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When reading, be aware the Doc is a long file meant to be a compendium of sorts of 
various information. All information within is meant to be as factual as we can get with the 
information we are provided and uses caps and links to back up what information we present. As 
well, it keeps track of events ‘historically’, a log of things that happen day to day if anything lore 
relevant happens to go on. Additionally, it keeps track of characters and codes discovered within 
videos. While the Doc is recommended reading, make sure to take your time in going through it, 
as it is a hefty piece. Feel free to even search for key words if you’re looking for info on certain 
characters or events. 
Discord user ‘Private’ is Private Investigator ​Carl Millins​ - a man who has taken it upon himself to 
investigate Dad and the mystery surrounding him. Since taking on the case, he has been ​leaving clues 
in videos (but ​not all clues are him​) and is actively ​working against Youtube Server​. Carl’s primary 
form of communication is through his ​notebook​, paper and pen ​style​. How this works with Discord is 
unknown. He prefers to use third person narration for himself, potentially due to a fondness for Noir 
style detectiving. 
Dad, whatever he is, either is or is within the body of ​Captain Andan Rill. ​Brain scans have ​been taken 
from him that reveal information that belongs to Andan, along with things that seem to reference 
Andan leaking through in songs. ​Andan Rill​, based on information currently out there, mostly 
provided through music at this current time, seems to be from the planet ​Kepler-22b​ and was married 
to a ​woman named Ella​. He and his Lt. had a mission regarding the rogue planet ​CFBDSIR 2149-0403 
but ​something happened​, resulting in Andan and Emily being ​on earth​ with C ​ FB looming in the sky​. As 
an additional note, Dad/Andan and Nathan Barnatt are ​two seperate people​ who look alike for some 
unknown reason. 
Lt. Emily Ridley​, referenced in the song CFBDSIR 2149-0403 is Cpt. Andan Rill’s fellow astronaut. 
Together they were on a ​mission​ that seems to have gone wrong, leaving them stranded on the planet 
earth. While ​Andan was ​wounded​, Emily was able to walk away from whatever happened, ​leaving a 
message for her Captain​ that she would be back, potentially to find help. Her current whereabouts are 
Base has since been trying to ​contact​ ​both​ Andan and Emily, though we are unsure if their efforts have 
been successful.  
Life is real. Dad being a pop star is fantasy. 
The songs and his life are separate experiences of Dad’s. 
Act I has concluded. 
Thomas John Flaherty has arrived on the scene. With the influx of new viewership, many people think 
Tom is a gamejacker, this is 100% not true. Tom is a personal friend of Nathan Barnatt and is 
investigating why Nate’s behavior lately has been strange. Events lately have led to people believing 
Tom has been affected by FOOD, but it has been clarified whatever is happening to Tom is his own Life 
and not Dad’s.  
Thanks to a ​video​ by YouTuber ​Inside a Mind​, Dad finally reached 10k subs and will release the special 
upload he’s promising. In the interim, Dad released ​Dad Feels Thankful​ which contained another 
hidden message​. This binary message translates to “sum1gotin.” We don’t yet know who ‘someone’ is. 
It may refer to Carl, as we also get a brief flash of ​this image​ that Carl uses for his Discord avatar, 
however at this point that is purely speculative. 

Update 05/12/2019: 
In Dad’s most recent streams, we have seen glimpses of a ​mysterious​ ​woman​ (​who is not, in fact, a 
woman, or a person at all​) who appears to be ​channeled through Dad​. She appears to be ​acting to 
‘awaken’ Dad​, contacting him ​on behalf of Ella​. 
Recently this avatar, through Dad, posted a video featuring a picture of this entity and noise. Dad also 
linked to a ​spectrogram player​, hinting that an image was hidden in the audio. Analysis of the 
spectrogram ​appears to show people standing​ in ​some sort of plaza​. This was shortly determined to 
be a ​shot from the movie The Island​ We have yet to determine the meaning. 
Late night 5/13 into 5/14, Dad joined one of the voice chats in the discord and began ​speaking about 
his experiences with the mystery voice​. REN compiled a transcript of everything Dad said. Dad would 
not directly answer any questions at this time. MIB gives discord too many warnings for their flagrant 
disrespect of him. 
Dad tweeted and posted ​pictures of bears​ in Discord. After many fruitless attempts to figure out the 
meaning, Dad eventually dropped hints that “maybe Dad needs to speak another language,” and 
“Yelle would get it.” We eventually determined that the picture meant Dad would be doing a 5 hour 
live stream at 50k subs. “Ours” is French for “bear,” and Yelle is French. The bears are standing in 
front of a stream. 
Dad went live and used voice, and we were occasionally given snippets of audio, some of which 
sounded like they were recorded underwater, of a female voice attempting to contact Dad and warn 
him about/make him aware of something. This voice is presumably the spirit/voice/avatar described 
in the 5/12 update. Clips to come, transcription in progress. 
Roughly 12AM EST, Dad briefly streamed while outside in the dark, explaining that ​Daughter was 
missing and shouldn’t be out so late​. The connection was poor, so eventually Dad took to chat to 
explain what was happening. The stream ended with YouTube Server saying “Protocol: 51941165” 
which can be translated to ESDAPE using an A1Z26 cipher. This may have been a typo and should read 
“ESCAPE,” as though the server is executing protocols to recover Dad should he break free. The 
stream was succeeded by notes from Carl on Discord, currently camping out in Top Secret Facility, 
explaining that there was a ​sudden surge of activity​ inside the compound. He also ​referenced Dad is 
Out​ as the point when he decided to begin investigating Dad. He then hinted at a ​loredump in the 
future​ before disappearing again. 
Dad hosted his monthly voice chat for Patreon subscribers. At various points during the chat, 
spectrogram audio was played, revealing ​two​ ​images​ of YouTuber Nexpo and an image of the 
character ​Lazlo​ from the animated series Camp Lazlo. The latter of which served to be a hint for the 
following Monday’s upload ​Lazlo​. Noteworthy quote: “​Hm.. seems like Dad maybe watched a
movie and remembers it as his own memory. Does that ever happen? When you think you live
something but then you remember it was a story somebody else told you? That’s how Dad feels
right now.”
Dad also played teasers for ​two​ new ​songs​ and posted videos to discord recalling witnessing the Man 
in Black outside looking at many images of cartoons and YouTube. Dad said he watched MiB watching 
NXP (Nexpo), and said he was worried about NXP, Reignbot, and Edwin (Edwin’s Generation) and 
warned them to get off YouTube and become horticulturalists. 
It may be worth noting that Dad referenced Portal when asked about it, and said he didn’t play it, 
more like survived it, and was “on the disk.” He later referenced that he may be in something similar 
to Catherine now. 
Dad posts ​two images​, one which is the first result when googling ‘Mars’ and the other of an Argo. 
While the reference to the musician Mars Argo is obvious, what this means, ultimately, is still 
A ​video​ is later posted to the Dad Has Voice text channel, which was then shared with the community 
by the patrons. Right after it was posted, Dad posted two ​more​ ​videos​ right after in the discord general 
chat. Dad warns that youtube is more dangerous than ​rose thorns​. 
Dad uploads a video of all his social media accounts. In one section, instead of listing another of his 
accounts, it reads ​IMISSYOU/ANDAN​. 
A ​video​ is posted to the discord by Dad. The dialogue itself is from an episode of a TV show called 
Sweet Valley High. Dad elaborates that the ‘tea’ is poison and that he wants to ‘save Youtube’ and 
create a new, better, less ‘tea filled’ youtube community. 
In voice chat, ​a woman comes on trying to contact someone​. She seems unable to hear the people in 
the discord, saying ‘it’s breaking up’, repeating ‘hello?’ multiple times, before finally saying ‘I miss you 
Andan’ and disconnecting. 

