A Linguistic Stylistic Analysis of The Campaign Speeches of Two Presidential Candidates in The 2019 Elections

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This chapter contains the background to the study, a brief profile of the presidential

candidates in this study, a brief over view of political campaigns in Nigeria, statement of

the problem, research questions, aim, and objectives of the study, justification of the study,

scope, and delimitation of the study. Therefore, this chapter provides an insight into the



The ability to communicate effectively is the hallmark of all known politicians wherefore

the use of English as an international language has made more people aware of the

immense power of words in politics and communication.

Thus, Kamalu and Agangan (2007:35) state that language plays an important role in

manifesting political wills and accompanying political actions; this is the case with

political campaign, especially in Nigeria where campaign affects the electorate who are on

the receiving end. Language is therefore used in a unique way; to achieve set goals and

objectives. Consequently, campaign speeches are largely dependent on language which is

the focus of this study.

Language provides the individual with a tool for the exploration and analysis of his

conceptual ideas and this is what has distinguished and given man his unique position in

the world. This is why Isa (2004:1) maintains that one of the most important functions of

human language is its role as a means of communication or interaction between members

of the society. She further notes that language helps man to establish social relations and

other forms of networks which only language can facilitate and which obviously makes

man superior to other animals lacking in the instrumentality of language.

Sapir (1927:7) in Abaya (2009:195), Oladayo (2019:38), and Anifowoshe (2006:11) define

language as purely non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires

by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols. According to Harris (1979:53)

language is the means by which political ideas are transmitted to the community and that

the strength of language in politicking are enormous.

However, language conveys different kinds of information relating not only to the

speaker’s beliefs but also his identity and relationship with his listeners and hearers which

re-enforce that language is vital to human experience. In other words, language serves as

an important tool through which effective interaction, mobilization for national

development and transformation are achieved.

Hence, Ayeni-Akeke (2008: 83), submits that “political life, like other aspects of social

existence, is made possible by the ability to communicate.” He argues that

“communication underlies the dynamics of political life.” In order to buttress this view, Pie

(1978:2) in Joshua (2003: 109), points out that “politics exists not only to push parties and

candidates but covers also the pushing of ideas and point of view.” So, politics involves a

series of connected activities designed to bring result. These include: campaign,

advertising, canvassing, lawn sign, and so on. Behind these bits and pieces of political

power games, is language which ‘is an important aspect to political campaign and an

interesting vessel of post election communication’ (patriorstatesman).


The language of political campaign speeches usually comprises of the use of foreign

phrases known as political jargons, three part statements, use of rhetorical questions and

pronouns to influence and impress the target audience. There is a large use of quotations

and adequate use of repetitions. The mode is manipulative, persuasive and the language is

ideologically embedded. (myspeechlab.com)

The inability of the electorate to grasp the extent to which politicians use language in order

to manipulate, persuade and deceive them into winning their vote is the concern of this

study. This is because understanding a language could be difficult without examining fully

how such a language is being put to use. Hence, Amodu (2010:1) observes that for a long

time, particularly from the early 40s to the late 70s, the study of language concentrated

more on the language form, at the expense of how language functions as the case is in

functional linguistics and pragmatics. He goes on to say that scholars are gradually shifting

ground from paying attention on language structure to studying how language can be

functionally used in the society especially if the language has been developed. This reveals

that interest in language for communication should be viewed as a good step forward from

the narrower and still popular focus on language as grammar. This is not to undermine the

importance of the study of language structure but it is an acknowledgement of the fact that

the study of how language is being used is now receiving a greater attention and in a new


By studying language in circumstances where all its functions and variations are taken into

consideration, it is possible to learn more about how perceptions, convictions, and

identities are influenced by language. More so, words and expressions are used or omitted

to affect meaning in different ways. In political speeches during election campaigns, ideas

and ideologies need to be conveyed through language so that they are agreed upon by the

receivers as well as by others who may read or hear parts of the speech afterwards in the

media. Thus, citizens of democratic countries have the option to go to the ballot boxes on

election days and vote for one person or one party. Whether their decision goes along with

a political conviction or not, it is most likely based on communication through language.

