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$ $
$ $

Mohammed Jebrini
Co-founder of @Mashvisor

Revenue is the income that a business
has from its normal business activities.

● The sale of goods

● Services to customers.

f(x): R(n) = n(Quantity) x p(Unite Price)

Bus Analogy
A Leader has 3 Responsibilities:

- Must have a clear set of

directions in mind on where
the bus is headed.

- Must have the right people on

the bus who are excited about
the direction and work well

- Must have enough gas (Cash)

in the tank to get to their
Startups (Pre Revenu)

Before you approve your value proposition

(Sales, Technology, Investion, Patents ...etc)

A few options:

● $0 Fund
● Self-Funded (micor+)
● Angel ($xxK)
● Seed ($xxxK+)
KPI Template:
Revenue Streams

- Streams:
- Selling Goods, Subscriptions, Usage Fees, Renting, licensing, Brokerage, Ads?
- Performance:
- Which one makes the best income vs investment
- CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) vs LTV (Lifetime Value)
- Define your KPIs and Track them *** SUPER IMPORTANT ***
- Growth Rates
Forecasting (Future
“Forecasting revenue can help you discover
the why, where, when and how of your sales
activities, helping you make better strategic
management decisions”

1. Start with expenses, not revenues.

a. Fixed Costs/Overhead
b. Variable Costs
2. Forecast revenues using both a
conservative case and an aggressive
3. Check the key ratios to make sure your
projections are sound.

More :
Good Bye!

LinkedIn: @mjebrini
Twitter: @mjebrini

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