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Site / Place of Handover : Handil

Department / Service : CST/OPB/SPS
From :I Gede Andi Dipayadnya
Date / Time : 03rd October 2019
To : Rinaldi
CC : Mr. Handy K.

I. HSE Matters

Cermat : - Safety talk: 12 WP Audit: - Safety Drill: -

II. Main events on the Period

4203282 Modification flexible hose at T-3220

4208886 Modification spool of venting line T-3250
7251730 Repair heat insulation at A-6360, as per ISRS
8467303 Assist FO/INS for removal existing insulation at CSU
8478102 Assist FO/INS for pipe inspection under insulation at PPA
(campaign with another WO)
7251006 Modification pipe support for 6”line WD-1, 4, 5 and 7 at T-990
8478046 Internal inspection at test separator 1-V-1140, MWP. A
4211562 Removal last spool of PK.J-4 for Xmas tree re orientation, SWP-
J, Peciko Field.

III. Work in Progress and Today Activities


4211651 Assist MNP/IS for re-instate FCV-4512, Condensate Transfer Pump

Status: The job will be started today, after lunch by Ajmal’s team due to working on
night shift.

4200182 Repair and reconditioning support of Flare-B

Status: Welding activity for N.22, completed, in progress for touch up painting.
N.15/N.16 Continue for re-fabricate (cutting and grinding activity)
N.17 Continue install stiffner
N.19/N.21 Continue for install bracing and stiffner
N.20 Continue for welding bracing
N.23 Continue for welding stiffner
Note: The job supervised by Mr. Supadiono
8478220 INS-VES-1 FWKO-A /IN-MAJ
Status: Activity re-started on 27th August 2019 and supervised by Mr. Agung BS.
Install scaffolding, completed 3 of 3 ea. Spading activity completed 2 of 4 ea.
Remaining: Postponed, FWKO-A put back on service.
Note: Need for revised operguide due to unable to install 12”#600 rated spade at
12”inlet. Waiting for further confirmation.


7240480 INS_PIP_REP Replacement pipe spool PWT line to jetty and camp
- Replacement leaking section of PWT line at sheet 2 of 3, done.
- Replacement leaking section of PWT line at sheet 3 of 3, partially done.
- One section of 3”PWT line to jetty at sheet 3 of 3, can not be done due to deep
burried by another pipe. Further assesment and methodological is needed. See
attached drawing for your details.
Demobilization and housekeping will be done, Today. (after lunch)

IV. High Priority Job to be done in forthcoming days

7250366 Replace corroded RTJ gasket
8478025 INS-VES 7-V-2520/IN-MAJ
8478031 INS-VES 7- H-2560/IN-MAJ
8441645 INS-VES 1-E-4250/IN-MAJ (Chiller Gas Train A)
4211658 Install spade for automatic sampler removal at OMS (04 oct)
4208846 Re route 2”line from T-3030 to T-3060
7249124 Perform welding for crack repair
7251313 Modification tundish WD no. 5 and WD no. 8, T-990
4208845 Re-route settling tank over flow to T-3060
V. Pending Job and to be solved

Pending Job
7220143 INS-REP 3” oily water warm separator

Awaiting Material

Awaiting Confrmation
7240202 Replace leaking 8”condensate line (DGS)

Awaiting Procedure and OperGuide

Awaiting shutdown and window

Awaiting Study

VI. Miscellaneous Items

- Radio 1464 and HP at the office deck,

- Return to SPS on 17th October 2019

VII. Signature of Leaving Personnel Signature of Incoming Personnel

( I Gede Andi Dipayadnya ) ( RINALDI )

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