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Unit Plan: Time, Space and Presence

Name: Bonnie Brown

Unit Plan Title: Time, Space & Presence

Timing and Duration: One term
Year Group: 10

Unit Overview and Focus

Time, Space & Presence

This unit is designed to encourage student autonomy and build on individual aesthetic practice through a scaffolded transdisciplinary approach. Students
will be working towards an end of unit exhibition that will organised and curated in a collaborative effort. Students will be exploring their role as both artist
and curator.

The students will create an artwork inspired by the unit theme Time, Space & Presence. Throughout this unit students will consider how the theme
resonates with them as artists through furthering their understanding of the theme via investigating artists and artworks across several art forms and

We will explore the relationship that exists between time, space & presence and how we as emotionally intuitive individuals interact with such ideals. These
personal experiences tend to go far beyond what can be seen visually and student’s sensitivity to this will be scaffolded through constant investigation.

Both the physical and conceptual perspectives of the theme will be intertwined throughout the unit to foster student understanding of the complexity of
the ideas.

VCAA Curriculum Links and Curriculum Goals

Visual Art Practices Students will demonstrate this curriculum goal through creating a final
Conceptualise, plan and design art works that express ideas, concepts and artistic artwork that expresses their individual aesthetic and artistic practice.
intentions (VCAVAV043)
Present & Perform Students will demonstrate this curriculum goal through group critiques
Create, present, analyse and evaluate displays of artwork considering how ideas can and an end of unit Exhibition where they will showcase their work.
be conveyed to an audience (VCAVAP044)

Unit Plan: Time, Space and Presence
Name: Bonnie Brown

Key Understandings and Essential Questions

Looks like.. feels like.. sounds like..

• How do artists explore the ideas time, space and presence?

• How are we, as an audience taken on a journey through artworks that are inspired by these ideas?
• How do the conceptual underpinnings of time, space and presence influence my art making process?
• How will I choose to explore these ideas? (Consider: connection, memories, people, places, objects, landscapes, feelings, emotions, materiality, etc.)

Students will continue to develop their understanding of;

• Environmental art – Art that uses the presence of a viewer to move throughout the space; a vehicle for movement. The relationship between space
and presence is emphasised by the idea of time; the art exists vulnerable in nature, for an instant or for a lifetime.
• Presence and absence in art – Presence; an atmosphere, an experience that can engage body and mind. Absence; at a loss, missing, incomplete.
Both artistic representations can be as emotionally charged as the other. Presence is something that is felt far beyond what is seen visually.
• Performance art – the physical and literal ideas of time, space and presence are major components.
• Space- How artists use/imply/capture/rely on and build space; negative/positive space, perspective, exaggeration, space around a sculpture or
installation, etc. Space allows a viewer an entrance point for interpreting a work.
• Relational Aesthetics & Interactive art – The audience is invited to engage physically and actively with the work.
• Installation art – Often contemplative three-dimensional work constructed to transform a space.
• Site-Specific – Art that is created for a particular area or place. The location of the work is considered throughout the design process.
• Romanticism – A movement concerned with expression, emotion, movement and the natural world.
• The Sublime – The aesthetic quality of unfathomable greatness, wonder, awe.
• Landscapes (inclusive of skyscapes, seascapes) – Vast, natural scenery. ‘Place’ is time, space & presence.
• Curatorship

Though many subjects to cover, they will effortlessly feed into and inform one another, for example; relational aesthetics/Interactive/installation and site-
specific art are all within the same realm. Therefore, lessons will discuss different subjects, but the same ideas will constantly be intertwined and reinforced.
Students by year 10 are expected to have been exposed to many of these concepts already, hence their understanding is purely deepening. However, when
integrating this unit into a class I would ensure their prior understanding and capabilities where on par with the unit structure; in terms on how much and
what to cover in my teaching. In that sense, the unit allows for many of the above-mentioned topics to be removed if necessary.

Unit Plan: Time, Space and Presence
Name: Bonnie Brown
With such an open unit structure and theme, differentiation will be implemented throughout. The freedom the students have to create artworks rely solely
on their own interests and interpretation of the theme; there is no required standard for the exhibition. It is focused on student’s individual expression and
investigation of visual art practices.

Assessment Evidence
Criteria Description
Artist research paper Formative - Students will complete an artist research paper that will analyse
the practice of an artist and their relevant artworks.
Visual diary investigations Formative/Summative - Visual diaries will be consistently used throughout
the unit. Students will demonstrate trialing and annotating of mediums and
techniques prior to final selection as well as classroom activities and
individual investigation findings.
One-minute reflections Formative - Students will be required to complete one-minute reflection
writings, post presentation by teacher. Majority of lessons will involve a
quick overview of a relevant artist, artwork, art form or movement. This
activity will encourage students to write without caution and further develop
their creative thinking and intuitive responses.
Self-evaluation & reflection Summative - Students will complete a self-evaluation and reflection that will
discuss their process, practice and final feelings towards the unit.
Exhibition and artist statement Summative - Students will exhibit their final work in the exhibition with a
corresponding artist statement.

