ToR Maputo Junior Civil Enginner PDF

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United Nations Human Settlements Programme

Rua Macombe Macossa,n. 151- Maputo, Mozambique

Tel.: +258-21492579; Fax: 21490666 |



Project title: Resilient School Reconstruction under Building Back Better and Resilience
Building Strategy for the areas affected by Cyclones Idai and Kenneth in
Grade: Service Contract
Duration: The appointment will commence as soon as possible and will run for a period
of 1 year with possibility of extension and with 6 months’ probation subject to
performance and funding.
Starting date: Immediate (October 2019)
Duty Station: Maputo (Mozambique), with inland missions

1. Background
Mozambique is a highly susceptible country to risks and disasters. According to Global Climate Risk
Index (2014), Mozambique falls in third place amongst the African countries that are most vulnerable to
disasters such as, floods, droughts, tornados, epidemics, earthquakes, of small magnitude, among the most
frequent and recurrent disasters.
A variety of factors contribute to the high vulnerability of Mozambique against the natural threats, namely
(i) its location along the Rift Valley (one of the regions with the highest seismic activities), (ii) the vast
coastal area with about 60 percent of the population and the country's largest school network of about
2470 km (bordering one of the most active cyclonic basins southwest of the Indian Ocean), (iii) the
extensive hydrographic network that guarantees food subsistence and livelihood for the majority of the
Mozambican families, with nine (9) rivers of international importance flowing in the Indian Ocean, above
average rainfall- largely due to tropical depressions or cyclones - and poor management of dams either in
the national territory or in the countries where the rivers cause large floods that occur regularly in
In this sense, The United Nations for Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) in Mozambique is
carrying out since 2002 pilot demonstration activities in different districts in the form of building models
adapted to floods, cyclones, drought and earthquake conditions, in order to positively influence national
strategy formulation and policy-making. It advocates for a prevention approach, through Adaptive
Architecture and Planning; in the response, it advocates for sustainable relief and reconstruction as
opposite to emergency funds exclusively channeled for short-term solutions.
Also, the activities of UN-Habitat have progressively come to include policy-support, the revision of
building codes, the support in construction of community and disaster adaptive public buildings in cities
and communities in Mozambique. Its portfolio includes national, local and community level activities, as
well as the cooperation with, several UN agencies, such UNICEF, WFP, UNHCR, IOM and others.
In the early months of 2019 (March and April), the cyclones Idai and Kenneth hit Mozambique causing a
negative impact on the communities’ livelihoods. The disaster interrupted the delivery of basic services
such as water and electricity, it damaged roads and bridges that are essential for commercial activity, and
destroyed more than 300.000 houses, approximately 4000 classrooms were partially or/totally damaged
and other social and public buildings. Cyclones Idai and Kenneth, with gusty winds ranging from 180 to
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220 km/h accompanied by heavy rainfall, also had a huge social impact, causing the death of more than
650 people and directly affecting about 2 million people in the provinces of Sofala, Manica, Tete,
Zambézia, Inhambane, Cabo Delgado and Nampula. The Government of Mozambique declared a State of
National Emergency and mobilized internal and external resources including specialized search and rescue
forces for saving hundreds of thousands of people at risk and subsequently hosting them in temporary
shelters with food and first aid. At the same time, the Government requested external partners to support
with an assessment of the damage and loss caused by these extreme events, as well as an assessment of
reconstruction and recovery needs for all the economic and social sectors in the affected areas.
For this purpose, the Government of Mozambique, with the financial support from the United Nations,
World Bank, European Union, KFW, ECW and Emergency Funds from different Donors will conduct the
resilient reconstruction of several school infrastructures damaged from the cyclones. In this sense, UN-
Habitat will provide technical assistance for trainings, reconstruction methodology, supervision activities
during the reconstruction process in order to ensure that result of these activities will contribute in a long-
term strategy on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in Mozambique, including the
preparation of improved building codes and normative works, Urban Resilience, Regional Planning and
land use management to prevent the negative impact of future disasters.
UN-Habitat’s role will be to give technical assistance to the Ministry of Education and Human
Development (MINEDH) and the Education Cluster Partners at different level with especial attention to
provincial and district level that are in charge of the reconstruction process of school infrastructures and
capacity building throughout the Provinces of Sofala, Manica, Cabo Delgado, Zambézia and Nampula in
coordination with Cabinet of Reconstruction.