During the livestream today, the avatar appeared again and revealed their name to be ​Nila​. Nila 
appears to be ​very powerful​. 
The same day, Tom hosted his ​birthday stream​ where, once he hit 3K subs, he was given a gift that 
was left for him by Dad. The gift consisted of a tomato plant and a can of FOOD. After eating FOOD, 
Tom’s demeanor immediately changed, saying “FOOD is good,” “Dad is good,” “I love Dad.” This more 
or less confirms a long-running theory that FOOD is some sort of control agent used to make people 
subservient to the server. This event led to the coining of the phrase “getting FOODed,” or falling into 
the control of those behind the server. As far as Tom goes, though, this effect has appeared to have 
worn off without regular consumption of FOOD. 
Carl appeared in Discord and explained that anything outside of Dad’s Life videos ​should not be 
considered true canon​, per se, but more of a preview of what’s coming for those who are truly paying 
Carl comes in to tell us things outside of ​Dad’s Life​ are, again, not really things that have too much 
weight​ to them. Ultimately, ​they don’t have too much importance​ and everything you need will be in 
Dad’s Life. ​It isn’t a race. 
Dad takes a visit to Nexpo’s discord, where he ​talks​ with some of the people there. Dad posts a video, 
now taken down, where a location is shown at :35 seconds in. This ends up being the place where 
Nexpo and Scaretheater were originally going to play chess together, later turned into a Nexpo meet 
and greet when Scaretheater had to step out. 
A video called ​Control C​ is uploaded to Tom’s youtube. Days later, Crothers makes his first appearance 
in Dad’s Life. 
Dad and Tom have a truly amazing roast off in the discord. ​Carl states he knows what the ‘original 
cake’ was, and expresses that he hopes all these clues will eventually become useful at some point. 
Carl posts about ‘​the room of rooms​’ and tells us all to ​find tranquility​ and basically chill. Dad, worried 
about Daughter still not being home, posts a link to the Bat For Lashes video ‘​Kids in the Dark​’ asking if 
Daughter is one. Later, he spams ​FOLLOW THE TRUE V TO BE SET FREE​ in chat. Whether this has a 
deeper meaning or he just wants us to follow True Value’s twitter, which he linked to during the spam, 
is unknown at this time. 
Dad goes on a work trip and gets to fly on ​Company Plane​. Sometime during his trip, he meets Nexpo 
in person. 
In the premiere chat for the 40k special video, Dad talks with some of the folks lurking there. After 
expressing ​concern​ for ​youtuber​ ​Loey Lane​, Dad begins posting ​blank​ ​messages.​ Chatters tell Dad 
they can’t see them, and Dad expresses what might be surprise - ​they aren’t blank to him​. He 
concludes ‘they’ are ​preventing the messages from coming through​. 
Later in the discord, Nexpo posts an image of an A1Z26 cipher that was inside of his employee of the 
month display. When translated, it reads ‘SCARLETT SEES ALL’. 
Carl weighs in on ‘canon’ and Dad’s Life, helping to clarify that while bonus things like tweets, 
livestreams, and other things are usually deleted, they are ​part of the story​ in some way or another. 
Implications are some content is, as mentioned prior, previews of future bits and pieces of Dad’s Life. 
Carl lets us know red herrings are ​extinct​ around here. Don’t expect any in the near future. 
Dad uploads his Father’s Day video: an hour long video of him relaxing outside and enjoying the day. 
During the video MIB appears multiple times, we are shown ​multiple​ ​images​ of Ella, and near the end 
Crothers appears to give Dad a special gift that he’ll know to use when the time is right. During the 
scene with Crothers, MIB can be seen in the background. He takes a step forward as if to approach 
before instead running away into the distance. 
Through discord reactions, Carl gives us a hint that not all of the videos in Dad’s Life are in 
chronological order. 
Dad held his monthly ​voice chat​. Thanks to Discord user Gilgongo for the transcription. The relevance 
of what was discussed remains yet to be seen, but it may be worth keeping in the back of our minds 
for the time being. 
Dad posts a video advertising his shirts. Curious members of discord wonder about the pattern at the 
end, and after clever sleuthing with ​some​ ​hints​ from Dad, find the constellation like image was 
actually a screenshot of the website for the movie ​Ex Machina​, starring Scarlett Johannsen. 
Dad made his ​first live appearance​ at Too Many Games. Worth noting that he came on stage shortly 
after a strong implication that Keith was FOODed. Binary text shown on the projector reveals a 
screencap from the movie Her​. 
Dad posts a tweet with a rot13/caeser cipher that translates to “​Scarlett is burgeoning​”. Shortly after 
Dad posted another cipher pointed at Inside A Mind, warning him about what information he chooses 
to share because ‘she is watching’. 
In the premiere chat for the four hour dance video Dad posted a cipher which lead to a link which lead 
to an image of a papercraft of ​‘Lucy’s helmet’​, something from the anime Elfen Lied. Considering the 
Scarlett references of the past few days, the connection was made to the movie ‘Lucy’ starring Scarlett 
Johannsen. Dad then posted another cipher which lead to a video of a ​red aurora​. 
Dad streams himself dancing for four hours. MIB can frequently be seen lurking around through the 
