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Oxford-Weidenfeld and Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme
Please note:
You only have to fill in this statement once. If you are applying for more than one graduate
course, you must upload this statement with each graduate course application.
1. Personal Data:

Name & Surname Date of Birth Gender (M/F)

Hammad Misbah Uddin 30th Nov 1993 M

2. Choice of graduate course and college at the University of Oxford:

Name and duration of chosen graduate course Preferred college (if any)

MBA / 1 year Said Business School

3. Please list the name and location of the universities you have attended to date,
and the degrees and results you have received:

Name and location of the University Years attended Degree Grade obtained
(MM/YY) obtained

National University of Sciences and

09/12 – 06/16 BE Mehanical 3.59/4.00
Technology, Pakistan

4. Professional experience: list your two most significant recent jobs

Organisation, Country Position Time frame

I. Pakistan Petroleum Limited, Engineer (Mechanical) 07/19- Present
Pakistan- (07/17-Present)
- Projects

Main responsibilities:
I have recently been promoted to Engineer and am responsible for mechanical design
review and completion. I also serve as Site Supervisor during project executions. I am
also involved in Procurement management of mechanical piping items.
II. Space and Upper Atmosphere Research
Commission, Pakistan Project Intern 06/15 – 08/15

Main responsibilities:
Designing and development of depressurization system of launch vehicle fairing. Also
presented a conference paper.

5. Please provide details of all the other scholarships (both Oxford & non-Oxford)
for which you have applied – this does not include scholarships that you will be
automatically considered for:

Name of scholarship Location

Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Scholarship Oxford

Please answer the following questions in no more than 200 words per question:

1. Why do you want to participate in the Weidenfeld Hoffman Trust Leadership

Programme? What value do you see in our Moral Philosophy Programme and
Enterprise Challenge?

Having been an introvert in my past I have had to work very hard on my interpersonal and
leadership skills to develop them to become a competent leader. Currently I also serve as Site
Supervisor as an additional rle in ongoing projects. The skills and knowledge gained in
Leadership Programme will enable me to become a stable and positive leader and carry the
same skills back to my country. The leadership programme promises to be of great value. It
offers chances to participate in extensive skills training and I will really benefit from these
trainings with competitive individuals.

The Moral Philosophy Programme is a great platform to interact with a diverse group of
individuals and learn through their experiences and views. It will broaden my view of
leadership and social design. I myself am continuously involved in debates with colleagues on
political and philosophical matters. But one’s perspective is narrowed by the limited exposure
they have. In this regard, an exposure to intellectuals fro diverse backgrounds will help to
mature my ideas and concepts.
To be honest the Enterprise Challenge is really an exciting and intriguing part of this
programme. I am already thinking of social projects that I can see benefiting my part of the
world. It will be a great chance to connect and produce while working with people from various
background with all kinds of ideas.

2. How can one individual make a difference?

One individual can make a great difference. History is full of such examples. Take M Ali Jinnah
for example who was the most influential leader in the movement for Pakistan. Omar Torrijos,
the Maximum Leader of Panama (1972-1981) is another example of a leader who was
successful in accession of Panama Canal to Panama.

These leaders brought changes by being bold, determined and eloquent. What made them so
capable were their oratory skills, their exposure and their ability to plan. Due to good planning
and continued persistence they achieved their targets, thereby affecting millions of people and
changing the world.

3. Have you ever mobilized a group to achieve a common goal? How?

During my university final year project at Pakistan’s space agency, SUPARCO I was the team
lead. The project was very technical in nature and required thorough research and simulations
to go onto fabrication. We had our theory sound but we were not proficient in software. We
needed modelling, stress testing, flight simulation and confirmation with another simulation
model. My target was timely completion of the project with a chance to present a conference
paper. I asked my team mates to focus on the goal as it will reap great results for us. I assigned
the modelling part to my team mate, myself learning stress analysis on ANSYS Structural. After
stress success, I learnt flight simulation on ANSYS Fluent and matched it with the pneumatic
model I had developed on Matlab. One of the teammate was responsible for presentation
preparation. After that I sat my team together and asked for their critique. On the presentation
day everybody was impressed with our application of software and ISO standard. I would pin
the technical success of our on our sheer determination and ability to handle stress. We were
even able to complete a conference paper I presented in July 2016.

4. What is the challenge facing your country that you want to help resolve?

In the long term I am really worried about the economic situation of Pakistan. With an MBA
from Oxford I will be able to go back to Pakistan and will be able to provide consulting using
my previous engineering experience for helping industrial businesses in Pakistan identify risk
and evaluate market strategies. This will help Pakistan regain self-sufficiency and reduce its
trade deficit. Currently Pakistan has a large market gap that no local industry is filling.
Punjab (Pakistan) has a lot of smog every winter since the past 2 years due to the burning of
crop residue. On the side, using my engineering knowledge I can introduce gasifiers to produce
syngas using crop residue to be used as fuel and this will reduce pollution. This may develop
as a social venture that will also help in providing electricity in various rural areas where there
is load shedding. This is one of the ideas I have for the Enterprise Challenge.

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