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Human Resources department is the emerging sector in the new era of corporate world. Previously
HR was ignored by big organizations. Today the situation has changed, most of the organizations are
emphasizing on HR practice. The main reason is, the organization runs by the people or human
resources not by the machine. So, it is important to maintain these human resources in order to gain
long term success in Business. Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority on HR practice. In my Internship
Report, my main target is to identify the area of HR practice of Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority.


As part of the academic requirement for completing master of business administration the students
are required to undergo 4 weeks of internship with any reputed organization. The internship is to
serve the purpose of acquainting the students with practicing knowledge of the discipline of HR
Practices. This report is about Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority.


The main purpose of the study in hand is to gather relevantinformation to compile internship report
on Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority.

 To observe, analyze and interpret the relevant data competently and in a useful manner.
 To know how to practically work in an organization.
 To develop interpersonal communication.

The report is based on our 4 weeks internship program in CAA .The methodology reported for
collection of data is primary as well as secondary data. The primary source of information is my
personal observation while working with staff and having discussion with them. Formally arranged
discussions also helped me in this regards.

Primary Data:

 Personal observation
 Lectures by HR Staff
 Practical work

Secondary Data:

 HR Reports.
 Newspapers.


The report deals with the HR practice including HRP, recruitment and selection process, training &
development process, compensation management, employee relation & separation, etc. in terms of
theoretical point of view and the practical use. The study will allow learning about the HR issues,
importance, modern techniques and models used to make it more efficient. The study will help to
learn the practical procedures followed by the leading organizations. Moreover the study will help to
differentiate between the practice and the theories that direct to realize how the organization can
improve their HR practice & process.


The Civil Aviation Authority was created in December 1982 to handle all matters related to Civil
Aviation in Pakistan. In order to keep up with the rapid advancement in the field of aviation, it was
felt that anautonomous body was required to bring the country's aviationinfrastructure and facilities
at par with international standards.

C A A VI S S I O N :

“Be a world-class service provider in the aviation industry”

C A A MI S S I O N :

“Provide safe, secure and efficient best-in-class aviation services to the stakeholders”.


“Commitment Professional Excellence Customer Focus Safety and Security Integrity”

The CAA not only serves as a regulatory body on behalf of the Government, its functions include
provision of services such as facilitation, air space management, Air Traffic Control and
FireFightingServices.TheAuthority is also responsible for the planning, development and maintenan
ce of all civil aviation infrastructures in the country. For the fulfillment of its function as a regulatory
body, the CAA ensures conformity to the standards laid down by the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO), regard to flight safety, aircraft maintenance and medical fitness of pilots, air
traffic controllers and engineers.
It is also responsible for negotiating of air services agreements with other
countries.The functions of CAA are carried out by professionals, throughvarious Directorates at the
Headquarters, assisted by five Zonal offices, Airport, Karachi, and the Civil Aviation Training
Institute(CATI) inHyderabad. The Directorates at theheadquarters include Personnel Licensing Offi
ce, Flight Standards, Airworthiness, Air transport, Legal and Accident Investigation Board.


The Aviation headquarters are located in Karachi. The Director General’s the head and the Deputy
Director General next in line. The airports are managed by Airport and their deputies. Terminal and
their deputies are also involved in airport management. Moreover, managers for Protocol,
Porter Facility and Janitorial handle their departments.

Since, and the Aeronautical communication and control project providing total radar coverage to
Pakistan's air space, is testament to CAA's commitment Pakistan. The number of airports has risen
to 42 from 23 in 1982.Besides new airports, 11 new terminal buildings, 3 new runways, and two
new Hajj lounges were constructed by the CAA, in addition to the maintenance, extension and
renovation of existing lounges. Karachi's prestigious to bring Pakistan's aviation-related facilities up
to par with the best in the world. Its inception, the CAA
has endeavored to improve the aviation facilities in JinnahTerminal Complex and the Aeronautical
communication and control project providing total radar coverage to Pakistan's air space, are the best
in the world. Testament to CAA's commitment to bring Pakistan’s aviation-related facilities up to par
with the best in the world.


Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is a public sector autonomous body working under the
Federal Government of Pakistan through Aviation Division Cabinet Secretariat. CAA was established
on 7th December, 1982 through Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority ordinance 1982. Prior to creation
of CAA, a Civil Aviation Department (CAD) in the Ministry of Defense (MoD) used to manage the
Civil Aviation related activities. Ministry of Defense (MoD) continued to be the controlling Ministry
even after creation of CAA on 7th December, 1982. However, in June, 2013, Government of Pakistan
assigned this responsibility to Cabinet Secretariat (Aviation Division).