video. During this stream, Youtube Server comes into chat begins to perform an ​upgrade​ on the 
server, showing an image of ​Ella​ and ​MIB​ getting close to the camera in the process. This upgrade is 
likely the previously hinted to ​Scarlett Upgrade​. At the end there is both a ​spectrogram​, found to be 
concept art for the Scarlett Johanssen version of Ghost in the Shell, and a hidden link which goes to 
binary which goes to a highlighted passage reading ​“she surpassed expectations.” 
Dad comes into voice chat. Diane has been sending Mom ​a LOT of texts.​ Dad contemplates getting 
onto ​Mom’s phone​ to read them, but ultimately doesn’t. 
Dad goes live for a Q&A session. Most of the questions didn’t reveal too much lore and were just 
general ones. Images of ​Nila underwater​, a ​red flower​ in ​a desert​, ​tea​, and images of a NASA plane, 
some with Dad seen nearby, flicker off and on. 
Dad has a bonus call with his patreons! There the cult of UWU begins after anime faces and such get 
explained to him. Crothers confusingly appears in chat, leaving Dad bewildered because Crothers is 
just his dream man. Obviously, the events of this day were just a fever dream caused by too much 
MIB appears in discord posting ​emojis​. Dadscord is briefly MIBscord before Carl shows up and makes it 
Carlscord. By the end of the night, things were back to normal. 
The first episode of ​Talking Dad premieres.​ In the chat, Dad pleads with Tom to delete the video, to 
stop drinking RealiTea, and that continuing to investigate like this is dangerous. After the show ended, 
Dad went live, looking stressed out. In the stream, Dad seemed to be avoiding home and remained on 
the move, apparently fearful of someone tailing him and Tom’s investigation making it potentially 
unsafe for Dad. Moments of Dad running and hiding. Right before it ended, it seemed whoever was 
following Dad caught up to him. 
Since this video, Dad has changed his stance on investigative efforts. Dad now welcomes them instead 
of wanting them to stop and become horticulturists. The video itself has been taken down, like most 
Dad uploads Social Dad. While it’s mostly just Dad’s social media links, at :51 seconds in, a ​faceless 
woman​ flashes on the screen. The video has since been removed. 
Dad appeared in Discord chat to perform a survey, asking how people felt on a ​scale of 1 to 5​. Shortly 
after, Dad began posting ​coordinates​, n​ umbers​, and ​pictures​ regarding the ​Rendlesham Forest 
Incident​. Youtube Server later came into discord to taunt us for not seeing their community post, 
featuring a ​faceless woman​, different from the woman seen before in Social Dad. Said community 
post was later removed. 
Even later still, Dad returned to chat and when asked about the Rendlesham Forest incident and YT’s 
community post, Dad admitted he has ​brain hiccu​ps​ and not all things can be ​understood​ sometimes 
and you just have to enjoy the ride. 
Dad uploads Dad Con. Dad has snuck into Vid Con to pass out fliers featuring his face, the words sub to 
Dad, and a A1Z26 cipher that when translated reads DO NOT TRUST PI 
Dad’s monthly Patreon call. During it, spectrograms featuring ​three​ ​separate​ ​pictures​ of Ella were 
found, along with a link to a ​video​. 
Carl clarifies for us seized pistons that the building/group we had been calling ‘Server’ is actually ​Top 
Secret Facility​.  
Dad goes live. The video is just him watching Walker Texas Ranger. An image of ​Dad in front of a NASA 
plane​ is shown now and then. After the stream, ​Tom goes live​. It basically descends into a mess of him 
accusing Dad of being bad, Dad getting upset and insisting he is not, and finally ​Tom acting 
completely bizarre​ by kissing everybody and recording a chair, claiming he’s in it. Dad says he can see 
him in it. During this, Dad logs onto Tom’s account to ​post a video himself​. 
Later on in the day, Carl tells us to ​use our seized pistons to actually think​ about who left the DO NOT 
TRUST PI message and WHY. He also helped point out information we missed: ​Tom never actually ate 
FOOD​. He was given some knock off brand-- however, someone or something is affecting Tom, thus 
his strange behavior. ​Whatever it is though, it isn’t part of Dad’s Life and Carl has washed his hands of 
it, leaving the case to us. 
A ​video​ of Dad is posted to Beyond Worlds. 
The ​second episode​ of Talking Dad goes live. In it, Tom reveals that Dad had a question for Inside A 
Mind… which was asked in binary. When translated, it simply asked “Ever vaca in Wayward Pines?” 
Dad uploads a video called Youtube’s Youtubers, later changed to The Best Youtubers. The video 
consists of mainstream celebrities before finally fading to an image of Dad with his sledge. The video 
was taken down sometime after. 
Dad uploads The End of Dad. In the video, Dad is concerned about why all his 60k subs aren’t watching 
his videos. He seems sad and worried, pleading with them to please watch Dad’s Life or else ‘they’ 
might end his channel. 
The premiere wait time for Dad Educed begins. Dad pops into chat to talk some, linking to an image 
regarding Portal, talks about CFB and wonders where it is now. 
Carl took time out of his day to come onto discord to clarify Dad was NOT an ARG, but an ​interactive 
story​. There is ​no ‘winning’​ Dad. The puzzles and hidden info are, as always, previews, hints, and 
content for those who don’t just want to sit back and enjoy Dad as his life unfolds. 

