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Dear Jhon,

I hope that you have been doing great in your professional career and making great advancement
in your life. It’s been a really long time scince we have met each other. I have our past in memories and
old University days having fun at canteen. By the way i am working in the same University as a research
assistant and lecturer for mechanics of machines. You will be surprized that Dr. stephen is my supervisor
for research project.

Our university has set the dates of a trip to northen areas for few days and i have been invited to lead a
group of student for that recreational trip. I am very happy for that and i wish you could join me on this
opertunity. You know that i am found of taking pictures from my school age and i always fascinated by
taking pictures and making album of memories. In last visit to country side DAM facility, my camera sliped
from hand and got damamged which was an unbearable loss to me as i have lost so much memories in
form of images i have been collecting for a long time.

Actually, i do not want to miss my hobby on this precious ocasion as i want to capture moments of joy
and harmony as i always do. For this purpose, i was wondering if you can lend me your camera which you
have received from you uncle as a present for this trip. Though it is outdated but it can still help me in
collecting images with pretty great results. I will definatelly share those images with you and as you know
the imaportance of image, picture worth a thousand words.

I belive that you can anticipate my level of exitment for this trip and allow me to handel your camera with
great care!

Your dearest Friend,


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