Black, (2005) in Kulo,(2009:1) states that within all types of political system, from

autocratic, through oligarchic to democratic, leaders have relied on the spoken word to

convince others of the benefits that arise from their leadership. The study attempts to

unravel the features of language that are peculiar to the speeches of the presidential

candidates using the linguistic stylistic approach.

Aristotle in Anifowose and Enemuo (1991:1) mentions that “man is by nature a political

animal.” By this, he means that the essence of social existence is politics and that two or

more men interacting with one another are invariably involved in a political relationship.

Therefore, it is evident that both language and politics intersect at the point of interaction.

Similarly, Merk (1967:13) cited in Anifowose and Enumuo (1991:1) argues that politics is

the “art of influencing, manipulating, and controlling others; which are all indubitable

functions of language in verbal communication.

Moreover, political speeches are composed by a team of professional speech writers, who

are educated in the use of persuasive language. Beard, (2001:18) in Kulo (2009:1) throws

more light, that adding rhetorical devices to a pre-composed speech may be of crucial

importance to election results. He adds that a political speech is not necessarily a success

because of correctness or truth rather politicians use language in presenting valued

arguments to achieve their aims of winning votes. To examine the most prominent

linguistic/stylistic features of language is a cardinal focus of the research.



Many presidential candidates publicly declared their intentions but we shall look at two for

this study.

General Muhammadu Buhari was born on December, 1942 in Daura, Katsina state in the

North West zone, Nigeria. He became Nigeria’s Head of State on December 31, 1983. He

was over thrown on August 27, 1985. His administration introduced the “War Against

Indiscipline” (WAI) campaign which, despite its highhandedness, it still landed to have

created the most orderly conduct in both public and private life of the country since


Before becoming head of state, Buhari had been chairman of the Nigerian National

Petroleum Cooperation, minister of petroleum and natural resource and governor of north

eastern state of Nigeria. He was also chairman of Petroleum (special) Trust Fund under

General Sani Abacha; since 2003, Buhari has sought to become Nigeria’s civilian

president, without success. He contested in the 2003 and 2007 presidential elections under

the platform of the All Nigerian People’s Party, losing out on both occasions to the Peoples

Democratic Party candidates. He fell out of the leadership of the All Nigerian People’s

Party and succeeded in pulling out with him some of the supporters of the party which

formed the Congress for Progressive Change. He was ratified as the presidential candidate

of the party in 2019 elections. He declared that CPC is ready “to get the PDP off the backs

of Nigerians and hammers on the need for change. (starAfrica.com/en/news)


Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan was born on Nov 20, 1957 in Otuoke, Bayelsa state south-

south zone, Nigeria. He is a Ph.D. holder in hydrobiology and fisheries. He was appointed

as Science Inspector of Education; Rivers state Ministry of Education between 1983 and

1993. He took up employment as a lecturer in the State College of Education. He was

appointed Assistant Director of the defunct Oil Mineral Producing Areas Development

Commission. His desire to better the lot of the people motivated him to go into politics in

1998. Simplicity, charisma, quiet strength, and determination made him an ideal running

mate to chief D.S.P, Alamieyeseigha on the Bayelsa PDP gubernatorial ticket. They won

the elections and he served as a deputy governor from 1999 to 11, December 2000. But on

12, December 2005, he became the substantive governor of Bayelsa state. After that, fate

once again beckoned on him to a higher height. As he was busy preparing for a re-election

as a state governor, the PDP, nominated him as a running mate to the presidential

candidate, Alhaji Umaru Yar’Adua. On May 29, 2007; he was inaugurated as Nigeria’s

Vice- President.

In February 9, 2010, Dr. Jonathan assumed office as Nigeria’s Acting President by virtue

of a National Assembly’s resolution empowering him following President Yar’Adua’s

long absence for Medical attention in Saudi Arabia. Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan was

sworn in on May 6, 2010 as President, Commander-in-chief of the Federal Republic of


In April, 2019 the incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan was re-elected as President,

Commander-in-chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and with a transformation agenda.