Dad livestreamed Minecraft, which at times had two images cutting in and out. One of ​Mom​ and one of 
Neighbor​ in a new shirt, holding a sledge that looks incredibly similar to Dad’s own True Value 
Sledgehammer. Dad appeared a little unkempt and beardy, and talked about how he’s been skipping 
work in favor of playing Minecraft. 
The ​third episode​ of Talking Dad goes live. 
Dad ​patreon call​ featuring two ​spectrogram images​. 
In the UFO Experience discord, Dad appears to say that ​Sloan Burmel has nothing to do with Dad​. In 
Voice Chat, he clarifies again that the link to I Saw A UFO It Was Tight was for Legal Reasons.  
Dad comes into Discord to continue to try to help assuage the confusion regarding Sloan by explaining 
UFO Story is it’s own thing and is a ‘spinoff’​. You do not need UFO Story to understand Dad. Carl later 
comes into theories to point out the video wasn’t ​1080p and was 4x3, along with the presence of 
cassettes on the dash​, hinting maybe to ‘when’ the video is set. Also clarification of only two orbs: ​red 
and blue. 
Dad streams Seth Barnatt’s ‘the Bachelor’ videos in preparation for the premiere of a brand new 
episode of the Bachelor. At the end of the stream, one of the ​Men in Black sits down at the eComputer 
and posts to the chat. 
Both Carl and Dad come into discord to tell us that the only Nathan that’s relevant is the ​1999 Nathan​, 
and the ​2019 one we know is irrelevant.  
Dad holds a ​Q&A​ to try to help people understand Dad’s Life better. 
Dad comes into voice chat on Discord to talk while he plays Minecraft, claiming he has a day off. After 
about an hour he starts to mention he has to go soon, and one of the Men in Black joins the voice chat 
as well. He claims that this isn’t recreational time and Dad should be working - members in the voice 
chat seemingly placate him with information that Minecraft is popular on youtube lately, and by 
getting into Minecraft, it would help get more views to Dad’s channel. 
Dad also ​reacts​ to ​multiple comments​ about ​Griffin being Carl’s son​ with various forms of ‘no’. 
Fourth episode​ of Talking Dad goes live. In chat, ​Dad says Sloan has nothing to do with Dad’s Life​. He 
also says donators will get a secret message from Dad. The ​secret message​, a video featuring the same 
red light seen in the unlisted Youtube Server video, was in morse and translated to “SCARLETT IS LIS” 
Dad shares another secret message with donators. The ​secret message​, a morse code over an image of 
a wedding ring, translates to “WHERE IS DADS” 
Fifth episode​ of Talking Dad goes live. Dad’s question for Nexpo was “Have you ever seen a crashed 
Dad sends a secret message to donators: ​-.- . .--. .-.. . .-. / .. ... / -.-. .-.. --- ... . .-. / - .... .- -. / -.-- ---
..- / - .... .. -. -.- .-.-.- / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / -.- -. --- .-- / .-- .... . .-. . / - --- / .-.. --- --- -.-​ When 
Dad streams himself playing Minecraft. At 3:15, the starting soon message blinks in morse, translating 
to SUIT. 
Seth Barnatt streams his ​new show​. Dad calls in to give handy tips about sandals. He said he would 
see Seth soon, and later appeared on the show in person. 