The purpose of establishing CAA is to provide for the promotion and regulations of Civil Aviation
activities and to develop an infrastructure for safe, efficient, adequate, economical and properly
coordinated Civil Air Transport Service in Pakistan.

The day of 7th December has significance, as it coincides with the date of creation of International
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in 1944 as a result of the famous Chicago Convention.
Incidentally, the United Nations have declared 7th December as the International Civil Aviation day
and celebrated as such every year all over the world. CAA not only plays the role of the aviation
regulator of the country but at the same time performs the service provider functions of Air
Navigation Services and Airport Services. The core functions of CAA are therefore, ‘Regulatory’,
‘Air Navigation Services’ and ‘Airport Services’. These core functions are fully supported by various
corporate functions of the organization. The Headquarters of CAA is located at Karachi.

The general direction and administration of CAA and its affairs vest in CAA Board which exercises
all powers, performs all functions and does all acts and things that need to be exercised, performed
or done by the Authority. The Chairman CAA Board is the Secretary of the Division to which the
affairs of the Authority are allocated. Presently, it is the Secretary Aviation. CAA Executive
Committee is the highest decision making body of the Organization. It exercises such administrative,
executive, financial and technical powers as delegated to it by the Authority. DGCAA is the Chairman
of CAA Executive Committee. The Federal Government appoints the Director General who is the
Executive head of CAA and exercises such powers and performs such functions as may be specified

in CAA ordinance or delegated to him by the CAA Board from time to time. The CAA Board is
assisted by CAA HR Committee and CAA Audit Committee. CAA Quality Council headed by
DGCAA and comprising of Dy. DGCAA, all Principal Directors and Directors sets the macro level
objectives and tasks/targets of the organization and oversees the organizational drive in pursuit of its
vision and mission, adherence to the core values and CAA’s Endeavour to achieve the International
Management System Standards. Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority would continue to ensure distinct
separation of regulatory functions from the service provider functions, strengthen all the three core
functions and achieve, comply and exceed the requirements/standards set by ICAO and International
Management System Standards through continued focus on the change process to enable achievement
of the transformation as envisaged.


Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority have a productive and motivated work force is a prerequisite to
leadership in the market it serves. Civil Aviation Authority treats every employee with dignity and
respect in a supportive environment of trust and openness where people of different backgrounds can
reach their full potential. The organizational human resources policy emphasize on providing job
satisfaction, growth opportunities, and due recognition of superior performance. A good working
environment reflects and promotes a high level of loyalty and commitment from the employees.
Realizing this Civil Aviation Authority has placed the utmost importance on continuous development
of its human resources, identify the strength and weakness of the employee to assess the individual
training needs, they are sent for training for self-development. To orient, enhance the knowledge of
the employees Civil Aviation Authority organizes both in-house and external training.

Human Resource division of PCAA is taking care of total function for all employees. The main
functions of Human Resources division are,

 Recruitment and Selection

 Personal Management
 Compensation & Benefits
 Training and Development
 Performance Evaluations
 Organizational Development
 Career Planning & Reward Recognition

The major responsibilities of HR

The major responsibilities of HR in Civil Aviation Authority are

Civil Aviation Authority emphasis on HR policy formulation for nor only own department
but also for the other departments.

HR Planning:
Civil Aviation Authority establishes both short term and long term planning for the organization.

 Short Term HR Planning

Civil Aviation Authority primarily recruits its human resources that will support Strategic
Human Resource Planning for current period.

 Long Term HR Planning

Here Civil Aviation Authority is looking forward to build long term resources by several
Training and Development programs

Work And Job Analysis, Design And Evaluation:

For every job there are work and Job analysis, design and evaluation at Civil Aviation Authority so
that jobs are well defined.

Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and Selection of Civil Aviation Authority are also important parts. Every recruitment
and selection process is made after concerned department submits requisition for workforce.

Career Planning:

Career management is also important part of Civil Aviation Authority. For every employee, after one
year his/her job is being evaluated for long term perspective.

Employee Training and Development:

Civil Aviation Authority offers several in house and external Training program for the employees.

