Bahria Foundation School Campus 2 PWD Islamabad

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Summer Vacation Task
Dear students,
This summer vacations do not just sit idle or watch television. Lets your
creativity flourish by indulging in some simple yet fun filled activities.
Parents are advised to guide, motivate and facilitate their children to
complete given summer task and also especially instructed them to do their
homework themselves, in their own hand writing. We are planning to transform
you into versatile personality. Here we are going to share some important things to
do are mentioned below.
1. Improve your handwriting:
For this write at least one page of English and Urdu daily.
2. Walk together:
Go for walk daily with your family. It will not only improve your health but
also make you realize that Allah has given us two greatest gifts i-e NATURE
3. Cultivate manners:
Remember the 5 magic words – Please, Sorry, Excuse me, Thank you and
welcome and make these words in your daily routine.
4. Physical exercises:
Computer games are good, but it only nourishes your intellect. You need to
do some exercise for the rest of your body. Go for cycling, running, hide and
seek, cricket, badminton, swimming activities etc.
5. Care and concern:
This is the best chance to spend your maximum time with your family. Take
care of your parents, grandparents, siblings and look after the house
especially with your mother.
6. Cleanliness:
Keep your room, study table neat and clean. Your writing should be neat. As
we know cleanliness is half faith.

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