Dad crashes the Ghost Boat adventure. A ​highlights video​ of Dad’s visits was uploaded a few days 
after. Other strange activities went on during the stream, such as the camera, at the very end of the 
stream, being brought into the hallway by someone and left on the floor with only the person’s legs 
showing. At this point in time we do not know who that person was.
Dad streams Minecraft again. This time, Crothers makes an appearance after Dad falls asleep for a 
quick nap. Together they play for a bit, Crothers says he might play later, and then warns Dad and the 
viewers to not trust someone named ‘Durk’. 
Dad’s monthly patreon call. For the most part it was general conversation, though near the end, Dad 
warned his patrons once more not to trust someone named ‘Durk’. 
Dad livestreams ‘Blair Dad’. In it, Dad is lost in the woods after taking a walk- a few minutes in, he runs 
into an ​unknown man​. Terrified, Dad flees. Unfortunately, Dad keeps ​running into​ the ​man​ ​over​ and 
over​ and ​over​ again… eventually, ​the man​ begins chasing him, growling and shouting “GET BACK 
HERE”. The video ends as Dad falls while trying to escape in a clearing and ​the man approaching him​. 
MIB, Carl, Youtube Server, and Dad all post on the Dadscord around the same time. Youtube Server 
spams “3” over and over. MIB greets Youtube Server as ‘Boss’. Carl posts about how things seem to be 
hitting the fan​, members of the discord ask Carl for elaboration, and ​MIB demands​ to know who this 
‘Carl’ is, as it’s implied he cannot see ​the messages​ Carl leaves in the discord. Carl and Dad end up also 
posting their own 3s - the number of videos, at the time, that were left until Act 2 ends. 
Dad comes onto Dadscord to play hangman with members. The resulting message was ‘The Dark 
Party’. Members of the discord thought it had to do with the movie of the same name, but Dad 
informed them ​this was not the case​. Along with it, Dad posted an ​image​. At this point, all that’s 
known about The Dark Party is a ​Dad heard a mumbling voice​ say it, and he posted the tea emoji 
alongside it… 
Shortly after, Dad posts images from and talks a little about the soap opera, ​Passions​, and inquires 
about another soap opera that, after sleuthing, ended up being ​House of Anubis​. 
A second patreon call with Dad. Two spectrograms lead to links of two images: a ​blurry image of what 
looks like a phone​, and ​Mom holding Dad Magazine​.  
Episode 6​ of Talking Dad. In chat, Dad linked a ​screencap​ of content from an upcoming episode. Those 
who donated during the episode received a ​secret message​ from Dad. When translated, it reads: IT IS 
A stream called ‘Looking for Sarah’ appears on Dad’s channel. He claims to have not started it. In the 
description, the video ​Maeve​ is linked. After talk in the chat, it’s revealed Maeve may have started the 
stream, and she was the ceiling lady that Dad spoke to on the Queen Mary. She’s looking for her friend 
Sarah, who has a connection to the Sierra Sky Ranch - noted for being haunted by a ghost who just so 
happens to be named Sarah… Maeve also said not to tell ​The Dark Party​ we saw her.  
An ​interview​ with Dad is released by The Digital Music News Podcast! This interview was recorded 
shortly after the Act 2 video, Private, was released. 
Dad hosts the Act 2 Viewing party, in which he also views Act 1. It has since been taken down. As a 
result, Dad now knows who Carl is, and is slightly more aware of some of the more non-life aspects of 
Dad’s Life. Things like Andan, and why does he look so much like Dad? 
Dad streams Doki Doki Literature club for literally way too many hours. Go to bed, Dad. 
Dad uploads ​Dad’s Present from Youtube​. Later, Dad streams himself playing River City Girls before 
giving up and opting to play the Sims instead. His sim ends up very stinky. 
Instead of a regular monday episode or the previously promised to be on monday Act 2 finale, Dad 
posts ​Act 2 Finale Trailer​. 


