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Computerised Student Testing System

Allen Paul#1, Ashwin V Prabhu#2, Kumari Anamika Sharaf#3 Anvitha S Bhat#4

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Nitte Mahalinga Adyanthaya Memorial Institute of Technology
(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to V.T.U., Belgaum)
Nitte – 574 110, Udupi District
Karnataka, India

Abstract— Monitoring the performance of students is very

time-consuming because it is so labour-intensive. The goal of this
project is to devise an automated means of testing a student’s
knowledge in various fields.Based on whichever branch the
student is from, questions will be asked. We can also include
aptitude tests which are conducted during interviews to select the II. SCOPE OF THE PROJECT
candidates.The system will generate questions at random from a
Scope of this project is very broad in terms of other manually
database. Some questions will be multi-choice questions. For
example, a random 8-bit binary integer and the student will be taking exams.
asked to convert it into a decimal value.The testing system should  This can be used in educational institutions as well
be diagnostic and locate the student’s problems. For example, if a as in corporate world.
student performs well in one area, further questions at the same  Can be used anywhere any time as it is a web based
level in the same area will not be asked. If a student performs application(user Location doesn’t matter).
baldly in one area, the region of "uncertainty" will be probed.  No restriction that examiner has to be present when
the candidate takes the test.

Keywords— login,user,result.
The online test created for taking online test has
I. INTRODUCTION following stages.
Every person associated with the system will have a user A. Login
name and password, and this can be of 2 levels: Administrator There is a quality login window because this is more secure
and student. Administrator controls the whole database, the than other login forms as in a normal login window there are
teacher can include questions into the database. And students multiple logins available so that more than one person can
can only answer the question in the database. The student’s access to test with there individual login. But in this project
performance will be shown in the end and the result will be there is only one login id i.e. administrator id and password by
stored in the database. The purpose of on-line test simulator is which a person enter the site. Hence it is more secure and
to take online test in an efficient manner and no time wasting
reliable than previously used on-line test simulators.
for checking the paper. The main objective of on-line test
simulator is to efficiently evaluate the candidate thoroughly B. Test
through a fully automated system that not only saves lot of Test page is the most creative and important page in this
time but also gives fast results. For students they give papers
according to their convenience and time and there is no need project. It consists of 2 modules namely:
of using extra thing like paper, pen etc.  Subject selection:-
From the given choices the candidate can select his
field (like C, C++ and JAVA etc) for taking on with the test.
 Utilities:- Field name Data Type Description
It includes - Skip and come back to the question afterwards if 1 Subjecy Text Unique key for every
Needed,Gives the list of attempted and unattempted questions Code Subject
and can go to any question directly and can either 2 Question Text Question to be answered
by the student
attempt or change the answer of the already attempted
3 Option1 Text The first option which
question. maybe the answer.
4 Option2 Text The second option which
maybe the answer.
5 Option3 Text The third option which
maybe the answer.
IV. DATA TABLES 6 Option4 Text The fourth option which
maybe the answer.
TABLE I 7 Correct Text This is the correct answer

Field name Data Type Description
1 User name Text Store user name for V. FEASIBILITY
checking correct
username A. Economic Feasibility
2 Password Text Store password Economic analysis is most frequently used for evaluation of
corresponding to the effectiveness of the system. More commonly knows as
cost/benefit analysis the procedure is to determine the benefit
3 User Type Text User Type Administrator
or User and saving that are expected from a system and compare them
with costs, decisions is made to design and implement the
SUBJECT TABLE B. Technical Feasibility
S.No. Technical feasibility centers on the existing manual system of
the test management process and to what extent it can support
Field name Data Type Description
the system. According to feasibility analysis procedure the
1 Code Number Subject Code for a
technical feasibility of the system is analyzed and the
unique key
2 Subject Text Name of subjects in a technical requirements such as software facilities, procedure,
name semester inputs are identified. It is also one of the important phases of
3 Semester Text In which Semester the system development activities
student is studying


This is mainly aimed to conserve and save time. The results
S.No. will be immediately published soon after the test with their
Field name Data Type Description answers, saving the time for corrections. And teachers need
1 Student ID Number This is the roll number of not waste their energies in correcting and inputing these
the student results. They can monitor the students perform based on their
2 Student Text Name of the student results. This is non-descriptive. The challenging feature of this
name would be to make the descriptive question and answer
3 Course Text This is the course in available.
which the students are
studying .By default
course is CSE
4 Semester Text This is the semester in
which the students are VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
studing. By default, it is This project is still under construction.
VII semester We are grateful to our project guide Mr. Ravi B for
the guidance, inspiration and constructive suggestions who is
helping us in the preparation of this project.

[2] Fundamentals of Database Systems, Fifth Edition, Pearson Publication.
Ramez Elmasri, Unoversity of Texas at Arlington
Shamkant B. Navathe, Georgia Institute of Technology
VIII. REFERENCES [3] Head First HTML with CSS and XHTML. Freeman and Freeman.
O’reilly Publications
[4] (2002) The IEEE website. [Online]. Available:
[1] Database Management Systems, Third Edition. By Ramakrishnan and [5] Professional AJAX – Nicholas C Zakas et al, Wrox Publications, 2006
Gehrke [6] Programming Flex 2 – Chafic Kazoun, O’Reilly Publication, 2007

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