A campaign is a series of actions that are intended to achieve a particular result, especially

in politics or business. Oota (2019:1) adds that campaigns are exciting events where

oratory is on display and love shared though sometimes thugs and other violent characters

may be out to unleash mayhem on innocent party supporters.

The Nigerian saga of political campaigns, which has great bearing on our contemporary

situation, has its roots in the pre-independence era with the formation of political parties.

Appadorai (2003:282) states that a political party is an organised group of citizens who

hold similar political opinions and who work to get control of the government in order that

the policies in which they are interested may be carried into effect. Since the Pre-

Independence and First Republic of 1959 and 1964 respectively, political parties have

participated in political campaigns which prepared them for the general elections. But,

political parties have had their ideological differences, which were reflected in their

manifestos. Mohammed J. (2004:144-145), (Ogbodo, 2019:109), (Mohammed, A.


Thereafter, other successive elections in Nigeria were the 1979, 1983, 1993, 1999, 2003,

2007 and 2019. Each of these elections was not without vibrant political campaigns by the

various parties that aspired to rule the country. Some of these were transition elections

organized by military regimes that had to hand over power to a democratic civilian

government (1979,1993 and 1999) while the elections held in 1964, 1983, 2003, 2007 and

2019 were organized by incumbent civilian governments whose offices and positions were

also in contest. (Sekibo, 2010), (Ogbodo, 2019:140).


In the 2019 elections which is the period under study, there were 63 political parties but a

total of 54 submitted candidates for various elective positions (Ogbodo, 2019:162) and

(Corcoran 2019). This is against the 9 political parties that participated in the 1959 and

1964 general elections. However, this set the stage for a tougher presidential campaign, for

no fewer than 21 political parties presented candidates for the elections. Prominent among

the 21 political parties are: Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Congress for Progressive

Change (CPC), Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), All Nigeria Peoples Party

(ANPP), Labour Party (LP), Democratic People’s Alliance (DPA), and All Progressive

Grand Alliance (APGA). This, therefore, made the political atmosphere in Nigeria to

become undoubtedly charged and political campaigns took centre stage. Ogbodo,

(2019:162) observes that instead of parties competing to better the lot of the electorate, it

has become warfare with each party trying to defeat and if possible eliminate the


The contest for who occupies the exalted office of the President and Commander-in-Chief

of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is certainly democratic (Oota,

2019:1). However, one of the major avenues which the electorate’s minds were prepared

for the elections was through the political campaigns of these various presidential

candidates. This was also the same avenue whereby these presidential candidates sold their

party manifestos and (also) made their campaign promises to the electorate. The people

then took out time to watch their candidates exhibit their understanding of the economy,

security and their welfare in terms of programmes and policies.



There are different kinds of campaigns, some of which are political campaign, advertising

campaign, and military campaign.

Political campaign is vote-seeking activities: a series of events, for example rallies and

speeches that are intended to persuade voters to vote for a specific politician or party

(Encarta 2009). Also, Ayeni-Akeke, (2008:83) adds that political campaign is an important

exertion in presenting or marketing a candidate for an elective office. In other words, it is

an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making process within a specific

group. The message of the campaign contains the ideas that the candidate wants to share

with the voters. The message often consists of several talking points about policy. These

points summarize the main idea of campaign and are repeated frequently in order to create

a lasting impression with the voters.

The objective of every campaign speech is to convince the electorate that they have the

blueprint for tackling the numerous challenges facing the country. For example, in Nigeria

issues like power generation and distribution, job creation, the nation’s general economic

revival, industrial development, repositioning of the education sector, revival of health

sector delivery, security situation in the land and the fight against corruption featured

prominently as they indeed dominated the campaign speeches of the presidential

candidates. As such, language use in political campaigns has certain characteristics which

differentiate it from other varieties of language use. For instance, certain words are

repeated, the objective being to condition the minds of the electorate. However, it is noted

that some of the features of language use are without timelines and specific strategies for


Talking point is a succinct statement designed to persuasively support one side taken on an

issue. Such statements can either be free standing or created as retorts to the opposition’s

talking points and are frequently used in public relations, particularly in areas heavy in

debate such as politics and marketing (Wikipedia).

