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Organizational Directive no. 448

Version no. 04 dated 12/09/2019

Application Areas
Perimeter: Peru
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Infrastructure and Networks

With immediate effect, within MV/LV Operating Unit Peru the following organizational change applies:

 Management and Control MV/LV Operating Unit Peru, is entrusted to Fiorella Blanca ROBLES

Therefore MV/LV Operating Unit Peru is structured as follows:

 Management and Control MV/LV Operating Unit Peru, entrusted to Fiorella Blanca ROBLES ALVARADO;
 Colonial MV/LV Operating Unit Peru, entrusted to Johnny Alberto DÍAZ AGUILAR;
 Panamericana MV/LV Operating Unit Peru, entrusted to Jesus Juan SOLORZANO MORENO;
 Norte Chico MV/LV Operating Unit Peru, entrusted to Raymundo José GUTARRA PEREZ.

Furthermore Simón Martin CHUQUILLANQUI DOMINGUEZ reports to the Head of unit as focal point for public
lighting technical activities (works, maintenance and faults management).

In coherence with guidelines provided by relevant Business Line units and for the relevant perimeter roles
and responsibilities are defined as follows:

Management and Control MV/LV Operating Unit Peru

 To monitor the execution plans for related work and maintenance activities;
 to identify operating unit business needs related to materials and works;
 to manage permitting activities, licenses and certifications processes related to the relevant works;
 to perform industrial assets management (e.g. MV substations legalization).

Colonial MV/LV Operating Unit Peru

Panamericana MV/LV Operating Unit Peru
Norte Chico MV/LV Operating Unit Peru
 To define the basic and detailed design related to MV and LV works managing related permitting activities,
licenses and certifications processes;
 to execute MV and LV works;
 to execute emergency plans and faults management in coordination with Operation and Maintenance unit;
 to execute maintenance programs, inspection on MV and LV, meters and to support the no-technical
losses initiatives;
 to execute customers requests submitted by Network Commercial Operations Peru (e.g new connections,
estimations, executions of works, deactivation/reactivation).

The Organizational Directive shall be applied in compliance with any applicable law, regulation and governance rules,
including any stock exchange and unbundling relevant provision, which in any case prevail over the provisions contained
in this document.

The current document replaces all former Organizational Directives on this subject.





Organizational Directive no. 448

Version no. 04 dated 12/09/2019

Application Areas
Perimeter: Peru
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Infrastructure and Networks

MV/LV Operating Unit Peru Organizational Chart

MV/LV Operating
Unit Peru

Management and
Control MV/LV
Operating Unit Peru

F. B. Robles Alvarado

Colonial MV/LV Panamericana MV/LV Norte Chico MV/LV

Operating Unit Peru Operating Unit Peru Operating Unit Peru

J. A. Díaz Aguilar J. J. Solorzano Moreno R. J. Gutarra Perez


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