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Section A [45 marks]

Answer all questions in this section

1. The table below shows the metal rods produced by a factory in a certain day.

Length (cm) Frequency

50  x  70 16
70  x  90 37
90  x  110 44
110  x  130 23
130  x  150 10

(a) Draw a cumulative frequency curve for this data. [3 marks]

(b) A worker has to cut all the rods longer than 120 cm into two. From the graph, [2 marks]
determine the number of rods does he have to cut.
(c) Calculate the estimate of median length of rods. [2 marks]
(d) By Assuming the median length of rods is 95 cm, form the graph, find the [3 marks]
number the rods of length within 10% of the median length.

2. 3 2 7
Events A and B are such that P(B)  , P B / A   , and P(not A or B)  .
5 3 25
(a) Find P(A), P( A / B) , and P( A / B' ) . [6 marks]

(b) State with reason, whether events A and B are

(i) Independent [2 marks]
(ii) mutually exclusive

3. On average, 36 cars enter a car park of a supermarket per half-hour. The number of
cars which enter the car park has a poisson distribution.
(a) Find the probability that at most three cars enter the car park in a five minutes
interval. [2 marks]
(b) Determine the time interval , in minutes, if the probability that at least one car
enter the car park in this interval is 0.91.
[3 marks]

4. A random sample X 1 , X 2 ,...X 2 n is taken from a normal distribution with mean

 and variance 2.
(a) Determine the distribution of sample mean X . [1 mark]
(b) Determine the value of k ( in terms of n ) when  =0 , where the probability of
P ( X  k )  0.05. [2 marks]

(c) With this value of k and  =0.2, find the smallest value of n such that the
probability X less than k is at most 0.10. [ 4 marks]
5. What is mean by critical region in hypothesis testing. [1 marks]

The random variable X can be modeled by a binomial distribution with parameters

n = 120 and p whose value is unknown. Based on a sample x, find at the 2.5% level
of significance, the critical region when carry out a test on the null hypothesis
p=0.3 against the alternative hypothesis p < 0.3. [6 marks]

6. Two schools enter their pupils for a particular public examination and the results
obtained are shown below.
Credit Pass Fail
School A 51 10 19
School B 39 10 21

By using an approximate  2 statistic, assess at the 5 % level of significance

whether or not there is a significant difference between the two schools with
respect to the proportions of pupils in the three grades. [8 marks]
Section B [15 marks]
Answer any one question in this section.

7(a) The continuous random variable T is used to model the number of days, t,
a mosquito survives after hatching. The probability that the mosquito survives for
at least t days is
, t �0
(t + 15) 2
(i) Find the probability that a randomly selected mosquito will die within 3 days of
hatching. [2 marks]

(ii) If the probability that a mosquito survives for at least t days is , find the [2 marks]
value of t .

(iii) Given that a mosquito survives for at least 3 days, find the probability that it [3 marks]
will survive for at least 5 more days

(b) The continuous random variable X has probability density function

 2
 x, 0  x 1

f ( x )   px( 4  x), 1 x  3

otherwise, 0

where p is a constant.
(i) Show that p = .
(ii) Find the cumulative distribution function of X. [3 marks]
(iii) Find the value of E(X).
[2 marks]
[3 marks]

8. A coin is chosen at random from a population of recently produced coins. The

discrete random variable X is the age, in years, of the coin. The population mean of
X is denoted by  , the population standard deviation is denoted by , and the
population proportion for which X≤1 is denoted by p. A random sample of 120
independent observations of X was taken and the results can be summarized as

Age (x) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Frequency (f) 14 26 21 23 17 19

(a) Calculate unbiased estimates of  ,  2 and p. [5 marks]

(b) Find a 95% symmetrical confidence interval for  . [3 marks]

(c ) Determine the smallest value of n coins, which given a width of 0.2 with 98%
confidence interval. [2 marks]
(d) Use a 10% significance level, test the null hypothesis  =2.7 years against the
alternative hypothesis  < 2.7. [5 marks]

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