doubt present
a number of challenges in respect to planning and operation of power systems. Timely strengthening of
the grid infrastructure, provision of adequate balancing and storage capacity, ensuring requisite flexibility in
ramping up and down, improved forecasting of RE power as well as demand, improved financial health of
utilities would be key factors in this context. Taking these into account two scenarios of RE development have
been considered in this study. The HRES considers capacity increase from the prevailing level of about 50 GW
to 175 GW in 2021–22 and 275 GW in 2025-26. The LRES considers capacity addition of 75 GW during the
first 5 years (reaching a level of 125 GW) in 2021-22 and 100 GW in the next 5 years (reaching a level of 225
GW) in 2026–27.
5. The results indicate that the energy that would be available from RE sources, storage hydro, nuclear and gas
plants (existing as well as those planned/committed) would suffice for meeting the remainder of the demand
for electricity at the national level during the next 7-8 years. This would in other words mean that no new coal
plants would be needed and the plant load factor (PLF) of coal based plants would be in the range of 78-80%
in 2024–25 and 2025–26.
6. The type of new capacity which will be required in the following years would depend upon how the
aforementioned challenges get addressed and cost economics of storage technologies (which could increase
the dispatchability of RE plants). In the HRES, it is assumed that the remainder of the demand in the subsequent

| 24 |

years (over and above what can be met from plants already considered up to 2016–27) would be through RE
capacity additions, on the premise that the price of RE+ balancing electricity would be about `5 per kWh and
competitive with the price of electricity from coal. In this scenario, the share of electricity generated from RE
would increase from the present level of ~ 5.6% to ~34% in by 2030 and the share of coal-based electricity
generation would reduce from ~ 73 % to ~56%. In the LRES the additional requirement of supply beyond
2025–26 is assumed to be largely met by new coal capacity (and other conventional sources including gas
depending upon the cost economics at that time), and to a limited extent from new RE capacity.
7. The evolving scenario being dynamic, periodic, preferably annual, assessment is imperative to take stock of the
emerging scenario by evaluating the evolving demand and supply trajectories, technological developments,
learning from global and Indian experiences in the ensuing period as well as factoring in various techno-
economic considerations and above all the financial health of the utilities.

| 25 |
BEE Bureau of Energy Efficiency
BkWh/BU Billion kilo-Watt hours/ Billion Units
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
CCO Coal controller’s Organization
CEA Central Electricity Authority
CERC Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
CUF Capacity Utilization Factor
DDUGJY Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana
ECBC Energy Conservation Building Code
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GSDP Gross State Domestic Product
GW Giga Watt
HRES High Renewables Scenario
IC Installed Capacity
IEA International Energy Agency
INDC Intended Nationally Determined Contribution
INR Indian Rupees
kCal/kg Kilocalorie/kilogram
kWh Kilo Watt-hour
LED Light Emitting Diode
LRES Low Renewables Scenario
MT Million Tonne
MU Million Unit
MW Mega Watt
MWh Mega Watt-hour
NCPRE National Centre for Photovoltaic Research and Education
NDCs Nationally Determined Contributions
NEP National Electricity Plan
NISE National Institute for Solar Energy
O&M Operations & Maintenance
PAT Perform Achieve Trade
PIB Press Information Bureau
PLF Plant Load Factor
RBI Reserve Bank of India
RE Renewable Energy
S&L Standards & Labelling
T&D Transmission and Distribution
TERI The Energy and Resources Institute
UDAY Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana
USD US Dollar
Vs Versus
W+S Wind + Solar

| 27 |

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