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Ernest Hemingway-“The old man and the sea”

Hemingway’s inspiration was war,both as a personal and symbolic experience and as a

condition of mankind.He also created a revolution of language which influenced two
generation of novelists.
He was born near Chicago;his father initiated him in hunting and fishing.

“The old man and the sea’ is the story of an epic struggle between an old man and a big
fish.Santiago is the very old Cuban fisherman whose been unable to catch a fish for eighty
four days.Manolin is his apprentice who loved the old man very much but his parents told him
he must stop fishing with the Santiago because he is not catching any fish or making any
Santiago is convinced one day he will begin to catch fish again and that he is just passing
through an unlucky time.
Hemingway’s story tells that the old man takes his boat further one day,thinking if he goes
into deeper water,he will catch a fish.At noon,appears a big fish-the old man expertly hooks
the fish,but cannot pull it in.
Instead,the fish begins to pull the boat.The fish might break the line and the old man holds the
fish fastby himself.Santiago holds into the fish 2 days and 2 nights.The line is cutting into his
hands,his back is strained, and his shoulders are exhausted.
As he struggles,the old man feels a deep emphaty and admiration for the marlin.He
admires the courage and determination of the fish to escape.Having had no sleep for 3 nights
and in deep pain,he manages to pull the marlin close enough to his boat to thurst a harpoon in
it’s body.He kills the fish.It’s the largest fish Santiago has ever seen.After,they sail home
Blood pours from Marlin’s body and leaves a trail of blood in the water.Sharks are
attracted by the blood inevitably appear.The old man fights the sharks as best he can.When
darkness falls,it is impossible for Santiago to fight off the sharks anymore.They devour the
Marlin,leaving only it’s scheleton,the head and it’s tail.Santiago come back
home,exhausted.The next morning,a crowd of amazed fihermen gather around the skeleton of
the fish,still lashed to the boat.
The boy watches over the old man’s sleep.When the old man wakes,he and Manolin
decide to fish together again.

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