One Nation One Election

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RP1:-Madam speaker, I would to address the issue of one nation one election that was mooted in
the annual report of election commission in 1983. In the year 1999, the Law Commission of India
headed by Hon'ble Justice B.P. Jeevan Reddy in its One Hundred Seventieth Report on Reform of Electoral
Laws recommended simultaneous elections to Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies while examining
measures for improving the electoral system in the country. The Department related Parliamentary
Standing committee on Personnel, Public grievances, Law and justice in its 79th report (submitted to the
Parliament in December 2015) had also examined the feasibility of holding simultaneous elections to Lok
Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies. The Committee recommended an alternative and practicable
method of holding simultaneous elections. The issue was also raised in the manifesto of 2014 under the head
eloctoral reform stating to evolve a method of conducting assembly and lok sabha election simultaenously

OP1:- madam speaker this idea is not at all practical…….

MADAM:- I will certainly give opportunity to everyone to present their points

RP2:- thank you madam speaker. This idea of one nation one election was again floated in 2016 and working
paper was prepared on the subject in january 2017 by niti aayog.

It won’t be unreasonable to state that the Indian polity is perennially in an election mode. Barring a few
exceptional years within a normal 5 year tenure of the Lok Sabha, the country witnesses, on an average,
elections to about 5-7 State Assemblies every year.As can be seen above, besides Lok Sabha elections in
2014, polls to about 15 State Assemblies were held during March 2014 – May 2016.Such frequent electoral
cycles ends up negatively impacting administrative and developmental activities in the poll bound states /
regions and the larger governance process in general as well. 1.4 As a result, a serious need to evolve a
mechanism to end this frequent election cycles has been expressed by various stakeholders since quite some
time now. The idea of undertaking simultaneous elections is being seriously considered as a potential solution
to the above problem.

OP2:- madam at that time also it was discussed that it will alter the basic structure of constitution and our
federal structure will be at risk

MADAM:- I will give you enough time to put up your points

OP1:- but the law commission brought out in april 2018 has specified that five constitutional
recommendations would be required to get that off ground.

1.simultaneous elections may be restored in the nation by amending the constitution, the representation of
the people act, 1951 and the rules of procedure of lok sabha and those of the state legislative assemblies.

2. a defination of “simulataneous elections” may be added to section2 of the 1951 act.

3. the “no-confidence motion” be replaced with the”constructive vote of no confidence” by amending the
Rules of procedure and conduct of business of lok sabha and a new rule in the form of rule 198A be added.
RP2:- The biggest logic in the favour of simulataneous elections is the saving of the hard earned money of
the tax payers and the government resources.

OP2:- lets not talk about saving the treasury. What about PMs abroad visit?besides this there is a
possibility of local issues being suppressed under national issues.

RP1:- Madam speaker the biggest benefir is the saving of the govt money which can be sued later for
developmental plans. Madam there are 4120 MLAs in 31 states and Uts. The maximum expenditure for
bigger assemblies is 28 lacs which means that if all the states and uts go for one time election it will cost
upto 11 billion. This is a recurring expenditure after every 5 years.

OP2:- many jobs are created during elections boosting the economy.

RP2:- Besides when model code of conduct is in force new development works are not inaugrated which slows
down developmenat in general.ONOE will ensure continuity of such policies and programmes.

OP1:- ONOE is not feasible. If a central govt is made up of a coalition faces a situation where an ally pulls
out, and the govt falls elections will have to be conducted in all state govts, too, within six months, even if
there is no issue in those states.

RP2:- there are many countries which follow simultaneous elections like sweden belgium south africa…..

OP2:-excuse me, this cant be compared to a country like india whose popilation and area is many times that
of smaller countries. black money in election is an accepted known evil.the regional parties cannot compete
with national parties in terms of election expenditure

RP1:- let me come to that. Madam speaker this will also check growth of a parallel economy based on black
money. Besides, the big manpower resource deployed for free and fair elections round the year will be

OP1:- this will not encourage leaders to make promises and schemes with current requirements that keep on
coming from time to time and suvh issues. Besides arranging of manpower for simultaneous election in large
democracy will be tedious task.

RP2:-this can be taken care during the conduction of assembly sessions and detailed discussions can be done

OP2:- madam speaker this will also result in delay of election results

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