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What is Physical Education?

Physical Education (PE) is the interdisciplinary study of areas of science relating to the
transmission of physical knowledge and skills to an individual or a group, the application of
these skills, and their results.
Physical Education is an important segment of general education which aims to contrib-
ute to the total development of the learner through participation is selected activities. It pro-
vides opportunities to acquire lifelong skills that are essential to his physical, mental, social, and
emotional development.
It can also be viewed as a program of activities in a school curriculum that involves
sports, games, dance, gymnastics, and recreational activities. Great emphasis is placed on mo-
tor skills, fitness, health, recreation and safety. It is the vital and integral part of general educa-
tion designed to promote the optimum development of the individual physically, emotionally,
and mentally through total body movement in the performance of properly selected physical


The goal of physical education is to assist the learner to develop and maintain a healthy
lifestyle that can be achieved through the acquisition of knowledge, desirable habits and atti-
tudes, game and dance skills, and wholesome interpersonal relationships. The objectives of
physical education are focused on the four aspects of development, namely:
Physical Development Objectives. Physical fitness, which is the capacity of the body to engage
in work and play without undue fatigue, is the foremost aim of physical education. This is
achieved through regular exercise and participation in varied vigorous activities. In the pursuit
of the development and maintenance of physical fitness, fundamental movement skills , games,
sports, and dance skills are acquire which can increase one’s capability to enjoy lifetime recrea-
tional pursuits.
Mental Development Objectives. Focus is on the acquisition of knowledge and understanding,
ability to analyze body movements and skills, evaluate game situations and make important de-
cisions. Understanding the rules of the games leads to better performance or appreciation of an
activity if one is spectator. Creativity is an essential segment growth that can be enhanced if the
learner has the rich background and an exposure to a variety of physical activities.
Social Development Objectives. A learner seldom gets into vigorous physical activity by him-
self. He plays, dances, or exercises with people. In the process, he learns to respect others, and
practices fair play, sportsmanship, teamwork, and develops leadership. He learns the game of
life – the application of golden rule.
Emotional Development Objectives. Participating in varied physical activities enables one to
acquire pleasant attitudes, desirable habits, appreciations, and values. Positive character traits
such as courage, self-confidence, discipline, appreciation for beautiful performances, as well as
self-expression are developed and become part of an individual’s way of life.


An individual who has undergone physical education in the educational ladder cannot
deny the valuable contribution of this area of learning toward his total development. His/Her
exposure and experiences in regular class instruction, in intramural and extramural competi-
tions, are expected to have a tremendous effect on his/her lifestyle. A physically educated per-

 understand the potential of physical education activities in the attainment of a healthy

lifestyle and strives to achieve this goal;
 exercises regularly to develop and maintain his/her weight and physical fitness;
 has acquired sufficient skills to enable him/her to participate actively in some forms of
recreational games, sports, and dances;
 eats balanced diet and practices good eating habits;
 gets adequate sleep and avoids drugs and stimulants that will negatively affect his/her
total wellness.
 enjoys participation in a variety of vigorous activities and recreational pursuits; and
 appreciate good performances in games, sports, and dances.


The value of physical education activities are found in the resulting development and
adjustment of the individual. Engaging in any activity stimulates in some degree the four types
of development although different activities emphasize different amounts. Regular exercise and
physical activity are extremely important and beneficial for long-term and well-being.


This is the development of power and endurance of the heart, lungs, heat-regulating
mechanism, and digestive and eliminating organs. These various organs gain power and stami-
na from use.

The development of skills and coordination required in the mastery of life’s varied activ-
ities can be directly attributed to physical education; also to the development of strength in the
skeletal muscles used in such coordination. This development starts with the skills learned in
the simple play games of childhood and increases gradually with the more complex coordina-
tion of team and individual sports of later years.

This type of development strengthens the thinking, interpreting, and problem-solving
processes of the individual. It starts with the exploratory play of infancy and childhood and con-

tinues through all physical education activities. It is developed particularly in team sports,
through learning the rules and signals and the special techniques such as skills in pitching a
curve ball; executing particular football block, or diagnosing the opponents’ offense and de-
fense quickly.

The development and maturing of impulses and emotions through activities which gives
them expression under natural controls such as officials, rules, traditions, and the person’s de-
sire to stay in the game and play are inherent in team sports where fear, anger, joy, and other
powerful emotions are experienced.


What is Physical Fitness?

Physical Fitness is a combination of medical fitness (body soundness) and dynamic fit-
ness (capacity for action). A physically fit person is free from disease and can move and perform

Physical Fitness is your capacity as an individual to perform daily activities efficiently,

without experiencing undue fatigue. Being physically fit means that your body has the ability to
function efficiently and effectively. The higher your physical fitness level, the better the per-
formance of you daily work.