2. Objectives
The Junior Civil Engineer to be based in UN-Habitat main office in Maputo will support UN-Habitat
within Resilient School Reconstruction projects by design technical solutions in the field of structural
engineering. He/She will provide technical assistance for implementation at provincial and district levels
in the resilient recovery of school infrastrutures which include (i) technical support with ERRP
Supervisor based in DPEDH-DIEE and UN-Habitat technicians based in the Provinces of Niassa,
Nampula and Zambezia, (ii) conduct school damage-structural assessment for reconstruction, (iii)
conduct on-the-job training on resilient reconstruction and (iv) support monitoring the reconstruction
process in field conducted by NGOs and Contractors.

3. Duties, Tasks and Responsibilities

Under the overall supervision on the Head of Programme for Mozambique based in Maputo, within
Regional Office for Africa - ROAf, and the direct technical supervision of the Disaster Risk Reduction
and Early Recovery Coordinator of UN-Habitat Mozambique, the Junior Civil Engineer shall:
• Carry out missions and school damage-strutural assessment, prepare BoQ, engineering
drawings, structural dimensioning, estimation budget for classrooms reconstruction, and
support the procurement process for resilient reconstruction at province level.
• Provide technical support day-by-day for the resilient reconstruction including training of
contractors, master builders, NGOs and other relevant stakeholders related with process of
school reconstruction
• Facilitate the process of communication and project implementation between UN-Habitat
main Office in Maputo and UN-Habitat sub-offices and partners at provincial and districts
level, including carry out technical monitoring mission to the site school reconstruction.
• Carry out design of innovative and cost-effective structural, water and sanitation solutions
that respond to actual needs in the face of natural hazards in affected areas to cyclones.
• Ensure integration of engineering solutions to the packages for on-the-job trainings with
contractors, NGOs, technicians from Government, communities and others relevant
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• Prepare monthly reports on activities implemented at local level as well as needs for
subsequent phases of implementation.
• When necessary, perform all required tasks for the smooth implementation of all activities at
country level, with overall expertise, transparency and compliance to UN-Habitat mission and
vision within strategic plan and country programme development.

4. Qualifications/Experience/Skills
Professionalism: Expert knowledge and understanding of practical disaster risk reduction architecture and
adaptation. Ability to identify issues, analyze and participate in the resolution of issues/problems.
Knowledge or understanding of countries in transition (especially Mozambique) and adaptation related
challenges and priorities. Ability to conduct data collection and technical assessment using various
methods, including field missions and interviews. Conceptual analytical and evaluative skills to conduct
independent research and analysis. Ability to apply judgment in the context of assignments given, plan its
own work and manage conflicting priorities. Shows pride in work and in achievements; is conscientious
and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by
professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or
challenges; remains calm in stressful situations;
Teamwork: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; provides input by
genuinely valuing others' ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others; places team agenda before
personal agenda; supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions
may not entirely reflect own position; shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint
responsibility for team shortcomings.
Planning and Organizing: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies
priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount of time and
resources for completing work; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and
adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently.
Judgment/ Decision-making: Identifies the key issues in a complex situation, and comes to the heart of the
problem quickly; gathers relevant information before making a decision; considers positive and negative
impacts of decisions prior to making them; takes decisions with an eye to the impact on others and on the
Organization; proposes a course of action or makes a recommendation based on all available information;
checks assumptions against facts; determines the actions proposed will satisfy the expressed and
underlying needs for the decision; makes tough decisions when necessary.
Corporate Competencies: Demonstrates commitment to UN-Habitats’s mission, vision and values;
Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;

Education, Experience and Other Skills

• Graduated (Bachelor/Licenciatura) in Civil Engineer or related areas
• At least 1 year of working experience and/or proved experience related with construction of
resilient infrastructures (eg. Schools, Health Centers and/or Housing)
• Experience with preparation of documents and reports.
• Proven experience in the organization or as facilitator of workshops, trainings or events as well as
logistic experience in organization of technical missions
• The candidate should be fluent in writing and speaking Portuguese and have good writing and
speaking skills of English.
• Locally immediate availability a major asset
• Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Project and Powerpoint), ArchiCAD, Autodesk,
Adobe Package among others software for Engineering and Architectural Drawings and

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