Performance And Quality Management:

Every employee’s performance is monitored by his/ her line manager and reviewed by HR

Remuneration And Benefits:

Civil Aviation Authority has a good structure of Remuneration and benefits for employees which are
very lucrative in the market.

Occupational Health And Safety:

For maintaining occupational health and safety Civil Aviation Authority always take cares of its
employees by all-time first aid facility, security forces, fire alarm and fire extinguisher facility.



Once employees are selected, they must be prepared to do their jobs, which is when orientation and
training come in. Orientation means providing new employees with basic information about the
employer. Training programs are used to ensure that the new employee has the basic knowledge
required to perform the job satisfactorily.

CAA Orientation and training programs are important components in the processes of developing a
committed and flexible high‐potential workforce and socializing new employees. In addition, these
programs can save employers money, providing big returns to an organization, because an
organization that invests money to train its employees results in both the employees and the
organization enjoying the dividends.

CAA Orientation programs not only improve the rate at which employees are able to perform their
jobs but also help employees satisfy their personal desires to feel they are part of the organization's
social fabric. The HR department generally orients newcomers to broad organizational issues and

fringe benefits. Supervisors complete the orientation process by introducing new employees to
coworkers and others involved in the job

Training is an essential part of every employee. Well training leads to development of them and thus
leads to development of the organization. Independent Civil Aviation Authority offers Employee
Training program both internally and externally. Training department is a sub department of
Human Resources department .Training department is responsible for conducting
training programs. Training d e p a r t m e n t a s s e s s t h e w e a k a r e a s o f t h e
o r g a n i z a t i o n ’ s e m p l o ye e s a n d c o n d u c t t h e training program for them.

Main functions of Training Department.

 Training need assessment.

 All skill up-gradation trainings.
 Create training or development specification.
 Plan training and evaluation.
 Prepare Annual Training Plan/ Calendar.
 Finalization of Nominations, Venue & Master Trainer
 Monitoring of Training activity.
 Proposal of nominations after short listing.
 Preparation of cost / budget estimates & release of funds.
 At the end of training program conducting Feedback from employees.
 Data entry in MIS.

Internal Training Program

Here, Civil Aviation Authority organizes in house training program where both internal and external
trainer facilitates training program for individual departments. Internal training program is very
helpful for the employees as in this system they can get training in their own environment.

Human Resources Department organizes mainly two types of internal training; for,

 Own department&
 Other departments

External Training Program

Here, employees are trained by external Training Institutes i-e CATI Hyderabad employees are sent
towards to the several training institute for a period of time.

Foreign Training:

Foreign Training It means whereas the training program is conducted in abroad. PCAA arranges lot
of foreign training for the high and midlevel officials. PCAA arranges these kinds of training by the
foreign trainers mostly in Malaysia, Singapore. So these trainings are very useful. After the
completion of the training program the trainees come back to Pakistan and they used learned skills
on the jobs.

University Internships

HR(Training & Development Branch) with expert advice, information, and tools to assist with the
development and implementation of sustainable policies and practices—offers internships to Masters
and Bachelor level university students as part of its recruitment strategy. Using the internship
program, PCAA can target students who excel academically and provide them with the opportunity
to obtain practical work experience. This helps to train and develop the skill sets of interns at an early
stage of their career while giving the company an opportunity to gauge the intern’s skills, abilities,
and inner drive. The program has proven beneficial to both the interns and the company, and is one
way Stratus is helping build the capacity of new graduates in the environment industry.

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Workforce Requisition:
The workforce requisition is the primary and the first step of recruitment process. It is a process
through which the approval is taken to initiate the recruitment process.

Employee Requisition Process

Defines the need

Department Employee
Completes Requisition

Fund Analyze

Approval Requisition
Returns to


Forwards to
from HR.

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Analysis Of Position And Requirement:

Analysis of position and requirement includes understanding the client organization with regard to
current business activities, future expansion plans, work culture and extends to mapping
competencies for specific position including job title, deliverables, Key accountabilities and other
important details which are required to bring success to the position. Independent Television
carefully analyses every positions and recruitment situation of the market.

Approval of DG:
The DG of Civil Aviation Authority Approves the requisition form and check the required
workforce needed for the particular Department.

Candidate Sourcing:


Advertisement can be published in job sites, official page of PCAA & newspapers.

Short Listing Of Applicants:

Immediately after the closing date, all original applications received, the R&S departmen start
scrutiny process of the online applications .