Dad livestreams, titling the video ‘Life’. In it, he plays around with a synthesizer/electric keyboard, 
complains about how the ecomputer is cooling down and he simply wants to play minecraft, informs 
us all he’s been VERY smelly (sims 4 stream was truly prophetic), and talks to a friend. Unfortunately 
for us, we cannot hear or see the friend. Some people speculate it might be Maeve, citing Dad’s odd 
reaction to a user asking if his friend was ‘the Lady in the Ceiling’. Officially, we do not know who his 
invisible friend is. 

Dad Elucidated​ drops. Lazlo is revealed to be a pop star. Andan remembers. Distant Aerospace 
Destinations is referenced. Ella worries for her husband. Mom kisses Malvin. Emily confirms we’re on 
Earth. Ol’ Carl’s onto you. It’s time to start fixing Youtube. 

Dad’s channel name changes to Andan. Dad’s twitter changes to Andan. 

Later, a livestream titled “Base… Do you hear me?” is uploaded. In it, Andan wanders for help, trying 
to find a way to contact Ella or Emily. He eventually steals a car, then tries to break back into the 
Facility. As a result, he is captured. 
Beyond World’s seventh episode begins, and Andan appears in the chat, informing us of his capture. 
He manages to escape, decking Malvin and running off with what seems to be Nathan Barnatt’s phone 
in the process. He posts a video to twitter of himself in new clothes, swearing they’ll never catch him 
Facility attempts to run damage control by accessing Dad’s accounts and claiming things are fine and 
nothing is amiss. Keep watching Dad. Enjoy Dad. 
Early in the morning, ‘Dad’ comes onto voice chat. Most of what he says sounds like it was being 
spoken off a sound board, prerecorded. Including names of some of the discord regulars. 
The secret donation message is sent, revealing a picture of ​Ella​ in what looks like the Old Basin. 
Dad’s monthly Patreon call is had! Writeup still in progress. 
Sadly, Dad announces that Act 3 cannot continue for the time being. Funding is low and patreon 
needs to hit 1500$ a month for his life to continue. Things such as camera work, locations, time off 
from work, so on, has made it to where at the current production value means he’s barely making 
ends meet. Aw. 
Dad has a second bonus patreon call for new patrons! 
Dad streams Goose Game. It has since been taken down. 
Dad streams Goose Game again, and it’s revealed the Dad we’ve been seeing since Andan’s escape 
actually is… Dadbot! Too many donations cause him to error out, allowing viewers to access some of 
his files to gain a little more information. It’s revealed TSF also has some files on frequent viewers and 
members of the community… this video has since been removed. 
Later, Dad pops into voice chat to talk Juicy Gossip. The subject of the Dark Party and it’s members 
comes up. They might just be people you know…  
Andan contacts ​Beyond Worlds​ and they hold an emergency news broadcast to talk with him. The 
appearance of Durk is revealed. Morse code on the headline ticker reads “​TOWN MAILMAN HEAR 
Beyond Worlds streams Beyond Minecraft with Dad(bot). 
Dad(bot) streams more Goose Game and errors out more. Files accessed. There are at least three 
different versions of Dadbot in existence, though it’s unknown if multiple are active at any one time. 
One of Lazlo’s songs is previewed. Characters were listed in different file type groups but the type of 
which are unknown. Daughter, Abner, Diane, Marty, and Boss are all in one group. Andan, Cheryl, and 
Malvin are in another. Nila is a third type all together. 
Dad(bot) streams himself reading spoooooky stories, a session called ‘Grave Dad’. The video has since 
been taken down. 
Dad(bot) does a brief stream which is mostly him just testing out his brand new Quantum Gaming 
Computer. It’s basically just him amazed at shaders in Minecraft. 
Beyond Worlds features a sequence of Dad(bot) telling jokes! The Dad specific sequence can be found 
On his twitter, Dad(bot) posts a ​picture​ of a woman- ​Binxie​. Binxie is a CGI instagram influencer. What 
does that mean? She is not an actual person, but instead an entirely CGI entity. 
Dad(bot) posts two more CGI humans on his twitter: ​Aliza​ and ​Liam​. 
Dad(bot) posts another CGI human to his twitter, ​Imma​, and then later encourages people to look 
back into the Act 2 finale, hinting at things still hidden within it. With fresh eyes, the act 2 code is 
On the discord, Dadbot begins erroring out. He spams pictures of Imma, along with ​various​ ​different 
error​ ​codes​ into the chat itself. 
Welcome to selection​.  