However, in many elections, the opposition party will try to get candidate “off message”

by bringing up policy or personal questions that are not related to the talking points. Most

campaigns prefer to keep the message broad in order to attract the most potential voters.

Unfortunately, a message that is too narrow can alienate voters or show the candidate

down with explaining details. For example in the 2008 American presidential election John

McCain originally used a message that focused on his patriotism and political experience.

“Country First”; later the message was charged to shift attention to his role as “The

Original Maverick” within the political establishment. Barack Obama ran on a consistent,

simple message of ‘change’ throughout his campaign. In other words, if the message is

created carefully, it will assure the candidate victory at the polls.

In addition, in modern politics, the most high profile political campaigns are focused on

candidates for head of state or head of government, often a President or Prime-Minister

(Wikipedia). This was the situation in Nigeria in the 2019 presidential campaign.

Kessel, (1998:79) observes those substandard differences that exist between nomination

politics and electoral politics. He says nomination campaigns are aimed at getting

delegates but electoral campaigns are aimed at winning votes and are party wide and

nationwide. This takes off fully after the acceptance speech, division is put aside, and the

party is transformed into a victory rally. He further explains that the presidential candidate

is joined by the vice presidential candidate, and both are joined by their families. Other

party leaders, those who have held key positions and others who have sought the

nominations themselves, make appearances at the presidential campaigns to symbolize the

party wide support to be given the nominee.

Also important is that campaign in politics has assumed a complex dimension in recent

years due to the major breakthrough in Information and Communication Technology

(ICT). Unlike the campaigns in the past, advances in media technology have streamlined

the process, thereby giving candidates more options to reach even larger groups of

constituents with very little physical effort.

This claim is further supported by Oota, (2019:1) that in advanced democracies,

particularly in the United States of America, oration and conduct at debates and rallies are

some of the benchmarks used to gauge the popularity of all those seeking political offices.

Suffice it to say that packaging of campaigns in terms of slogans and contacts are also the

main key in advanced democracies and this window of popularity and acceptability was

well explored by the current president of the USA, Barack Obama through his grassroots

mobilization of the people. We can say that to some extent the presidential candidate of the

Peoples Democratic Party, PDP in Nigeria, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan employed a

similar campaign pattern, as in the neighbour to neighbour campaign advertisement and

the frequent sophisticated electronic campaign.


Advertising campaign is another form of campaign which is similar to political campaign

in terms of its language use. It is a planned and organized series of actions intended to

achieve a specific goal, especially fighting for or against something or raising people’s

awareness of something. Wright (1983:8) remarks that advertising is a powerful

communication force and a vital marketing tool helping to sell goods and services, image

and ideas. Similarly, Roderick (1980:4) defines advertising as “a message specified by its

originator, carried by a communication system intended to influence and/or inform an

unknown audience.

However, military campaign tends to address a series of military or terrorist operations

taking place in one area over a period, intended to achieve a specific objective. It is related

to the political campaign in terms of military coup speeches and military heads of state’s

speeches as the purpose is political and having some elements of political language (Abaya


Finally, there is a common thought unit on the definitions of political, advertising, and

military campaigns that is geared towards achieving a specific goal. The study of the

presidential campaign speeches is concerned with the political campaign speech types, to

seek votes.In particular, the linguistic stylistic analysis of the speeches of the presidential

candidates of the two opposing parties, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan of Peoples Democratic

Party (PDP) and Gen. Muhammadu Buhari Rtd. of Congress for Progressive Change

(CPC), will be carried out.