It may be stated that fitness is equal to health, and health is equal to fitness. World
Health Organization (WHO, 1964) defined health as the state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Furthermore, the term
wellness is nowadays being utilized as the new health goal. Wellness pertains to the expanded
idea of health with vitality and meaning (ability to live fully).

Dimensions of Wellness

1. Physical – is to strengthen over-all physical health and engages in appropriate (moder-

ate to vigorous) physical activities.
2. Planetary – is to protect one-self from environmental hazards and to minimize or eradi-
cate negative impact of danger on the environment.
3. Psychological – is to deal constructively with emotions, optimist self-concept, and de-
velop positive qualities.
4. Intellectual – is to provide critical analysis of situations, pursue and retain knowledge,
identify problems and finding the right solutions, and the ability to visualize and concep-
tualize logically.
5. Social – is to develop meaningful and interpersonal relationship with family members,
group of individuals, and/or community members.

6. Spiritual – is to develop guiding principles, beliefs, values, and faithful in something be-
yond self.
7. Occupational – is the application of allied heath and sciences that deals with preven-
tion, treatment, and rehabilitation of abnormalities and disabilities.

Principles of Physical Fitness

1. Physical fitness is a personal responsibility. Few individuals other than athletes and mili-
tary personnel are actually required to participate in organized fitness programs.
2. A person’s physical fitness is determined by such factors as age, heredity, and behavior.
Although many people cannot control their age or heredity, their behavior can help them
physically fit and stay that way.
3. Health habits that aid physical fitness include getting enough sleep, eating properly, re-
ceiving regular medical and dental care, and maintaining personal cleanliness.
4. A person’s level of physical fitness depends largely on how frequent and intensely he or
she exercise. Most health experts agree that people should exercise at least three times a
week to maintain desirable fitness.

Health Benefits of Fitness Exercise

1. Longer and healthy life

2. Improves organ and organ functions
3. Develops body physique
4. Improves body metabolism
5. Enhances body performance
6. Sustains recommended body weight
7. Prevents diseases and abnormalities
8. Boost energy level
9. Manages stress and discomforts
10. Promotes psychological well-being
11. Enhances quality of life
12. Improves the immune system
13. Develop social skills
14. Stimulates brain activity


Health-Related Physical Fitness Components

1. Cardio-respiratory Endurance - This is the fitness of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. It
refers to one’s ability to exercise the body continuously over long periods of time.
2. Muscular Strength- The ability of muscle group to contract against a resistance. A person can
do work or play that involves exerting force such as lifting or controlling one’s own body

3. Muscular Endurance- This is the ability of muscle or group of muscles to remain contracted
for a long period of time. People with good muscular endurance are likely to have good posture
and few back problems and can resists
4. Flexibility- This is the ability to use your joints fully through a wide range of motion. People
with good flexibility have few sore or injured muscles.
5. Body Composition- It is relative percentage of the different body tissues such as muscle, fat,
bone, etc. People who are in the healthy range of body fatness are more likely to avoid illness,
and have lower death rate.

Skill-Related Physical Fitness

1. Agility- It is the ability to move and change directions quickly and effectively. Basketball play-
ers, boxers, and football players possess good agility.
2. Balance- it involves vision, reflexes, and the skeletal muscular system which provides the
maintenance of equilibrium.
3. Coordination- It is the ability to use the senses together with the body parts, or use two or
more body parts at the same time.
4. Power- It is the ability to release maximum force very quickly. Throwing events like shot put,
discus throw are good examples of activities which develop power.
5. Reaction Time- The time required to respond or initiate a movement as a result of a given
6. Speed- It is the ability to move from one’s body from one point to another in the shortest
possible time.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

The Body Mass Index (BMI) formula was developed by Belgium statistician Adolphe
Quetelet (1796-1874), and was known as the Quetelet Index. BMI is also referred to as 'body
mass indicator'. BMI is an internationally used measure of obesity.

Less than 15 Starvation

15.00-18.49 Underweight

18.5-24.99 Normal
25.00-29.99 Overweight

30.00-40.00 Obese
Greater than 40 Morbidly Obese

How to lose weight?

• In theory it is simple to lose weight. Use more energy than you take in (eat).
• However, in practice it is not so simple as it may sound, since it requires a lot of self con-
trol and hard work. But do not give up! If you really put your mind to it, you can do it. A
good start could be to have a nice walk for at least 30-60 minutes every day. If you think
it is boring, you could listen to music or audio books while walking, or walk with a friend.
• If you start working out more than you are used to, you should consult your doctor first.


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