Conduct Test:

A written test would be conducted. Written test is often required, depending on the types of the
position where the candidate is to be employed.

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Panel/Committee Interview:

In this situation, there is more than one interviewer. Typically, three to four members of a panel
may conduct this part of the selection process. This is a chance to show group management and
group presentation skills on display. Here candidate is required to read the various personality
types of each interviewer and adjust to them. Find a way to connect with each interviewer.

Pool of Suitable Candidates:

After having the written test and interviews we have got the pool of suitable candidate. Candidates
are called for salary negotiation session.

Salary Negotiation:

Before start talking pay (and salary negotiations) with a prospective employer, we need to find out
how much the job is worth. We will need to take the time for research. That way we will be prepared
to get what we're worth and to get a job offer that's realistic and reasonable.
Salary negotiation is something at which hiring managers are usually a lot more proficient than the
people they hire. Human Resources must be consulted to provide detailed guidance and advice on
determining appropriate offer salary levels within the grade. When deciding upon an appropriate
salary to be offered, consideration will normally be

Given to the following objective criteria:-

 The level, breadth, depth and complexity of the individual’s knowledge and
understanding of different aspects of the job and, as appropriate, expert, professional and
theoretical knowledge.

 The level and breadth of existing relevant skills.

 Qualifications and length of relevant experience of the successful candidate.
 Current salary and monetary benefits (e.g. bonus) of successful candidate.
 Equal pay principles that all staff should receive equal pay for the same or broadly similar
work, for work rated as equivalent and for work of equal value.

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Offering Candidates:

The final stage in the selection procedure is to confirm the offer of employment after satisfactory
references have been obtained, and the applicant has passed the medical examination required for
pension and life assurance purposes or because a certain standard of physical fitness is required
for the work. The contract of employment should also be prepared at this stage.

• If there are several suitable candidates, it may be appropriate to “hold” rather than reject
these until the outcome of the offer to the most suitable candidate is known.

• All unsuccessful candidates should be notified of the outcome appropriately and are
provided with feedback, if requested, by the Chair of the Recruitment Panel.

• If anyone accepts this job offer, the hire date will be on the day that s/he attends new-
hire orientation. Plan to work for the remainder of the business day after new-hire
orientation ends.

Recruitment paperwork/ Interview Book:

The Chair of the Recruitment Panel should complete the Recruitment Panel Chairperson’s
Report and return to Human Resources, together with all associated recruitment paperwork,


 The original applications of all candidates;

 The completed short-listing form(s);
 The original interview/assessment notes and test sheets, if applicable; The completed
Interview/Assessment form(s).

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Joining and Placement

It contains few steps, candidates required to take appointment letter from HR, needs to fill
joining document, and finally he placed under his\her reporting line manager.


After recruitment, permanent employees will need to serve under probation period. Superiors
must notify HR department one week prior to the maturity of employees have completed their
probation period. A formal confirmation letter is issued subject to successfully completion of
probation period and necessary approval as well.


Career planning department is working under Human Resource department. Career planning department is a new
personnel function. Career planning department of PCAA is focusing on to motivate their employees towards their
jobs with high efficiently and effectiveness. Career planning department of PCAA has deep focus on individual
employee potentials for promotion towards the organization needs and opportunities. Career planning department
also help and cooperate with all internees came in PCAA .Main functions of Career planning department are:

 Promotion on seniority bases

 Record all court cases
 Reward & Recognition to employees
 Award Director General’s Commendation Certificate
 Posting Policy

Promotion policy:
This is a formal procedure of CAA for the promotion of employees. The company have eligibility criteria for the
employees to meet. After a task is done by employees are evaluated on the basis of their work experiences and
promotion that they have shown annually. Employee can be evaluated individually or on team basis. Those
employees that perform brilliantly and fall under the criteria are than added to the promotion list. Top 30%
employees are than recommended for the promotions.

Reward & Recognition:

Rewards are define as incentive or benefits that given to those honorable individual or teams who go the extra mile
to cater and honor their department. These benefits can be given in many form some of them are mention bellow:

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Types of Reward:

Intrinsic Reward:
This type include those types of rewards that give personal satisfaction. it include recognition, empowerment
feedback, trust etc.

Extrinsic Rewards:

These are rewards that are concrete and tangible in natures. They include bonuses gifts, promotions salary rise etc.