Political campaign speeches are one of the major avenues through which the contestants

vying for the various political positions in their parties and the government of the country

win votes. The speeches of these candidates are conveyed through the most effective tool

of communication which is language, to achieve their objectives. Apart from making

attempts to garner vote and to canvass for supports, political aspirants try to make

themselves understood by their listeners. Often times, misconceptions arise because of the

electorate’s level of education, their linguistic background, and the complex nature of

language; these phenomena at times result in the aspirants loss of massive support, as the

major tool the aspirants rely on is language. In view of this, there is the need to critically

examine the speeches of the presidential aspirants in the 2019 election in Nigeria; since

meanings are not just in the lexical entities that make up a sentence but to a very large

extent, determined by the syntactic casing that houses an utterance and the context of the

expression. Furthermore, Leckie-Tarry (1995:5) observes that understanding language

must take into account not only the nature of the text, but also the discursive processes by

which text is produced and interpreted in this regard, the speeches. Bearing this in mind,

the study seeks to investigate the structure/nature of the campaign speeches that generated

the specific semantic configuration that emerged and the contexts that enhanced this

meaning outcome which was directed at achieving specific goals (objectives) by these


This study is therefore an attempt to answer the following questions:

1. How does the language use of these presidential candidates reflect their idiosyncratic


2. What role does context play in these presidential campaign speeches and how do the

speeches vary in different contexts?

3. Which rhetorical and linguistic devices are most prominent in these presidential campaign


4. What common linguistic/stylistic traits are prevalent in these speeches?


It is an indubitable fact that campaign speech is an important tool employed by politicians

to express views and feelings to the public with the sole intention of reshaping and

redirecting the electorates’ opinions to agree with their manifesto. Hence, campaign

speeches are generally full of persuasion, manipulation, deception, lies, hyperbole, and

ambiguity which are conveyed through a deliberate choice of words.

This study examines the presidential campaign speeches of the Peoples Democratic Party

(PDP) flag bearer, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and the Congress for Progressive Change

(CPC) flag bearer, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) in the 2019 elections. It critically

examines these presidential speeches within the scope of linguistic stylistics. Specifically,

the research intends to achieve the following objectives:

1. To show that the language use of these presidential candidates reflect their idiosyncratic


2. To project that context plays a dominant role in presidential campaign speeches.

3. To critically explore the rhetorical and linguistic devices that are prominent in these

presidential campaign speeches.


4. To determine the common linguistic/stylistic features or traits that are prevalent in the

speeches of these candidates.


Nigeria has witnessed one civilian government after the other since independence and the

campaign speeches made by the various presidential candidates helped to determine who

ruled the country at each point in time. However, the electorate was not cognizant of the

linguistic stylistic significance of the campaign speeches. Therefore, there is need for this

study to broaden their understanding of the varying linguistic stylistic features of the

speeches. Its findings are of benefit to students of language and those who want to take

part in politics, to re-awaken the consciousness of Nigerian politicians to the use of

language and suggest a better way of using language to carry people along. The study is

significant to the extent that though several researches have been carried out in pragmatics,

critical discourse analysis and linguistic stylistic analysis of political speeches in such

areas as the language of politics, propaganda in politics, the language of political

campaigns in the print media, military coup speeches, advertisement and religion, just to

mention a few, hardly is there any of such research effort specifically on linguistic stylistic

analysis of Nigerian presidential campaign speeches of 2019 elections.


This research does not constitute a linguistic stylistic analysis of the campaign speeches of

the 21 presidential candidates that contested the 2019 elections but, focuses on the

candidates from two major opposing parties namely: Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan,

Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), and General Mohammed Buhari rtd; Congress for

Progressive Change (CPC). The choice of these parties is based on the fact that these

major parties (PDP, CPC,) have captured the majority of the electorate in the country,

though CPC is more of a regional party, however, the PDP has a national outlook.

The study looks at the 2019 elections so as to make the research more current and reliable.

The focus of this work is the linguistic stylistic study of the campaign speeches. It is

difficult to study all the campaign speeches of the presidential candidates. As a result, the

study has been restricted to some selected speeches in the north-west and north –central

zones. A total of eight (8) speeches for both candidates are examined in this research.

Relevant portions of the selected speeches are extracted and analysed from the perspective

of the adopted linguistic framework, which is the systemic functional linguistic approach.


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