Points of View/Timelines?
With the release of Act II, Part I, it is now clear that we are dealing with 3 distinct points of view, and 
potentially 3 different timelines. 
First, we have the ​perspective of Nathan Barnatt​ who seemingly may have been ​kidnapped​ and 
replicated in some way. ​Other videos​ on Nathan’s channel imply that Dad and Nathan are not the 
same person. And that something sinister is afoot. This is further corroborated in Nathan’s 
appearance on ​The Original Podcast​. 
Next, we have ​Dad’s perspective​ (compilation/recap video linked for brevity but this POV covers all of 
Act 1) where we see the events of Dad’s life. Mom’s infidelity, Daughter rebelling, etc. Dad is trying to 
become the biggest YouTuber and pop star. ​Dad gains power as he acquires subscribers​. Dad appears 
to currently be at the mercy of the YouTube Server. 
Finally we have the ​perspective of Captain Andan Rill​. We currently know the least about his current 
situation. See his ​character section​ for what we know about the person. Based on the trailer, he was 
found somewhere by ​what appears to be​ the ​Man in Black​ who was at some point holding ​both Andan 
and Nathan captive​. Wherever this occurred,we see ​CFBDSIR 2149-0403​ very close in the sky. W ​ hat 
we’ve seen so far may be images scanned from Dad’s brain. 
Known Characters
Dad​: Star of the show. Has Wife named Cheryl and Daughter. Works at company doing business. Is ​kept in 
captivity at home/​Top Secret Facility in some way. Has feelings for Diane. Is likely some form of intelligence 
inhabiting the body of Andan Rill. Dad has slipped and said he had 2 daughters, but immediately claimed it was 
an error. Likes Mom, True Value, Dad things. Dislikes Neighbor. ​Is overworked by Boss​. Is 7 eons old. Dad does 
not sleep, he waits. Has stated in voice chat that he is currently 2/3rds of the way to becoming quantum 
(currently at ~62k subs, quantum at 100k) 
Mom/Wife/Cheryl​: Dad’s Wife. Likes wine. Mad about whatever was in Dad Magazine. Has some sort of control 
over when Dad can upload videos. Seems to have romantic feelings for Malvin, if their kiss is anything to go by. Is 
powerful. ​Teaches high-level science​ in a ​secret facility​ that has ​high security​. Is 9 eons old. Programmed 
Dadbot. Non-program. 
Daughter​: Dad’s Daughter. Occasionally sneaks out. Has a friend, possible boyfriend, named Griffin. Not allowed 
to have boys over. Likes to sing. Obsessed with phones. Capable of seeing the Men in Black because she is 
‘unique’. 17 years old in Earth years, 3 eons in Universe years. 
Diane​: Mom’s friend. Dating but not married to Abner. Loves travel, posts about trips on ​Instagram​. Has begun to 
develop feelings for Dad. 
Abner: Diane’s boyfriend. Oblivious to the fact that Diane is developing or has developed feelings for Dad. 
Nathan Barnatt​: Creator of the Dad character. Writer, director, actor, comedian, ​YouTuber​. Was kidnapped at 
some point by Dad and/or Top Secret Facility. Has been acting strange lately according to Tom. ​Has contacted 
lawyers concerning the whole Dad situation​, who he says is someone using is face without his permission. Left in 
1999. May be out of the picture for a while. 
Thomas John Flaherty​: Friend of Nathan, ​YouTuber​, creator of Chan Dram Rutnam, host of Conspiracy ASMR. 
Has shown concern with how his friend Nathan has been acting lately. Has stated he has had contact with Carl 
concerning documents about the truth, is assisting in the investigation. Has not actually eaten FOOD and is 
experiencing weird things in his life that aren’t related to Dad. 
Mike Lombardo: Friend of Nathan and Tom. Not considered part of the game at this time. Made the eComputer. 
Captain Andan Rill​: From Kepler-22b. Was on a routine mission shipping hardware to CFBDSIR 2149-0403. Top 
Secret Facility somehow interfered and crashed him on Earth, specifically in the Old Basin. ​Romantically 
involved​ ​married to​ Ella at some point prior to the mission. Works for/with the D.A.D - Distant Aerospace 
Destinations. Pilot, specifically. 20 years in service, 15 with D.A.D. Non-military job, mostly shipping and 
travelling in general. Non-program. 
Lt. Emily Ridley​: Possible member of Dad’s squad during a mission. Whereabouts unknown. May be capable of 
leaving hints in Dad’s videos, is attempting to contact base and/or Dad. Works for/with the D.A.D - Distant 
Aerospace Destinations. Unmarried. Unknown if she’s seeing anyone. Located in 1999. Non-program. 
Carl Millins​: Goes by “​Private​” on Discord. Does not directly address the community. Any input from Carl is in the 
form of what appear to be notes he is taking on his investigation. Currently involved in some kind of 
investigation involving Dad and the YouTube Server. Likes cinnamon buns and coffee. Dislikes the YouTube 
Marty: Dad’s ​coworker​ at Company. Sits at the ​desk next to Dad​. Has a girlfriend, plans on proposing eventually. 
Malvin​: Has a shed. Uses tools from Durk’s Discount Tools.Likes to ‘live on the edge’ and enjoys the risk of his 
tools breaking after one use. Formerly known only as Neighbor. Seems to be romantically involved with Mom. 
The Man in Black​: Works for YouTube Server. Appears occasionally to oversee Dad’s activities. DO NOT CALL HIM 
MITTENS.​ When asked what he’d prefer to be called, he responded ​Control​.​ Has since clarified he does not want 
to be called Control. There are multiple of him, they are all ‘Man in Black’. Most of them look to be identical, with 
only one known case of a non-identical MIB. Called ‘clients’, hidden from Dad’s perception by A/V tech. 
Ella​: Is married to Captain Andan Rill. ​Has more than one child, may or may not be biological children. 
Lazlo​: is a pop mucisian! One of the best youtubers and Daughter’s favorite. She’s a little weirdo! Apparently a 
teenager. A program seemingly created by the server based on files read out loud by Dadbot. Located at the 
Crothers​: Appears as a True Value employee in Dad’s dream. Looks shockingly like Tom, but as far as we know 
they are not the same person. More akin to how Nate and Andan look nearly identical but are different people. 
Located ‘beyond’. 56 years old. 
Nila​: Previously referred to as the avatar or [NOT DAD], has only showed up in chat during livestreams speaking 
through Dad. Appears to want to help Andan ‘wake up.’ Sometimes associated with the blue orb due to a time 
she communicated to discord, using our ​blue orb emoji​ before and after she began talking. Nila has stated she 
exists like Dad​ and does not ​exist with us​. Located ‘beyond’.  
Griffin​: Daughter’s boyfriend. Very interested in Dad and his Youtube channel. 
Durk​: Runs Durk's Discount Tools. His products are so poorly made there's a chance they'll break after a single 
use. Malvin buys all his tools from Durk. 
Woodsman​: Name to be updated as we learn more. An aggressive man in the woods who chased after Dad. 
Maeve​: The Ceiling Lady from the Queen Mary. Presumably a ghost. Looking for her friend Sarah, who is a nurse, 
and may be connected to the Sierra Sky Ranch. Asked viewers not to tell The Dark Party about her. 
Dadbot 212: Filling in for Dad while Andan is away. An error-pronebot. Programmed by Cheryl. Is in love with the 
Diane file. Dadbot 3 was first seen in Dad Uploaded. 