Integrated teaching, learning and assessment activities

Content Teaching, learning and assessment Resources
Critical and Creative Thinking Students will make and respond to different One-Minute papers
artworks, past and present. They will exercise One-Minute papers 2
their imaginative, curiosity and investigative One-Minute papers 3
abilities both verbally and written. Students will
Creative teaching strategies
be encouraged to be inquisitive and question
concepts, technologies and materials, as they
Kahoot creator

Unit Plan: Time, Space and Presence
Name: Bonnie Brown
will carefully consider decisions within their practice.
Intercultural Understanding Students will explore how an artists practice is Culturally Responsive
influenced by their cultural identities and Pedagogy
traditions. The unit plan and broad unit theme
allow students the open opportunity and
freedom to create works that, too, explore
their own identity.

Personal and Social Capability Students will continue to develop their Goal setting for students
independence and self-discipline through
monitoring and goal setting within their own Strategies to introduce
practice as artists. Students will showcase collaboration
confidence, initiative and strength as they
cooperate with their peers to plan and make
crucial decisions for their exhibition. Students
will learn to compromise, show empathy and
understanding to effectively communicate with others.

Information and Communication Students will use ICT in and out the classroom Google Arts & Culture
Technology (ICT) Capability to make, research and respond to artworks.
One specific platform used will be Google Arts
& Culture, students will create an online
collection of works they find interesting and
relevant to their practice. This digital ‘gallery’
will allow me access at any point throughout
the term to monitor and give further guidance
once they have established an aesthetic.

Unit Plan: Time, Space and Presence
Name: Bonnie Brown

Lesson Sequence

Lesson Description
Prior Knowledge Students have developed in technical skill and have a broad experience in different mediums. Their knowledge and
understanding of art history continues to strengthen as their individual aesthetic flourishes into fruition; becoming artists in their
own right.
Lesson 1 Introduction lesson
This lesson is focused on welcoming students into a new term.
• Observational Contour Drawing Activity: Students will decide where this activity will be done (cafeteria, classroom,
outside, etc). Working in small groups, students will perform an interval ‘round robin’ to create a joint drawing of their
surrounds. Following this, a class discussion will be had on how the area chosen affected the activity (this is a subtle way
to get them thinking about the intended theme of Time, Space & Presence without explicitly introducing the theme).
Lesson 2 DOUBLE Unit Theme Introduction
• Students are introduced to the unit theme Time, Space & Presence.
• Teacher presentation on unit theme (this will be kept broad, as each subsequent lesson we will look more directly at one
of the following); Interrelated movements, artists/artworks, and how different mediums are used to convey the ideas.
• Theme Building Activity: This activity is designed to further students understanding of the unit theme.
Students will work in pairs (depending on class dynamics, students can choose partners themselves or Numbered Heads
Together will be used). Students will use their own camera devices (iPhone, android). Students will spend the lesson
capturing images that they consider convey the theme. They will choose 2 final images. Further activity within the lesson
(If students finish early): students can edit images on photoshop/phone apps. Students are expected to have both
images printed to bring in for next lesson.
Lesson 3 • Theme Building Activity (continued): Class discussion on final images. Students will justify how/why their images relate to
the theme. Students will then lie all images together and find connections between them – narratives can be built.
• Students will reflect on their decision-making process in visual diaries and annotate their final images (considering
elements & principles).
Lesson 4 • End of term Group exhibition will be discussed – students will understand they are now practicing artists and are
creating works that consider the theme Time, Space and Presence.
• Short teacher presentation: Presence John Batho , Lisa Garland , Warren Keating, Rebecca Beardmore - Reflections,
online exhibition ‘Presence’ ; a critique on the Australian-Western Canon.
• Student one-minute reflections.

