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5. Explain what "1'11 be your host for this show" and "Thanks far your
insightful comments" mean.

C) MULTI-TASKING ACTIVITIES Beneath our feet lies a surprising substitute·for fossíl fuels: water.
A multilayered resource that comes at different temperatures,
NEW ENERGIES: WATCH, COMPARE, READ, DISCUSS, LISTEN, depending on its depth in the ground; water is easily accessible almost
everywhere. Yet the energy it contains in the form of heat has barely
Step 1. Log into website a) below, where you will find different and various been exploited. This is true even though the heat in the water can be
video-news related to alternative energies. WATCH one or sorne of them extractad and put to use by reliable techn(i)logy that is already
and then log into website b) (Nuclear Energy lnstitute website) and, after available -giving just about every house owner a potential source of
reading the information in it, COMPARE both approaches to energy What economical energy right in the backyard.
are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? DISCUSS this Ordinary groundwater -the water that permeates the earth close
with your Tutor and classmates and then WRITE a summary of your to the surface - is the most likely source of household heat.
conclusions on this comparison.
Geothermal water -hotter water found at greater depths- can be
usad to heat bigger structures such as apartment houses, stores, and
a) factories, and in certain industrial processes. Geothermal water has
b) long been exploited in the West, but recent discover-ies have been
made in many other parts of the country; 41 states, all but those in the
north-central U.S., are known to have geothermal deposits. And where
SUMMAAY ANO COMPARISON OF OPINIONS: geother.mal energy isn't to be found (or even where it is), water can be
pumped 10,000 feet or more into the earth to be heated by hot rocks
to temperatures sufficient to drive the turbinas of an electricity-
generating plant.
Costs of tl:le well-tr.ied technology needed to exploit heat from
groundwater and from ge.othermal sources are known -and so far no
one has formed an Organization of Water Producing Countries. The
hot-rock system has been preved only experimentally, and the
engineering and the economics are still being worked out. But the
outlook is promising.
For the householder, groundwater is the heat source to look to. The
earth is a huge solar-energy collector and insulator that keeps
groundwater at a constant temperature the year round. Wells as
shallow as 50 feet will produce groundwater with temperatures of
77° F in Florida and about 40° F at the Canadian border.

Step 2. READ the following text and LISTEN to its spoken version to
make sure you know how to pronounce and give the correct intonation
to it.


/ Step 3. DO the following exercises and STUDY the grammar 7. Prívate houses will use ... ..,,,,
explanations when necessary. a) geothermal water.
b) mineral water.
1) Choose the correct answer from the ones g iven below e) both a) and b). ..--
1 . The water temperature depends mainly on ... 8. The water temperatura varíes according to .. . ~

a) the kind of soil in which it is found. a) the geographíc locatíon.

b) the influence of nearby mountains. b) the depth.
e) how deep in the soil it is located. e) both a) and b).

2 . The most common source of household heat will be ...

2) Re-order the following ele m e nts to make me aningful
a) groundwater.
sente nces
b) deep water.
e) surface water. a) system / has / rock/ been / the / preved / hot / experímentally / only.
b) easíly / everywhere / is / almost / water / accessible.
3. Geothermal water is specially appropriate far .. . e) worked / economícs / and / the / engineeríng / are / out / being /
a) small prívate houses. still / the.
b) big buildings. d) formed / producing / no / of / far / water / countries / an / so / has
e) heated swimmíng pools. organization / one.
e) resource / temperatures / multilayered / a / that / different / at /
4. In the U.S., geothermaJ deposits can be found ... comes.
a) nearly everywhere. f) is / source / heat / the / to / householder / for / look / to /
groundwater / the.
b) in the North-central area.
e) in the West a) -
5. lnside the earth, water is heated by ... b) ·------··-
a) turbinas. e)
b) hot rocks. d)
e) coal. o)
5. This r.;ource of energy can be u:.ed.,. ()
a) only duríng the nummf3r montha.
b) th~ whol<:, yr:,ar round.
e) any time except wintí:ír.