Known Hidden Messages

Dad’s Videos 

1. Dad is Home​ – Dad makes the hand sign for “​Help me.​”   
2. Dad Is The Best YouTuber​ – After smashing the pie, there is a low-volume backmasked clip of 
PewDiePie's “Bitch Lasagna” song. 
3. Nice Ax​ – Backmasked audio saying “What's in the shed?”   
4. Kiss​ – Backmasked audio saying “22 still loves you.”   
5. Mom Vacuums​ – For a few frames after cutting to black, “15 18 2” appears where Dad 
Magazine was on the floor. Using a number-letter cipher, this says ORB.   
6. Family Dinner​ – low contrast text saying “​is happy now​,” later​ ​confirmed​ to be “Orb is happy 
7. Can't Be Stopped (Lyric Video)​ – Low-contrast text “​THE ISLAND​”   
8. True Value (Lyric Video)​ – Low-contrast text “​WHERE IS CFBDSIR?​”   
9. Diane ft Yelle (Lyric Video)​ – Low-contrast text “​WE MISS YOU​”   
10. Fantasy Story​ -   
1. Low-contrast text “​$¢ANDAL​” Additional proof​ ​Part 1​, ​Part 2   
2. The numbers in the end card are another number-letter cipher that translates to 
MOMSBOOK. In the video, mom is holding a copy of ​Dirty Little Secret 
11. Mom Home Alone​ -   
1. Text “​WATCH YOUTUBE​” appears​ ​twice​.   
2. Binary  in the end card translates to “NICE AX”  
12. Neighbor Visits​ – Binary in the end card translates to "YOU ARE NOT PREPARED FOR WHATS 
13. Dad's Chores​ – Not hidden, but the overlayed audio is, to the best of my ability:   
1. Dad: Was it Dad's magazine? Neighbor doesn't even shop at True Value. I'll show the 
neighbor a good axe. It doesn't even count as a tool. I'll show the neighbor how a real 
axe works. He can get a real axe at True Value. Dad has the best axe. Who has axe now? 
Was it Dad's magazine? What's happening to Dad's life? Gonna clean this place up 
once and for all. Neighbor doesn’t even shop at True Value. It doesn’t even count as a 
tool. I’ll show the neighbor how a real axe works.  
2. Female voice (Emily?): Andan we miss you. Andan, can you hear us? Dad, wake up.  
14. Dad Is On (Lyric Video)​ – Flashing binary text translates to “Andan come in this is base​”   
15. Dad Feels Good (Lyric Video)​ – Binary translates to  “​​” which 
further translates to “Lieutenant Emily Ridley This is base come in”   
16. Dad Bod (Lyric Video)​ –   
1. Binary  translates to “​​” and “P19 1st7 -Private”   
2. The first 7 words of paragraph 19 of the linked article are “I think I’ve found a way in”  
17. Dad Feels Golden (Lyric Video)​ -   
1. Low-contrast text “​Anden​” appears during the word 'memories' in the song. This is a 
confirmed spelling mistake. 
2. “​Captain Andan Rill​” appears on the front fork of the motorcycle.   
18. Sneaking Out​ – Daughter's middle fingernail briefly bears a​ ​YouTube Play Button​. This is 
confirmed to be a message from Carl to the  YouTube server.   
19. Dad Daydreams​ – More messages from Carl.   
1. Briefly  displayed text under socket set on circular that says “Tweet YT to distract 
them on 4/8/19”   
2. Briefly  displayed text under smoke detector on circular that says “I rewired the 
server. They can't see this.”   
20. Shed​ – Text flash when hammer impacts tiny shed saying “​ALL ANSWERS​”   
21. Dad Loves Mom​ -   
1. Binary  flashes during the rewind translate to “listen​ ​?v=K7Wz48Iaq-c​”   
1. The sound during the rewind is the sound of Kepler 22-B from the linked video. 
2. The binary flash during the scene with the flying cars translates to “home” 
22. Dad Feels Golden – Solo Dad Mix (Lyric Video)​ – Lowercase letters in the lyrics spell “Dad is our 
only chance of survival”   
23. Dad Feels Thankful​ -   
1. Image of​ ​Carl's Discord avatar​ briefly flashes on screen.   
2. Binary flash translates to “sum1gotin” 
24. ACT II PT I​ - Binary for “​D​” appears at 0:24. ​More clues may exist but have yet to be found. 
25. Dad Loves Mom​ - Many still shots from Dad’s life that we haven’t previously seen, potentially 
from upcoming videos, including a single frame of ​what appears to be Dad dancing with 
26. Private​ - Originally uploaded under the title “Carl” but was changed shortly after going live. 
Binary text for the letter “A” appears at 0:22. 
27. Dad Feels Loved​ - Audio noise at the end generates a ​spectrogram​ of ​pancakes​. 
28. Obey the Server (Lyric Video)​ - Audio noise during end card generates ​spectrogram​ of ​a cake 
29. Little Towels​ - Low-contrast binary text for “D” 
30. 40,000 Subscriber Surprise​ - Audio noise during end card generates ​spectrogram of a diner 
booth​. Both of the images of phones/answering machines are taken from the movie 
31. Lazlo​ - Low-contrast binary text for “F” 
32. Daughter Snuck Out​ - Low-contrast binary text for “E” 
33. True Value​ - Binary text for “E” 
34. 40K Celebration!​ - Binary text for “L” 
35. Him?​ - Binary text for “S” 
36. Why?​ - Binary text for “G” 
37. Diane Calls​ - Binary text for “O” 
38. Dad’s First​ - Binary text for “O” 
39. Mom’s Work​ - Binary text for “D” 
40. CFBDSIR 2149-0403 (Lyric Video)​ - Scattered ​imgur URL​ of binary text translating to ROT13 
ciphered with shift 4 to ​YouTube video link​. The filename is ibb’s naming algorithm and 
is not a clue. 
41. Mom’s Flowers​ - Binary text for “O” 
42. Small Talk​ - Binary text for “N” 
43. AREA 51 EXPOSED​ - Text appears on the Area 51 sign in Futurama’s ​Alienese​ text reading 
44. Dad Educed​ - Numbers written in the ground, 91212 2 21311 work out as a A1Z26 substitution 
for “ill b back”. In the distance hawk eyed viewers noticed the man from Betided, likely Nathan 
Barnatt himself, ​standing​. 
45. Diane​ - Binary text for “E”. 
46. Nathan​ - Binary text for “A”. The man in the video appears to be the ​same man as in Betided. 
47. Big Talk​ - Possesses the same binary from reused footage of Small Talk. Unknown if this 
second “N” is part of the long code. 
48. Griffin​ - Binary text for “D”. 
49. Is Sniffing Cheating?​ - Binary text for “O”. 
50. Thank you NEXP​O!​ - Morse code that translates to “​A WAY OUT​”. 
51. Boy Stuff​ -Binary text for “N”. 
52. It’s Complicated​ - Binary text for “E”. 
53. Face Off​ - Binary text for “A”. 
54. Surprise!​ - Binary text for “T” 
55. Server Update​ - Morse translates to ACT 3 ACT 3 ACT 3 SCARLETT. 
56. Dad Magazine​ - Binary text for “G”. 
57. Dad Elucidated​ - Binary text for “M”, “A”, “I” (Not L), “L”, “.COM”. 

Other Videos 

1. Talking Classics - Aggressive Games​ - 

a. At 5:47, Dad appears in the ​video static​, and backmasked audio is heard saying “They 
took him.” 
b. At 8:04, more backmasked audio, this time saying “They left him.” 
2. Self Defense Against Telepathy​ - 
a. Briefly displayed text showing “​Defeat the server​”  
b. Youtube Server comments to the video with a message that reads “​GOOD JOB 
3. For Internal Use Only​ - 
a. Dad comments to the video in morse, translated to “IM COMING”.   
External Appearances 
These are videos where Dad has made an appearance, but may not necessarily have any plot-significant 

1. Game Attack - Dad Always Wins. | Super Mario Party with Dad #5​ - Frame showing “Subscribe to Dad” 
appears at the very end. 
2. Cinemassacre - Why Doesn’t James Like the Avengers Movies? (No Endgame Spoilers) - Rental Reviews​ - 
From 17:33 to 17:58, static image of Dad appears in the background. 

Relevant Links 

Dad's Channel 
Dad's Bandcamp 
Dad’s Twitter 
Dad’s Instagram 
Dad Discord 
Dad Subreddit 
Nathan Barnatt’s Channel 
Nathan Barnatt's Patreon 
YouTubeServer Channel 
Diane and Abner’s Instagram 
Dad Feels Song Lyrics 

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