Unit Plan: Time, Space and Presence
Name: Bonnie Brown
• Students will begin brainstorming/investigating their own interpretations of the theme and begin deliberating on what
mediums, methods, techniques they will be trialing. This exercise will include computer and book-based research.
Lesson 5 • Students continue individual investigations: visual diaries and computer research – artists, forms, materials, ideas, etc.
• Short teacher presentation: Space The illusion of space Shared Sky
• Student one-minute reflections.
Lesson 6 DOUBLE • Students begin trialing mediums and specific techniques in visual diaries with relevant annotations.
• Short teacher presentation: Interactive Relational Aesthetics Team Lab Studios Cuppetelli and Mendoza
• Student one-minute reflections.
Lesson 7 • Students begin artwork.
• Short teacher presentation: Time Cameron Robins – Wind Section Written in Relation Candice Breitz - QUEEN (A
• Student one-minute reflections.
Research paper given as home work.
Lesson 8 DOUBLE • Exhibition is discussed in greater detail - Roles given (head curating team, tech support, lighting role). Invitations will be
discussed (Students decide how the poster image will be designed - Students in VCD could be involved to design posters,
• Students work on artwork.
• Short teacher presentation: Sophia Szilagyi J.W. Turner Romanticism Luminism The Sublime
• Student one-minute reflections.
Lesson 9 • Short teacher presentation: Environmental art Andy Goldsworthy
• Student one-minute reflections.
• Students work on artwork.
Lesson 10 DOUBLE • Short teacher presentation: Landscapes Richard Whadcock Sue Pickering Rebecca Beardmore - Surface Deep Anita
• Tactile Landscape Activity: Students will spend the lesson on creating flat lay landscape collage from craft materials; no
bake clay, fabrics, magazines, nature, etc.
Lesson 11 • Teacher discusses Artist statements: shows examples, resources of key terms/descriptive words given.
• ½ Class Group Critique: Students will have a 5/10-minute opportunity each to discuss their current position. What are
they working on? What struggles/wins are they experiencing? Class will offer advice, constructive criticism and guidance
for ongoing development and practice.
Lesson 12 • ½ Class Group Critique: Students will have a 5/10-minute opportunity each to discuss their current position. What are
they working on? What struggles/wins are they experiencing? Class will offer advice, constructive criticism and guidance

Unit Plan: Time, Space and Presence
Name: Bonnie Brown
for ongoing development and practice. Teacher will lead the lesson as to ensure students remain respectful and
empathetic towards others; leading by example.
Lesson 13 DOUBLE • Gallery visit to a relevant exhibition/Virtual Tour on Google Arts & Culture
• Through a teacher led instructional conversation, students will consider curatorship, framing/finishing, lighting, spacing,
colour schemes and relationships/connections between the works; the ‘flow’.
Research paper due.
Lesson 14 • Guest speaker: curator of a gallery will come in and chat to the class about their role in the industry.
• Students will consider and brainstorm how they wish to show works and will begin to consider how they will curate their
• Students spend time on artist statements.
Lesson 15 • Short Teacher Presentation: Site specific Performance Marina Abramović
• Students work on artwork.
Students are given self evaluation and reflection.
Lesson 16 • Students finish works and begin framing/finishing process.
Lesson 17 • Framing/finishing process (continued).
Lesson 18 DOUBLE • Students as curators: Students will assess gallery space and consider exhibition layout. This will allow students to
consider sizing of works, the relationships/connections, to evaluate what works well together.
• Students will discuss real-life scenarios in teacher led discussion; how would you as an artist maintain the safety of your
work when transporting it to a gallery space? How would you get it there? Is insurance necessary?
• One minute reflection.
Statements due.
Lesson 19 • Students hang the works in group effort, with assistance from tech support.
Exhibition @ night.
Lesson 20 DOUBLE • Class discussion/reflection of Exhibition night.
• De-install Exhibition.
• Finalise visual diaries:.
Self-reflection/evaluation assessment due.

Unit Plan: Time, Space and Presence
Name: Bonnie Brown
Reflection Evaluation
Reflecting on my teaching practice will be integral for informing my future My teaching practice and processes will be analysed through self, student
practice. I will consider how my teaching has affected learning and consider and peer evaluation. There are many ways to structure evaluation via group
improvements that could be made next time to increase the quality of meetings, questionnaires, informal and formal conversations and
learning. Following the Q.U.I.C.K. framework for reflective practice I will observations. My selection of an evaluation framework will rely on the
learn and grow from experience through considering student engagement, specific school and classroom environment I am within. Evaluation will be
behaviours, enjoyment and comprehension within my classroom and adjust made on my planning and preparation, classroom management and
my practice to further develop these areas. I will practice with an open mind strategies, and how my own personal reflections and perspectives affect the
and accept that there will always be room for improvement. overall effectiveness of my teaching practice.


Unit Plan: Time, Space and Presence
Name: Bonnie Brown

20 Collaborative Learning Tips And Strategies For Teachers. (2019). Retrieved from

Astala, L. (2019). Space, Place and Presence. Retrieved from

Evaluating teaching and learning. (2019). Retrieved from


Framework for Teacher Evaluation. (2019). Retrieved from

HITS: Setting Goals and learning from them. (2019). Retrieved from

Robinson, D. (2019). 3 - Evaluating teaching: guidelines and good practice - Teaching Quality Assurance Manual - University of Exeter. Retrieved from

Teacher Self-Assessment Tool. (2019). Retrieved from

The Australian Curriculum. (2019). Retrieved from

Understanding the role of critical and creative thinking in Australian primary school visual arts education. (2019). Retrieved from

Visual Arts - Curriculum - Victorian Curriculum. (2019). Retrieved from


What Is Integrated Curriculum?. (2019). Retrieved from


What is the TEF? Results of the teaching excellence framework 2018. (2019). Retrieved from

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