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1. Decide the Objective

Determine the purpose of the report. Is it intended to inform, explain, recommend, or to

persuade? Have a clear objective from the beginning to ensure that you are focused so it
would be easier to engage the readers.

2. Understand Your Audience

In writing a project report, the audience should be considered. Tailor your language, use
of data, and the supporting graphics to be used for the audience to easily understand the
content. It should also be precise to avoid misunderstandings.

3. Report Format and Type

Pay attention to pagination, fonts, spacing and margins, page number, spelling, and etc.
Make sure that informations are arranged logically and the structure is balanced. Everything
should be well-organized.

4. Gather the Facts and Data

Facts and data to be included should be based on facts and not a mere opinion of the
author. Create and add illustrations to help the audience understand the context. Be careful not
to abuse usage of diagrams and figures. Use only if it’s needed. For some instances, special
graphics can also be used for presentation.

5. Structure of the Report

The following are the essential components of a report:

 Executive Summary- it summarizes the long content of a document and highlights the
most important aspect of the material. The executive summary should be written after the
project report is completed.
 Introduction- it should introduce the main topic in context, the problem, and the purpose
or motivation in undertaking such project. Methodologies or theories, if any, shall be
included in this part.
 Body- the main section of the report where the data collected, analysis and interpretation
will be discussed. Illustration and graphs should be provided along with description in
order for readers to better understand it.
 Conclusion- the conclusion is inferred from the findings in the body part of the report and
where recommendations will be presented to the readers based on the result or outcome
of the project.

6. Readability

It must be presented in a manner where the audience may easily read and understand the
report. For example, breaking up a long part of the text, usage of simple words, etc..

7. Edit

Proofread the whole report to check if there are any revisions need to be done. Have
someone who is more experienced to read the report in order to point out any mistakes that
can still be corrected.

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