9 G - Present Perf and Past Simple

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Name: Test paper – 9G – R1

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past
Simple or the Present Perfect Simple.

1. I (not attend) ________________________________ any parties since I came here.

2. I (go) ________________to a party at Sally's apartment last Saturday night.
3. Bill (arrive) ____________________________here three days ago.
4. Bill (be) _______________________________________here since the 22nd.
5. Try not to be absent from class again for the rest of the term. You (miss, already)
______________________________ too many classes. You (miss)
______________________________ two classes just last week.
6. John ___________________________ (not call) me recently.
7. They ________________________________ (buy) a new car last month.
8. The teacher .____________________________(not return) the tests yet.
9. How long ________________ she _____________(know) about this problem?

2. Write the rules for the present perfect simple and give an example for each of them.

Name: Test paper – 9 G – R2

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past
Simple or the Present Perfect Simple.

1. They________________________ (buy) a new car last month.

2. The teacher ________________________ (not return) the tests yet.
3. How long ___________ she ________________________ (know) about this problem?
4. ___________you ever ________________________ (hear) such an unbelievable story?
5. In her whole lifetime, she (see, never) ______________________snow.
6. I (know) _______________________________ Greg Adams for ten years.
7. So far this week, I (have) _________________________ two tests and a quiz.
8. Last semester, Professor Williams (give) ________________ our class five tests.
9. The science of medicine (advance) _________________ a great deal in the 19th century.
10. Since the beginning of the 20th century, medical scientists (make)
_____________________________________ many important discoveries.

2. Write the rules for the present perfect simple and give an example for each of them.

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