58 ·,rlJ/-W/, r.,, 11-w:;,1¡¡.,r.,¡. lfl l l'/• f> í IIJ UNll 2: ALTEílí IATIVE ENERGIES 59
Add either one of these endings to the following list: b . Which compound nouns can you find in the last
paragraph of "Water to burn"?
feeb_ ; fat_; bubb_ ; practic_; strang_ ; speci_; princip_ ;
2) Put words from these two lists together to form compound
voc_ ; leg_; bund_
erad_ ; sadd_
; plur_
; topic_
; ridd_
; loe_; jung_
; accident_ ; catt_
; sensib_ ; believab_
nouns and include them under the appropriate heading

week stick "
F) A NO .. . HOW'S YOUR FORMATION 1 thing Z do
window "\i
3 w ordi 4 ""
O F WORDS? mixing shop
NOTE the following:
drinking towel
shop bowl
The word outlook means "foreseeable future". gentle cream "•
E.g.: The weather outlook for Easter is so good that we are going
to the beach.
On the other hand, to be on the Jookout means "to be alert".
black bag ''
E.g.: Be on the lookout for unidentified flying objects.
bird ''
1) a. Make compound nouns from the words listed •
below by adding them either in front or behind NOUN + NOUN ADJECTIVE + NOUN VERB + NOUN
the words in bold letters (Notice that they will all
be written as one word)

out work

book farm
land side

walk out
lay day locked step in 1 '
Choose the correct future form to complete a-f.
a By the time I'm 20, I'll have been studying/be
studying English for 10 years.
b This time next week 1'11 be sitting/have sat on
a plane to New York.
e Will you be seeing/have seen David this
evening?' ' No, I won't have time.'
d When !'ve finished Inferno I'll have read/ been
reading all of Dan Brown's novels.
e 1'11 have been paying off/paid off all my debts
by 2015.
f Can't you take Saturday off? By then you'll be
working/have been working for ten days without
a break.
3 Use the verbs in brackets to complete the two
Gram.ma1· conversations below with appropriate future forms.
Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

Talking about the f uture Gary Have you got any plans for when you leave
1 Complete sentences a- i with an appropriate Eleanor Yes, I 1 . (take) a gap year. I've
. .........

future form. Use the present simple, the present applied for a job in Kenya.
continuous, going to or will and a verb from the Gary Really? Doing what?
box. Eleanor Well, assuming I get the job, I 2 . ..........................
(teach) in a school somewhere.
arrive be borrow do fi nish
Gary When 3 ................................. the job
have meet miss play stay (start)?
Eleanor In early September.
a 'What .... . on Saturday evening? ' '! 4
Gary So this time next year yo u ............................ (live)
don't know yet.'
in Africa .
b John can't find his gloves, so he
Eleanor Yes, exciting, isn't it?
c 'What time .... your plan e ............. ......... ..... Andrea What do you think you 5 (do)
in Amsterdam?' this time next year?
d Pete has decided not to take a holiday this year.
Robert I don't know. I imagine I 6 ..
He ........ at home. still (work) here. But hopefully I
e 'Why are you wearing a tracksuit?' 7
........... (be promoted). What about you?
'l . football .'
Andrea l 8 (leave) by then. In fact I
f 'Do you want a drink?' 'Yes, l a 9 (start) applying for new jobs next
coffee, please.' week.
g We should have left ho me earlier. We definitely Robert Really? I saw a job advertised in the paper
haven't got time to get to the station. \Ve that would suit you down to the ground . I
our train. 10 ..... (bring) the paper in tomorrow.
h The film at ten, so 1 Andrea Thanks .
home by 10.30.
Robert l noticed that the closing date for
' What time Lia m this evening?'
applications 11 ............ .......... (be) next week, so
'At eight outside the town hall.' 12
you ......................... (need) to hurry.

Umt i G

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