CAA strongly believes in giving rewards and recognition to those employees who perform outstanding well in the
company. It is not only motivate the employees but it also motivates the other employees to perform exceptional
performance in future. Rewards in CAA not only given in the form of cash, it also done by enhancing their rolls,
nominating them in talent management pool or by promoting employees.

Award Director General’s Commendation Certificate:

The DG’S Commendation Certificate will be awarded to those employees who brought innovation, creativity in
his/her activity. Enhance CAA revenue. Improve existing system contributing towards efficiency. Saved
organization expenditure.

Eligibility criteria:
 Earned minimum 02 outstanding and one very good performance.
 Not facing any disciplinary proceeding.
 Successfully completed probation period.
 Not been awarded any minor/major penalty during last 02 years.

Posting Policy:

The purpose of posting is to regulate the process of posting / movement of an employee from
one location to another within approved establishment. Positing policy applied to all PCAA
employees including contractual and deputations’ employees.
PCAA has different types of posting are as follows:

Normal posting:
This type of posting of employees will particularly be made from one locations to another on the
following grounds:

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 Fill the existing gape.
 Promotion or adjustment on relevant jobs.
 Re designation of post/ establishment.
 Administrative reasons.

Temporary posting:
This type of posting normally made for four months to one year for specific assignment / tasks
this type of posting will applicable to executive groups only. However it can be apply for staff
group as per the approval of competent authority.

Tour of designated sensitive coastal areas:

Tour of designated sensitive costal area will be regulated as per the instruction contained.

Temporary duty:
Temporary duty shall be allowed in any case for minimum period of 89 days.

Hard area posting:

Hard area posting shall be regulated as per the instruction contained in administrative order

Tenure of posting:
Normal tenure of posting at one location is three years.

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Internship at Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority

I have got the opportunity to work in Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority as an intern for 04 weeks
from December 27th 2016 to January 20th 2017; it’s a part of my academic program. As my major
is Human Resource, I worked in Human resource department as an intern where I had learnt several
Human Resource practices of Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority.

Description of the Work:

I had the opportunity to have four weeks internship at Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority. I have come
across with different tasks that are conduct by the HR department.


I worked 2 weeks in Training & Development Branch of HR department. In this department I perform
some tasks that are as follows:

 Record all training schedule manually.

 Update all relevant documents in files.
 Design training schedule for CATI Hyderabad.
 Allocate costs for foreign training programs.
 Record training entries in system.
 Record internship applications.


In the third week I work in Recruitment & Selection Branch of HR Department. The major work
task that was assigned to me in this department are:

 To understand the Job Description & Job Specification of different posts,

 Eligibility criteria for each posts
 Approval of Job AD.
 Calculating the marks allotted the Chairman Board during interview session to each
eligible candidate

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 To understand the secreting process for each post
 Understand Oracle software works.
 Understand CAA service Policies
 Recruitment & Selection Process
 Internal & External Recruitment & Selection Process.


In the fourth week I worked in CP&RR Branch of HR Department. The major worked that I done
in this branch is recorded and updated all court cases relating employees work. Making list of
posting areas with tenure (time periods). Record all training details with employee histories.
Updated all employees’ education at the time of joining and current education. Record all audit
reports on sequences. Draft all Deputy Directors & Additional Directors reporting schedule.

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Finally, I would looked at the extent to which Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority hold themselves
accountable for effective HRM systems and adherence to the Merit System Principles (as
appropriate) or other organizational values and policies. In sum, the organizational performance
its effective recruitment and selection practices and performance appraisal practices & promotion
practices. It was a good experience working in all departments and understanding their
procedures of handling their work and to do given assignments. I came across v a r i o u s
e x p e r i e n c e s i n H R , C a r e e r P l a n n i n g a n d T r a i n i n g d e p a r t m e n t . I t w a s a great
opportunity to work in a big organization t h e P C A A o r g a n i z a t i o n i s d o i n g w e l l .
In my four weeks internship program I observe that the flow of work is very professional and up
to dateand atmosphere is veryfriendly and there is no difference between officers and staff. Every
body is so corporative and helpful. During my time at the CAA, I was involved in a lot of different
tasks of office work. My internship at the CAA was an outstanding experience. I got a deep and
inspiring insight in the work of CAA Pakistan, but as well as the other friendly and cooperative
staff members took a lot of effort to make it a helpful visit for me in every way.

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