Arjun Kamalaksha Gleim Internet G99S892K: The Graduate Has Received 0 Hours of Cross-Country Training

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Arjun Kamalaksha (Student ID: 9037988)

has satisfactorily completed all stages, tests, and course requirements and has graduated from the
FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION approved Commercial Pilot Ground School Certification Course

conducted by Gleim Internet G99S892K

(name of school and certificate number)

The graduate has received 0 hours of cross-country training.

I, Paul P. Duty, certify that the above individual has prepared for the FAA Commercial Pilot-Airplane knowledge test [covering topics specified in 14 CFR 61.125(b)(1)
through (15) and 14 CFR 141 Appendix D (3.)(b)(1) through (15)] using the Gleim Online Ground School course.

The Gleim Online Ground School course has ascertained that the above individual has satisfactorily completed this online ground school, which includes sample
airplane-related questions from the FAA Commercial Pilot test bank of questions. Thus, I have determined that (s)he is prepared for the Commercial Pilot-Airplane
knowledge test.

Date of Graduation Paul P. Duty - 2694691CFI - exp 05/2020
Chief Instructor - Part 141
NOTE: This knowledge test authorization is valid for 60 days from the date of graduation.

The Gleim Online Ground School 141: Commercial Pilot is approved for credit in the Wings - Pilot Proficiency Program under the course number
GLEIM-Wings-CPOGS. Upon successful completion of this course, you will be automatically credited for completing it in your Wings program.

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