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2019 Sample Stat on Model Plot

Sample Stat on Plot

Deta led nformat on about tems marked w th a (*) s prov ded below.

A weather symbol s plotted f at the t me of observat on, there s e ther prec p tat on occurr ng or a cond t on caus ng
reduced v s b l ty.
Below s a l st of the most common weather symbols: onplot_pr nter.html 1/3

23.10.2019 Sample Stat on Model Plot

W nd s plotted n ncrements of 5 knots (kts), w th the outer end of the symbol po nt ng toward the d rect on from wh ch
the w nd s blow ng. The w nd speed s determ ned by add ng up the total of flags, l nes, and half-l nes, each of wh ch have
the follow ng nd v dual values:

Flag: 50 kts
L ne: 10 kts
Half-L ne: 5 kts

If there s only a c rcle dep cted over the stat on w th no w nd symbol present, the w nd s calm. Below are some sample
w nd symbols:

Sea-level pressure s plotted n tenths of m ll bars (mb), w th the lead ng 10 or 9 om tted. For reference, 1013 mb s
equ valent to 29.92 nches of mercury. Below are some sample convers ons between plotted and complete sea-level
pressure values:

410: 1041.0 mb
103: 1010.3 mb
987: 998.7 mb
872: 987.2 mb onplot_pr nter.html 2/3

23.10.2019 Sample Stat on Model Plot

The pressure trend has two components, a number and symbol, to nd cate how the sea-
level pressure has changed dur ng the past three hours. The number prov des the 3-hour
change n tenths of m ll bars, wh le the symbol prov des a graph c llustrat on of how th s
change occurred. Below are the mean ngs of the pressure trend symbols:

The amount that the c rcle at the center of the stat on plot s f lled n reflects the approx mate amount that the sky s
covered w th clouds. Below are the common cloud cover dep ct ons: onplot_pr nter.html 3/3

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